PUBLISHED weekly BY THE CAROLINA TIMES PUBLISHING CO. 117 t. PSABOOY St. DURHAM. N. PHONES N-7121 *r J-7871 I^Btcred as ae«ond clau mater at the Post Ofice at Durham, N, C under the Act of March 3rd, 1879. L. E. AUSTIN, PUBLISHER WILLIAM A. TUCK, Manafing Editor -tlERBERT R. TILLERY, Buii»e»» M«n««*r CHARLOTTE OFFICE 420 1-2 EAST SECOND STREET SUBSCRIPTION RAT^ "$iOO—Ye»r, $l.aSl-6 Month., The Platform of • . THE CAROLINA TIMES includes: salaries for Negro Teachers. Neirro policemen. Negrro jurjmen. EquPl »-ducati(*ia! opportunities. Ht«rher wajfCP for domestic servants. Full part icirrtion of Negroes in all branches of the National defense. A)k>I skr^ent of the double-standard wag^ scale in industry. , Gi^'* r participation of Negroes in pohtical affairs. Belter housing for Negroes. Negro representation in city, county, state *na na- , - . tional government*. EXPORTS AND APPEASEMENT uKE of the ironie, of the great depression that hit u. ten years Oanadiai ago was the overabundance of food We 'had ov«r 8 million balei of on our farm^ and the gnyiring a- moniit of hunger in onr cities. . Looking ba«k, we can .ee that|‘'®“°" yovemment loau be- thfre were three fundamental 1940 c*rop was pieked- cnuiip^ for farm surpluieB: un-|Last cotton year we sold 6 1-2 einplovTnen^, scientific advanoe in million l^les for export, nearly a f.'irming, and decline of fpreign |third of w^ieh wa« to Continental trade. All three of these causes are vith us to-day in some, measure. There is still unemployment. Men *rilhout jobs aren’t good customrrs for our farmers. Throuffh science we have learn- pd how to grow two blades of njaas where one grew before, but ivvt haven’t learned liow to sail the •xtra blade at a profit. That has sdded to ouf farm surpluses. The decade of the '30’» waa a touih one for farmers who de- Europa. Total foreign sales for this year Probal>ly will run a little under 2 million b%lM. Borne 14 million persons in tlw United States are dependent directly or indireetly on the pro duction of cotton. If overnight w’e were to stop producing it for a foreign market the number of persons thrown out o£ w6lrk would be greater than the total relief load now being carried by WPA. There are troubles ahead for farmers who have been- producing Yet for all the restrictions in world trade the American farm- NEGRO POLICEMEN Th^ 'movement now going on in Charlotte to secure policemen* ought to have support of all white and colored ci i- zens who are capble of thinking. We tl\ink there is enoug sensible 'yhite people in the state’s largest city to not let preju dice ov'ershadow any movement that is going to lessen the lug crime rate among Negroes which the city has. The placing of Negroes on the police force will deal the Negro criminal another blow, because he knows that one of his own race will be able to detect him, both before and after a crime, "better than a white officer who is not so familiar with his halMts, friends and relatives, Negro policemen in the south are Wond the stage of ex-i ^ periment. It has been tried successf^ly m Kentocky, Texa^ Larket that during the ’30’s aver OklahorHT, Florida, Tennessee and Missouri. l^ged eight hundred million dollars cities in these T-n.nous southern states are all mojre than favor- = ,, 5,le, sho» conclusively the high standing they hW 6f/h™ th. ^ N«;c officers of the la™. We quote below, verbatim, state-1«"- ”PJ ments which we have been able to obtain from,the heads of the imioediate y a er police departfnents' and other authoritative iburc^ in cities but by winter i where Negfo policemen are now being used; • .appai^nt that there had be^ tremendous changes since the Tmmpa, Florida; , • „ firtt World War. The problem in In the opinion of the chief of police, Rj“Gi'*'l/>gan, the .^ar was how we could pro. Ne^ Detective is necessary. He has been femplofyed for over enough to meet the demand; ten years. He has the entire city, his special duty being to problem is how we can curtail Ne^fro law liolation. This method has proven efficient our suri>luse3, even froro and the effwt in the reduction of Negro crime has been good, restricted acreages. The invasion The atitude of the Negro has been very respectful, towa^ ponded upon export markets. One, for an oversea^ market and th#y nation after cnother entered the are likely to continue for several frantic race to have its caka and years. The only lasting cure is to it too by trying to sell all it get more of the land now in ex- could abroad and buy as little port crops into 3rops for demstic from other nations as possible, consumption. It’s a long-time jol), We were in the race from the be- and it meang finding other work wiiiiiiiijr and part of the time we for displaced farmers; but it were out in front. Tariffs were means solid security for the long raised; food was produced under pull, government subsidies in certain The immediate marketing pro- countrles at twice the cost of blems were met for the 1940 har producing it elsewhere; imports vest by commodity loans of sev- and exports were licensed, apd eral million dollars, but the har- foreign exchange was blocked. iviest seasonal purchases of sur- Rather than face the fact that plus commodities ever made by foreign trade must run on a two- our government, by marketing way street, we took gold instead agreements, and by various other of goods for our excess of exports programs'for expanding domestic over imports. The country’s sense consumption. Farm prices were of horse-trading apparently was jmaintained. The emergency was not affronted when we swapped “limet and we cleared the first bur ton and a half of corn for anjdle. ounoe of gold. Even so, world Our next job is to find bigger trade i" farm products declined, and better customers for all the That pdded to farm surpluses. food and cotton we now have in ENOUGH TO SCARE ANY GROUNDHOG storage. This might be done, in a measure, by feeding and clothing the destitute peoples of continen tal Europe. Before we make up our minds that these goods should be sent through the British bloclf ade, however, we need to do some straight and some rather uncom fortable thinking. We need to remember some o£ the ugly.rrthings i) tha^ happened> after th^'last .Wttrld For' instance, thodsariefs of Uli(^t‘f4d and half-starved German boys Dutch and Scandinavian homes TEXT FOB TODAY “Wherefora, m by ont aun •in «nt«red into th* world, and dMth by sin; and m death passed npon all men, for th»t all hav« ■innad.”— Biomanf, t., It. Weekly Legislative Bulletin EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the .third of b teries of weekly sommaries of the activitifls of 1941 General Assembly. The itaff of the Institute of Govenunent presents this ser vice tO| aflford a compfehenflive weekly review of legislation introduced or (Ka8sW''by the repreednfatives ' in " Baleigh. provements in cities and *ovms, OUR GREATEST WEALTH... The forward march of our civilization is kept moving by our youth. Perhaps no country on earth is so blessed with its youth as is our country—America. WTiile we have gained many ad vantages by our enterprise, our enterprise, our industry, pur na tural resources and our fearless ness, I am convinced that our real our most genuine, and our great est wealth is in our boys and girlst There you have the premise on w’hich Hie Boy Scouts of Amefiea [works. It believes with a burning ! that all the future holds for our country is in the hands of the boys and girls. That is why it stresses its character building and citizenship program, that is why it emphasides the value of ser vice to others, that is why it is so very careful in the selection of its leadership. Those who come within the in fluence of Scouting are streng thened in soul and body and they become better citizens of the great republic for it. Where you see a Boy Scout you may bo sure that* he is dependable, upright, l$600,000 to biiild the Sanitorium manly. The greater his numbers, I for the Treatment of Taberculoeis, the more secure our country will authorized in 1939 (a site neaX be! [Wilson having been acquffed by) — virtue the 1939 act). A bill to provide an annual Scouting’s Spirit throughout the State. The allot-$100,000 to aid and equ- I C« * fment would be made on popula- library service in the jtion and State highsray ratios, State was introduced, eis one mak-i ____ I and although the money would be ing mandatory the revocation of history of our [Used primarily to improve high-the beer license of country have we needed the char-^ citizenship' [uces of t^e Bo^ eiica so urgently s Scouting instills in reverence actcr ,way gtreeta,. the * ibalance may be w ho sells beer to an intoxicated applied to streets forming connect person. Another public act, which ing links with "' the highway or would probftbljf affect only Qay o^’‘j(^eli county system, or £ami-to«.mv'ket and. Cllerokee Counties, would ex- today roads ^ lemptions enjoyed by N. C. electric reverence for God, ad- In it^ third week, the IWli Four of the transportation membership corporations to simi- country love for after the Armistice. Under a,'General Assembly passed one measures, introduced in order in lar out of state organizations respect ^for their the collapse of the leadership that gave them j important measure, providing for the Senate, proposed: 1) to limit serving N. C. towns and rural ^ genuine brother- s 0^* N*orwa this Negro detective. His duties are limited to Negroes, Countries and the closing alternative, they retimed n eongressional redistricting, and isses and any property-hauling communities, if the N does not come in contact with white officers. The public atti- Mediterranean shut off twenty years to conquer virtually passed another relating vehicles to 50 miles per hour arid finds that State companies cannot pui.inir tfig 3i years the Move- tnde toward Negro policemen is effective. important markets. The fall of ®>"“tries that had given to the letting of emergency high- to require governor to prevent feasibly suj^ly the communities. served * America, more (France cut us off ’ entirely fromwhen they were way contracts for national de- higher speed, 2). to require bus pi^st among bills of legal than nine million boys and men ithe Continent. England reduced ^ ” Other important legisla- stations m all incorporated towns significance is an effort to^ educe },ave been registered on its mem- St. Louis, Missouri: This city has had Negro policemen for forty-two years. They were put on at the beginning for experimental purposes .her food purchases from us sub-.^®*'^®^ ^1*®*'- Hitler regime tion was introduced featuring a having more than aOO population punishment for firrt degree bership rolls. Today more than one and have been reUined. There are at present 24 policemen, 'stantially by summer. She was trusted. |number of measures dealing with and to set up supervisory com- murder, arson and rape from niillion five hundred thousand are 9 uniform^ men who patrol beats, 9 special officers, 1 ser- saving her dollar exchange for! This is a new and an utterly transportation and transportation mittes, 3) to empower the Ltili- ^^ath to life imprisonment, when active participants in its program. Ceant, 1 lieutenant, 2 police women who iivvestigate when industrial goods and buying food different kind of world and parts facilities, and in pa.rticular the ties Commissioner to require car- recommended by the jury. Ano- every day throughout the ■eeded, and 2 prison guards for prisoners in the cells. jas far as possible from within of it are unbelievably brutal, gubernatorially promised bill to riera operating inadequate or un- measure would allow divorced t^is vast brotherhood indivi- her Empire. .Horrible as it is, some starvation provide retirement pensions to sanitary bus stations to ab.xndon women to resume'the name of a duasly and'' collectively is doing And the 1940'harvest jame on. in Europe now, under the British school teachers and state eiu- them and lease from the city or prior deceased husband, or her sometfiing worth while to “stren- no attention to blockade, may be necessary .to ployees. i private persons city-approved maiden name. In other measures, gthen and invigorate our denio- lost foreign outlets. Had we not break the Hitler strangl^old oH| j- t • ■ u n f facilities, 4) to allow permit can- provision was made for the ap.. cracy ” ibeen prepared through our c^- free men. It may be the alterna-l of carrier’s franchise poin,tment of .pecial Superior it is my conviction 'prehensive and varied agricultural tive to slavery for a thousand ^Itth/ congre^ion^ district any designated route unless Court judges; for suspending the from personal obsen-ation in Accardingr to the chief of police here, the arrangement of ^programs for dealing with such an years under the Nazis. It’s tome- trom which to se ec ® schedules are begun within nning of the statute ^pf limita many hundreds of communities in nsing Negro officers has worked out well. iovemight crisis an utter collapse thing to think about. .additional congressman under the gQ days after the franchise is tions against minors’ claims for everv section of America o\er a „■■■ . ■ ;„f fa4 priees should have fkenl IW Cen™, Counlie. m the new An. workmen', tonpem.tion Act „lVot t.e„ly ve.r. th.t Scout- oidahoma City, place. It didn't. Actually, the pre-! * i ^ benefits; for written contracts as „,itomi7es all'the attributes of The chief of police stated: We believe that a colored offi-^ ,T „ , A Davto’ er tenth and eleventh distnc. and f„i tho h«nHn(r nf a load of more * I- p ‘"K auriouies oi cer can do more among his own race in the prevention of U S A DOVS 113010 were listed in last week's survey. thL LwO Gallons of ^so^ie to sp^ified fe^ between claim- democracy. It is a Movement crime better than white officers They have been very effi* difficult than it was to lift J I mi i • i. * u'n ’ ^ ^ Workmens Compensa charged with the responsibility of cnme oetter man wniie oincers. iney nave Deen very efti , The highway contracts b.U, kerosene or other motor fuel over tion and their attorneys;, for the ceaselessly for our great in 1933. It was less bold nd' "EW YORK — Working/or which awaits only Senate ap- State highways, while yet another appointment of substiitute mor- country. Its idealism is practical, local draft boards. The resolution reason it failed to cap- and with boys h^ ™y Pi^val to a Hou^ amendment would prohibit towing of vehicles tpge or ^trustee on the applica- ij^ acceptance is universal. It is Taka, Oklahoma: Negro officers function in the colored sections only. They ■eidom contact white offenders. They are reasonably just. The , ? attitude of the white people to this arrangement is go^. Muskogee, Oklahoma: cient in apprehending the colored criminals. N. A. A. C. P. Rushes Congressional Probe 1 Discriniination In UOBSl VBW LIN led blic. I Normally, we export 45 per great pn\alege of giving lead- mission to let contracts for na- Other measures related Mr. White will confer with cent of our prunes and 30 per ®rship to 9,000,000 of them and tional defense highway projects transportation would: place Senatros who are favorable to the cent of our r£.isins. The Scandin- leaders. Because of that without competitive bidding. The 90-day minimum sentence for „ principal s Kona rvrv niaae cum- investigation in an effort to get avians line dried fruits. They inusual record, I feel that 1 oan House amendment struck out the cond convictions for driving ^^ars after the breach mitments for defense. resolution introduced as ouicklv as neerlTTSa, but not a pound drunk oi; under the influence of reasonably should have been, • rossible the announcement said through to these Hitler- “ ‘ ® has weigh., with the necessity for advertisii^ narcotics; require school bus discovered; ffor permitting a coun- Thai raises flag in Cambodia; UK. (Spceial to the' -We’aie particularly anxious,'” countries now. Twelve * f/ S! J™ jty supporting indigent persons French are making peace o^er- riMEti) — Plans tor the NAACP secretary said, “to Concressional investi- set l>onafide cases of discrimina , iiaoH orrv intn flTnnrr ia.nrpiv t/\ fh» Hniico I ^inmmirTAP HQ Well aa irom nwrnwav rarroi; qj. mortgage the indi a . used to go into export, largely their country unreser-l to the House Committee »s well as from Highway Patrol; of the treatment of Negro «on, -oacKed up by siped allida- vedly, they admire itr institutions. Education, a 24-page bill pro- and, because of its value to na- nnder the national defense t have sought to 'Great Britain and the Contin- They like Scouting h^ause it is • jvidea both for old-age retirement tional defense transportation, will be ironed out in o“dL tha± w ^®y’* m "which groups of for disability pensions for make the injuring, i capturing or order that we may pr^uce accur this^ear. Maybe when yon re boys work and play together and fpaohers and state emolovees to killing of any homing pigeon a early next week when ately the volume of information ducking bombs you forget about “learn by doing.’’ The ideals of jj - - • ■ ■ ’ . -- i will call for holding public Lear- ture the imagination of the pu- business for more than thirty for passage, would permit the capble of self-propulsion, except ^ion of holder of another mortg- f-pg and voluntary. ITS SPIRIT . .. VOflT*C. In oil fVtJIf iin^A T ViOVA lio/l 1^ — .. . a ^ years. In all that time I have had Highway and Public Works Com- in case of accident or emergency. ®gg on the to property; for ig SERVICE. extending the time allowed forj suits against sureties of execu- “W. particularly onr frih vpli* •»* •«> They have an 45 per cent of our winter iieare America, they Governor’s approval to bids let. county school bus Chief Mechanicjpj.j^ggdings'^in its own^name to 11J Bu]>puruiig trom -jj county home to bring special turps. the that w'e know is availaiile on this frerfi fruits, oranges and w'alnuts the Movement become part of tribuUon^^^of ^p^Wrs ""^and em- inisdemeanor. Last week’s bill designed to gent’s property where there is no guar(^ian or the ^‘uardian refuses to act, for validation of deedx executed before July 1, 1939, with ’ seals omitted; for allowing Revolta routs Cooper, 7 and 6 in San Francisco golf final. Prisoners in Reich put at 3,* After that the boy « a " figur^^ will giveThe' ri^ht' of"emin7n7domain da^^nd^trenter judg-month». Whit© arrh’Crt in Monday, January 28 for a subject.” land pecans and canned peaches; them. day stay, the National A«-i Th® association is also seeking but the farmers over here can’t .Scout in the true sense of theV/ X t,” o i. • S n. ^ n- , f A J * t U ^ sense ox me, amount of contri-for the establishment Jot the Advancement of witnesses who will not only write,forget about their suipluses. word, and when thaf has haooened u rpu *■ * i. ^ i.- x i, , announced today. jabout their ca«e» but come o Maybe you use whale oil instead Ke is automatically on his way a- ij ^ u ‘ ‘ ■ssoeiation seeks to have j Washington to testify at the hear of lard; but the farmers of the long the road that leads to depen- ^ go into effect July l| In the field of agriculture, two served; and for extending in Congress a resolu-jings. The information, according Corn Belt can't forget about that dable American citizenship, tor a Senate investi-l^o the announcement, should be ;{00 million pound surplus in Therehundreds of thousands, Bundles for Britain collected of Union ment at expiration of time to | Senator Glass'says he believes answer when proper complamt g^ould declare war now. ,, . , ^ . » , , . , jnd for extending the signs $36,487,520 air- would be administered by a seven- measures were sent to committee, scope of limitation barring claims plane engine contrMt with member Board of Trustees, in- The first would require a ^•eter- against counties after two years Buick. of diBcrimlnation practiced'sent to the National Association storage. o^ boys in our country pho desire Kflgro citieens in every for the Ad\an^ient of Colored j ija,j ^me 300 million bugh- to become f?couts. If it were pos- •f the Oovernm^t’w defense jl^eople, 69 Fifth Avenue, els of wheat ““ " “—— -;k1o „o —i. _n ti Tke investigation will iSfmtl of jobs to Negro- ^l4u«tr}', particular- -‘Goverainent de- ■I diserimination «fddng Toeft- ia the f» 4atf Air Corps, York City. THEY SAY as a carry-over on aible for us to accept all of them .luly 1, 1940, that ran 100 million bushels above the basis eluding the State Treasurer and inary at point of shipment to to include claims arising from Superintendent of Public In struction as ex-officio members. then came a crop it is reasonable to assume, on ,0f the remaining members, one certify hog.s imported into the bonds, notes or interest, coupons State a« tree of hog cholera or vhere provision for fun4ing, re- other infectious disease, but funding and composition is pro-^ stand. Willkie sees Republican par ty’s ruin if it takes isolation domestic requirements. We d like that we would shortly develop a employee, and three neither. ' of Roosevelt uses old family Bi> to export at least 150 million maahood that would be the envy cond would change the license Knudsen asks industry to tell ble in-taking oath, o *1, 1- ij o » I ^^^®y measures, many ^,ax for retail seed dealers to $n how it can help defense. J • ^ Canada abne, however, of the entire world. Scouting s aff^tmg transportation, were m- ygady where bulk seeds sales are “All-out” cooperation in de-] t)r. Mclntire says President’i has 500 million bushels to sell, abihty to serve increasing num-[troduced. Perhaps the most im- .,R.r,nn ; , fense is pledged by G.LO. lead-, health is “best in many yeara.’ OONCCBMNG “GRATITUDE” Even if there were ho war going hers of boys depends on the sup- portant to local units is a bill ap- The unwilling gratitude of on. that would be enough to take port it receives from the com-[propriating $3,000,000 'from gas !, and in the base mankind.—Pope 4xaft law tmder m m m care of the full needs of all the munities it serves, importing nations of the world. I ers. Of considerable interest to Aeronautic group warns tax and license fees during 1941, eastern North Carolina is a mea- country on shortage of 1942 and 1943 for highwap im-fsure which would appropriate ports. the' Tax blanks sent to 15,000,000 air-'persons and 3,500,000 compan- I ies.