■ \ CHURCHMEN DENOUNCE ADAM PO AHACK ON DOCTOR L. KIRK WILLIAMS MAUNG EDinON Ji PRCE 5 Cents Volume XXI — Number 50 Durham. North Carolina, Saturday, Dec. 14, 1940 Virginia Youth Charged With Rape NAACP to Defend 15- Year-Old Virgiiiia Youth Held On Rape Charge CHURCHMEN DENOUNCE ADAM ON l: POWELL KIRK AHACK WILUAMS pmrticularly artisti9ally, jn a brief -• SOlfX^BIBD D«enr N«w York PrtacIier’B S*r- mon Diwuragbos Mauory Of Deftd Man; Ohlc«fo Mlaiaten Ohalleng* Powell To Produce Facta. By AMOciated lT«gro PfM Louisville — Seething indigna tion eharrujterized the aesaion of the executive b©iHnd the Nation al Baptist Convention, Ibo., meet ing here last Wednesday for the first time since the death of Dr. L. K. Williaims, president of the greater religious organization, ias its members discussed the posth- nmona attack made up their lead er in a sermon reported preached in New York City by the Rev. A. Clayton Powell, Jr., pastor of the Abyssinian Baptist church of that city. Rev. Powell was charged with unethical conduct by various ministers present who had read the story of his alleged intemper ate utterance in an eastern news paper. The executive board adopted p. set of resolutions extolling the work and character of Dr. Wil liams and expressing their un bounded confidence in the man and their reverence of hla mem ory. At the same time the group condemned in scorcring language the views alleges to have been ex pressed by Powell when, in a pul pit address, he is charged with seeking to link the name of Dr. Williams with the unsolved mur der of E. D. Pierson, a former auditor ftor the National Baptist Publiahing board of Nashville who was slain a dozen years ago as he traveled through Indiana to make a report to superior officers, Powell is charged with preaching a sensational sermon in which he jntervieiw which he held with struck at the dead man’s memoryjj(jgg ^tta Moten, the singer, in by innuendo and in which he.^j^g executive offices here last dragged the gruesome details of I week. Miss Moten. accompanied by the unexplained tragedy forth Johnson, execdtive secre- detail as he sought to link thejt^jy jfggro Work in the State name of his own denomination’s Department of Publip Welfare, Dr. Calloway Addresses Medics The regular monthly meeting of Durham Academy of Medkine was held at the Biltmore Hotel, '^ed. night with Dr. J. L. Calloway, Chtt£ of th» Dep«rtm«rt ^ Der- of Duke University as' Governor Praises Artistic Advance Of Negro Race VotUk Oarolina Ex«catife T«Ul JMk Bajbigb •— Oovemor Cl^e B. ey ‘‘The Most Common Skin Dis-Uhe Negro Division of the Durham the progress which the Negro peo-i ~ ^ CHAIRMAN STJRVE YOE' Queen City Filling Station Attendant ^ot To Death % Cab Driver HfiJ^fDtmSON^ young Wnav for 8^* speaker. Dr. Callaway > oke business man who as chairman of Hoey e^fpreaaed,. appreciation for,^ 1 ^ eases and Their Treatments." The Community Club outstripped any pie of the natbn and his state I ^ are making, along ^ lines, discussion. The discuss- B£SSY, ttpll known young business man of Durham who was recently granted a license as a sur veyor by the state of North Caro- Charlotte, Special to the Times) 1^. D. Hoflbi«,^^l0 S. Davidnon street, youthful filling station attendant, recently employed Bishop Dale’s service station on the S. E. corner of Breivard *hd MlNlSTfiR i tM N. A. A. C. P. Announces Nominees For National Board Of Directors ion centered around the Allergic Skin Diseases and Fungus Infec tions of the skin. Following the discussion Dr. Calloway projected colored slides illustrating various fikin diseases. The presentation was enthusiastically receiveed by the group. Dr. I. A. Day of the State De partment of Health, and Dr. St. Hille of Middlesex University were to the Academy, The members of the Academy who were preisent were; Drs. R. P. . . . Randolph; E, E. Toney, Max three year term expiring in 1943, King, Leo Bruce, Clyde Donnell, according to an announcement A. S. Hunter, J. W. V. Cordice, made by of his predecessors by raisin? the lina. Mr. Berry is believed hy brutally shot to largest amoupt of money over th^an to be the only member ^ by Clifton Belk. local set quota. Mr. Henderson is an^Mce in the state who has qualified employed as a driver employe of the N. C, Mutual Life [for a surbeyors license. Insurance Company. |by the Red and White Cab Co. According to the testimony, of an eye witness, the cab driver, Belk, driving in a reckless manner up Brevard street, attempted • } cut through the driveway of the service station to First street. Up- ^ „ . .Charles Edward Russell, of Wash- being repwimanded by Richard _ , New York- The following Allen White'cherry, and old employee of the! visitors and were presented .^®® of Emporia Kansas was recommend|ggj,^;ge station, the cab drove ed for election aa vice president Returning later armed with of the association. ja rifle, Belk, it is claimed bepan The nominations will be voted (undoabtly at the first Board of Directors of the Nation al Ajaociation for the Advonce- Cient of Colored People, for a the business meeting to be held at 69 Association’s com-,Avenue, Monday, January J. N. Mills. J. M. Hubbard, Bryce mittee on nominations: Alderlnantg^ 1941. Members of the nomina- on at thfe association’i annual jjjjjjjj jjg the service stat- and W. A. Cleland. ETTA MbTEN Kinston, N. C. — The percent 's of persons affected with ven- eral diseases was “surprisingly low” to health officials who had been “informed” that infection among Negroes in this section was unusally high. Dr. V. Moseley, head of the department, reported here Thursday, Dr. Moseley reported that of 2,200 persons roistered here for possible military service who were recently given blood tests only about five per cent showed ven- eral infection. ion. Cherry with whom he had argned had juit stepped inside t* make change for a customer) the Earl B. Dickerson, of committee included; Hubert u^n^^s striking .and mortally Thomas L. Griffith, president o ,p pgij^jjy. Miss Marion Cuthbert Hnnt, who was standing the Los Angeles, NAACP branch ;^Le^jg President Arthur the rear of the wash shed of and pr. 0. Clay Maxwell, pastor 3 gpi^g^n, all of New York; the station, washing a car. of New York Ohvet Baptist, Yolanda Barnett of Louis- Church. Those recommended for re- election to the board were: Dr. Allen Knight Chalmers, Douglass P. Falconer, the Rev. Lloyd Imes, Miss Mary White Ovington, Judge Charles Toney, Miss Frances Harriet William^, and Dr. Louis T. Wright, all of jBurke, New York; ville, Kentucky; Mrs. Gertrude On the surface, this case that has so aroused the ire of Negro Charlotte, is plainly one of mur der in the first defirree, one word left the Washington, — The first color ed reserve officers ordered to duty ■, j j. -d 11 William will report to camp Dix, N. J., on jas the defendant, Belk, Monday next for extended active scene of the argument went home , . to obtain a gun and returned to Yhey are Capt. Clinton C- the scene to shoot the first Ne^o William B. Edelin, 1st j whom he laid eyes upon, in thia j.>ew 10m j Senator Arthur Cap-lLieut Nathaniel King and 2nd,®®se, an innocent ’ rharAnHt> per of Topeka, Kansas; Sidney Lieut Arthur N. Fearing, dl be-y R. Redmond, president of the St.ling from the 428th Reserve Infan- Louis, NAACP branch; and Dr. I try regiment departed chieftain to the event. Bitter condemnation of Rev. Powell has been voiced by both ministers and laymen, not alone in Louisville hut in Chicago and hie own city of New York as well as thronghout the country wherever the text of this attack had pene trated. In New York City where the Baptist Minister’s conference held a memorial service for Dr. Wil liams last Mondav, leading pastors, though not calling his name, branded the jroung preacher as “unchristian” and a “sensation had called to meet the governor. The charming visitor expressed appreciation of the growing liber ality and fairness which the state of North Carolina is exhibiting, declaring that North Carolina could well serve as a pattern for some states of the deep South, though she declared that in her travels, she found improvement in raoial relationships all over the South. She hoped, however, for Joe Serves As Cashier In Boston Post Xmas Contest from Kings. Mountain and had only been employed at the filling station for two weeks. At the coroners inquest it was ascertained that Hollins died from two bullet wounds in the right lung. Immediately after the shooting, Waynesboro, Va. (Special to the TIMES) — Joeeph MIeknis, tifteem year old Negro yootk who was about to be nulioeieA to prison and ^eeution oa charge of having raped Mn. CIv- S. Pye, h#r* Novanfaar dl, jifUr haviag-rapatedfy **eowfai ed** to the crime foUmiriag “lees- toning” by at leaat tea poliec officials, will be repmacated by Oliver W. Hill, NAACP attorney, when hi» ease comes to trial in nearby Staunton on Deefl»ber 19. According to Hill, wBa inter- riewed Miekens at he Roanoke jail, where he is confined pending his trial, the youth, one ai eleven children, who quit sehoot in the fifth grade, was picked op Mon day, Novemebr 25 by loeal police on suspicision that he had broken into two warhouies located near his home here. He was qaaationed eoneertiing these TObb«iB^- «pd. also about the asaault 00 Mi»- Pye, by the Wajrneaboro ehwf ot pdiee and ether loeal oCeiab. Rev. C. R. Hairston, above, lTh« pastor of St. Stephens AME Miekens innocence ^aU tk» Church, deserves umudal honorabopt t^rrlaaite nm and creijit, along with the mem-.^hen City Manager Vro-mrotea bers of St. Stephens for the fine j that the youth be held for zailore showing made recently in ro-|to pay a traffic fine. according to Mick- from $8,800. A picture of thel church and story w more detoil, ^ gtmun- appear on another page of the ^ j questioned him “at Carolina Times this week, later gave oat the story that he had cenfeaBed. IHnj' ing he confession, the yoath said the poliee officials took tans qae^ tiening him nntil the i^ole pro* eednre heeaiae blnrred. *b hitt mind. Despite the fact l^t 'Ikk- ena is out on probation baeaate ui some incident involviaft a bicjnda oover a year age, his rapatation itt the eommunity is eoosidaxad good^ He and his family have lived ia a»en, includiag 484. Waynesboro fw maay jmn. aohednled to arrive! S74 Draftees May %nd Xmas In at Ft Bragg Port Bragg, — Eig^t hundred, seventy-foar Negroes, are at Fort Bragg for the firet time to do military service between Belk, according to .the police 5 ^ blottey gave himself up; and ^i^> ;headquarters said Monday, that he had been attacked andj Itidnetion of men inta the araty cut by the slnin youth, Hollins, Fort Bragg will reaeh its di- about two or three weeks back; the end of this wa^ when iMuaviUe Name Rev. Joiisei ToSacceedWiiMil Boston — Breaking his training men and women as he labored were almost battling to get t^^jthfulness of and period to help in the Boston Post nightly to help the children who | autograph, The exMativ* haaHl however, those acquainted with the men will be entered on Friday, of the National Baptist deceased seemingly doubt the 13^ foUoing by 197 the foUow'tion, lae., met here , . • , , V .—s of this statement as ;g_ Uq white men are seha- and aamed Dr D V far greater social, economic, and period to help in the Boston i^ost nightly to help the chUdren whOjautograpn, which he must have gluing has only been in the «ity'doled to arrive oa those dav aem aa educational benefits to the race,'Ohristimas Fund subscription CMn-,will be benefitted by the contribu-, writ ten hundreds of times. They ^ ^ she said. paign, Joe Louis, world heavy- tions. jwanted a word or two in personal L . _ ** ^ «**■» I weight champion, acted as Posti In his easy ring style, he shook way and Joe complied. But he did liame' life and work. Observers S^nta cashier for nearly an hour hands, took in cash, signed auto- not forget the Post Santa child- seeker.” Rev. 0. Clav Maxwell, pastor of Mount Olive Baptist j expect the conference to demand Wedneday while thousands filling graplw, patted The men will will be the first al Baptwt Coaveatka, i|| , jdrafted to enter military sfrnee the aaexpired tem ot and will eome mainly North >WtUiaau^ who Brigadier. General Clarence L. 'Carolina. They will be pliyrieally aa aeetdBnlf ■ Sturdevant, assistant chief of en-^exunined at the iadnetion statiMit Dr. JemitoBt in jeharge of the and sent immediately to tiie leeef^ Sefaaa> AV^ ^ babies, swapped rem Church and an officer in the Na- ^a retraction by the young minis- newspaper row cheered him on. ^chatter, greeted friends and laugh-1 ‘ ‘ Right here, folks, ’ ’ Joe would mneers who tional Baptist convention, said ter. The executive board here at. Starting off with a $50 check ed to many times at the quips say, “pointing to the cash box, trainine at the War Dei^rtment a* «on*kT that PoweU’a alleged charges Uu«vi$e instructed Atty. Wm. of his own, followed by donations flung at him that he certainly be- “Here it is. Let's give Old Santa Washington, reviewedST Forty- their eqtiLe^rind be were “without any foundation injH. Hayiies, its general counsel, from his manager, John Roxbor- lied the impression of being im-Claus a lift and those childrenJpi^t Engineers Regiment, leading til Z fact and “unchnstjafl aod un-^to seek an explanation of the in- ough, and famed fight promoter passive and inscrutable. too. Step right up, and here is the Nerro rerimenL h^ on Nov^ *-..1 wise” The conference then weit,oidenJt and to investigate what ap- Mike Jacobs of New York, the! The crowd was anxious to shake place to contribute.” on record as endorsinf Dr. Wil- priate action might be taken. ,big boxer thrilled the throng of 1 the huge, lethal right hand. They Negro regiment, here on Novem- center they win be tanai to tafy 6^ He ber 30 during his visit of inspee-'with regular anay battarisa aakl ttafl tion at the Fort Bragg post leeapaiiMa. j^va'

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