N. C. Mutual Officials Entertain Mi^. Avery Mailiog Edition * ^gH^RUTH^BR^E Volume iSXlX iBurKairi, North Carolina, Saturday, November. 16, 1940 NunJber: iXTC t Th« photo pnf taken of Avery *t thf party gltea in ))er hencci by offCeitti A*- ifutlMI Iffe >er ar«‘f{ve of "th« hosfe, Fir»t h*ow left tq right; G. W. '^x, Tice prwident, Agenrfy IHwscfc6r; Mrs. Lai* Ave«y; W. ptroller; Second ro-w t> ^ght E. R. Merriok, Vice preeident- 'Twissurer; ^W, J. Kennedy^ Viee presideiit-|S«cretwr3rr ^ I* InfluntniM Oo«npMy. Pictured wHhjD: Hill, ^Uaistarii Seorei^]^ Cgin^ inioP^i^id, Vke prMldent Fire Halts Funeral Rites Of Dr. Williams Fire Partially Destroys Olivet Baptist Church As Thousands Await Funeral Sui^e Court Upholds C!onvictioD Of Wife- Killer ChaH«|kte — The I^oHh Cww- lina Supreme Court,* in seeiriioli Nov. 7, upheld t>M eonvteidon: of As&or Bro^, aen^aoed'tb) deatb 'by eephy3d«tion l*»t ^nly lay presiding judupe «t the G»ta^a ^unty Superior ODurt on a fli«t decree murdor oosuot of slaying* hi® wife, tfie We H». Bartha.’ eqalify Va. — following:' > coni^ence here,- .Thijrsd^y, HJcjv., 7, .men(ri^8 of the Norfolk Teach era Asjiwiation wted to Mcept #10 «|ffer hiade them by O. Alfred Andenion^ ci$y attorney, of |120. OdO to be paid them over a period of three years, thug mn'g thoir s&laries with those o(f white teachers' at the end oi this pefiod. * The offer wae nmde in connec tion with the Melvin^ 0. Alston case, which involved an action against the Norfolk achoolboard by Mr.^ AlAon, a local sehic»l Plense turn to Bi^ht ATTEND DR.I.K. “Coop” b Magic Word At Tuskegee These Days , ‘A Great : JdJaB ^ ^ ’ Ifirad," ^e Rev. A. I* Boone, piw- TT j. . . isolations and; felegrajiw. iTv. ^ Speaking fw^ .the, tWihJect, th^ fji^es Which enplfed|„^ Great : lHaa Sm> EWW vo. hustonc ^hvet. Baiptist aO minuites befoi% ' the ,'funeral services 4Aat Wedrtesday riiorning, the, thousands of .vdsitora and friends, who attended the funefail paid their last tribute of respect to‘ Dr. L. K. Williasm, president of the National Baptkf C'onv'en- tion, in front of the chuTCh after the fire w*g under cohtrio'l. 'it was also revealed that the Rev. D. V. Denison' of Selma, Ala., vice president of the Na tional Baptist Convenition, Inc., will succeeded Dr. Wllliaims as president. The Rev. JVoeeph H. Branham, assistant pastor of Olivet and closc friend of Dr. Williams 'or sdveral decades, despite the s.hock of the leader’s, sudden death and the morning’s fire, wbs never that services were carried ou^ efficiently in the afternoon. He remarked aftmwad that despite the fire, the services ' which atitrasted thousands ito the gtreet were quite fitting since Dr. Williams had always been a man of the peo ple and the open air ritea gave all the people a chance to see and hear. The Rev. D. V. Denison, v»ce- president presided. The scripture lesson by Rev, T. S. jBoone and prayer was offered by ~ — !|iuller, Memphis The eas* teriffwbd by gotsiaite Harriot Ciarknon wlfp oMe wm; iir'itiecQTdanv* witli law aQd tiuMi the-charge of th« prealdini' Judge was fair. ^ Thig opiniMxn, banded domm by the Suprejnpi» Ooart, aeala the dooai. of Bfwwwr-*liee,tiie gover nor -intervenes. OtbeiSme Bro^vn will be a^h^xiat ,ed «tk QentraJ Prison',Nov«miber. BSnd^ in key ing with .tlfe state lm$r. fixii^ d^th .on jtte third ^d([^ after im appeal denied'.', i. -lAisso^te Justice, Wadlaiop "Win- borni, ■w^te an , opiniep ^ giaBting Stew»!^. Xjhiyiiifcers,, sentenced tO' deaife |jy a ijpnioT County iwy, for first decree ilxurglaiy, e'hw trii4. jf tigti^ Winbo^'ne ruled: a new fharge was, wawnied 'ber os^uM.. «(f omission* ^n' the chai^ . of t^e presiding ii¥lg6. J^odger failed ; to 'iidoxm tbe Jury, Wi^btorae said, tjbat a .ver dict o^ n«n4>)irglari^ bi;ealung and ente:fiiM;, parrying a penalty tea- of the Shilo,h Baptist church, joif dmprianpiment infte^ of de^h Please turn t© pa«e Bight 'could be returned. r . • Lockhart Addresses Colored Teachers Association Chttrk>t±e — The Mecklenburg Cbunty Teacher’s Association met at Second Ward IJigh School fiaitarday, November 9, C. E. MtM'eland presided. IAmi tN«Ui» Bv Dykes paid a v*xy high and glO'^ing tribute to l|ii«i EUoise ^nkin as she pre sented her to the boidy. Miss in tarn intaK>dace>^ ftupt. Supi. Lockbai^ gave a very in formative and inipiritig address. Aattong aome of the, things stre»s-> ed were; that the future of edwjation in the Negro race rfeats in the hands of the t«»chers. Again that school^ exist to educ ate chiiWren, not to- employ teach ers and officials, also that the conduct of pupils reflect theiV )e .teadnng; that is, educator usually gets Juat about what Itis paWic thinks he is wBirth. Tuskegee, Ala. — Coops or ganized at iSiskegee. “Co*cip” is the magic word at TuS'kegee In stitute these days. A cooperativie store for the families in thelthle ssi^le t© see coinflfnunaty will open. business around January fiwt. The five rural, laiboratory schpols have al ready. formed a oc(op which under the sniperva^n of W. A. Shields, of the - School of SJduication, is handling alt gnqcevies and iip- pliea for th^ centers. In a recent interview Mr. Shieldti stated that in a few mon ths he hoped to“ extend the bene fit'of the rural coops to the families in the ccmununlty. ynder the leadwrship of Corris Landem, oollege soiphomore, a student coop, his been cffganised. oibituary was read by Editor It HU^ received the wjpport of jj ^ Barbour «f the National Baptist Voice, Nashville and Ait- ,the Reiv. T. O. President Patterson, Dean I- A. Please turn to pai^e eight torney W. H. Haynes Sottthwnaires Owning For Coijc^ Some very important announce! ments were made by the Su^pt. relative to ' the local county Schook . . I C,!- . . . • Tfae address waj weU received by the .teachers. Several of whom expressed words of appreciiatlon. E. S. t*otts, pniblicity committee chaihnan. W^n the Southernaires come cert stage, to Durham oo Ufonday, Nov. 1*8, ait the City Armory, local concert gwrs will be privileged t» hear a grottp .that is ranjked among the groate^l; vocal ensemble heard tto* day Over the raddo or on the ooti- Chiea^ (.ANP> — Tragedy, which struck ei|!^ dajn be#«r» when Dr. L. £. Wiilians, preatir dent of the National JBaiptiat Ocsrrewtion, Soe., was UQed in email, nlar Chariiil*^. Kch^n, ^tro» again We^es> day momingr tdien fife |>artially destroyed hisiorie Olivtt Baptant ehtorch drove jnto I9ie stritot 4»00>0 nspomers awaiting tie faaMnl servic«s for Dr. WilBanas, ah^j, tts pastor. Damage was estimated t *60,000. The crowd, ineloding £atin- fruished leader, from all parts of the nation, be^n assembline be fore 9 a. m. Services were to start at 11 ^elock tharf: momisg'- aWe seat filled and ether hand- Aroand lOiSO, wth every avail- re^ standing inside the auditor ium, the Rev. Jomph Branham, assistant pastor, discovered flam- Cj an the third floor elasarcom. Bunnini; downstairs, he found three po'^emea cn dirty ther% S^. Carl Nelson, former hody- As their nam^ ii^lieg these ^0^5,. Tbai»a singers are true sons of’the ^ PatralwM Look South, anging . the melodies cf thej latter ^ white. AH their native ;sor^with aij artfetry Utom to th* claasroom to try and that has,sfeldora be«n equalled, 'aubdiie the blaze bot i^ had gaia With nearly two thousand songs too much headway. A Bn dn their repertoire their progiams are full o#' variety. Their reper toire covers three centurie, of.bert White, on duty ootside who Negro music including African please tarn c^ant§, spirituals, slav6 songs, Negro s'4ngs of contemporary time. They are also able itfterpre- ters ft other kins of vocal mus'c, presenting classics gnd InUadg as effectively «s they do songs of their own^ race. • Durham — Approximately one hundred guest assenmbled at the Algonquin Tennig Clnlb House on effectively presented to the group, Remsarka were ipade iby J. H. Wheeler, George W. Cox, Dr. J. Friday evening-jait a party given N. Mills, W. J. Kennedy and by the officials of the North Caaioilina Mutual Life Insurance Company in honor of Mrs. Lulia Avery of Ohitago, III. Mrs. Avery, wife of the late John Avery fqrmer v.ice president Secretary of the North Oarolinja Mutual, having made her home in Chicago since the death of her hu^biand wag visiting in the city for the first time after an ab sence ci eight years. The party was a very gal>a and successful affair, and waa heartily enjoyed (by all who attended* Ihiring intemidssion the guevts pauaed to pay tribute to the honoree in th f^rm of a short prognaan ^^h Blrs. B. A. J. Whitted, cashier of the Mutwl, Mrs. Mary ^tepard. Guest soloist was Miiss Virginia Williamson. The gift presentation was made to Mrs. Avery by Miss Dotie •Mae Bridgeflcvth, in the capacity of a matching pet of air line luggwge. In respinae to the .presentation Mrs. Avery in a most earnest manner 'Htani^ed fhe group for ; the splendid ««c^t&o||i she receiv ed to the city and for the many and eoneid^rati^na shown durii^f hear brief stay. After -&e jKroc^am the music continued and a delightful repast was served in buffet style. jHotftesa^a tite occasion were Meadaones Mary F. Cairr, EUittie Charlotte Negro Chamber of Conunerce Inauprates Membership Drive Charlotte —r In a, most coio'^ipresidont of Johnson C. Smith fuJ setting i„ J. C. Smith’s re- Univenity who extended a wel- fecto(ry and flanked by beautiful flowers and a ^eKghtful repast, the Siaa4otte Negro Chamiber of 06«:Wtirce was extended greet ings, and congratulations from in^VMuolqi rfjpresentinrg all pha^s of life and. occupations upon it’s successful organization. •The festivitieg began with the flinging of the Negro Nialional Anthem, after which invocatioi was giv«n by the JRev. J. H. Povrell. The macfter of ceremon ies, W. H. Morelond expounded i^ly ag to the merits yf uch an organization and in word* |arm was turned in immediate by Officers Louis ^einbesw and &o- to P*ge Eight Kyri’s Synqihony Orchestra At Tuskegee Nov. 30 come on behalf of the Univer sity. thr. MrCrorey in making his addresg left three vital poinat for the organization to conscder and adopt, they were, organize, patronize and advertize. A response to Dr. McOnoirey’s ad dress was given by W. D. Hairs ton, second vice president of the Chamiber of Coroenbe. A sclo, Invictus, was given -by Robert Foster who wag accompanied by D. E. CarroU aftw President clf the Chamber of C. C. Spuldii^ On Draft Bovd Mei^ow8, Johnnie l%o!mp«on as Mistress of Ceremony the jwo- fEvelyn Rogers, Elula -HlMnris, jbefitting the achievements of, read re- gram slated wag wittingly and [ W«a*e turn to Ewbt he dntroeftjced Dif. H. L. MoCorrey Their personnel includes:— William 'Edmonson, basso, Hom er Sith, tenor. Jay Stone Toney, Tuskegee — One of the fea- baritone, Lowell Peters, tenor [ture attrwetion* ^hedoled by and ^>encer Odom, accompa&jirt ^Tuskegee Institute Bitertam- and arranger. jment Co are for this semacm m tba iperformaoee which «31 be gi in Logan,Hall Saturday cvasdnig, N'ovember m, by Kry1% 9s»- phoiiy Otchertn of SO playns and his faoMMM soloiSfcs; Biaaa the anncioAe«m«fDt wa« laada by C. C. Spauiane^ president «f ““«ge«»nt of wrtartam the North Carolina Mutual' Life ‘T°* course that the Xryl Qpa- Insurance Company was appoint-Orchesfera woald be oa« ed to the k)cal Ikrfcft board, ae- «a^ cording to a statement released interaafc bas be«rf w ’ jfcy the Draft Board Co«Batttaa. ^ ^ entire InnHtirta community pq^alatfoB, Mr. Spaoldi^ li, the only N«*|audience that will tux t)Mt gro astpointed in ttili swii»i. Tbe ,of Logan to its wiiicb the'appcnntments to ike Dcpft Bowd|acity im aasurad fox K^l -Bwrd ^ are made by a i^>eelal|nuafeiana. ^ „ w jcommittee and in turn tL* com- ;th* mawiaa and th3 Conunen^, Dean T. E. Mta&nneyi J. » -r^. i r— ' mittee soiMnttg the namea to the «• aasUy ondcntosd farther elaborated upon the P®r-jQovernor of the state, aad tfetMl,s^M|j^ hixa. poses, objectives and merits of ito tha President of the United Please turn to P«ge Ei^t States for. a|>pr»vai. Fiaaa»