To he diidikWtb«A doing it. Child Wliit^ House Conference Feb. 6th Um Moe lt0|M Qbtfkt IhMMitie Pifai liiiddy If jro« tuStr Inm rlwWMic. artliri* n ■ ' l tJa or DturitU ptin, nr Kaleigh — Coiuonning to a n«' tion wide plan «lopted by th*4 Houe Coafeence on Child- *** uSk * Democracy in Wathinf^ 0(t«« ton last June, Nor^ Carolina will 4(L«te follow up eorifewnct. Governor J. M. Broughton waa madfl honorary c^jaimian, tunl Dr Albert S. Root of Raloigii, who beads the division of pediatri- oian« of the North Carolina State Medical Soeety waa made chair- of the committee on local atraagements. an have a itate follo>w up conference of the Waahingtoa meeting to be iKTBBBSnNO FAOTfl ABOUT THE BAILBOADS There are now 1,228 Beparate pa«seng'er train run* daily on rail road* of the United States and aoiitjr-tuo men wanted ^ with ou»t«n«"K lh.t bfSw f*" ^ the railroads of the United States . lt'( ttiy. No trou^ tt . pi«M«nt. You sMd Mir t tpeonfuU two tiiM * diy. witbia 4t koun — •oactim** aiflit — tpltadid rtiulu obttin«d. n tin Mint do quidtljr l«v« «nj If jrou do Ti. “Sijii” »*>'«'■': ii.;';*;;^er; .pe,d _ . «o^« wilt b. to get 5;,, j„ action on and local adoption of jggg reoommendations made by the. ' 1940 White House Conference' pasaengrer tram runs on coni-ern!nr the need« of nhiWren an averafe of 60 miles ^r in Amcrria. It is expected that .*? !. maintained by out of this local conference will come a state wide prosrram using „„ every child welfare agency in the J3-447 miles, compared with 54, state and oountie. for further ^ expanding and enriching state, ^ and counties for further expand- There are now 96 passenger , ing and enriching state, county runs on railroads of the United and community services for needy States and Canada where an aver children. age speed of 70 miles and more Dr. Frank Qrahatn, president of per hour is maintained, the University of North Carolina The first railroads in this who was a del^ate to the 1940 country used wooden rails on top White House Conference on of which a thin strip of metal wnp Children in a Democracy from fastened, called “strap rail.” North Carolina will fterve as Twenty five Class I railroads chairman of the state committee, operate electrically over some Other* appointed to *erve with part of their lines, him are Dr. John S. Bradway of For carryihg first class mail, Duke University, president of the roads receive an average of about North Carolina Conference for one fifth if one cent per letter, Social Service firftt vice chairman or approximately one fifteenth of Mrs. W. T. Boet, State (^ommis»-the postal revenues collected by ioner of Public Welfare and also the government on this class of a North Carolina- delegate to the mail. ’ i White House Conference- second The fire box one some of the vice chairman and Dr. Roy M. steam locomotives now in service Brown of the Division of Social would hold an automobile with Work and Public Welfare School rtiom to spare, at Chapel Hill, secretary. The average revenue received At a recent meeting of>a plan- by railroads for hauling a pass- ning group that was called' by enger one mile was ] 3-4 cents in Mrs. W. B. Waddin, of Hehdef- 1940 the lowest on record, son, chairman of the Committee Taxes paid by Class I railroads iMBI A SUPPER PARTY WITHOUT SWEETS is enjoyed by all ^ Myt Doro^y Greif P411TT food to most of uy meani something rich and sweet, “•II sugared and gooed up fit to kill”, as a bachelor friend • ••But NOT M«n With GRAY HAIR I H0rm*B H0lpl “Sofrt, b«t w« want a jroucver ■laot Have jrou heard those wordt^ Aad Watched anothar hopaful tob hnnter turn sadly awqr, betrajrta Iqr hit owo gray hair... This iMcda*^ happen to «w«. With GODEFROY^ LARIEUSE Hair CotoriDg you can nnceml the gray in your ntir and look years youngar. When used as direaed, LARIeUSE colon etvttfy—almost initantly—gives the hair a spar kling ^ossy, young app^rance you’ll be proud of. Choice of li tbMdts. Every bottle is guaranteed to luisfy or your dealer will uompt- !▼ rc^nd your money. If your dealer doesn’t have LARIEUSE (Larry-Use), send $1.25 direct to GODEFROY MFC; CO., S510 OLTVB STREET, SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI, •••iffBorf HAIIt COLOtING pf the family describes it. 1 Thla same bachelor knows where^ of he speaks tor he Is in demand at parties and la faced and “baffled” (his own word]f by much party food. I Refreshments served at his own smart little supper parties are very different. His platform on the sub ject is simple, his adherence to it lUnswenring. "No sweets”, says he. He insists that all food must be crisp, crunchy, meaty or high flavored. There’s Uever a whipped cream or sweet, concoction to be seen. I Rather you will find thick soup ladled smoking hot from an enor mous high riding tureen, cold whole baked hams, pots of pork and beans, ,fresh crusty rye bread, chilled salad greens, crunchy celery hearts, sar> dines, wonderful cheeses, plcklesf polished red apples. Juicy pears— all that sort of thing. And his guests love it—perhaps because such hon est, gusty, relished foods are niet but seldom at parties. For Instance, this spicy hot tomato juice punch provides a Jolly sUrt to such a sWeetless supper. Hot Mulled Tomato Juiee i with Lemon Slice Garnish I S cup.! tomato Juice C tablespoons jnedlum brown sugar 6 whole clovi 1 sticks elnnamon, about S inches lonv illces lamon Combine all ingredients, bring to a stow boll and almraer for nve minutes. Strain. Serve hot from a large bowl with thin slices of lemon and orange floatiag on top. Makea IH quarts hot mulled tomato Juice. Supper Party Salad Mousse This salad is another suggestioh. tt consists of crisp vegetables im« prisoned la a chicken flavored mousse. Simple to make, delightful to eat. % 2 cans condensed chtcken soup 2 •ss*. separated 1 tablespoon gelatin* (softened iri H cap watsD IH oups cookM carrots, diced '4 cup diced celery or cucumber 1 cup cooked green peas ■ ffi'esaii \ cup salad A-esaing or mayonnalM Heat the soup, add egg yolks gradually and cook until slightly thickened. Dissolve softened gela tine In hot soup mixture. Chill untt* It begins to stiffen, then fold >n carrou, green peas, celery or cucumber, beaten egg whites an.* mayonnalae. Pour Into a mold and chill uiitU firm. Remove from mold and serve on salad greens—^lettuc'', watercress or ehickory or gamisheu with celery hearts and stuffed olives. Serves 8. on the Child of lina Conference ther plans were the North Caro- for Ser\’ice fur- made for the ScarboroMgh .& Hargett FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones: Day J-3721, Night J-3722 522 E. Pettigrrew St. in 1940 totaled $405,000,000 the greatest amount in any one^^ year on record. ! Railroad taxes averaged $1, 107,000 daily in 1940, or $768.75 pwr minute. Earnings of railroad employees in 1940 averaged $1,900 or nearly double the amount received in 1916. For each pound of fuel used in freight service, the railroads n Durham Academy Of Medicine PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEO G. BRUCE, M. D. Physican and Surgeon 914 H Fayetteville St. Telepliones Office J-6222 Res. L-«^54 DOCTOR A. S. HUNTER DENTIST N. 0. Mutual Building Office J-0891 Res. L-3581 J. N. MILLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office 106 H Parrish St. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DISEASES OF WOMEN IVained nurse in attendance DOCTOR M. C. KING Tefephones Office 253-6 Res. 249-1 Franklinton, N. C. DOCTOR E. P. NORRIS DENTIST 707% Fayetteville Street Hours 9-1 2-3 4-7 Telephones Office J-8321 Res. J-9042 R. P. RANDOLPH, M. D. PttYSfClAN AND SURGEON 312 Dowd Strept Office Hours 9-10 §4 6-7 Telephones Ofiee N-5211 Res. N-5562 J. E. TURNER, IL D. INTERNIST 618' Fayettevilie Street Telephones Oficce L-8254 Res. J-8664 J. a. THOMPSON, M. D. PHYSICIAN 709% Fayetteville St. Telephonps Office L-2541 Res. L-8621 S. M. BECKFORD, M. D. GENERAL SURGERY 212 Montgomery Street Hpnderson, N. C. W. A. CLELAND, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Biltmore Hotel East Pettigrew Street Hours: 8:30-10:30 1-2 5:30-7:00 Telephones * Office P-4021 Res. J-1634 J. W. V. CORDICE, M. D. GENERAL SURGERY 711H Fayetteville Street T^ephones J-908I L-8571 f ELUO E. TONEY, M. D. 808 Hillsboro Street Oxford, North Carolina T^ephones Office 445 Rea. 932 DOCTOR J. M. HUBBARD DENTIST N. C. Mutual Building Office Hours: 9-1 2:30-6:30 Evpninffs and Sundays hy ^ Appointment Telephone J-0891 Jackson Plumliing and Heating A. E. JACKSON, Manager A REUABLE BUSINESS WITH A PERSONNEL MAKING IT EFFICIENTLY FOR YOU 707>i FAYETTEVILLE ST. Frash vegetables and coiidented chicken aou|i ai^ comblnad to make i isliclous salad mousse. 1940 hauled nine tons of fre^htUjKj equipment one mile, the high- lest aveage on record. I Materials from approximately 120 manufacturing plants go into the construction of a standard steam locomotive. All freight ears owned by the railroads if joined together on one track would make a train nearly ,13,300 miles in length. PHONES: Res. F-0591 Bus. N-6871 WARNING! Oq a motor tour, or my other trip sway from home—suddenly your bill-fold is gonel Misplaced? Dropped fiom your pocket? Stolen? No matter how, you may be stranded without funds, your vacation wrecked, foot itineraty ruined. Why nm such lisks? Protect your travel money against loss or theft with American Express Travelers Cheques. They are your own personal funds—safe, economical ■ad spendable anywhere. Just sign your name to each cheque when JN buy them^—again when you spend them. They provide you with a *1d)cddng account” wherever you go. Should they he lost oi stolen, Weenntetsigned, your money will be refunded in fuIL AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES Aai IsiuBD m Dsnominations op |io, |20, |30 AW 1100 AT 72 CiNTS won EaCH |100 PUKCHAHIfc MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK DURHAM, N. C. Britaiii Raids African Territory LONDON, (CP) Jubaland, recently raided by the British in Kenya, is one of the Many Afri can territories that changed hands after the war, the National Geo- grSffeie Society said Tuesday. Tho Society said that Jubalard was transfered to Italy by Britain in y925 in recc^ition of Italy’s participation in tho World War. Hoat of J uhaland’a 130,000 inhabitant* are nomad Somalsi moving with their cattle, camels, goats and sheep, from plaee to ’^lace in search of what water an^ grazing land the season provides. Because of the scarcety of both water and grazing land, struggles are occasionally reported among the tribe.s. , While the natives are very fond of nie^t, they have distate for eating that of their o\vn tribe and rustling is one of the fine arts of the tribe. Under Italian rule a few loads have been built in the fertile de- tri'cts of the rgion and irrigation projects have been planned. ClifDeidiifroin Wbite Scours Gao BeHickRedaced White Qcouza, ona of th« moik nrlous ot all oalfbood dlsMaat, cw be kept undw oontrol by foUowtaf • strict program of aaoltatloQ, elalms Orafton Lothro|i, bead of the aaai> taUoQ departoient, Purina miiu White Seoura, he explains. Is * highly Inlectiou^ disease caused lif bacteria gaining entrance to the calf Uwough the mouth or navel. Bven though appa> rently strong and vigorous at birth, a calf naif become side tn two or three days, develop dlantia, and die. To help prevent White Soourt In calves, Lothrop has developed » strict sanitation program Intended to help eliminate ^e poasibllity ol ln> fection at calv> Ing time and for several days l^t* er. It calls for an isolated calv ing pen that haa been thoroughly cleaned and dis infected with the federally ap proved disinfect ant, Cre-so-fec. Tben just before the pregnant cow is brought in tat calving she, too, is given a spooge bath with a Ore-eo-feo solutl^ After the calf is dropped, but Just before nursing, the teats and udder of the mother cow are thor oughly washed and sterilized with a non-irritating antiseptic, Chlorena^ Also, it Is important for the dairy man to be present at calving to make rare that the navel is immediately disinfected with iodine. Lothrop wama that precau tions must be taken to prevent the bringing in of infection from the out side. For this be remmmends that a sack sattif- ated with Cre-so-fec be placed be fore ttie entrance of the staU so that anyone entering will have to step on it EDntnt’s Note: Cre-so-fee and Ghlorena, recommended In this sani tation program to help prevent White Scours in calves, are handled bar our local Purina distributor. IferttiBW •spaniton fleat.' to 'TT* TIME YOV KNEW” by Lontta Yoaag's f«*l mmmt h "Giwecfcee." ThM« an m 112 wpMM* pum in a ripfb Wawfc Dkk a*l I* edWB. wfce a* apiwi* e* ^ socccMtvt yaar at Aa Hfcal Anar, ia Hrw Tork Cky, pliy approximattly 5,000 mmf/i Some ot ih« plaoco are: Macs* Niptuar, Samra, Jmfkn, V( Earth, Uranus, Pluto and Marauy. Service . . Yoo will find aur SERVICE complete to the iiallart detalL Oar years of experience enable as to anticipate your need and therefore serve yoa better. ^ **Thoughtfal Attention To Even T|m SauUieat DataiT ANEY’S FUNERAL HOIE 401 Pine Street 24 Hour Service Phone jjm IVoteinCoDteiit No Sure Sign of Feediiig Qualities During recent years, the idea haa grown up in the minds of many farmers that the protein content shown on a feed tag is a siue indi cation of feeding value. “We want a feed with a high protein content,” many say. However, points out E. H.'Hamel, manager of the fattening department of Purina Mills, the protein content of a feed can be very misleading. Just because a fee^ is high in pro tein is no sure in^cation that it is high in feeding value, he claims. Proteins, as such, vary greatly in their ability to meet feeding require ments. ‘At the Purina Experimental Farm, Gray Summit. Missouri, we have found that a low-proteln mixed concentrate frequenitly is more sat isfactory for putting on pounds of pork or beef than one high in pro tein," he reports. “A^fer all, that’s what we’re most Interested In get ting. It doesn’t mean a thing to us if the analysis of a mixed c(mcen- trate shows that It is high in pro tein. In fact some of the most costly ingredients of the mixed concen trates we distribute nationally con tain very little protein.” Hamel compares the making of a good protein supplement with the manufacture of a machine. The machinery manufacture:, he argues, has to sell his product on the basis of what it costs and what it will do —^not on the pounds of iron it con tains. In the same way, concen trates an^ feeds must be sold on the basis of what tney do and what it costs to make ttiem rather thnn on their protehi ccmtent Comulete BUILDING SERVICE ••••REMODELING ••••NEW CONSTRUCTION ••••ROOFING SERVICE •^•BUILDING SUPPLIES Eeimatet Gladly Famished For Painting, Papering and Decorating wa Me ROGfatt PRODUCTS. SMALL PROFIT, LARGE VOLUME ALL WORK GUARANTEE We Use Long-Life LOGAN- LONG ASPHALT ROOFING EXCLUSIVELY. THIS COMPANY OPERATES ON A VOLUME ftASS Home Modernizatiofi and Supply Co. 614 Fayetteville St. Durham, N. Cw Phone J-4m c. RALEIGH, N. a C. SPAULDING, President R. L. McDOUGALD, Executive Vice-Pres. J. H. WHEELER, Cashier OARTO, Egypt, (CP) — Free French forces ar^ etaitioned be yond Lake Tchad near the Egyp tian Sudan in the very center of Africa, it was reported here Mon day. General deLarminat, Governor General of the French Congo,, said that ambul.^r were needeil for service between militarj' pos*s the jungle and military centei:, of French Equatoyal Africa. 1 American volunteer drivers of 'the British-American Ambulance ">rp9 have neverthless been asked to take their units into the Egyp tian Sudan where they win. be at- I tached to the Free IVench forces mDIBESTION ■ay afact tha Heart Oas trtmtd ia Um (tosueh or fnlM Bar Mt Uka a hali-tiifger os lbs bort. At Uw tot dm ot dIataM uaait mm tod wobcb dasmd on B*U-ub Tablau ta No Ufl^Ta-tut aud* of iba tacttat- •eg"l i^l«la»» InmS fcr atld bidii«tt(M. iTtt* yiBOT OOSI dom’t pma ^U-an better. latim bottU to ui and raertra DOUBU UozSy Back. Be. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT SAVE SYSTEaiATIGALLY A PART OP WHAT YOU EARN THIS YEAR WITH THE MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION French Fquatorial instead of to Africa. The change in Plan.s was made on the reconunendation of Gener al deLannininat. According to revised ordert, Francis Vioovari, leader of the 'American will proceed in pdvance with 'one othe volunteer make final arrangements for ^arrival of the unit of 200 amibal-j ances. I A Thrift ak Hwm Foaicag faitiiite Miituai Bnl^ I low ksstaam P. L. MecoT. eaimeur a C. & SPAULDING. B. U McDOUCAlA I 114 Wost PwfWk 81cm* 816 Pkvettaritti UrcH

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