MEMBER NAACP BARRED FROM JURY NAILING EDITION PRICE 5c Volume XXII, Number 6 Durham » North Carolina Saturday, February 1st., 1941 Price Five Cents Admiral Says Negroes Would Dominate The Navy If Enlisted Naval Officer Says Average Negro Too Race Man Barred / From Strubbing Jury Because Formerly NAACP Member 'Death Compensation Of Laborer Shared By Two Widows The “Conquering Judah Lion Takes Over « ¥ V I Intelligent For Navy North Africa. — Haile Selassie, Emperftr 1* e;ci . CHICAOO, (ANP) — The Uni- A Au* States district court in this la. m company of Bn^sh offiqefs. msp^«f ^«atWe ^ yssiiuan troops in toe wdan, followingr his return recently to L, . ... « *• j Lit t' • 1 1 ,the key suits in a series of nation Africa. It was reported that the Emperor is actively leading! -j • % ' , . . - a 'Tfido oivil cctions fil«d against his troops against the Italians in an effort to drive them out BEIDGBPORT, Conn. (Special “ to whether he was a to the CABOUNA TIMEIS) _nK®»ber of the NAACP,~by stating Solely on the ground that He had^^^*^* although he wag not a mem- •t one time been & mewber of the**^ assoeiation a^ the pre- National A»8oci»tion for the Ad-*®*^*^ time, .he had been a memher Tano«ment of ColtMd P«flp*e>* x mi. Robert A. Thompson on Wednes-Thurgo^ day was excluded from the NAACP attorney, at-1 RALEIOH — Two two wives panel sitting in the trial of Joseph associated with Friedman and three children of a laborer of his land. It was reported, a Iso, that these have been secre •Spell, 31-year-old chauffeur and injured here last Sept. 30 shared tely training for several months getting ready to strike, butler, who^ white socialite . the in death compensation ^nder an ployer. Mrs. John K. Strpbing, f ^ interested in the de- agreement approved Thursday by « , Jr., charges that he raped her state industrial commission. |]U[^|.n fiyjl \0rVirP three’times on the night of last agreement was between v VI Til UCl f ivC December 10. from serving. ’ ^ Lollie Byrd Hailey, the first wife, Knni\ntu*i\A _ , ; • Protesting vigorously. Fried- and others, and Herbert and DXduIo /lllllUUlltcU ThoonpsOn, ^n employee jn a man, pointed out that to bar Annie Seligson and the latter's local shoe shining and hat cl^an- miompson on sruch a ground, would carrier, the Indemnity Insurance ing establishtDent, was one of t^fro jn effect bar practically all Ne- company of North America. Negro prospective jurors examin-groeg in New England, becatise of $1,600.00 Red Caps Wage Fight Nears Close ed by the,state and the defense, the associationV from a list of 33 p«r$opa, during ghjp jn this «rea. the past tiwo days, fe^th Negroes were excluded. The Rev. James Judge Foster, By terms of the agreement, WASHINGTON, The United State (A.N P)— Civil Service Mrs. Stephens Laid To Rest railroads by the United Transport Service Employes of America. It expected that final drgu-l inents in the $1,600,000 wage re covery suit of the red caps again st eight railroads would be pre sented in court Friday. The suit is concerned with the payment of 18 months' back wag- [ DURHAM,—Mrs. Roan Steph- heiis of 402 Powe Street, widow of the late George Stephens, pro- es and indemnity to 75 percent of frcrAltf.^a CTmAlt DIOK^fiSON hi^h ranking naval officers on th« Tiofirkn^a «sa1a-mAa Tn I t ■ _ • xi • » « >.a large member- Hailey was awarded a lump commission announces competi- minent merchants of the western sum of $1,567. One hundred dol- tive examinations for the follow- after hearing lars each was given to three ing positions: high speed radio W. Watson,wa* rejected, January *^th sides, said: “If thus man is children born to her and William equipment operators, ajjplications 22 by State's Attorney Lorin W. chosen, no harm will be Hailey, the deceased, and $710 to to be filed immediately and until Willis after the minister had done; if he is chosen harm might Janie Williams Hailey, the de- further notice is received;- en- answered “No," in response to done. ” He then excused Thomp ceased’s second wife. gineerijig draftsman, chief erigin- Wissis’A question, “asking him if son. Friedman immediately noted The commission found it to be'a eering draftsman, senior engineer he would “be embarrassed" by®° exception. fact that Hailey abandoned Lollie ing draftsman, principal engine- serving as a juror in the case. Th^i® after two days of select- and remarried, without getting ajerinp- draftsman Thompson was excluded by Judge inK veniremen, the case continues divorce, under the assumed name gineering draftsman, applications Cart Foster after he answered the with an all white jury composed of William Henry. He was injured to he filed until Dee. 31, 1941; question by State’s Attorney of six men and six women. while digging an excavation and (Please turn to page six) died on October 14. and assistant en- n, a until Dec. junior veterinarian, medical guard attendant, medical technical assis- BULLETIK! By Jkwoetatad Ifefro WASSOrOTON, D. C. ASF)— HMA. ComnittM Gcafen Witik Kaoz aail Oifkiala; Saoetaxy Batb “Puttist (Mor*d fm Iik« Psttiiig Than Xb BiB’ Bat CeiiMd«r» Black Mmriam for Bsm* Ib W«at ladtM • WASHINOrdN. — If Negroes wrr« to be allowed to enlist in the navy, they would be “so superior in general to the whites who en list that they would have to be j made petty officer*, and the en listed whiter^ would not itand for this,'’ Admiral C. W. Nimitz told a special emnmittee from the . National Medkal Association • which recently met ^re with AMERICAN NEGROES ARE GETTING READY TO SERVE THEIR COUNTRY All over America Negro students are an xious to prepare themselves to serve their country if and when the emergency arises. Pictured above is a typical scene now going on in various* industrial schools of the na tion. The picture above was taken at Tus- kegee Institute. section of the city, departed this life on Friday, January 24, 1&41. Mrs. Stephens was born in 'I’er- son County near Rox’boro, daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Bak er Bumpass of Person County. When a young woman she was married to the late George Step hen« of Caswell County, who wag a successful merchant, operating a 1 grocery store on West Pettigrew Street for over forty years. Mrs. Stephens was a woman of fine Christian character, having united with the New Bethel Baptist Church *in early childhood. She was kind with a pleasing personality, which endeared her to all who knew her. Surviving are the following: re- lativej: three daughters, Misses Ruth, Mary Louise, and Margaret Stephens; the latter two teachers in the Lyon Park and Pearson Elementary Schools respectively. One son, Mr. George W. Stephens, Jr., three sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Mebane, Misses Mary F., and I Nora Bumpass of Mt. Vernon, N. lY. One niece and nephew. Miss Geneva and Mr. Claude Mebane. The funeral services were con- diieted from '^he New Bethel Ba))tist church Monday afternoon nt .3 o’clock by Rev. L. F. Carter, the pastor; The senior choir ren dered music and remarks were made l>y the following; Revs. T. C. Graham, E. B. Lipsey, Mr. W. M. Roberts, Mesdames Martha Williams and Rosetta Webb. The remains were interred jn the Hickstown Cemetery, taut, home economic speealists, senior home economic specialist. the nation's red caps' salaries. In this particular suit which covers more than 1,00 employes, recent figures filed by railroads before the federal court show that bet ween October, 1938, and in early; 1940, these emjrioyes worked a' total of 3,138,509 hours to eamj under the provision of*the Fair, Standards Labor act, .$840,677, of which they were actually paidi $65,058. The difference of $775, (Please turn to page six) Recently ap^nted teacher cn the staff'of the Agriculture Department at Lincoln Uni versity or Missouri, sees “at tractive opportunities ” for Negi’6 youth in the fi^Id of landscape architeetnreb Mr. Dickinson obtained his de gree in this field from (Miio State University, and has en gaged successfully in private practice. Henninburg Condemns Attitude Of New York Head On Negro In a letter to Chancellor Harry Chase New York University, this week. Dr. A. Hen- ninburg of the North Carolina College for Negroes, condemned the attitude of^ the head of a famous school for not wanting a Negro, Jim Coward, to play against the Uni versity of North Carolina when NYU recent ly played in Chapel Hill. The UNC officials expressed themselves as not objecting to Coward playing in the game. " Dr. Henninburg’s letter is as follows: Chancellor Harry Chasf New York University New York, N. Y. color bar in this branch of the armed forces. • ^ Secretary of the NaVy Frank Knox reiterated earlier stateroenta I that it would “impractical’’ to ,nse the two race® in the navy, de- tclaring that “putting Negroes in [the aavy would be like pattia^ 'them in liell.” but did promise to [seriously consider using Negro marines for the new naval bathes hn the West Indies leased from iGreat Britain.- [ Thos taking part in the confer- ence were Dr. Roseoe C. Giles, |Chicago, chairman of the liatikm ,committee; Dr. William H«Kin«4y ; Thomas, LeaTenworth, Kan., chair [man of the exeentive board; Dr. G. Hamilton Francis, Norfolk, Va. speaker for the house ot dele(^ Alexander, Orange N. oa p^blie TieitMj; all wf ind Secy. Knox, Adntiral Nimita, CaptL Clark and a captain in charge of na\-al enlistments, repfesehtinf the U. S. n*vy. Details ol the ctwifereoce, held on Jan. 8, were not revealed until thia wec^. Dr. Giles, after calling attea- tion to Col. Knox'a stat«ne*t that a Negro eoold be enlisted only aa a mesaman, pointed to the raee't record as gunners onder Adiainl arrived when Southern Schools .perry, Admiral Famgot and *4 can be asked to olay agsinst Ne- Saratoga and Manila in the Spaa- groes in Southern games." In the uji Ameriean «ur> He t^rraed tlw first place, it is possible that yon oSieial attitade an “innovatioa'^ Dear Sir: understand the southern situation ^d said it was Ksented in apee^ I am certain that yon will be^^jth a greater degree of clarity es and radio broadcasts by liberal interested to have some informa- than I do because you have been, whites and Kcgroce, ptmtad t» tion on the reaction which be-lor certainly you l^D been be- the gnnruag aaoaa of jtstiae evaa ing expressed in this part of fore pou left the Sotith, in very in the South and the fibaral North Carolina relative to what elose touch with the social and ord of the Kdojc Mmpapv, ig reported as being your atti- economic factors which are at Otieago Daily work in this ptut of the. country. I In hia rcfljr, Seey. Kaox If your attitude in thb matter ;«lar«d, oar problMM} tude in th® matter of permitting Negro athletes from New \ ork associate home economist, associa-;University to participate in games ig correctly interpreted by the ar-^we ar« aU saffifliMitlj ate in food composition, psychia- with Southern institutions. 'ticle to which I have referred, hejto know we mast ba laalia^ K trie nurse, family economics writ-. In a release carried in a local question wiheh arises is this:.we pat Negroes ill tka MVy p er. Further information may be newspaper, you are reported asiHow do we know that the time wt>oId be hka patttBff obtained at local p^toffices. isaying that “the time has not| (Please tura to page six) ,1 (ContmoCNl on pac* iild

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