Oiariotte Boasts High Homicide Rate For Past Quarter ‘Rent Party’ RoblieriTuberculosis Expert Beaten By Mob, ; To Worii Through Saved By Police ■ -South This Month A *20 ypwr Spc. ;a) —■ N'cw T.irk tlirc*' in«nih> r»C" :l jVnuili wh of t»'Ivp j1* Jh.« liy \ioU'iUi>. !• niol* »f iiU’ii followiiijr thp holdup ttf wH.«h naiiiiii; ,t;f h "n nt j»arly** sit 122uct aftil The Quetn C'ity, ai,o»*liii • t,, 1}>- '^rvrntli Avi'inu*. thir v'ci'k, wa* tMt rt'Ui.i- it> lea l, Uiufii finm ilcatli liy llu- timoly ♦ uniAn r nf iK« ^-izi in rate >f nniv«I if H* was lHt>r h'jacciilf-'- fiiunil tn hu the of a |fan>r ContHbi'tiri);; tn »nch a ,,t vttoiie i whu hiul hijrh ratf «iv many and varii'tt prfyiuM: uii Haiicmitfs for tlii' •risinir fi'run; lHk nf :^f«-quato pa'll 2 iiidiiHif!. rrereational fiv». i«f«nr>uH •• j ("oo|»»-i-, win^ ■nd poverty Ifadin^ i«» cnnntifiiTil ,)iy Ihi- ri'iit jtarly jriU'stH oi in»t»bi|iti'. p ,»r hon'iinir, *’T!h' '^^i.vontli avfnno and thry knnek- L*!*rc« Ki^ro IN.litv" of p«4t:i-^,^j immim-U-d him, «iul wcTf kifkitiK him when 1I| N«EW VOKK— ANP — Mrs. was hv a MUill Fh.rcnc«> C. Williaina, uirfct,r if in c*ss*j «h*>n‘ 1n>lh iiMivtlfF ron r-prned are •«! th** P*-’' culiar practice estant in Smitn ern court?' of nirtinsr H?ht jit-Ji-jthroui^h the (*r(|wd with, drnv^n tenccs to Nrsrr»te? (> tivicted and res-ucd him. patrolman broke killinir other Negrwu. P. S.-- But She Wants a Man With NO GRAY HAIR Her dreams are of a ymtthful-lttk- img husband ... NOT one who looks old enouich to he her *^>P* pf." So, if you hai^ Itray hair and a desire for romance — you need (IwhelpofLARlEUSE! « Because GODEFROY’S LARJ- EUSE, If used as direaed, will bring lustrous, yottthful-appe^r- img color to AIX your hair. Easy to an>ty- No esperieoce neces sary. Coloring won’t rub off or wa^ out. Rnown and uted/fr 4^ yemrs. Money back if not satisfied. Ask for LARIEUSE (Larry-use). If your dealer doesn't have it, •and $1.25 direct to ... QOOeniOY MFG. CO.. SllO OUVB STMIT. SAINT lOUIS. MIMOURI. M»iffBOrB Taken to the hor.’e wIuTe he was questioned hy P(»lice, his story resulted in the arrest »>f Williaiu Staley, 20, Williiim Haynes, 20, and Then- dore Watkins, 20. Police' elalm thi'V m«de a .specialty of robbinR iciiiaU e^tahlishinentit and homes. Their' airest solved at le^st IT) Harlem robberies, t=jiid police. A tiital of more than $15,000 loot was obtaii»ed by the b4tys. HtttUth Education for >jeKr«vs, Ttib»T ulo!*i'‘ Instit\ite of (’hii-a^j l.#id (?.iok County, 111. will s.pe’id th,, ninivth (ff October in tlie souiheiit and njidwt'sten stat'.s BctinK |n an ndvisorv capacity for the National TubiTf«l!'ifi- Ansfifi' atioTi. acc«rlini;- to Dr. raineron St. Clair G>iild, director t Ihi* A*'ttCia1i(iin. Mrn. VVilliani': will work with Mate iittd loi»| tttbcreuhsi* aiul* health iji'!!-oti,ntionn, a'l well as with ediication.nl authoritiejj on the problems of tiibcrcoloRis a- iTioTtff Nesrtjp"*. Her wese>it intini? rary includes; \Vai»hin>rt)on, P. C., October 2, Raleijlh and Saiiatoni'um, N. C., October 3-4; S:ivnnnah, Ga„ Oct. 7-8; ,ievcral cities in Florid;'.'. Oct. J» l.i; Nj;w Orleans, l^a., Oct. 16-25; (Little Ro»k. A»).. Oct. 2i3-24; St. Lf)Uis, M'O., Oct. 25-26 Gary. Ind. Oct. 28-31. During her stay in New Or- loans she will be on the priwran of thi- Institute for Tuberculo«sis Workers which w’ill be h‘M hy the Nntinnal Tubercolosw Queen City Medic Passes Cliarlotte — The dearth (If John W. Heiitasre, Jr. 28, .son of Rer. J. W. Heritage, rector of Riaint Michaels and All Anpel.s Epis r- paleon church, last Sunitay came as a distinct shock to relatives and the hr»frt of friei»^» which he had srained ^uririR his short life. Younjf Dr. Heritaije was a gradu&te of SaintAugrustiiie Coll esre, Raleiffh and a recent jjrad uate of Medlctne, MehaiTy Uni- verS'ity, Nashville, Tenn. On receiving* his M. A. degree from with th* tot«liti^ri*n pQWtrs. Implicstions Prom London The decision of the British to reopen this highway, in the face of warnings from Japan, carries certain implications in viaw of the critical condition in which Great Britain finds her self. Engaged in a strenuous war against Germany and Italy and depending largely it'l)on the efficay of her naval blockade to make victory possible, the British, alone, are in no posi tion to challenge Japan in the Far East. mm Road brings hostilitipa against Great Britain, one may logically expec^activity by the United States Navy againijt Japan. This may not involve a direct attack upon the Japa nese, but it will probably in clude something of » blockade in the Pacific and steps to as sure the security of the great naval base at Singapore. War or Peac« Up to Japan Prom the “day that Japan em barked upon her aggressive The implication, it seems to carnpaign in China and her policy of aggrandizement in the Far East, it has been apparent that a clash between this coun try and Jaiian could be avoided only by the complete abandon ment, on the part of one nation, of the position already taken in diplomatic papers. Certainly, the United States has been tolerant and patient [while Japan pursued her reck- eandidate for vice-president on the Democratic ticket, with President Roose- relt, i« shown conferrinR with Henry A. Wallace, TeUrH P.;^ president^ United Democrat, of Jackson Coun- .. .. . Pr^writy” Seech In Kansas City last week. Left to Md).nUl., -If. .( l>. D.mo.t.tic »ndU.l. for ,«..r.or .f Ml.- ■nH Mr. McDaniel". HAII COLOIING World’s First Co-Op. Oil Well In Operation Co-Ops Start Drilling 3 More Wells In N. W. Kansas N. Tiansas City — Co-op Lea»- gue News Service—The first co- ((P oil well in the world is now in operation and three more are being drilled as the con.«sumer8 cooperative movement takeg its first step into oil production. ’.#n^jmers Cooperative Associa tion, owned by 450 co-oPs in 9 ■midwestern states, entered the rtnks of o'il production Septem ber 24 with the incorpoi’ation of a subsidiary, the Cooperative Oil the after mentioned Instittions. jProducin?: Association, and tho Dr. Hcrlla^e fititerned at Ifo«nor purchase of a I®**®® ™ Phillipp H.Kwit^.^, St. Loujs, Mo. County. Kansa.s which hili one where he \vas later appointed .producinsf oil well ^ resident physician. The youthful I Three new offsets will he drilled medic is survived by his mother immediately, the first o w u.n and father, RTFv. and Mi-s. j. W. Under the present plan of drilling one well to every 20 acres, there ij^ space f«>ir ai seven new well?» on the quarter *iection. Three of these will be drilled immediately and the remaining four at the option of the ccwpe- ratives. The cnioplete repcprt of the cons«Itiinsr geologist, witli supportingr data and ni»>).s, wa.? The re-opening of the Burma Road, the highway upon which We Must Fight or Surrender The United States ha reached ^ - ithe place where it must assert flows munitions to Generahssi- situation in the Far East is ex- its rights, protect its policies nurchase was made Directors felt' , - rrA P’’f®”^,ceedingly grave. The question of:and resist aggression against that it wa-! a modest bcKinninu Japan with Great Britain s an-jwar, or peace, is apparently left them. We must do this or sur- that It was a modest begi K nn.T>A. swer to her alliance with Ger^ to Japan. render all influence in the Far many and Italy. Tf *K«» fow^nem'ncr nf tiruu *i Heritage, fne si.»ter, and* a host of relatives tVid friends. WANTED! Salesmen - Saleswomen We can use several Tnen or women for saleswork, I’refpr high school graduates. A real opportunity for those who have ability, personality and a desire to work in Charlotte •nd suburbs. Personal interview Saturdays and the fol lowing week from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 123 Ea^t Fourth Street. • > A. M. BIILLS, Pres, and Treas. R. A. MILLS, Sec’y. consideired carefully before the felt‘_ n every impormnt respeot to .the i other subsidiaries of CCA; name ly, the Co'iperative Refinery As- sociiation and the Coo'perative Pipe Line Association. Caipital stock of COPA will be $200,OOO consisting of $175,000 in prefe.'- red aind $25,000 in cnmmon stock, 0"'“ Voting stock, will be held by the Consumers Coopera tive Association. The temi for is 50 us, is that Great Britain under stands the position of the Unit ed States and has a very clear idea of what this country will do if Japan runs amuck in the Far East. Obviously, if Japan enters the war against Great Britain and the United States stands aloff, the Japanese Navy will be able to prey upon Brit ish commerce and in combina tion with German and Italiangast. The units, might be able to break nationals have ,T o £3 been disregarded with immun- Expecting U. S. Support? Ij^y ^nd treaties to which this We are quite sure that the country and Japan were parties United States Government has have been broken by Japan given no commitment to Great without excuse. Britain in respect to use of thel „ j ^ i i- • > American Flet in the Far East' Fundamental policies of ^la but. just the same, in v^ew our non-partisan policy of sup- 5 ^ . the porting Great Britain as the fir^t line of our defense, it re-CJuna and the mainten quires no gift of prophecy to been flouted by Japan and are now in danger of extinction by the threat of armed action. British Open Burma Road And War Moves Closer To Our Shore Japanese Savy to break he Brit ish blockade or* to accomplish the defeat of Great Britain. Consequently, we think it may be safely assumed that the in iprciven territory, with hazairds reduced to a mininium. There are 10 good wells producing 4*2 Jfra- vity crude oil on three sides of the leas«. It has been our goal fl'oin the beg'ining to develop an inte grated cooperative organizaJtion extending into every phase of the petroleum industry,” said President Howard A. Cowden in commenting on iithe new proje'!t. “0«r latest development, the first of its kind ever undertaken Ijy a cpiwperative, to my know ledge, is another step in thstt di rection. We are now taking crude 011 from a Kan.«!as farm, piping it through a cooperative line to omr cooperative refinery, . and w'as ap'Udde din Thursday. then hst'jling the refined product CCA ha.>* purcha.sed an interest j, transport, comperatively- in the prr»ducing well and the the local cooperative 160 acre tract, plus full produc-L,,^ distribution to cosuimers. It ing alnd operating rights on ijroaden.s our service to quarter BecDi(»n, which lies 11 ^consumersi but at the same time miles .east and 3 miles north of yg degree of stability jpiainville, Kan. The cooperative comes aflways when an or- WARNING! Ob a aKNor loaf, of 4of o6»et trip away from home—suddenly your hOUM k gaml Uof\MtxAl Orop^ from your pockct? Stolen? No ■s*** ho** you *ay be sttaoded without funds, your vacation wrecked, fw iliaetaff fained. Wl7 am tucfa rtdci? ftBtitt ftni totrcl toooof a^inst Ion or tfi^t with American Express Tnmlcn'Cbeqdes. Hiey are your own personal funds—safe, economical aad ^wndsMr aayadme. Jnsc si^ your name to each cheque when ^•a ln)r Ibeai—tgua «dien you spend diein. ITicy provide you with a “Atddag acBooBl" wfaerera you go. Should th^ be lost of stolen, —wmiitTiiyifi, ftmt atoaef mli be refunded in full. AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHE9VE5 Amm Imtm m Dcmominatiok!. of tin. |20, 4HR |10* AI 7f Catnt roK Each $ino PuaoiAtm Mechanics and Fsurmers Bank «44 I'M t i f 11 M I pipe line which feeds the coope rative refinery at Phillipsburg, Kan.. ha.s beea taking oil from the one producing well on tho ganizatioTi moves towards the ownership and control of its source of supply.” The CooperatJive Oil Produc- lease since last April. The well^j^g, Associati^on has been incoT- itself has a potential capacity of.porated under the cooperative close to 400 baiTels a day. . act of Kansas and is similar in J Save Time and Money By Relaxing in the BUS GOIPK? TO AND FROM work can b^ a pleasure if you ride the bus. You get home earlier. You spend less money for transportation (4 tokens for 25c). You en« joy a safe comfortable ride. Durham Public Service Co. directors of OO'PA The net earnings or savings on oil production will be. appor tioned by the board of direetcfrs, .nAject to aPProval by menibers, in the following order and mari ner: lO percent of tiie net earn ings shall b eset aside as a ca pital reserve; then interest shall be palid on preferred and on remaVining shall be allocated to ccimmon stock. The net irwome the patrons of the association on the basis of their patronage. Less than year after the membership of CCA, at district meetings, hild approved an oil- prodution progi'am, and less than four months after, directors had made plans for ineorporatling a producing sub-sidiiai-y, ttie whole sale Actually had entered a 4th field of the petroleum, industry- produotion of crude oil. CCA be gan business in 1929 as a petro leum wholesale serving retail c#- Having succeeded in closing the ports of China and in over awing the French to acquire bases in French Indo-China, the Japanese wefe anxious for the closed. It was temporarily closed sometime ago in orded to give Japan an opportunity to seek peace with China. Instead, the Japanese extended their aggres sion and entered into an alliance operative members in the distr^ butive field. Jtfltermember-«iooii- erativeg had built a refined fuels market requiring more- thrfn 60,- 000,000 gallons a year, CCA en tered the refining field early this year with its new and efficient 3,000-barrel refinery at Phillips- burg, an. ConfTecting the refinery to the oil fields to the south is a 92-mile pipe line whioh began operations a few weekg before the refinery. ENJOY THE COMFORT —OF THE— HOTEL BILTMORE CLEAN-€OOL-^MFORTABLE Grill, Private Dining Rooms, Open Air Garden Thoroughly Renovated DURHAM. N. C. If the re-opening of the Bur-'East. With the civilization that Balkans Tense As German Troops Move SOVIET RUSSI/i RUM DarefofW//es TURKEY Russia is reported to have in loaded with military supplies vir failed long range gunS facing esre' observed paitsing through Rumania, in the Bessarabia reg Maribor (2). Hailf a dozen of th ion, to counteract^ German e'troopships were seen moving movements that started I past Belgrade (3). The German ^barking at Regensburg (1),! radio at the same time carried ^ ^ Bulgaria was stre fhpiV making ngthening her forces on the TP ^ Danube to Greek and Turkish frontiers ( Jtumania and two freight trains 4). Complete BUILDING SERVICE ••••REMODEUNG , ••••NEW CONSTRUCTION ••••ROOFING SERVICE ••••BUILDING SUPPUES Esimates Gladly Furnished For Painting, Papering and Decorating we use ROGERS PRODUCTS. SMALL PROFIT, LARGE VOLUME ALL WORK GUARANTEED We Use Long-Life LOGAN- LONG ASPHALT ROOFING EXCLUSIVELY. sHuiim THIS COMPANY OPERATES ON A VOLUME BASIS Home Modertiizatioii and "Supply Go. 614 FayetteriUe St. Durham, N. C, Phone S-4AZL +v * Colored educational *istitutioni hava always lacked enough funds for buildings and equipment, but the RoomtcU adminiatra* tion decided that r/jf* should be done. Througk the Publie Works Adnlolstratlon, new buildings have been constructed on praettcally every colored college eampus In .imerlca. Photo "'tabove) ^ows the new Chemistry Building at Howard Univetvity in Washington.