HAPPY NEW YEAR HOME EDITION aCimi? PRICE 5c \ Vokime XXI — Number 52 dirham, North Carolina, Saturday, December 28th., 1940 HAPPY XE\V YKAR 500 JEWISH RELIGIOUS LEADERS BACK N.A.A.C.P FIGHT ON JIM CROW JOBS 300 Jewish Religious Leaders Back N.A. A.C.P. Fight Against Jim Crow Tactics In The National Defense New York ■— Three hundred Jewish religious leaders, members of the Rahbinical Assembly of America, in a forthri}?ht declara tion, have advised the Naitional Association for the Advancement of Colored People that “we wish to associate ourselves with you in your protest against the se^ega- tion of Negroes in the newly con scripted army.” Speaking through the Assem bly's social justice committee, they made the statement in a letter to statement in a letter to the than 12,000 poets living in eociation signed by Dr. BobeH Pfti^t of th« United States Oordis, chairman of tli« eom- mittee, and mi^ pa'Wie by the^ important vcItohij only a NAACP to4*y- The complete text of the letter, which also ex presses the organization’s fuM support behind the fight to pass the anti lynching bill, follows; “On behalf of the Social Justice Committee of the Rabbini cal Assembly of America which represents over three hundred Jewish spiritual leaders in Amer ica, we wish to associate oursel ves with you in your* protest against the segr^ation of Negro es in the newly conscripted House, 1107 army. We regard this as a gratu- tic® insult to loyal American citizens and a step that is fraught with peril for the maintenance of democratic instittions.” ' Local Poet Wins Place In Important Volume Durham — Miss Mary L. Full er, 408 Erie St., East Durham, is on the authors whose poems are included in Poeto qf America, 1940, Detneeraey Spea^js, a 700- page volume recently published. small perceifta^e '6f fUfe^ 'wero found to write poetry of sufficient merit to be accorded a place in the book. The volume contains the work of little-known authors aft well as that of writers have been publishea in many maga zines and books. A similar volume is now being compiled and poets who are interested in having their work considered for the Durham Public Service Employees Feted At Hotel Biltmore Christmas Eve Guest Speaker The above photo shows employes of the Durham Public Service Company in their annual banquet held at the Biltmore Hotel on Christmas Ev^ 1940. Nihis Thompson is standing ne ar the guest speaker of the occasion, Vice-President R. L. Lind sey, beloved public service official, just after he had introduced him to the gathering. Mr. Lindsey is one of Durham’s most new book should write to '^he 1 outstanding citizens and is loved by members of both racesr The banquet will be long remembered as one of the most pleasant publishers for information: Avon Broadway, New Thousands Of Needy Citizens Receive -V*- Christmas Cheer Charlotte — With the Salva tion Army, th^ YMCA’s and var- NAACP IS SPEARHEAD OF NEGRO PROTEST gatherings in the annals of Public Service's, relations with their colored folks; towards making “Service” the most notable part of Durham Public Service! and all who present pledged their best efforts May there be many more such occasion. Many See Santa Claus First Time Seeks $1000 Defense Virginia Education Fund To Free Joseph Spell Charlotte — In a setting no doubt more colorful than had been '^their pleasure to be a part of the New York - Characterizing Fair^Jew Homes, who Walter White as the-"sparhead of the organized- and unorganized entertamed with a Christmas _ Negro protest against injustice, J sponsore y e ree wo- because and demand for justice in this ocate in e pro j^ggpjj gpe.n is innocent, but country, Gloria Goddard, great- ® rnagni icen y know that winning iou; othe;'charitable organizations ..f irt^gtvl le'^mXr a'n" ^-"‘^th th'" community contributing, i^th President of the Jmted ^ strengthening the security of thousands of Negro domestics, chauffeurs, maids and butlers in the community contributing, President — fathers Charlotte’s needy were brought a S^^^tes, and her husband Clement measure of Xmas cheer unsur- Wood, noted New York — “The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People intends to fight this case to the limit not are convnced passed in the city’s history. For the children, tv'o theatre auhor, praised the >ng ha^d iay, worked mcessant- secretary of the National As- Pf soclation for the Advancement of «ucc^ which it was. This party Colored People for his “restrained «>e^fi«ant in ■ maaiy respecte, parties -were arranged at the two *~Tf i*" marks perhaps, the local cinemas, the Lincoln and first time that some of these mo- Grand, by the Salvation Army, iS^e of Santa Clause after which Xmas bags were December 1 ssue o significant, ... ... , , presented to each child on Xmas.^he Saturday Evenmg Pos „Cthat it marks the awakening of issued today In the article, an indictment oi • j* - i i * xu ^7 the association to citizens States Government’s ^dividual, to the throughout the country, whose jobs are Jeopardized because of this case.” This was the statement made today by Thurgood Marshall, special NAACP counsel, in con- Eve. At 11 p. m. more than 15001 to help underprivileged kiddies received United — - +hpir is still a Santa "“*”“8“'^“'' toys at the Salvation Army head- ,P°^i®y discrimination against raise $2000 for the defense of association Santa the country quarters on North Popular St. ,the Negro in every phase of na- “““ t*" the tional defense, Mr. White declar- that is symbohc ot fellow- Queen City Man Found Dead In Bed ed that ‘'National Negro organiza kindness, good cheer, tions have accumulated files full of case records and put the pro blem in No. 1 position on their fighting agenda.” Mr. and -Mrs. Wood offered their “100 per cent congratula tion,” in a letter to th NAACP secretary -whi^h was made public here today. “The two of us desire to put ourselves on record,” they ^said, ‘,on pdlioies which should Mr. Harris was a prominent be universal among citiisens of the members of the Col. Chas. E, :United States, who speak loudly Charlotte — George Harris, a resident of 522 S. Caldwell street and very well known aitizen of Chairlotte was found de^f^ in bed last Monday a. m. by members of the household. To Fairviews mothers club, Sewing clubs and Literary clubs gees this columnist heart felt ap- precation for their successful efforts. YMCA Host At Gala Xmas Party Charlotte — The Second Street YMCA played host to a lai^ Young Post 169 of the American jenough of liberty and democracy; i number of boys, representatives of Legion, and waa well liked by all as \*ell as among Christians to the various Gra-Y, High c, and with whom he came in contact, jwhom the brotherhood of man isip^y^ clubs at a monster Xmas The coroner’s report stated that more than a window dressing'party last Friday night at Se- Mr. Harris died of natural slogan, ue state that these poli-jcond Ward School, causes. Surviving the deceasedjcies of our government, and every The boys were participants in a are: a wife, two children, and a|br«nd and representative of it; well planned program, which in- hoet of relatives and friends. J Continued on page Six [ Ccmtinued one page Eight Greenwich, ' Conn., Negro chauffeur who is assued by his wealthy white employer, Mrs. J. K. Strubing of criminally as- suiting her four times before throwing her from her car into the Kenisco reservoir, near Armonk, New York, early on the morning, of December 11. Spell is now confined to the Bridgeport, Conn., county Jail. After t»vo postponements of this case, he is scheduled to ftppear in the police court of Greenwich, December 24 for a preliminary hearing of the charges. Emphasizing the fact that Spell as at no time admitted the rape charge advanced by Mrs. Strub- Board Votes To Equalize Salaries Hold National Conference Of Colored Firemen Leesburg, Va. Equalization of Negro and white teachers’ salar- New York — Reports from Colo red Firemen on railroads in the ies in Loudoun County, Virginia,' southeast and southwest reveal an by 1943, was voted by the county alarming and serious state of af- board of education at a meeting fairs with respect to the continu- here December 11. The board anee of the Colored Firemen in voted to wipe out the differential, the engine cabin, after it had received petition I Many are losing their right of from a local Negro teacher group, seniority and are being bumped Filing of the petitioji was the and displaced by White Firemen outgrowth of a state wide confer despite the fact that Colored Fire- ence called at Richmond, -Novem- men may have 10 or 20 years of ber 21, by the Virginia State Teachers Association. At this meeting, which was attended by NAACP attorneys including Thur good Marshall, special counsel of the association, the teachers voted to file petitions in every county in the state for equalization of salaries. Petitions are now on file before education boards in Rich mond, Newport News and Dan ville Vii^inia. Continued one page Eight 3,400 To Enter Ft. Bragg By Jan. 29th Negro, Black Man. Please Explain By Crusader Press President Frank P. Graham of the University of North Carolina last week received a letter re questing the university to “please explain” why the university is seeking: to teach race reations to students of Latin America instead of those in this country where such teaching is needed oost. mg, Marshall and Samuel Fried-jThe letter reads in part: man Bridgeport attorney sum- wjf are true, a bund, marized the result of thei.” in- j-gj South American students will vesigation. The probe revealfl g^udy race relations fronn January Conthiued on page Six | Continued on page Six Fort Bragg, — With as many as 250 men arriving in one day, 3,424 draftees are expected at the Recruit Reception Center by y 29 from induction sta- ti^j^ here and at Ft. Jackson, Somh Carolina, army headquar- ters\^id Friday, Colored men ^ill arrive Jann- ay 28, 182 on that day and 214 on Januray 29. A total of 398 Negroes and 3,026 white men arej expected. j On Jnuary 6, 120 w^hite men will. be received and after that day, 200 a day until January 16. From January 16 and including Janu ary 23, white draftees will ar rive 250 a day. An announcement said 130 Ne groes and 395 white persons wer® inducted into the-the army at-Ft. Bragg during thwweek and a half period which ended December 13. R. L. Lindsey, beloved citizen of Durham and Vice-President of the Durham Public Service Company, above, delivered a most inspiring Cljristmas atldress to the colored employes at the annual banquet given at the Biltmore hotel. Mr. Lindsfy’s address consisted of the story of the birth of Christ and the evnts leading up to it. DURHAM PUBLIC SERVICE iiOST TO ITS COLORED FOLKS AND WIVES TUESDAY AT THE HOTEL BILTMORE Durham — The annual banquet given for colored employes of the Durham Public Ser\ice Com pany was held Tuesday evening in the lobby of the .3ilt»tore hotel at eig^t o’clock. Approximately 30 per-'ons were present, ineluding most of the wives of the men 'employed by the local eompany. I The lobby o^ the hotel w a s ■ beaiitifuly decorated for the oc- 'casion. The tables were arreiiurtHl ■id the form of the letter “T” Turkey was served '"•ith all of the trimmings that go with it. The en)wiiiiig event of the ban quet was an address deliveri d by I Vice President R. L» Lindsey of the Durham l’ubltt_‘ Servioe Tom- pauy. In keeping with the Ynh*- tide seat;on SJr. LituJsey ti>kl in a beautiful manner the sti>fy of th^v birth of Christ rfml the events leadina; up ttriti of the ■press of niany duties* ilr. Liitd- ’sey took tirrte ouftto be pr«»«nt at the banquet and topetb*r witll his £^>eeeh. wish all preawttt a Merry Chri:»tmtts, He was * intro- du(*ed by N'ilas Thompwa wll» ha^ bt!«a in liL* e>iiplaywiailt ; apjiroximately '2Xt , yton ‘ i-hauU'eur «nd bandy nwL 4 bo.t uf ei|>ard wsa Continued fliKf

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