fUHJSHED WaCCLY BT TNS OAHOLIWA TIMBI PUIUSHING CO. 117 E. PBAMDY », DURHAM. N. C. Pwnn N-Tiai «r J-7S71 Batered as aooond eil|H m*ter at tht PMt Ofle* «t Dariuun, N. under'Ae Act of M«reli 8rd, 1879. U E. AUSTIN, rUBLiSHEIl WllXIAM A. TUCK. MaMiiag Editor HEJtBElT IL TILLERY, RMinMa Managw CHARLOTTE OFFICE 420 1.2 EAST SECOND STREET SUBSCRIPTION RATCSt 2.00—Yw, $\m—6 Mondw, The Platform of . , . THP CAROLINA TIMES indudes: Equal salarie* for Negro Teachers. Neg^ro polieaaen. Negro jurymeii. Equal ^ocatiMMl opportimitiM. Higher wages tor domestic serranto. . Full participatioti of Negroes in aU branches of the National defense. Abolishment of the double-standard wage scale in indiKtiy. Greater participation of Negroes in political affairs. Betttf housing for Negroes. Negro representation in city, county, state and na- tioBal gofemments. U THE CHANGING SOUTO “The best friend the Negro has in America is the soutiiem white man. ” Ther? was a time when the utterance of such words would have b^n a signal for consternation, the drawing of ETuns, and a challenge by Negroes in the North or South, to mortal combat. While there are places in the south where the truthfulness of the statement may be doubted, there are more places where it has long since been ^cepted as an irre futable fact. The statement might be improved upon if it could be changed to read: The best friend the Negro has in America is the NEW southern white man. It will be a sunrise to many Negroes in the north, espe cially those in New York, who boast of the liberality of the northern white to learn that the gr^t New^Ypfk Univer sity has taken a stand for discriniinatinij:i#i|m^^ Jiin Coward, j , , . > Ne*™ P1.JW otf the N. Y. U. biukrtwlSin, in.t»d of the Univer»ity of North Carolina. We mqte j^ere a statement from .Coach Lang of the University of North Carolina basket- Bjr Dr. Okarks 8t«lslt If Miyona t«lls yon that there’s no need to b«eome a better vork er and a clearer thinker beeaute ■ome tiiae eoon there’e going to be a aiMsift] revolution that will usher in the millenium, you an niiUce np your mind that he’s eitker aTiar or a £o«l — for no matter what kind of a Sk/cial syiit^ may develop, there will stiW be ne^ for men with brajns tnd brains will eontiaue to rule the world as long as the world •hall last. . If you’re tempted to shout about what the world owes you, just stop and think about what yon owe the world. You ean’t do a day's work without getting the benefit of others' sacrifices and labor in the past. In most cases it meang that the thHigfat and ingenuiy of a century or more, resulting in better tools and de vises, make your job easier or better. And you o>we it to future generations to do something that will make their tasks lighter. Remember that the value of your life is measured not by its length but by its quality. Methu selah was the oldest man in the world. He lived to be 969 years d. Bat you xnay get as much out of your life in forty years as he did in nearly a thousand, and you may put as much into it. You will meet with opi>osition everj’body does but keep in mind that you never do permanent damage to a stream by damming it—yon simply lift it higher. It’s the same way with men. Opposi tion deepens life, and produoes power. A man 'who Always has his own way ia aure to become a mere^ triekle, and like many streams that were never dammed, he soon dries op. Christianity, Marriage lecn Sex Problenjs Among AfricaE^ By Om*«4ir m / AXIS FLANS ALBANIAN aUtPBISE 0 rite* and inirtittions iind'the-»b- O AM- 'of th* old sanctious which kept JOH^NESSURO, 8- Africa,^ premarital interoours* uaider pro- remamtal pregnancy an*ong S. African tribes increased with the, coming of ChrisUsnity and marri- ago, Miss Eileen Jenson Krige, well known white aocial worker, said her* i|t a re«‘ent lecture. Miss Krige has livod a long In the Albanian ^afca the fight-, time among various African tri- ing continues, hampered by wea- bes aijd she gave a thorough ex- ther, with .the Greeks slowly »dd- plan*tioi\ of t^e native serlpsy. ,ing |o their galas and t^reatenipg .chology. [to break through vital Italian de- The Bantutdo not assooiate sex'fense positions, which would and si^. Oi'Uhe conttai^/’ she^mean* another disaster for Italian said, “looking at its valu^ ^n per-,soldiers. fwuating the rficp awl Its olosej The Greek advance, after no- a^so^ia-tiont with human fertility tably fast moving, slowed percep. and thus with the. welfare hu-!tibt>’. There is reason to believe man society, they believe it to be'that Italian resistance has been a powerful means for good. In bolstered and the jiossiibiUty that almost every Bantu tribe in the German assistance aids the Ita- UnioD there is some form of sex lians cannot be dismislled. play or external sex intercourse Thia theatre of war will be in- among young people. T^emarital Pregnancy Encreased “Among the Zulu only between those !teresting in the near future. Ei- jther the Greeks will score some I notable gains or the Axis forces 'will begin to form behind stub- it is allowed born front for a counter attack, who are pri- Lpck of material undoubtedly is vately betrothed and the boy must dangerous for the Greeks, e»- receive the consent of the group pecially if their foes get set for a of elder girls before he is accepted powerful stroke. Jjy one of them as a lover. I —— “The institution of sex inter-; course before marriage in Bantu society has many safeguards. N'ot; onlp Ls it a public relationship' controlled by the age groups of the respective parties, but steps are taken, usually at puberty, ..iuA. iV WILL HITLEB TAKE - THE RISK? The events in Afriea ind Al bania however are in sideshows, to The main tent is in Europe along warn boy^i and girls of the dang- the English Channel with ere associated with it.” Egypt Just Can’t Be Invaded From West, In 1000 Years By lOnuader Ptmb NO INVASION of from west to easl, the direction in Agricultural North Carolina Suffered Forrip Market Loss From War In ’40 stitutions and organizations aid- body knowing manifest in just exactly what .nt * • # r ■Christian conversion, . „ areas such a/5 manv of the far The next qn^tion to be answer mg 7,008. persons who were given jjorthe^p or NortheLtem Trans- ed in the struggle bet^ween Ger- 567,794 pounds worth $32,061 Christianity is stiil “any and Great Britian ia whe- .new, is m imrmm in premarltaZ *her Hitler can mak^ good his I The surplus commodity distri- '.pregnancy. Of all the illegitimate invade the Tslandj; "^lo ‘ BT A. E. LANOSTOir t During 1940, as in previous program will be continued births that came to my notice scanty landing will count: Ger- Btrt* Director of Cemmodity Uear* the State furnished the ne- ^he commodity division .during a period of a year and a “an fo«es must reach the Eng- Diatribotion pessary administrative labor equip welfare department half when I was living in closest li^h coast in great nu^ers, ae- Wbilt’ North Cardina improved ment, material and supplies, andstocks on hand now contact with natives in a tribal companied by vast equipment and in a great many ways in the yearjthe eountie* furnished the ware- ^ the, ^ pas^ reserve,- where oi^y tree per cent backed by a safe line of supp y. lSt40 as compared with 1939, the houses, storerooms and a small present indications are thai, are JOhrUtians, only one case was It may be assumed that when Hitler makes his effort, if he risks an all out attack, the air over wars in Europe and Asia, coupled * portion of she supplies needed to until world conditions take a turn * Christian girl, with, certain economic conditions complete the operations. for the better, tWe_i^ will eontiaue|) Breaks Down' 7 I aqd T§gfilBLiiom made necessary Uierebssi-J)ir»i. I^raotieafiy destroy ed for^igh markets for the farm ball team, when asked about playing against Coward: “I have no objections—We (North Carolina) would play according to the policies and the traditions of the school with which we are playing. ” At the University of Alabama, students signed statement on the same question had the following to say: "We, the students of the University of Alabama, deplore the fact that N. Y. U. follows a policy of racial discrimination by disqualifying Jim Coward, a Negro student at N. Y. U., from the l^ketball team, because two southern games are schedui^." Here at Alabama, we have always looked to N. Y. U. as a liberal north ern school, as a leader in breaking down of Negro discrimina tion." . On the matter of keeping Coward from playing in the game against the University of Nort^ Carolina, Chancelor Chase had the following to say: “The time has not arrived when we can ask southern schools to play against Negro players on ■outhem eampus^.” The attitude, as expressed by reprsentatives of these south ern and northern schools, is significant. We think it denot^ ,s change in the general attitude of the southern white man toward the Negro for the better and a change in the northern white man toward the Negro for the worse. We think the pendulum is fast swinging in the opposite direction in both sec tions from where it was 15 years ago. If Chimeellor Chase represents the growing attitude of the northern white man toward the Negro, then the /ate of those N^Toes who go north with the hope of escaping racial discrim ination is due for disappointment. We^mmend the University of North Carolina for its true American attitude on the question, and we commend Coach Lang for his courageous stand on the matter. Both have added another star to the crown a great people in a great state. North Carolina has again pointed the way to better day in the SQUth when racial discrimination will be a thing of the past. We condemn with all our power the ancient and out-of-date attitude of Chancelor Chase. He truly is living in the dead past, and with all his scholastic achievements, is unaUe to dis cern the direction in which the wind is blowing. their recent fight has been success, . ^ „ ful for 950 yards, The'National statt, air waU as of the nation. Geographis Society reported Tues day. The Ekyptian frontier crosses a limestone desert plateau that menaees both attacker and de- fe(nder. This desert the little known desert of Marmarica, is a northward extension of the Sanara which reaches in spots all the way to the Mediterranean sea. Since North Carolina is primar ily an i^icutural > state this has been reflected in its economics, and had it not been for the assis- tence rendered by the IT. S. De partment of Agriculture through its various agencies, specially the Suri^us Marketing Administra tion, the result would have no doubt been far more serious. Wherever and whenever a sar in Marmarica, armies of thei^'^^“^ i^cultural prod«!e Pharaohs fought Libyan hordes, ISurplus Marketmg Roman legions fought native besman, and Fatimite forces fought the later Arab dynasties of will not be aUowed to of Egypt. Now British and Itall^*” and bepns purchases of the Uan forces are struggling to eap- ture and reacapture the North I “ “*^keted or African lowns, thus reviving thei“"‘” «»Proves to where ancient name. ^ Marmarica meant first victory, then defeat for thie old Roman Ekupire. Antony presented the re in following this policy the Surplus Mariceting Administra- gion temporary to Clec^arta and tion spent more than $2,000,000. her .daughter as a generous dona-100 in 1940 for North CaroUna tion in the year 34 B. C- All sarpjua foods distributed n n the etate were dispensed as s)jj]f)le vrhich ulable Wit quantilfts' of foods to feed the joentld and^ in addition to the re- aifdw,.vtyidwaaiirisbed cipiont.’s normal pnrchases in ho.. ' ' ' • ■ instance being dealt out in such quantity as to constitute total j f vv j lir 1 su^istence ^ I Federal Peanut WeeR This assured stabilization in the _ , To^Lt ’"■"'“•“.Scheduled Jan. 23-31 During the year 1940 a total! of 47,996,058 pounds .0^ food, I An attempt to move 50,000 tons girls are worth $2,756,075 at retail Sanctions ‘‘It is a tnatter of common £r::,7; thej^Phannei-fand. England w)ll bfi,.\ j- in the ■' tt-ibe''*'that pre-;^>lledp,«i||f‘J^;^laS^i* and fl^rniait ’ marital pregnancy as y^t'irtill ^elajerafl’will attempt to make tfieT tivelv uncommon in the reserve water unsafe - for Britishiwar- i "* '■*" itself, is a marked chartfccteristie j ^ of the mission station on its bord- ships, ers. Do not mistake me when l| Experts still debate the possi- makp this statement. It does not 'jjfy; qj.- success. Personally, we mean Christianity has a bad mor-l . _ j , . i-,. • X- eannot see nore than an outside al iniluenee or that Christian more immoral in our hitler to accomplish ;as of peanuts into the channels of sense of the WMrd, than heathern ^he invasion that he promises, distributed to the need/ of the edible consumption will be made girls. On the contrary, their sex.The Germans, howjever, will not state ii-> compared with 27,677,430 during National Peanut Week, morality is much higher owing to^attempt it unless their experts be- pounds wodth $1,691,950 distribut- scheduled January 23-31. H. W. the inculcation of Christian chances are avoraJble. ed n 1939. |Taylor, Extension marketing values. Included in this were such foods specialis't of N. C State College, | “It does mean that Christianity as white flour, graham flour, says that this event is designed itself is a disintegrating force wheat cereal, com grits, com to help peanut growers of North|l;iat it breaks down many tribal Peace is elusive; here we have Japan, Italy and Germany, arm- meal, salt pork, smoked pork, Carolina and other states to dis-'sanctions and customs, often with y^orously 'raiov^nea&f lard, butter, cheese, evaporated pose of a record sized crop at out offering anything adequate inj dictators disl^ democ- milk, dry milk, apples, oranges, profitable prices ^apefruit, pears, prunes, raisins. Week Of these amounts 39,283,650 increasing the income of pounds, worth $2,187,047 were dis- producers” Tay- t^ib^ted this year to 42,303 relief declared. “Thus year there is , - _ families containing 198,042 pgr- for a campaign n hen-farm products and interns pro- sons, as compared with 25,358,883 since U. S. Depart- the inhabitants, then called Mar-1 cessed therefrom, while in 1939 pounds worth $1,553,880 distribu- Africuture estimates m'aridae, rebelled, General Sulpic-.it was found necessary to spendIted in 1939 to 40,899 families re- peanut crop in the ins Quirinius suhded them for only a few hundred thousand presenting 189,393 persons. 1,511,150,000 pounds- ROTae’s triumphant Emerpor Au- dollarp for similar purposes. During 1940 a total of 8,133, larger than in 1939.” gustus between 6 and 4 B. C. Instead of undertaking to store 690 pounds, worth $538,062’ as Baylor said that the National ^I^er'the barbarians, determu^ the surpluses so purchased again-[distributed to an average of 711 Peanut Council is smronsorine ed;to push the Roman legions off gt some possible better dav and'school ronn,.., .tho., *v.= ^ the mi^p of Africa, backed the their place. Amo^ the factors' according to some . ^ , lea^ to increased lUegitunaey patriots, it is unneutral for de- fash potatoes, sweet potatoes, ® National Peannt m Oiratian families are ignor- mocracies not to like dicUtors. cabbage, dry beans, green beans, canipaign resulted in Aj, ance on the part of the girls themj Over a million Londoners live and rice all of which are good peanuts being moved seUes, the break down of puberty in air raid shelters nio-htlv wholesome foods. consumption, thereby " ' T .IHE POCKETBOOK i^J{Ngwi,EiK:E 1^;. liMber Of ^ . , I™®’’® promising markets the Sur in serving free lunches to an assured of the cooocration of leading „,er- by all^ating them dernourished school chidlrem eaek chants, transportation agencies, The war between radio eta- stranges of memory, tiona and Aacap would’be per-j Caravans have toiled northward ^ feet if somebody would insti-** across Marmarica since the be- 1839, aeeording let ?*** brt^le that would ginning of biidory to barte desert ke^ 10196 others tunes off tlu^jites for salt and tea, and south- VEW VOBK — Aeeideiits to in tke United State* from vitii Ujufting e»pt de- -MMMd in 1M0 to 157 ai> eompar- jti with 7' f( Inativ of IM«s of EijJo- V Vev oric City. Sigliiy five «mt in nural loeali- er ^naB iewn. Oiildren found vluse tiiey had left lyiag weUssIy aboot diids, streets or \0aerim mi imrnfw Ten ■M itk 4mm Ufiee rcnk- ^ iilWfMi pidad or; ■Mim‘ it ilie agei of M ^d 15. There were,inhabited in the desert' interior 146 boys and 11 girls involved. by the fabulous Lotus eaters. After all. Hitler may plan to tera^ of Jupiter \mmon dig in and let the rest of the at Biwa. Alexander the Great world get along wiChont Nazi- the journey to Siwa to con dominated Europe, which will,suit the oracle ^ all rigkt with ua. if be wants to the the sea beside Marmarica. Marmarica was a eye*, faro, body and legs. One-land inhabited along the «oast byjtribution to their needy ooor fami'l93e a totaT oFl fsO 753 -oounds^ child died. of the aeeidents nomadic tribesmen who excelled in lies, school lunch rooms institu-,worth $106;00ft ww districted to Chain Store CoLcil or'SSJ occurred to ehildren between thejraeing and medicine magics and tions and organizetions. an average'of386 «hool. lu Jh I'tre ^rth Foods granted to North Caifo-^^®®®® free.lunchte tp an Carolina' representative. May says hsvc bccn allocated to he 24,102 ne^y and-tjidt the chain stores will fealuitf morv State Board of C^ianti^ and “pdemouri^hed children. > fecial window displays Public Welfare which has set up greartest number of schools 1 other promotional material, within itself a Ppmnmdity Distri, '^J^e4 any one* B¥>*fch; in bution pivisi^n forth)fe Jjiilipose of ' ^*8 1,876,' serving .free accepting storing, repacking die-,»«nel«» 132^60 chUdren, 'important part of the agrieultur- tnbuting and. ^ounting for all •gainst 8I4 schoolf serving free,‘ai efionopj of North Carolina. If ward to carry the devout to the ^oods made avaiU|>le in this man- ™“ch«8 to 46,103^ children during public will lend its support r*** «ur. and Peanut production” the Ex tension Specialist declared “is. an nrnx^esBBem. r^BkuN Ttm M«=5r INPIES. GROWS TO A ' /NCf^s ON Twe vcB« or rwoti* HOW 10 DI9SIPATE foa OtftfR AIRPORIS wpusnry ^pfnps over tzoo.ooaooo lOOKwa FOR RCSE^RCH SECRET tlWE ~niESK INf GMK or Pice lNVC(4TEPBy ofMutmon, voNo OM6lMA1fel> THf PPRIOP Of VAMim AS A PIVERSION K> mp 1»E tHFlR MtNOf OFT -me i^cKtcr rooo t f . .WV-. ^ « 4 4*- * n «tv iLi ^ I rt, I 4' ^ • V*«| ■ M ner. Designation of the inditfduak, the iaisreat, moptib n X939. School principals. aad. teacbera -rtittions and organizations that FP®>^ were to receive theso foods ha* of the free to koow. Otiett F«r 75,M0 Traea JacklOB County farxnsn have s4 01 aaya G. R. Lackey, fiuw agent of the S.C.E.S. Here Money In Onioiu with the receive these foods P’’® been left to the county welfare attendance records a n 1 departments in the various coun- institution J. L, McNeill, a unit demon- stration fanner in the Mine] The Work Projects Administra- Creek commnnil^ of Mitchell tion funished all of the nnskirUed, ordera for 7$,^ tree,County, hu found that he can|»emi skilled, skilled and pro- ing an avwage -of 5,517 persons to fMotoa their erod* produce onions at a greater net ,fe9*^ional labor, and a portion of were delivede profit than he can burl^ tobac- ithe supervisory l^r neceseary .0 learry on these operations. shown seholastie gn market improve In addiHon, an ■ average of• and organizatioV'Merv worth $30,965 parel with an ^8,718 pounds in 1940, as com- average of 33 in to $Iational Peanut T^esk, the Jari^rs ^wifl be benefited and ‘what helps the farmers helps general business.” ^‘The ■Orowerg Peaaut‘Coopera tive, with headquarters at Ahos- kie, has placed its stamp of ap- f>roval (m this campaign. Mayon Parker, jiresident of the coopera tive has urged all members to sup port the cami)aign” Taylor con cluded. A U 9. PH01fc>6«APmC FliM ouKwyMs «vfmw A ekftt AWtfeRIAL IWMICH W TilRNFP IMTOVaey TRnfnpnKeNT wunppma. OR eiCOKKAl PtKes Of sTtei pfiomjcns tK)wwaifis' /6 % anow /921 MO ¥0% BtlOW - " V&4IA ' i U y^uii* ■ tn A i i9f\ * *»• - w*'

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