IN THE SHADOW OF THE STARS Bq -dbbe' U)a / lace 800^0*0,000 CANOLEPOWBR 'nbuNoeST McwtalimOn Tue Ahbrcam 9r4oe. a W Note:—Youi Qvmtion ▼ill Bm ANiv»MW *‘Pr*b** in Thu Column. For • "tTh/th Kftlf* • . . S*od «^y 21c for ny new AmoLoeY R.aA0iN0 ft Luc»» Dat Chast lod rtcalTt by rwnrn mail « confidential Ittttr ti tret AdvUt inilyt- ing thrM (1) Qucatiopi privattly, Sl|ii your f«ll nanu, »44i*u, aod birihdaia lo ■11 iatteri, and plttw includt a aclf-addrcaatd, titmftd cnTclopc for Tour irply. W M Ultm t0: ABBJP 'WALLACE. «r# of ^^ite tho Carolina Time* WE—Will I be aJt)Ie to go up^your order this year for baby north next aumnier and get a good chicks if so, you will have to ha^e job and work all summer T a large place made for them. Ant: Youngster you shouldn’t Don’t take a chance of crowding be running around the country them too much for you oan’t af- you are most too young. If you ford to lose many and make any want a job then goe to it that you money. get one right there in your home I , , town. It will be a good idea, 11 ®y husband really gomg think to find work but stick close to home »ays-t Will he wflit until I am TJi t n M! T u out the funiture-t —Please tell me if I should i . ■ i. u a . . , T J T . X ^ns: This husband ot your raise chickens like I Jid last would it profit me any if I didt How many shoi^d I gettf Ans: —By all means try it more talking than the ver- age person nev«r to do any ac tion. He feels that if he keeps you Tj- j-, stired up and scared to death of agam this year. You did unusually , . , • *1.4. • losing him, that you won t lus well with your poultry business last year and already hava the running equipment use it. It seems to me around. He isn’t going to leave— that you have in mind to double he wouldn’t trade you for a half HOUSES for RENT No. ROOMS ADDRESS WEEKLY RATE 3 529 Coleman $ 3.00 3 119 Dunstan Street 3.50 5 611 Elm Street 5.50 2 314H Lee Street 2.25 4 514 Ramsey Street 5.00 2 408 Roney Street 2.00 3 407 Roney Street 3.00 3 410 Roney Street 3.00 2 8 Adams Ct. } 2.50 5 418 Piedmont 5.50 509- Dowd street t - V 6.00 3 714 Whitjed 3.50 3 724 Wnitteid street - « 3.50^^ 1010 Fay St. (Apt.) 15.00 4 514 Proctor Street 5.00 Union Insurance and Realty Company REAL ESTATE—RENTING—INSURANCE ' REPAIRS AND BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE J-6521 DURHAM NORTH CAROJJNA tlut no student would be suspend ed for his activities in connection with it Pre»ident Patterson re fused to sign such a statement on the grounds that the strike was a flagrant violation of the rules of Tuskegee Institute, and therefore no commitment not to punish those responsible coilld be given... On Thursday the strike was taking on certain aspects of viol ence becauFe of the efforts of the strike lea^rs' to keep the students ;from classes, the Dining Hall, nnd iwork. Thursday morning the .following additional statement wa« issued to the students by the Ex ecutive Council: iTo the Student Council: ■ In view of the present situation existing among members of the student body in that they declare themselves to be on strike, the Southern Trustees and the Execu tive Council of Tuskegee Institute hereby advise that all such stu- dozen gals like the on® he^e been honestly feel this man you are | Please cooperfcfe-in the ■ matter jgjjjg absent from assigned duty slipping' around with. with now will make you a 100 per Oent, because anyone not either school or work after 7 ;00 HC—I sure would like to know very lovable companion and feel joining up will take Weight Irom ^ Friday, January 17, 1941, how a eertin letter conceminjf me yon would be using good judg- the effect of thifc exhibitibn. ’ *will be automatically suspended |r«gtrda wlnooi and work. At taeh Friday ■oraiif «f ItinM the »l!iiinistration is willinsr d^nts to re'nm lo wrrt- jsw- with to loafer witli repro*«tatrri»s *le- v't-ntpd by ^ »t.*d«it^, wbo fn*r« rnilf' a last Isignatad by the student boly lo gathwH at #ntrM*?«i cwpMratiiin and ^reopen this matter, b.-andi^hitur and iwinjt thi* rw^juf^t wr^ gjvmn. I An answer to this coromunif-a- cluM. Tfirpst* to dim arid •n'ft*'**"' >f r*>-’tsnnsr tion is requested by 5:00 p. m*^roy the property of T -keg*e In- ■todcnt'^ *ere arre^tffd today. stitote were frequently nmde as releaMd aft»-r a fow Vory truly yours, well a« threats of physical injury out ehmrg* The Elxaeutive Council to the students not on I'nk*. rnm F. D. Patterson After renewed ^ President stnking students return to their The atrike leaders rafused to dormitories and remain orderly accept Ais offer of afbitration had failed, the Execiiti-e Couneil unlms President Patterson sign decided that the .tri.i« had creat- statement promimng that no in- ed a situation of yiolence that had^ with*Tl^ Mir vtstigation would be made, and ^^t control, and that .indents bad nmmti 00^ it waa necessary- to call the ejvil n ,rmal relationa with T«*i||jL authorities. The officers on arri“'' ’’— On Friday aftarnooa foiet vailed on tha oiay,. al al Institute. Sergeant Hrary Stronr of Battery "A”, 77th Coaat Artillery (AA) directs the beam of one 'of the regfanenVi new 800,000,000 oandlepower ■earchllffhts dortnff recent nlcht training:. rei^ go to my husband! • Aus:—A friend of yours or a person who claims to be a friend to you saw to it that your hus band received this “piece of new*." You will havei the whole story iii a few more weeks. Don’ make trouble for the person just forget it, as your husband wasn’t small enough to take the note seriously. IJ—^Does the boy I go wit*i in- ment to marry him. Negroes To Play ;Big Part In F.D.R. Balls January 30th of thi* exhibitibn.” On the evening of Jan\iary 14, from Tuskegee Institute. President Patfersbn Voluntarily f Suspended students are required appeared before a meeting of stu- Jq leave the grounds of the Insti- an effort to assure them t^te at once. Those not doing so dents in that all, grievances which they good and sufficient rea- had presented would be given regarded as trespa.s- ^ every consideration. The students subject to ejection by would accept no offer of arbitra- jjyjj authorities Damage to Tus- tion and calM a strike for Wed- kegee Institute property will be .nesday morning. A large number similarly treated_as_Jin infraction New York, Jan. 16.-Negroes students failed to report to of the law. ' of Amei;ic)fl ijirift play- a lartfer ® work, and to the jj. |g gyy gjncere hope that the tend to marry me in 1941 or is he part in the 1941 “Fight Infan- Dicing Hall for meals. Many of goo,j judgimen-t which has charac- just stringing me along! Have tile Paralysis” campaign than students who attempted to go terized Tuskegee students 'n the been going with him for quite a ever before Keith Morgan, na- about their usual duties were p^gj; make the drastic mea- while and says he w’ould marry tional chairman of the Commit- prevented by some 4f the more sui^s described above unnecessary, me in a minute if it wasn’t for te* for the Celebration of the active leaders of the strike. The his mother but you see she doesn’t President’s Birthday annnounc- Executive Council of Tuskegee like me. What is ahead for me! ed this week. Institute met Wednesday morn- ~A n sDisappointment if you In several of the larger cities ing and issued the following state- continue to go with this boys for —parties and celebrafions have ment: another FOUR YEARS. He’s been arranged for January 30, , Xo the Student Council: putting you off on purpose—his President Roosevelt s 59th birth-; xhe Southern Trustees and mem' -Jackson Plumliinc and Heating A. E. JACKSON, Manarer * A RELIABLE BUSINESS WiTH A PERSONNEL MAKING IT EFFICIENTLY FOR YOU 707 H FAYETTEVILLE ST. PHONFS: Res. F-0591 Bm. N-6871 Scarborough & Hargett FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones: Day J-3721, Night J-3722 522 E. Pettiffrew St Very truly yours. Executive Council F. D. Patterson, President Thursday afternoon, a group of students prevented the truck of al commercial company from making a delivery to the Dining Hall.: mother doesn’t even enter into the Saturday Executive Council of The driver of the truck summon-; picture. He wotfldn’t care if she preceding January 25. Tuskegee Institute regard the pre ed officers of the State Highway did or did not like you if he was Ilobinson, famous tap gjrite on the part of mem- Patrol, an(} made his delivery love with vou-but you see he radio star, is chairman of a grand . , , . ,, u i/.L 1. L ij • TLT 1 • warranted and unjustifiable, ball to be held in Harlem in this , . , .occurred at a time whea officials city. ' - WATCH! For th^ Forthcoming Date of the Long-Talked of Play . • . “IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE” i Given in the B. N. DUKE AUDITORIUM SOON; A.N.C-a Watch For The Date In The CAROLINA TIMES in love witn you—out you see isn’t and he must have some vr to itch out of the bargain. You’ve been dropped like a piece of lead. I f I 1 , f Aug 26.—I have boCn on one job for 6 years and I wonder if I could better myself - any by quiting f body as un- under their protection. It, polio 'of the Institute were in confer- Save Time and By Relaxing in the BUS Money —r GOING TO AND FROM work can a pleasure if you ride the bus. You get home earlier. You .spend less money for transportation (4 tokens for 25c). You en joy a safe comfortable ride. Durham Public Service Co. I During the past year, . 'struck many states with epi- representatives of the demies, and the total number student body in an effort to ad- - of cases was 10,000. While possible and rea- the South, except for scatter-1 maWe the oomplaints made, ed sections, was spared by the There was no indication that Ans ,*“N0| of coursc you csn t inv&dGr, CGixtrBl £ind n^^otistions wcr6 Stick right on the job you have northern states were not so for-!to attain the desired result, until you have been succeessful tunate and many cases of in- We feel under the oircumstancee ing making another contacts. It s fantile paralysis are reported that further consideration of this indicated to me that around the among the Negro populaiqn. matter must be postponed until 15th of February you will be States registering an unusual order is restored and students I working on another job—you will number of cases included: West have resumed their normal rela- get the job thru an agency. |Virginia, Indiana, Ohio, Mich- tions with Tuskegee Instiute as * WJJ—I read your column and igan, Illinois, Kentucky,. Kan- I think it helpful. I am 26 yeare sas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mis- old and married, but my husband souri and Virginia, left last suminer and I haven’t| L. E. Garris, prominent heard from him since. I met ano- Fayetteville business man and ther man who is 46 years old and civic leader will head the drive he seems much in love with me for funds in this city, while at- and wants to marry me says I torney A. Avery Jones will head will have to get a divorce first, the movement in Forsyth coun- Should I do this? |ty. Negroes all over North Ansr^It will be necessary for f^e manifesting a keen you to get a divorce before you, interest in the campaign, can marry the gentleman. Your! firet husband- deserted you and you have grounds for divorce. NINETY-THREE THOUSAND K ILL E D MODEL LAUNDR' Vi if AM, DRY iNERS jjTuskegee Students Strike To Win pictable System Surcease From Dis- Continued from page one We will continue to strike until any student who is sent away on this charge, is readmitted to school. In the notice received from the Executive Council, we want it stated that no pers»nal grievances will be held against students who were rumored to be active parti cipants in the strike. SAsmm y OUR WANT ADS ARE SMALL but they get NOTICED Onlty 1000 seats available for ‘IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE”. men wahte® . men with outstandine High grade men viewpoint- ZL abiwy job. ...But NOT Men with GRAY HAIR! Here's Help I \ • “Sorrv, but we want a younger maol*’ Have you beard those words? And watched another hopeful job hunter turn sadly away, betrtyed by his own gray hair • • • This needn’t happen to you. With GODEFROY’S LARIEUSE Hair Coloring you can conctal the gray in your nair and look years younger. When used as directed, LARlBUSfi colors evenly—almost instantly—gives the hair a spar kling, siossy,young appearance you’ll De proud of. Choice of 18 ihadn. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy or your dealer will Mompt- ly refund your money. If your dealer doesn’t have LARIEUSE (Larry-Use), send $1.25 direct to GODEFROY MFd.CO„ J510 OUVl STREET. SAINT LOUIS, MISSOU&I. _ QODiffllOirf HHjUuUu, HAIK COLOIINO Few of us realize that during the year 1939,, NINE- THREE THOUSAND people met death from accidents in America ... one person every five and one-half min utes, eleven persons every hour, two hundred and six ty each day, eighteen hundred each week. Sixty-two per cent of all fatal accidents fall under two headings . . . motor vehicles 34% and falls 28%. With the holiday season approaching, travel will be in full svnng. What would be the picture in your home should you be one of the victims? Insurance will not bring back a loved one, but there is satiifaction in the thought that the future of those left behind is financially secure. Can you afford to’gamble with a need so vital? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ NORTH CAflOLINA MUTUAl C.C.SPAULDIN9.PrMld«ri * Charlotte Office 2 33 S. BREVARD ST. A. £• Spears Manasrer DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA Durham QSke ' 80» FAYGmmLE Sfn W.L.C2^5r^ Manac^^