MEMPHIS POLICE ON RAMPAGE I MAILING I EDITION PRICE 5c TH liblBRI QBE d!W Volume Na XXII # Number Seven Durhamf > North Carolina Saturday, February 8th., 1941 Durham Bank Reports Unusual Growth For Last Year FIGHT FOR RACE POLICE TO CONTINUE Memphis Police Bar Negroes Fr«n Interradai Meet 75th Anniversary Founders E>ay Progrram Held At Lincoln ‘U’ S/Sssistgnt C^Kiei^ MEMPHIS, (ANP) — ComiinssI ioner of Public Safety Boyle Wednesday afternoon notified the Memphis Commission for Inter roolAl Cooperatioi th* hs- Win^ild meet with them to discuss bette' white-Negro relations in Memjrfiif but that the conference would be limited to the commission'g white minister members only. His notice was sent to Dr. Sam E. Howie, white, president of the commisaion, in response to a re newed request by a special com mittee appointed by the com mission for a conference with city officials on the nue^tion of better race relations, for which the or ganization was formed. The first request for such a conference met a firm refusal from Boyle, who pointed out that hp considered certain conuniasion members inimical to better racial elations here. Plans are bein^ made by the interracial group to stasfe a mass of. whites^-aud._Ne(qraefi here in February to promote im prove racial relations, with Dr. Will W. Alexander, executive ’ secretary of the National G. I. C. and administrator of the Farm Security adminLstation, «s prin cipal speaker. Boyle’s letter said in part: “It is true I declined to discuss the racial nuestion with your com- mitte and wrote you orivinff my eaaons, that some of the news paper Neprroes on yonr committee WASHINQT^ (Special to for many months had been carry- CAROUNA TIMES) - The inp- on a rampaiern with inflam- tit ^ ^ , ■ , 1 1 . , 1 3- War Department announced today matorv articles ralculnted to dis- if . ha vt j- i ^ ,, . that about 110 Negro medi al rnpt the present realtjons between , ,, , ,, , .. I.-, j j . officers and nurses would be called the white and colored race in this . to active service within the next Cf>mmiinitv. • • 1 J “We havp no race trouble here, * .. • j- * , , 'In addition to the immediate -•xi there rill be none unless some , ^ i 1 • -j 1 plans It 18 anticipated- that the oolish. missnnded persons are -vt i ^ it. j , • j •ii. ii. 1. 1 j* i three Neero National Guard Re determined mith the help of out- ■ , „ „ , . .j, -VT gim«nts wdl require a snmll num- Fiders TO foment strife, Nearoe.s f „ „ j j i. , . . ber of Nwro doctors and dentists are pivme everv opportunity to Battle For Race Law Officers Looms For Spring Election USHERETTES and attendants at the 75th anniversary Foun ders’ \D»y program in Page Audit»rium at Lincoln Uni- versiy, ar« left to right: — Wendell Pruitt, St. Louis; Florence Ann Brown, Qfcmul- gee, Okla..; Wanda Wheeler, Galesburg,. 111.; Leontine Gold en, Saint Louis; Thelma Le gion, Miss.; Marjorie Beck, Kansas City, Mo-; Laura Polk, Saint Luois, Mary Louis; Strawn, Saint Joseph, Mo.; and Roy Kenner,, St. Louis. J. J. 3anson, who was elect ed assistant cashiei' of the Me chanics and Farmers Bank of Durham at its last annua] meet ing in January. Mr. Sanson is • -Atlanta r-—GeofgiaT and has been employed at the Mechanics and Farmers Bank since 1938. Negro Medical Officers M\ Be Cafled To Service Mechanics and Farmers Deposits Increase Over Supreme Court Saves Mao Erom Chair On EveOfElectrocutiba Wins A^tfd * MOXTGOMFJIY, Ala. (ANP")— Two men sentenced to die in the electric chair for murder between midnight and dawn Thursday, received stays of execution Wed nesday, one through court a.;tion and the other through executive reprieve. ^ Joe Vernon of Birmingham, through his attorney in Wa.sbing- ton, obtained a stay of execution from Associate Justice Felix CH-\.RLOTTE — Pr«»ei»tinf their ease with the skill of con gressional lobbyist, The Crusad ers, Charlotte's anriwer to the (vine pcDUem, oiet Mratu with tfa« City Counril st its Jaanary 39th f>«wton to new evi^-' e»ee for the e*t^ of Neyro police, and to ascertain t!|e allivde of the Couneil itself on this bantiog question. Another fiHbuster of the ilk pulled at its Jan- l>th session was. seemingly in the making with Mayor Ben E. Donjla? reww^t in the role of orpo-"*ition spokes man, when reverberations frim the inner sanctum r.f the Co:ineil itself, apparently, ?iaved the' day *’or the Crusaders a the Coitncil- jfflen for the case, here-tofore non ieouuuittaU literally, blitzed the Frankfurter until his counsel could file a motion for a review riqhARD WRIGHT, 32, author Ithe olHxwition. forces with a bar- of the case by the United States famous best seller, ‘‘Native ragt* of motions far ease. .Supreme court. After the clerk Sojj'f who has been awarded the{ To beffin the fife works, the of the Rupreure court had advised 1940 Spingam Medal Award by^report of the Advisory com., ap- JAtty. Qeneal Thomas S. Lawson National As.sociation for the pointed at the Jan. 15 sesn^oo, to jof the stay Gov. Prank M- Dixon ^.dvancement of Colored People--study the question was read by ^reprieved L. C. Bell, convicted —Photo by Emesi Brooks. [City Manager Armstmnf, ctuiir- wfth Vernon for slaying—a- fiUing . - |^nan. Somowbata* to— station attendant in a holdup. 4 1 ai fl> j**tual situation, the report sng- Earlier the Alabama supreme fj0|Q|*0Q N|irS6S remedy for court had sustained a lower) ¥ fT I uthe local crime sitnation the ek»- creased more than $50,000 over the time pay off every deiPoeitor on court’s action in denying V'er-jVA|^A In f[ V Arf||V questionable Caf- » V til U • ru es and Beer parlor?*, and the ena«t ment of an ordinance for the non’s plea for a writ of habeas DURHAM — According to the amount shown in last year’s re- demand if necessary, report of President C. C. Spauld- port. I One item in president Spauld- corpus. The plea contended Ver- _ _ /*xtdx , j ^ • of the Mechanics and Farmers I Mr. Spaulding stated in his re- ing’s report that pf unusual non had been denied his constitu- WASmNGTON, D. C., (ANP) confiscation of pistols and Iraive#. Bank made at the annual meeting port that the Mechanics and interest stated, that during the tiotial rights because Ne^oes ^limaxing their long fight tor j Opening the hi^arins, Maror of stockholders held recently, the [Farmers Bank is thoroughly sol- year 19b0 the bank made Joans were “int«ntionally and systeraa- induction into the nursing service |Iteu|flas asserted that a>t th» pr^ deposits of the bank have in-lvent and liquid, and could at any'i Please tirrn to page Six tically barred” from juries., the U. S. Army Medical Corps,jvious meeting, the data pre^ted menabers of the National Associa-lby the delegation was msnmMMit tion of Colored Graduate Nurses |to warrant any a^tion on th* is- TO COMPLETE BOYS’ DORMITORY AT LIVINGSTONE engage in any honest endeavor. to bring their medical staffs to Thev will not be disturbed, but to f“H/trength. It also is anticipated , -ii „ that a number of Negro Medical the contrary will be oriven all ~. , n u I _ '.vi - ~ i It officers and nurses will be au- Po»«i‘ble encouras’ement.' . , „ . * thorized soon for assignment to other regiments and station hos pitals where there are Negro troops. uviium ifiiii sa«, and that in all due respect to the delegation, there existed in hi* mind a qnestion as to whether the Please turn to page Six Question May Appear As bsne h Man Walks FMt Mlfoc Ta If ill PiVqI large general Army hos- ITlilvu 1U IVIU y ul pitals, it is not planned to use Negro profe.ssionaJs, although Ne- WILSON, — Herbert Bynum, gro patients will be accommodated 27 venr old Shanp.«hurer resident without discrimination, receiving walked eight miles Tuesday night the same treatment and facilities to kill a man after a quarrel as other patients. Aver Bynum's wife, then walked As Negro officers are called The annual drive for Livingstone College is now in full swing, and according to Presideni W. J. Trent it is hoped fonr miles to give himself up to from the Medical Reserve, ftddi- that the campaign will not pnly net enough funds for the maintenance of the .school during the next fiscal year, but police. tional Reserve appointments will!enough tp complete the boys' dormitory, pictured above, which is much needed to take care of the,increase in enroH- He walked four miles for a Please turn to page Six ment that has been realized this year. 1 have been informed by the American Red Cross that the Army ig going to use Negro nur ses, it was learned here this week. It was stated that the names of 117 eligible, registered nurses have been sent to Army officials b'" the American Red Cross,: which is the authorized agency j ^ ^ through which nurses are | for «the Army and Navy branches j lilCvUUH the War Department. * —' ' Of the 117 elisrU>les, it was said | NEW YORK, Special to tk* that -^8 would be Selected for CAROLINA TIMES ) — Plan* the Fourth and Fifth Corps ha%-e been eoafl^seted for the intro Areas. The Fourth Area is in the duetion in Congress aext week ef , South, while the Kfth comprises • resolntioa ealiing for an inveati. i Kentucky, Ind^na, Ohio and West gation of the treftiaent of the Ne- iVii^inia. ia the ratie national itiiftmte In just what capacities the program ukebdiiig the Anijt nurses would be used, or thejNavy, Air and Miurise Corp% wiA nature of their assignments, wasipartteular emphMia oat jo^ in not immediately known, but with drfena* indastry^ the Kaatliail jthe induction into Federal service- Aa«oeia4io» for tlw of various State National Guard of Cbiore4 iniinMMMi regiments, as well *8 the Draft {day. selectees, it was thooght the n«r-' Walter White* sea would be integrated, into tha taij of aMMMtiMf medical personnel station^ at thejaMMtiMS^ ia Wa^M| various Army trainiiig aaape. | Pleaae tan to

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