dt^Cari^iliaCi ^^SSIfcEyStyilll * PUBLISHED WBEICLY BY THE OAROLIMA TIMES PUBLISHING CO. ilV £. PEABODY St. DURHAM, N. C. PHONES N.7121 »r J-787I Ectjiod as class ’ later «t the Post Ofice at Durham, N. C under the Act of March 3rd. 1879. L. E. AUSTIN, PUBLISHER WILLIAM A. TUCK, Manatint Editor HERBERT R. TILLERY, Butine** Manager CHARLOTTE OFFICiS 420 1-2 EAST SECOND STREET SUBSCRIPTION^>^S: $^00—Y^TlTaS—6 Montbi, editoriac 1 BETWEEN THE LINES (B^ Dean Gordon B. Hancock for ANP) STIMi riDDLZNO. hold him dowa instead of watdi- It wa? iwid Nero that while he ing Hitler to hold him bade. In- fiddlwl Rome wa.s buniinjf. When »f«*ad of watchimp tfitler the sk)- Hel'^hazzar wa« foastin#r a thou- pan soeina to be watch KonseveH. tand of hiH lords Hnd l«diea„ the The Ainerioaji Student Unionistts Kui brntef was beinp turnad out are out to see th«t Roosovelt doe« of its eoiirse and Babylon wna al- not “pull a Wilson” on the ready falling. It is stranyc how countrj-. They seem to be obivioiua men ean ignore fihe solemn faets to what Hitler m pulling^. We have o inonientouB event* and danc,' a great cktmour going up ter on the eve of death. peaee but no »ttention is being This ii about what we here in paid for the price of thait peace. tTio Tiiited Stages are doing to- We have a gmat hue and ery day^ are busy with plcasi^e from parents who did not raise and profits and chafing our “ik- their 1'ovh to be Boldiera? but vorite j hantoms” and «eem im- these same parenta are not saying portents of na- what about raising their sons to HE'S THE BOY CAN DO IT! pernous to /he tionaJ di.sa*t«r. If Nisro could bo nlaves. Being a soldier is fax have been persuaded to put his more honorable ^an being a sla^'e fiddle dcnvn, or Belshazzar to Rut we are afficted witih fiddlers halt his impious fem^t, Iwtih Rome and is beooming increasingly doub and Rabvlon might have been tful whether England can hold out spared, but alas! Will it ,l)e eaid until we “tialk” our fiddkre inito of our own great counti’y ’ at the notion of doing something a- while the enemy battered at our boiit tJie plight of democracy, gates we were busy here , a n d| I am beginning to suspect that there on pleads© ^ and profit bent after all, Fascism has such hold ,and were heedlfess to the call of in this coutvtty thait the country jour imnerield nation? ’itself cannot be rallied to support I We here in America have beon Britain in its last stand for de- Text For Today ... l“fiddling” lo th-ese many monthw mocracy. We may call it isola- *‘FVet not thvself because of evildoers totalitarianism got on its tiomism, pacifism, eonseientioiM . ^ . • . , ' 1 ^rampage in Ethiopia and Czecos-obje*tionism or whatnot; but it neither be tnou envious 3,£f3.inst ttie worRers lovakia. aii aijiounts to faseiscm, for fas- of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down With London being laid waste cisni could not fcave abler advoe- fvija o-T-QQQ awH witlipr llkp thp D-rPPn France buried in the tomb .of atea and supporters. We are told like me grass, ana wiuier iiKe tne green ^ nerb. x^salm, XXXVll., l, gresa 13 affioted with too many self "cannoit stand. Our house in Dl? * T T 1? A ¥^17DCUTI> fiddlers and our great nation in- seriously divided. Can we stanl •K-C/AL# LjrliAL^JilvOrllr stead of being mustered in the is the greait question of tjie Loui. , eervice of S'aving democracy is To try to adhere to certain demo- Negroes in Raleigh who are protesting the erection ot a irksome task ol craiiic principles such as freedom bus station that will be ,^nffir to mem ® race r trying to placate and out debate of speech ajid freedom of the be commended for the manly stand t ey aye a en in fifth columnists, isolationiats, | jress and personal liberty while matter. We think they have gone a ut ... , peace at any pricers and all the I thee same things are destroyed test in thje proper mann^, an * that will^ siame#^it befersL- oow .^yfiry eye® is have to go into the courts o ma e a se . ^ pity! Roosea’^lt has known height of folly. There is no surer agre^ble to all concerne . . mj-o of many months that his doom of democracy’ than when it« We believe there are in Raleigh and other cues ot JMortft • i ^ jji * i j * ■' # ■' rye ... . ■* „ ,„;ii country eannot remain aJoof from fiddlers take advantage of it. CaroJina many fair-minded vfhite people who will sympatnize „ xi u , n-u i *v. .„v. iT . , “ .1 ■ /T 4.., a that tbe affairs of Luraoe. He has vNhile they should have been with Negroes in their efforts to remedy a condition tnax is _ • i. 1 u- j „or-th.r deplorable., as'well ^ destructive. tned earnealy t„ ,„p.re tt. 8lr,n««h Raleigh is not the only ci;y in North Carolina with.bus tion for it. ta*. Hu, r^nt r.d» .ej fiddled aw »PP»-». C. - “Th«. i ^ , . 1 1 _ ^ 1.1. Qm-iaol Ti'iac r\otT n rvT ionH Tliii Tiinitio«" ir» tHa hii%r\A Tlha.r umYXi. “ ' S). ^iok I msu hsm m m : /it. Sf'^ lOne Day At A Time| • _• By Dr. OhiurlM Stem* Ifony of Hs are troubled be" oaiue We er« uncertain of whait may happen to us during the com ing ye®r and we declare that we’d give anything to know what the new year wiM bring to us. Suppoie yon wish. could have your “No Excuse For Mob Rule In North Carolina,” Daily Paper Declares Supipoge you knew everything that waa going to happen to you tomorrow, wihat a fearfully stup id day it Would he. And lAiink of a year of such days. r Suppose you knew all he charms of your friends—would they sud denly take a drop in your interest f lit is because you discover new [things about them every day that holds tihem to you. Suppose 3T0U resolved never to engage in any occupation until you knew all its la'ws and prineipies of operation—^yt»u’d never make a start, beoause nobody know3 all about thto. And no one ever will. As you look back upon yomr life you will see thad mosit of your errors were due to the fact that new conditions had developed that you did not know about. You had to learn about them and you could make your discoveries o n 1 through |the mistakes we have made. Experience ia one of Hfe’s great teachers. The world moves so fast thait none of us can keep ahead of it. There is always ao much more to be learned, evey by the wisest of us. This is what makes life a great adventure. A life that holds no surpiufie# , would be ^ vrey. duH- ly and produces under 9,000,000 ^nd so, let’s fa«e the new year tons both natural and synthetic, with confidence. I Rumania, says the writer, can . , . , , — - ' -J U * -rnnnnAn * Anyway—Phene’s a message that in every state shamed by lynch- provide about 7,000,000 tons Po- courage The perfect record land 500,000; Germany 650,000 for needs 22,000,000 toiiS of wl veaf-‘ - - V* ■Vctrrnee thAf arp almost unbearable api’^'al ^''as paithctic and the reac tunitLeS" in the hope that some- j^gg jjj J940. The perfect record land ouu,uuu; uermany oou,uuu for every day throughout the aid maVoXi c""es S the tions it begot in some quarten, thing would turn up. It turned cuse whatever for mob ^le,” The the first si. month, erf 1940 Albania and Italy 150,000; France year: ^ stat** Nesr^ 63’who use bus transportation are Subjected to con-, ere tragic. |up and it proved to be the slavery News and Observer, white daily can and should be^duplioated for 70,000iand the Hungary, C«eclio- ditions tlR i are unfit for a hog. In faqkihe bus comparries! Only a miracle can saw, demo-1of Hitlerism. Unlea^ our fiddlers gaid in an editorial Thursday, seem to delight in doing everything in f|j^l|.power to make ciwy from doom. We have a and their fwURig oin be sibopped bus trav^ for Negroes unbearable. * I bunch of fiddlers in this country it look* .like the dtisk of demo- The movement now going on irt Ralei^Tcertaiply has the who are watching Roosevelt to oracy. STILL FIDDLINQ. .sanction of this newspaper and follows that of its editor who .all of the vear of 1941.” more than a year ago appeared before the Public Utilities Com- missioner to offer a protest against the general treatment af- forded the race when traveling on buses in this state. In addi- wI^|*a I PQ/lPfChin tion the Carolina Times has more than once called-attention " v il^VilUv/lu lip in editorials to its readers of the unfair treatment bus compan- I_ fTn|in||y ies seem to delight in giving Negroes, ,lo UuUailj FUUllU The action of the Raleigh Negroes shows that they have! among them real leadership, and we trust Negroes in other cit-1 By Dr- Ohftrles Stalzle ies will fall in line, not only concerning poor bus accommoda- tions, but concerning the many other injustices afforded the^^ .nee. I I, If such recognition were den ied the representatives of the The editorial, entitled “Lynch ing in 194C” reproduced in full, reads as follows: Nazi Europe Must Secure More Oil To Keep Fighting One of the major questions, Slovakia area 40,000. This totalij 8,.500,000 tons equal to 7,500,000, tons of finished' products exclud-| ing solia by products, gas nd residues. j The writer states: “Europa can not count for any of its oil supp lies on Soviet Russia. The Russian output is approximately 29,000, 000 tons, but it is entirely -vbsorb- The worid is wide In time and tide, I ' And—(p^od is Guide— Then do not hurry. NEEDEI>—A HOSPITAL One of the greatest needs' in Durham today is a Negro hos- the wilerness in which "hich the pital that is owned and operated by Negroes for Negroes. In world is now aimlessly wan-may rise to greater poeitions “A perfect record in respect to .'common people, there would be lyiMJ'hing w-as made in the United ground for the claim of th© com- States during the first half of Imunist an dthe radical agitator 1940. Unfortunately, the record ( of the other schools th«i Ameri- f®*" the full year, as reported by j jean istitutions having failed, tflie Tuskegee Institute, was far concerning the European war, re- ed by domestic consumption, so time has come to set up a new from perfect. late6 to the possibility of an oil .that exportation, today has been l~i social order which will discard “The report s.hows a total of fi\-e shortage by the Axis powers. reduped to a negligible figure.” i ro/ f ' ' the foundations upon which oiur lynchings in which one victim was' It is impossible to ascertain the Natually the writer has an idea I S/0 111 j Most of us are sitting back in country has been built. But such and the other four were facts for obvious reasons. No- where Europe can get its oil ^ I these perijlexing times, waiting for is not the case. There probably is Negroes. The five occured in body knows the size of German supplies. It is in the Near East, ApPfnpflf la superman to arise who will lead no other country in the world in,three Southern Sta^ with two oil stocks when war began, o.- the where total Axis control could se- ■‘‘vVlUVUl. IVCpUl lO The man is blest 1 Who does his best. And—leaves the rest—' Then do no worry. humblest of people ea«h in Alabama and Georgia and consumption of the fluid by the cure an additional yearly net of ]U/vA«4 Him** 1 010 _ _ greater positions of !®''® “ Tennessee. The offenses German and Italian war efforts. 12,200,000 tons of combustible I1UI6Q UV6I 1/0/ .pite of Durham's proeresa in education and business, Durham deri«g:WB'a.,"telU„rMch „th«!™inen«e and le.dei.hip, than in'eWrsed .re me ].>»„ figures upon the production and lubri.ating oil. lo make up it. b£3 Vhind many otler cities of its size when it eomes to hos-,U..t the greatet need is that of t«.e Umt«i States. This haa been »'■« «f.-ged »ith t»dit.onal „f ,y„thet.« substiutt« ha«-e b.» „orm.l defieits. ' ' •— -1—* cause of lynching, ra^ie, ana the scarce and there is little accurate argues that the ‘leadersihip." We hear it from the the gloiY of America, are not aware iJatform in sonorous tones. We I I charge was attempted rather than information as to imports that the become an integral actual rape. The other four warring nations have received. and Some light on the problem comes from Rome, Italy, where II Telegrafo, the newspaper mouth- to a white Count Galeazzo Ciano, Foreign Minister, discusses the oil problem, from the standpoint of Europe. The writer of the ar ticle says that Europe normally Consequently, he j Raleigh — An approximate 15 Near East must per cent increase in accident re- rape charges were wife beating drunknese (presumably the white man); attempting to qualify to vote, altereatioif with a whtie man and failure to refer an as “Mr.” j “Rpgardless of the gravity, of the offense committeed there i-: 110 ist in any American State. “The trivial reasons, whicu in ',realiy are only pretecte, assigned Five Lynched In 1940 N.A.A.C.P. Reports; Ten Deaths In Investigation ion, “It merely reflects more complete reporting of the accid ents that occurred,'' Records of the diviBion show that nearly 10,000 accident re ceived during 1940, against sotue over 8,000 received in 1939. Tra- ffic fatalities for 1940 were a- New lork — During the year shop proprietor was beaten to round fiVe per cent above 1939. 1940 five persons, four colored death by a vigilante mob because “The Highway Safety Division and one white, whose cases have he was said to have been drunk is most grateful to the sJierifife, been authenticated, were found to often and beaten his wife on Sta/te Highway Patrolmen and Such have been lynched, and the deaths numerous occasions. The bodys of police officers of North Carolina . , gam- .of ten others suspected of teing Williams, a member of the Browns for their cooperation in sending St civUization which should huim--lynched are still jinder investiga- ville branch of the NAACP, wa« in accident reports last year" the Unfortunately or fortunately Negroes have a way of silent-dangerous, preventable responm e cituen o the National part of Eur- ports for the year 1940 as com- oj)e and be included in the sphere pared with 1939 was announced of Axis colonizing activity. |rt,is week by the Highway Safety |Di vision. Life is like Christmas — you ^«This increase does not reflect are more likely to get what you a proportionate increase in tm- expect than what you want, accidents in this state lairt Now we learn that the hikers H‘>- club has disbanded because au- the ^ety divis. to^ts quir picking them up. pitalization for Negroes by Negroes. Unfortunately, Durham Negroes as a whole, that this city no longer can boast of a hospital in which their read it in the daily newspapens I aq/|q Jh race—^patients or doctors—can feel free to go with pride. If in stately editorials. The pulpit uluLC L/vuUu 111 anything: such as pride is left in the breast of Negro Durham, jand the press enlarge upon the |x» I • ft it must be nourished alone by the fact that the supposed-to-be qualities which must be found! jLfl|}llXn0ntt VuS0S Negro hospital located here was founded by members of their in the man for whom we look. Iti_ ^ , race. is raither striking that we i RPnOrtPfl Ijmlfn Durham needs a Negro hospital with more hospitalization discover these» qualaities in our * ulIII and less classification; if classification means that such an in- !“siaviors” until after t3iey are a I Btitution is going to become so highly organize4 and depart- long time dead. { North Carolina mentalized that it has the atmosphere of an industrial plant! Usually, leaders and prophets'®®®**®^ another “first” this one excuse whatever for mob rule, rather than that of a place where sick and broken human bod- are first* crucified, and> then can- ® “disgraceful firet” by There has nevei- been even a sem- ies are to be restored to health and happiness. onized, although our greatest R^y^^lds, State Heal- blance of such an excuse except It has been truthfully said that wh^n an institution loses'emncipatore ne°ver sought* great- announoed that organized to deal with crime its soul and has nothing but an executive head" and a board of ness nor courted popularity. They i^^^ State continues to lead tiie against itself in an orderly n.ann- directors, dry-rot sets in and disintegration stands at the door «:,„rvlv tn rpi-v.. hnmftnitv “ation in the,number of dipthtieria er. Such a condition does nQt ex- in^a loose wrapper. These words, at th^ time they were writ-I^J^^^ 'iZiol and Sn^-- ^«P-ted. ten, may have been directed at business institutions, but they! u said of the great- in the statement for the week are just as applicable to churches schools and hospitals leader in all history that “he'ending D^mTer 21 JSrni^W'7” , - • K "T: took upon himself the fcxrni of a offTc^ by tL UntlJ ^pty beds to. m Durham s supposed-to-be Negro hospital^ ^ , .. . „„de him w ^ L o illustrate one of the many dang- it cannot be denied that les.sening of fees in public wards. no ™^on - ^^““ .States Public Health Service Dr. ^ i^^erent in mob rule. presence of Negro doctors on the staff, and certain j therelynchings co.nabitirte crimes again-!of ten othera changes which may be better described by members of; , Carolina was accredited with 28 i«he medical profession, would be conducive to more patients, j are no great men m tihe norld cases of diphtheria, “tthat com-.uate every responsible citizen or the National f fi.fi- j — - 1*,..^-.. «„ 1 . , ,naie every responsiDie citizen ol tne JNationai Asaociation for the found in a river swamp the day safety director said. “We know which they took ^ Advancement of Colored Peopile after he had gone with a group | lat these officers ,are going to i > Jan^unced today. ^ {of Negro citizens to the City Hall,bend every effort to make apcid- Southern state have mak gi-oat; Th^ record, according to the in an effort to secure information' ent reporting in this state as com case of protesting the ’supposed-to-be* Negro*\7spltal Tn distributed, it when it passed a law requiring ian .ui" ^ represemts ^ne more than about registering in order to vote plete as possible during 1941, and hsmtheyU more and mo.; letting it bTSown ^^ children during 1939. in the 1940 Presidental election we appeal to all driven iA the not propose to become patients in what appears to be a mere “ the pro- the first year of life, and a« a re-'J,^„,- ’ two more.toan in the pe lynchings, of which took place Thornton was hot to death by state to help us further by send- of another h^pital when they can receive the same feSBions, the sciences, the arte^ quisite for entance into any school , ° police officials, one ing in reports on any accidents in the main institution for less money, jthe industries. public jjrivate or parochial. protesting injustices by assuming a non-cooperative attitude ! has attained so high a degree and inexcusable disease, an es- ird the source. The movement is most always better car- intelligence and understanding cape from which was made J^vail- out than when an organized attempt of such, is made. In because the fund of knowled^ able by the Legisdature of 1939, place. In nearly every country in the I ward artep. more such las not been represented in the of their oocureiice as follows: i—^ owned and operated by Negroes'for Negroes,' “o«t of the Jeadei-s todaypopulation among ’ » hospital where the officials and employes have time ^“ve con« up from the common sfiates reporting"’ he went on. number of y^^ The”Scord •])eope. This IS true not only m York, with its 13,379,142 North 0»rolina can be and should May 8, according to the final figures of be matched by ©very in TO/in X T 1 rtrt L- _ ^ ^ There should be no one in Tenn. between March and of whom Thornfcon had .failed to which they might be involved." North Oarolina September, were listed in order address as “Mr.” Henderson, ^ North Cardin law pequires that 34 year old Birmingham, Ala., a written report of am accident , * m. J e ^aston, white, March 7, steel worker, who had been ar-mu«t be made to the Hkhway on^ number of yeai-s. The record of Atlanta Ga.*, 0‘Dee Henderson, rested following an altercation Safety Division within 24 houw Fairfield, Southern Williams, June 20, census reoorted onlv 20' n,.ri 'i. ' * m 7 s^^ot by police officers and .citizens person has been injured, no matted- ivr,/, ‘ r ly“«ting did not cease Tenn.; Jesse Thorton, June 22nd inside a police station Wh*t Durham needs and needs now is a hospital rated or*i «*ed ■ • Hospital wbere the officials and employes proper sympathy to fts patients, rather than wor about' maeting the standards of “high falutin’^ rating those countries which are that know as much about the common problems that cc^nized as democracies, but in tjig iq^ ni#|i-tif Negroes, . who apply for treatment in countries which __are monarchies, -ases to rive iis ‘annfliAi. «ra+” • ^v. ^ ^ m knoivB about playing a piano. Durham governed ostensibly by kings andl ‘‘ioUvlr T Luvernc, Ala. Austin Gallaway, i^ere Ne^ro doctors do not live in eternal fear J^nnces and exclusive perUaments.1 id- to Uie nict^^I September 8, LaGrange Ga. ? dff the Jrt»ff, or having one of their indigent The,hope of democracy lies in the siL that di^^thT^rrrnS'lw 1 ^ that of Austin faet that neither Lalth nor ^ i939 ' f argumeats about those who furnish social position is neces^ry m se- Sfcas^ ^ to ^he ti^ We are also aware curing rccogniUon of real ability,! ^.par^fe. We are beginning I, Mm DWVii, labor and blood at ai^ fchte appiies particularly to another vemr In thp ^rr,„ ^ money could he piled „p, have J .wT„nctjn i, SL Ala.; Elbert with a white inan, was ganged and after the accident occura if anv how slightly, or if the damage I done to property seems likely to The case of suspected lynchings amount to more than $10. still under investigation by the) There ere two main usesi of ac- other oi^niiSationB cident reports. One is furnish _ j| ~ ^ charged with a Bex include 3 in Georgia, four in information as to where accidehts Public opion should be aroused .offense. (Gallaway was ohai-ged Louisiana,-and one each in Fla. occur most often, as a baais for -."rr—7 V'.--—: with attejapting to attack a^Miss. and Tonn. Whether these slective engineerij^ and enforce- protection to whu* they are en.| white -woman. He was taken from cases will be ola*siiied as lynch- ment. The second is to furnish thra laiichief thou are afoot take what that of interpre-tation and public n!^hel^ ^^elfa^*^nTwe*d^'law^ ^L^l9^b^^^ “en, car- ings will be determined upon the infonmtion about the cause* of leadership. I pendent you, giv0 tiiejn tbatjleutlees war on diplbtberia!'^ ried about eight miles from town'coinpletion of the investigations, accidents, as a and ghot. G;j»ston, a white barberINAACP officials said. (education. basis for safety

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