“Let Britain Give Safepards for World Peace—” out for Britain with all wp have. We ehall be »li out for our 8rlvi*v. wp shall hp po'.ng all out for all the rest of all the Americas. We ^^hall be Ktartincr the Croa t ion, after all these .' ear* of a truly invulnerable American SjRt^in."' •A rONCRETFj understandin^f ■with Britain on post-war policieti and on methods for implementing f)ermanent workl safety ig urged as a condition for all out aid to Britain in the leading article of February issue of the READER’S DIGEST, appearing today. Written bv William Hard, vete- eran political and economVo com mentator, the article pleads for the United States to go on “from helping Britain feebly to helping Britain effectively” after forcing a binding understanding concern ing the arrangement Britain is o mane after victory. The U. S., gays Mr. Hard, "lies almost in the middle betwppn the ■world’s two historic vitally breathing Inngs. It lies between |^ilaon, w hite, who had served the unquenchable passions of internal revenue western Europe and the reawaken ^3 years be fore beconung an ing activities and ambitions of flependent tftx counsellor, eastern Asia* We are admirably situated to be the prey of a European L^ade and Ed Jones, Policy King, Sentenced To Serve 28 Months In Penitentiary rHK’AOO, (Associated Negro Press) — Edward P. Jones, re puted boss of the South Side policy racket, was sentenced Thursday by Federal Judge Philip L. Sullivan to serve 28 months in the f)enitentiary for income tax vasion. He took the rap for his two brothers , ‘afld Thomas R. served in bureau for L . —, . —... ■ ________________ Birmingham Radio Station Gives Time To Negroes: Baptis t Ministers 0. K. Gilson were The dis- broithers and charged. \yhen sentence was imposed, an A^atic blade of T world Sullivan granted Ed Jones ftcissors. ‘J.n these circumstances, a stay of execution to March Itff allow him to 10, North Carolina Commission On Inter- Racial Cooperation Will Hold Its 22nd. State - Wide Annual inference Feb. 20 SteiB Taken To Eliminate Accidents From Sports Events RALEIGH — Noting an in- BIRMINGHAM, (AN?) — The Baptist Ministers conference which meets each Tuesday at Sixteenth Baptist church adopted a resolu tion of commendation to be sent to the Birmingham News Age Herald and Station WSON, for opportunity to present by Editor Robert Durr, the “Negro in the News” over air daily. The minis ters stressed the fact that as re presentatives of the Negro people. RALEIGH, N. C. (Special to the C'ABOLINA TIMES)— The North OaroJina Commission on Interra cial Cooperation will hold its 22nd 8tate Wide Annual Conference in Raleigh on February 20. The morning and afternoon sessions will be held in the Religious idu- cation Building of Edenton Street Methodist Church. The evening creas« in accidents in North Caro- Isession will be in the City Audi-;lina involving high school boys itorium. land girls en route to ba.Hketball Blain Featnree of Procram Iffames, Ronald Hocutf, director »»f Morning Session (Edenton St.[the Highway Safety Div|si.,n, p- Methodist Church) beginning P««ied this week t? Parpnts. and 10:30. [Y'hocrt\ authorities to take steps to 1. “The need of a home for de- accident* of thia tyi>e. linquent Negro girls” will be dis-| “I* « alarming to note,” he _ , , . , , . ° cussed by Dr John S. Bra!way of,»*>d, four young people in embers and .ntarested (Duke University and Pre«id«nt^of state *have been killed and up- the State Conference of Social |Work. Supplementing this discuss ion will be Mrs. W. T. Bost, of photographs as the conferenc# resolutions were signed. Mr. Durr says he accepted«the' wards of a dozen other injured j while going to or from ba.?ketball j garnet in out state in the pa:^t six job because he thought Director of State Department of ^wo other youths were killed and several injured j while en route to high s hool' football games. This slaughter of our young people must be halted.” Accidents of this kind are large- peo- Upper left h«nd comerr insert . , . ~ . . they appreciate the clean news We ought ifot to bfe asking our-j“" *'*®^ *”ja8out Negroes given in such a Selvea *imply: “What can we doi®”®’”' high class way over the air to the to help Britaint" We ought to| The multimiHion dollar policy listeners composed of be asking ourselves also—and income, the government pointed primarily: ‘What can Britain do out, comes from the penniee,^ Birmingham News photo- ing are officers ^ .-an ne.i, r.. to help usf’ As soon as we pose nidtels and dim« that South Si - apher was on hand at the Tues^lthe Baptist Minivers conference. ,He^r^DirTrtol ""of thTvir^in a'seeing tiat the problem in that way, we can er* bet in the “num^bers racket.- ^ ^TrT begin to act with some realistic | The Jones boys get /5 per cent of conv&ion sense—perhaps even with everything that is bet. dants that “under no cireums- a number of policy writers serve to educate the pobhc at t ^ 1 u i XI- i. VT Public Welfare; Mrs. J. Henrv large about the best Negro aet»- ... ^ 11 ® * ;Highsmith and Mrs. Phyllis Stan- ties which are never fully present-' .,%irrr n n • a ^ . -r J . ^ ^ J cil 0’Kelly, Superintendent In- ed in the daily newspapers and , i • \ o V i tt- . . , I. 1 1 J ■ dustrial School «t Peaks, Virginia, because it has been revealed in ai « a • f A _ I ,• i i I An institution for the train- survey that more P^le listen to feeble-minded Negro said, to overcrowd to radm than read all white and discnseed by Wm. youthful exuberance Negro newspapers. Johnson, Director of the Negro impetuousness, distraction of children” will be discussed by drrverB sive speed. “Coaches and school principals' can help reduce such accidents by' cars taking players to State Hospitals, Richmond. |games are not overcrowded, by andi 3. “The Little County School”; i®eeing that the cars are driven by shows Robert Durr, editor of the r. Johnson, Director of the Weekly Review newscaster. Stand Negro Division of the State Wei and members of Department and Dr. H. C. attention, and exces- CoUege ot Bishcfie of the Ceatral Jurisdiction of the MettuxUst Church. Left to right: Bishop Alexander P. Siaw, Baltimore Area, Baltimore, Md., and Bishop Robert £. Jones, Columbus Area, Columbus, (»ila Inaert: Bishop Lorenxo H. King, the Atlantic Coast Area. Atlanta. Georcia. before letting them have the family caj!, for the purpose of tak ing a lo8i«l of players or spectators^ to a basketball game aiway from; homo. ’ ’ I “Certainly, if parents s n d school authorities will take these | steps, the chances df such accid-| entfl occurring should be greatly j reduced. ” HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS HELP A cbeck for 117.62 was sent t* Bundles for Britain by stadents at Boone Trail High School, of M»- mers. N'. C. The money was eoa- tributed by the itndenU. most «( them farm children. Census Bureau shows rural growths near par. urban a little audacity.” I John M. After sugge ting major •oifl-|kett, assistant monitments Britain should pro-1 told the court that mise toward post war world (tax liaibilities has Seen settled for| safety, Mr. Hard urges, “liet us $481,710 in a civil suit. Kiely told i Kiely and Paul Plun-would the getting of the cash runners,'«nd finally, in 1929 The elimination of 1, 2 and 3 (reasonaible youths, and by caiv district attorneys, ^*'** Jones sent- became the owner of the brothers’ guilty in the wheel. ^criminal case. j To show how profitable Kiely narrated in detail how, racket is, the government fclBd Britain to it; and let the court, however, _,that he the Jotbs brothers, us throw off the" wraps and go all had re^atedly I'dvlsed the defen- Mississippi minister, ran son of a closed that the brothers spent, his own teacher schools (1800 of them in North Carolina) by Dr. N. C. Newbpld, Siipt. Clyde Erwin and others. 4. Adequaite vocational education J, the dis- a $15, from 1931 through 1938, $2,721,911North Carolina schools (speak- Service . . You will find our SERVICE complete to the smallest detail. Our years of experience enable us to anticipate your need and therefore serve you better. ‘^Thoufhtful Attention To Even The Smallest DetaiF AMETS FUNERAL HOME 401 Pine Street 24 Hour Service Phone J.2971 stake up to $1,600,000 in 10 years, showed an income of only $1,358, ' He said Ed is 43 years old, a while their income tax returns graduate of Howard university, 'showed an income of only $1,358, married and the father of four|270. The difference, minus cash on children. He lived in Mississippi hand Jan. 1, 1939, was what they until coming to CWcngo. From .were charged with '^ailing t‘) de- 1918 to 1922 he operated a small iclare ag income: $1,307,519. taxi business in Evanston, assist-1 HIZIII ed by his brothers and brothers and his mother, Mrs. Harriet Jones. From 1922 to 1936 he work ed as club car steward on the 20th Century Limited, and in 1927 he entered the lottery racket. He first became a policy writer, or number salesman; then he operated a policy station, bossing NINETY^THREE THOUSAND KILLED Few of us realize that during the year 1939, NINE- THREE THOUSAND people met death from accidents in America ... one person every five and one-half min utes, eleveii persons every hour, two hundred and six ty each day, eighteen hundred each week. Sixty-two per cent of all fatal accidents fall under two headings . . . motor vehicles 34% and falls 28%. With the holiday season approaching, travel will be in full swing. A^at would be the picture in your home should you be one of the victims? Insurance will not bring back a loved one, but there is satiifaction in the thought that the future of those left behind is financially secure. Can you afford to gamble with a need so vital? ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ NORTH CAROLINA MUTDAL 09U) C.C.S PAULDIN0. Charlotte Office S. BREVARD A. £. Spears ' Manager ♦ DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA 233 Durham Office ST. .809 FAYETTEVILLE W. L. Cook Manager ST. WINTER skin is a plaguf which few women cscijMJ. Your ankles are chapped: yuur legs are rou^ and flaky; your adyjHollywood will speak on feels itchy-ary all over. You; ~ is not unusual, and u trace.V i in .part to onr rigorous climate anu in part to our addiction to overl: ued rooms and onr devotion to the batlu tub. ' What to do? Rut^ Murrin, Direo* ers to Tue announced). Afternoon Session (Edenton MethodLst Church) 2 o’clock. 1. “The intergration of N’egro es and white non Union workers in the industrial and national de fense construction program.” This topic will be discussed by those well informed and competent. 2. Mr. Paul Green of the Uni versity of North Carolina and The i.asa Dramatization of Native Son.” 3. “Housing" and other pertin ent items -will be discussed in brief written reports from the six Regional Conferences held October in Elizabeth City, Rocky Mount, Lumberton, High Point, tioning the drivers against speed ing and carelessness” the safety director stated. “Parents can be helpful 'n this connection by having aerious talks with their sons and daughters tor of Good Housekeeping's ber.uty gt^tesville and Asheville. Persons clinic has the answer in the FcbrU' ary Issue of the magiuiine. Try ft toothing protective body rub —• on^ that smooths and softens,, drie* quickly, leaves no greasy film. There are new body lotions especially' to* the purpose; bat before you invest in one, try your old reliable hand lotion. Apply it after^your bath. In extreme cases, the Journal a the American Medical AssociatioD recommends that you use soap only on face and hand*, feet and body folds, and make your bath with gtarch, bran or oatmeal. To avoid clogging drains, oatmeal should be tied in a gauxe bag and boiled a tew minutes. Then both bag and the water in which it was boiled are added to the water in the tub. Water should be tepid, not hot. The starch bath is simpler, since it is necessary merely to stir the starch in the water. It makes a d»> ItffbtfuL alks-/««]Utar Jbatb. Stepmother's Attitude ^ Should Be Friendly Every year thousands of wo* men take up the task of rais ing other women’s children. The job of being a foster mother is not an easy one, but the attendant prob lems are not impossible to solve. Especially difficult, says Gretta Palmer in the February Good E::::o- jceeping Magazine, is the role of ptepmother-through-divorce. Since, in this case, the child has two mothers, the situation may prove dioroQghly bewildering to him. Pur ser complications may occur if any liscord arises between the two households in which he has a part^ For the sake of the child, any differ* ences must be straightened out from the start. A stepmother. Miss Palmer ad- dses, must not demand a child’s af fection. Her attitude should be that bf a wise, friendly grownup. The real mother should have first claim in all decisions; the stepmother thould defer to her Judgment. Bat r there is a problem with which she feels better able to cope, she shoold flrst ask the husband to obtain the nother's^permission to handle it. If tepmothera study their Jobs, they n make a glowing ^uccMs out turaa a£ the naat.^. to make these reports will be announced later.^ , 4. A recommendation for char tering and incorporating the Com mission by act of the Legislature will be submitted by Hon. Gurney P. Hood, chairman of the com mittee. Senator Gordon Gray who is ehairman of the Winston Salem committee has agreed to introduce the Bill if the Coramiasion acts favorably upon the recommenda tion. ! 'I Evening Program City Audi- beirinning 7rl5. It is hoped that this program can be broadcast. 1. Music will be furnished by the Negro college choirs of the state which is the initial program of music dedicated annually to I the Governor of North Carolina. This will be a permanent feature of all future State Conferences all of which are to be held in Raleigh. Others parts of the state will be covered by Regioanl Con ferences and local meetings. 2. A symposium of five or ten minute addresses on: “We Ameri cans.” ’! « a) Ra>bbi Fred J. Rippins f Greensboro will speak for the Jews. b) Dean Alphanso Elder, North Carolina College, Negroes. c) A Foreigner one of the group South American Students nowj in residence at the University of North Carolina will speak on “South America’s interest in hemispheric solidarity.” d) A message from Ambassador Josephus Daniels to be read will emphasize Mexico’s in terest in the “Good Neighbor Policy ’ ’ 3. Address by Hon. James A. Broughton, Governor of North Carolina. Governor Broughton is the 6th Governor of North Carolina o ■erve a* Honorary Chainnan of .the Commission on Interracial Cooperation in in North Carolina. 4. Dr. Odum has a^eed to bring a delegation of foreign stu- stndents for this program. Pet Dairy MILK Is Pure Milk Bv ABNER GORDON Concrete sidewalks or fiagston« paths can be laid directly on the earth granting natural drainage fa cilities and soil sufficiently loose tc assure moisture filtration. When adequate drainage is laclc- Ing, the installation of a well-packed base of at least six inches of gravel or cinders is essential to prevent the collection of water from undermin ing the concrete Whatever the path width or flag stone design, two by fours laid so as the top edges mark the walk surface make convenient side and section forms. Lay sidewalks in about live foot sections with narrow vacanciejt to allow for expansion. The irregular designs commonly emphasized in con crete flagstone construction ade quately compensate for any move ment Pour the concrete in alternatins sections, and when hardened, remove the cross boards before filling re maining areas. Level off each section before dry ing with a bol^rd pressed hard agains'. the side forms to remove surplus Soacr«t«. — Each block is best tooled or spotted slightly to prevent slipping on the Btherwise smooth surface. Q.—Suggest a method for paintin? canvas covered pipes Is a spetia) primer necessary? What paint do yoi recommend? A.—No special paint or methoa oi application is required tor decorat ing canvas surfaces Merely apply three coats of good quality flat paint, the like of which is specified for wall board and plaster For complete assurance as lo iht liuality of the ingredients and coii'-* ^uent durability, it is advisabk u. mix the priming coat or. the oh from 3 parts (by volume) of p istp white lead. 4 parts lead mixing or lead reducing oil Follow wi'.h two topcoats of equal parts of the ‘vr- ingredients tinted ss rtp'ired v th paste colors-in-oil Yott must iureok the seal 5EALRIGHT* ^ OH, GflACE, SOME 0?=- lUE BEST HARGrAltJS IkJ -rU£ PAPBFirOPAVl let!s go snoppi^jat I'U^MEBT you AT TUE qorijer! A4R. mercmakjt WAS IT Vouft AP SrtE O BEADi ... to open our protected bottle The Tamper - Proof Hood Keeps It Pure During Defiyery We have spared no expense to equip our dairy with the latest and most scientif ic facilities for the preservation of milk purity. As an additional link in the sanitary service chain, which we pro vide, we now cap each bottle with a sterilized SEAL RIGHT HOOD. Our bottles are automatically hooded after they are capped by special machines. This cover-all hood is entirely tamper - proof. Its seal cannot be, broken without detection. It brings to you, not only milk that is pure, but a bottle whose top has never been exposed. If you use our milk, there is no need to wash off the bottle top before pouringr, for it comes to you sterile-clean, com pletely protected by a sanitary hood. Guard the health of your family by using only protected milk! PET DAmT “A Pantry Profit In Every Deeper Cream — It James Street « Ftume L-98S