M41UNG EDITION PRICE 5 Cents mms Nurriber 48 Durhani, North Carolina Saturday, Nov. 30, 1940 Says Negoes Shc^uld Form Party ir if ir ic rk if: ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ Story On Pa«e THREE hniOHS Ppet larely Escapes Tlw Annr Of ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ I Story On Page Two) I ' I ttM Ah^m, — S^tor Aimee B^bqpte MrPhenion shd 'who West down to Mtt mor« than a de cade ago and tqrned up Is the jleaert with fk tall tale «f Iddm^ iaf and who hM wigad k frm for all baCtU miuuMV of liien, women akd deyjia^ bidiiid Awy?. and aha waTnec tttoed thJriMMR*^' uf 011? litoii took her hlat it mother and dahghta# ttttaed «• pQ mild fall f^c of her fai7 manner Poet Xtangstrai Hii|thee )aat I^iday and ae wel eteged t 0omed7 of egroz* that again piaa- ^red her name in the Headlines. Casualtiea of Alwee'f debilkri^ 1 More than 000 gneate at a Pasadena lUerarr lonoheoo who ^ad gathered to hear Hu^e» and ft hi^ dosen ot|ier wziteri ehat fibbut their hooka. 2 Two of her own fdlowjBrtl who were tossed in th® hooa^gow fo® violation of Pasadena )rdin> fuieea. 4 Poet Hnghee who wm {creed to leave the ritzy. Yistm IM Axiojo hotel withoat eating hie loBch i>ut who iff reported on Itabla authoiity to itajad atofmaoh at a not-so-ri^ Central «T«nne e*tery sometime later. lianj yeora ago, tt teems, Ho^ ea wrote a poem in which btt r»- fexred to Sifter Aimee and tBaorl ed other religiou# leaden in non* tOo rompIimentaiT language. Laat week ha waa invited io. • Mt^ary Innoheon to sajr a f«w woxda abont hie recent beat .telling autobio- grai^y^ “The Big Bea.” Somehov tir other .word.got to Sister Aimea that ha :won}d tpea^ at Paaadeaa’a awank. Hotel Yiatfe, watned he* appearing In ttraoge gniaiie for untold eentailea while telling them of Poghea’ aehedhled talk. . Her followera took be hint if it wae hint and if it wasn't (k (dnt they took it aHyhoK. Hnghes bad a Uttle more than seated bimaelf at the hotel lun cheon room atad eyed the tasty Joe Lous, Heavy- We^t diaiiqr, In j^ankfort, K^r. — As failldredl. wai t ijiif «tnd»ata td. tiie Kentne^ 'Glaail aollege waited impatiently for the expected visit Nev. 00 of Joe ,lioaie, heavy weiglvt boxing cham- pit>n of the worl^, ‘ the car in vrhioh he was riding sma^id into pne of the atone pillata of the eoUege gate/ ^aketa, but stila as ealm and iiiaperturbed aa usual, the ehlimpion as quickly ti|ans£err vianda before the hotel manager fed to the dar of Preeident K. B. appeared and told him that a cro.wd was gathering with sound wagoxis, signs and the other bad ges of picketing. A fcaity confer- enoe betw^ Hugbes, the znanager Ktd the the Qhaii^n of the Atwood'and emtinued ^on hia way to greet ■ the -- 'students and have ^^fast at'tbe home of Mrs, Hunter just off the campus. In‘the car at the time of the aoeident irere the champion, his BEATING JLEGRO Goldsboro Man Stripped And given Bloody Lashing; By Three White Men N.A.A.C.P. PROTESTS THAT FEDERAL HOUSING AUTHORITY WINKS AT DISCRIMINATION jluncheoD prodused ^ Jack Blaekbum, Jackson that he woold OQl spcafc; Robb of Pmnkfort and Freddie 1 (Jnfayard, . Louis' seoretaiw and the Bu| beiV>r« be oould leave • driver of the oar. The ;^ocident Relegation bwst l**to the room and.ju^j^^^^j when the fij^tej^t green pot him tiuroogh « oate^Msm sedan approached the the pQem an4 by the titae h# go^ (entrance to the oolleg* before the to the street it was paeked with inokett, onlookeie and polioe Mjaad ears. In the confusion Hi^h et got a taxi and retnmed to Ixie lAngelet. PAUt ROBESON, IM CROWED ON WEST COASn SOBS FOR $22jOO Ban Francisco —> Paol Bobeson,' eminent aotor and singer, laat Monday took I^al action to pt»- tect hia civil rl^ta when he, and eight other persons fiYe of whom •le white, filed suit for 122,500 damages here in Superior court •gainst Yanessi, Ihe.| operatofs mer, and tfarle Pittman, Ethel Oayton and Louiae Branstein, all prominent local residents. Section 62 of the Civil Code, basis of the suit, reads, ia par#, aa follows: “Whoever makes any discri mination, distinction or restriction on account of color or rac^ or drifer realised it In turning into the rather ateep drive way, Quia- ysjd momentarily lost control of the ear and it struck the right hand pillar. The entire right fro^it end of the car was demolished, bumper, fender, and headlight. All four occupants of the oar were afai^en up, but no one was in jured. Joe Louis aj^eared before the assembled students from the porch Mrs.Margfdwt Beymd^a Hun-■ the wife of Dr. W. A. Huntdn of ton, of WasfcmgtMi, • D.-C., who]Howard University, is a graduate jba« ^t zecdved a ’pirofessional of Howard And Syracuse Univer- appoidtmj^t in the library of Congress, the first titne a Negro librarian has been averted for a p^t of tbifl type'.in the rountrp’s ontstandijag library. Mra- Hnnton, sity School of Library Science where she was ' a^ Rosenwald Fellow for three years. Photo by Alien.' DUKE STUDENT GROUP TO LEAD SERVICE OF MMH C. E. LEAiGUE Durham'—' The Allen Christian Endeavor League of the Saint Raleigh Coal Firm EiOaeaTor tjeague vu» a»iui,i_ - | Joatph AME Church wiU have|[«OfCeS LaDOT lO Give To Charity the members of the Student Ex ecutive Committee of the Duke University Presbyaerian Student of the Hunter home with his usual {Asaociaaiwi to conduct their even calm and colftoted manner, un changed by hia experience of 10 minutes before. Joe Louis waa in Kentucky to New York — De^ite t|te fact that Federal Housing Adminl^ti*^ tion, SteVart' McDonald advised the National Asertsiation for the Advancement of Colored People last August that restrictive coven ant have been removed from the Autrority’s “Outline of Protec- ive Covenants,”^ printed for the use of private real estate agents who seek bank loans that are guaranteed by the Housing Au thority, the NAACP haa learned that in Salinaa, CaMfomia, such rovenants abound with the appro val of the Authori^. . ., In a sharp letter to the Aattpr- ity, Thurgood Marshall, speiial; ,Vjlp^ S^ &^iries' In Whole State Richmond,. Vau Plans for carrying forward _ the fight to eqalize the salaries of Negro and white public school teachers in .every one of the counties in Yirginia will be worked out today at a omfer«ice^ called by attor neys of the National Association for- the Advaneewent of Colored People, it was announced today fay Thurgood Marshall, special coun sel-for the astoeiation. “Teacher reprwentativee from leach county will attMid the con- eounsel for the association pointed ^ference,Mr. Marshall said,'“and out^ that two qaestioD^ are invpl- plw the nfxt step* they azid the ved; “One'ia the question 6f anSf-jimXCP 4t|ocQiSikw • inA t^kc.to gesti^ by the Federal I^uang - enjoioe tha United States' Circuit Adwinistration. of protective . ep-| Court >of Appeals ^t)eciaipn in Uie venanta on a racial basis. The Melvin 0., i^ston case. dT JAMES E. BOTKOr other is its approval of these pro tective covenants. ” Marshall declared that while the Authority haa, ceased, to aqg- g^t these sovenanta to real estate agents, it contSnueg to abet the operation of such private agenta by In Novemlter, 1938, NAACP attorneys broi^f an action again st the Norfolk, Virginia, i school toard in behatf of ||r. Alston, a seboof principal uid the taaebeTs of that city, to forced tiie board covenants by jto pay the principal a salary equal continuing to ito that of a whita teaeher doing guarantee loans for such xye^ts. jthe same typo of work. Last Jnne A protest was launched with the -tha' United States Cireuil Court Authority, following revelation by'of Appeals reversed a lower toori Raleigh (CP) — William Moore, Salinas, California, br^ch of ^ruling, and eeUbliriied tbs prin- ing league aervies on Sunday, •. ,’t ^ i • PAm nv the NAACP that the Federal Houi- eiple that diaerimination in fclis Dec. 1, The topie will be the al ce an e pa yij^g authority continues to insure teachers' salaries based solely on “Bible”. Everyone is invited toj®“P>y®®» protesaed Thursday that j^^ns for agents opera-^tho ground of racs or eolor, is attend,, it was announced today by employees of the firm are forced ting jn at least fifteen areas in or ,unconatitution*l. Ths United Stat- liook over some Franklin county 1 Mrs. M.C. Ev%ns who in charge to contribute seven cents a .w,e«k horses with the idea of adding tO(rf the committee at the ACE their wages to associated Villoma Teachers Give $1,000 To N. ^ A. C. P. 'League who invited the Duke group to take the service. Mias Janet Eleanor Gift of Al- :charities.^ I “The company just take it,” his stable of fine riding animals. of a fashionablo aestaurant at'except for good cause, in respect' 408 Broadway. Joe Vanessl '.s.to the admission of any citiaen manager of the place. jto, or his treatment in, any in^^ In the comfdaint, Bobeson and.hotsl, restaurant or oating houae friends charge that laat Tuesday |ia liable in damages in an amount nij^t, folk>wiDg Robeson’s briUi- not less than |[U}0, which may be ant concert at ths Opern Hoos^'recovsred in an action iat law were denied service at tlw «afl.'brou^t for that |>urpoBe.’* Each of the nine persons lo ihe| Robeson, in addition to being an . , - party asked $2,500 damages undsr inteijnatlonally famous singers and| Richmond, Va. — In i^precia- Committee. Miss Gift will preside the rain .and that in addition his Sertion 52 of the Civil Code.‘actor, Is a P^ Beta Qappa gradu- tion of the work done by l^al re-iover the service and will lead the comply, is forcing employees to presentatives of the National Aa- -worBhip. ftfisS Tomer will speak give to charity out of a miserly th( near Salinas/ where these re- Supreme Oourt allowed this strietive covenants, based on race, jdeoision to stand, !When it refused aboi^d. to review ths esss in a ruling foona, Pennsylvania, Miss Mary,Moore said, “then tell you why Hall Turner of Miami, Florida; they, t^e it. There’s nothing you. James H. Walker of Raleighcan do, because .if yo don’t want Erwin A. Larson of Emporium,-to pay it they, can get somebody Penn.; and Joseph E. Porter, else.” . Chairman, of Durham|. He said it is customary for compose ths Student Executive coal companies to work men in DB. Colored members of thO Bebsoa'ats of Rutgers university, where party were John tHttman^fors-jhs won his leitter fn four spor^ an ign editor of ths Pool's World,jwas picked as an AU-Americao aoci^tion for the Advancement of,on the “Importance of the Old 30.cents.an hour wage. Colored Peopla in ths ij^t.to win Testament/' Mr. porter on thej Bevels Cayton, secrstaqp’, tz'sasui^ end- in 1918. He was awaided an er of the Bay Area Distrirt Coun-|LLB degree by Colubia univemty oil No. a, Maritime Fsdsration of in 1923, and last January, Hamil- ths Pacific and Lawrenss Browa, ton Collsgs eonferred npon him Robeson's accompanist ths honorary degree of doctor of Robeson's whits fueiti werei.more humane letters. Clara Roekmoi^a who appeared with him on the Tuesday nig^t concert program; MisS Bock- to review ths handed down SB. OOBDOK. B. HANOOCTK TO | Last week the teachers agreed ADDBE88 ttHABLOTTB GROUP to seoept a plan pat ftHrward by the Cily attorney of Norfolk, Charlotte — The Public Aifain'^whieh squaliaee their aalaries vithfeu^Mcied Moees. Gohkikjiro, N. C., fCmasder Preaa)—Covered witik bloody strip ce, Frank Moees of Ooldsbore staggered Into the ^eriff's offke hen ^ossday BMmiag ss4 totd how trres while men mam Md f ,boad itripprd^k^ xft _fSk, point of ■ rifTe sod flsggs#1bW from head to foot. He said the three men, Brice and WiHTell, two broth«s, and ‘ Carl P. Swith, their brother-in- law forced him at the point of fire arms into their outomobile, drove away into the woods near Institute, made him stripe off hia clothing at the point of a rifle and undergo a lashing. Canfesses Ftegging He said they took $25 frow his noekets, threw him hia clothisg ‘and drove away. Officers fotmd Mosee’ automo- bfle in the yud aa ths horns John Worrelli father of the ac cused men and Smith confsssedL ,that after the beating the terror ist afd^ the victim's ear to ths back ,ot. th«TS and Saved il kssssk Moses staggered to the ktsa* a Negro near by, he told oCImi^ and. was given ompb^ tp ^ to Ooldiiboro by baa. . ■. > Pajil..C, €l»rrijni^ Qflici. C. li. Smith, .Dvpo^ H- B. Oardper and two s(to inveatigatiM tk)» «as«; anmted th» WorrsHs and Si6itk at tlratr fill ing station, icharged thaw with kidsapping; 1^ fom„ aasnft with deadfy c wsspmui^ * s«d h^hwi^ robbwy and teased 'thsia ih tks Waynf^ county >il at flaMefcof withijnt .privasg* it lissid. Mi*d Idoe-r ‘ John Frsixsr of New Haps who said he was with the men vhoB thoy forced Moses into the car also placed in jail in fault of 9500 bond. Ssuth confessed, officers said, and told the crfQcers £ba( they had been missing liquor firom a cache near Miller’s fteseiiy whe^.they lived and thai they Committee of the YWCA is bring those of whits teach era by Sept ing Dr. Gordon B. Hancock to the 1942, provided oonditiras outlined city on Sunday" December 1st. by NAACP attorneys are agreed Dr. Hancock will apeak on the upon. Ths sahoolboard’fe offer in- aubject of “Minority Groups*' ht the paymenf of (129,000 Grace AME Church at 4:30 p. m. jbetweeo now and the 19t3 date. Dr. Hancock is outstanding in equality of salaries paid to Negro Importance of the New Testa-1. Pood prices, conainuing a "cau and white teachers, members of nient,”* and Mr. Larson on the tioua upward trend/’ have risen the Virginia State Teachers Aa-'“Correlation of the Two Testa-'above the level of a year ago for soeiation meeting hers November ^ments.” Mr. Walker will lead the the first time since the initial 21, voted to contribute $1,000 to |discnssion. ,wai; boon), with volume about 8 civic, ■ religi^a, political and journalistic circles throughout th0 state of Viiginia. At the present |time he ia a member of Yirginia Union University faculty and pas- The hoodlums were Moss9 when hs .drovs tks tnan is quoted ss having said, and Smith ia said to have flogging, but not ths robbery. mart’s aasompftnjiil, IhlfWt aXOABBTTBS The Commissioii oi eigsrstteBi]01& in 1938 established aa aU time freight ear* now aisrses 20 ppf grsatwr saiiai^ Ihaa hi high of 172J500,000.000, up 9 p« lent ftosH ths 103,800,000 of 1938 tor of one of the leading churches despits incrsass stats sales taxes, of Richmond. extra- ]^r«^t.ti;aiBs a»w npit^ imk ly thirdik fastsr ikia im UHk. Paekiapaudu mMOBotd pilot, pyaopsss ths Association to carry on its This committee recently coo- percent above last ^ar. You -will find Dr. Hancock an SUOOBItFOL The auit was filed through At- victory in the Norfolk • teachers ducted the morning worrfiip -ser-; — : ^ jinterestiug aad inspiring speaker. Wkat forsstsrs Call aa tomeys George Olshausen and salay rase alone, the NAACP,vice at the Pine Street Presby-^- Locomotives now have nearly^Come ont and be benefited by »>dinari^ sneeessfnl firs usann Class I railroad Harold M. SaTTyer. , ' ^brought a lump increase ef $1^, terian Chnroii and now haa been half again Ma much palling powerithe message which he has for yon. has just elossd in tha Borthsn.ffiS asir |Mg 000 to Norfolk Negro tei^rs. ^ Pl«sat ton lo pig^ S» as they had in 1918. ' ^ and wsstsn TTsHtmsI aMlft 'IMfe, hsisBii

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