N. C, Mutual Holds 42nd Annual Policyholders And Directors Meeting SIHK AT TilSKEGEE B EMED MAILING EDITION PRICE 5c HE%y TH OnBRIDBE Dl" Volume XXII — Number Four Durham, North Carolina, Saturday, 25th., 1941 PRICE 5c Howard Student Sues Governm^t ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Charlotte Leaders Petition Tlie City Council For Negro Policemen FIREL Barred From Air Corps Young Negro Sues To Force Admittasce MUTUAL BUILDING & LOAN IN ANNIJAt/ MF.RTIlSfG r WASHINGTON, D. C. — A Buit to compel officials of the War (Department to consider hi* ap plication for enlistment in the United States army air eoros as a “flying cadet’’ was filed here today by Yancey Williams, » etudent at Howard Universiity. The complaint which was filed in the United States District of Columibia, names as defendants Secretary of War Henry Stimson Chief of Stafif Major General George C.' Marshall, Local Idsuraiiiee Company Has Over Six Miliioi In fissets Students h Sohooi la @ias$es Ifter leetis ■T No jwe will rw?«»ive meals in the Dininff Hull funfil mKiee i,^ received. 4 The ^trike »ill last until the ExwLitive Ootincil notit’ies thf student? that action, favorablt* to the students has b.’en taken. We, as student-?, fee! that we The annual nieetinor of the Mu- ful in its liistorv. Seated at the is R. McDougald. secretary- DURHAM —- Followii^ an es-,dent Spaulding sjwke at length tablished custom, and in keeping on the part life insurance is play- with the by-laws of the iristitu-’ing in the economic life of the , Adjutant the policyholders of North nation, stating: “The past ten tual Building and Loan Associa- loft in the picture is C. (’. Spauld-|treasun>r. The gentlemen in the Oeneml K S^^Adams Chief of ^Carolina Mutual Life Insurance years of social unrest and business this year showed the company ing, F. L. MeCoy. fhainnan of the I foreground, facing the officers of follows: Air Corps Major General Henry|Company met in annual session,dfeturbanoes have served to stim- condition. Last year Board is standing. To the left of the association is J. H. 'Wheeler, H. Arnold, And Major General Monday, January 13. Walter S. Gh"ant, oommanditig general of the third corps area. The suit is being brought not only in his own bdialf, Williams sayS in the complaint, but also in be half of all other Negrroea “smil- arly situated." In his complaint, Williams, who has completed two years of coll ege's, work at Howard University, allies that he has sucoesstfully completed the primiary and se condary training courses of the Civil Aeronautics Authority and holds a private pilot’s license. He Continued on Page Two • • .... Policyholders from various sec tions of the country were present and participated in the meeting. In his annual message, Presd* ulate 4 keener desire on the part reported by its secretary to Mr. McCoy is .1. S. Stewart assist- Cashier of the Mechanics and| 1 Begin: of the people for life insurance ® success'ant secretary at te extreme right Fanners Bank. ary l.'i, protectionf." That “during this period other values shrank, some were entirely wiped out. and a Continued on Page Two FLIM-FLAMMER KILLED IN CHARLOTTE MURDER OUTBREAK CHARLOTTE, — (Special) —|Was the victim of a knife wielded John Henry Edwards, alleged by Wilbert “Buster film flam artist, of E. Third st.,1 Continued on Page Two Flames Entirely Wipe Out Home Of Family; Parents Are Away TloKKGEte Instrtnte, AH. — (isjyeoial to the TIMEJS)- — On January 14, the folloAiingr mimeo graphed statements which had: been prepared by students strike leaders here last wpek were cir-; Iculateil among the studeats at Tuskt-gee Institute; “Fellow studeuts, the time has come for us to report to the most exerei^eil e'. er%- eL*ment of potent method of persuasion that huwaiUy po->ih’e to- we know. Tl;e method is one viiere aetioji exeeiii the ore outlln.; 1 a gronn act as one in respect to ^l>t;'.in,iii!? no resu.ts . fro a a matter that aftet'ts all. In sim- attacp, we feel t?ft»t all of us. pie- terms it is ^vefe#^'a!n• for us students of Tuske^ee Institute, to execute a strike agaan-'t the should render an exhibition of desjiiciable conditions existing in concerning the Dinin-; the cafeteria. problem. We want food of a The proposed plan of events is *^‘‘tter quality and in uuantitie^ that are suitable for the upkeep of the human bo»ly. niujj Wednesday, Janu-1 1941 no nLen wiU re-' Xo one need fear the matter port to drill. concerning expulsion from school. 2 No one will report to classes. Please turn to paije Se. eu QUEEN CITY MAY GET FIRST NEGRO POLICE CHARLOTTE, (Special to the Negro [>olice for the most deselr TIMES) .— A delegation, sfon- pof ulated areas of N’e*rn> seltle- ored by the Crusaders, local anti- ments. Mrs. H. L. McCrorey. one w , ' 11 • (. 1 1 ^ V 41. organization headed by H- of the representatives, forcefully . f," i!; T Houston, Editor and publisher pointed out that the apparent de- TIMLS) - The two room home demolished by tlames, last Monday smaHdr children of the home. At Charlotte Post, met with cav in the" moral fabric of the Dreher, 23 of Mr and Mrs. Morris Haynes evening. The fire is thought to the time of the fire both parents ^j^v council here last Wednes citv’s ^outh is one of the contri- 1412 Main St. in the Cherry sec- have been started by a lighted! (Continued on Page Six) day evening to offer a petition for Continued on Page Six N. C. MUTUAL ENTERTAINS LOCAL MINISTERS AND WIVES IN ANNUAL BANQUET ▼ The banquet held each year for the local ministers aitd their wives by the N. C. Mutual Life Insurance Company has become a tradition, and is IH>ked forward to as one of the crowning events of the season. The picture at the left sh ows Mrs. RAJ. Wliitt*i C«k- er of the company and noted civic and social leader e-xtending greetings greetings to the guests. The center shows Rev. J. H. Thomas, Pastor of Mt. VernonBaptist urch expressing apprwi.ntion for the affair. The photo at the right b » foil view of li» }nTrrmt table. Officers company including its president, C. C. Spaulding are seat in the foreground.