TEACHERS -V-' COMPRONS MAILING EDITION a Cum rdTHFl^utH liNBRiBff e5^ PRICE 5c Volume No. XXII • Durham, North Carolina Saturday, Februarv 15th. 1941 □- Number Eigrht N.Y. NEGROES CALLED FOR GRAND JURY Principal Pleads For Vocational School Norfolk Teachers Vote Down Compromise On Salary Discrimination #• Anxious To Sene In First All - Negro Air Squadron NORFOLK, Va. —At a meeting called here on Tuesday, F«bmarjr 4, on petition of certain member* of the Norfolk Teachers Aasooi*- tion in an effort to foree the Teach ers to accept the form of decree fcff final settlement of their their sahirV equalization case drawn by City Attorney Alfred Andersoj^, the teachem ^yoted un. Aoimotasly to , Buppopt WA^CP «tofl»«ys utii decree drawn by them. Following the failure of Judge patched to the scene. When they arrived they found the membatrs of the Teachers Associaition wait ing in the . auditorium While William Cooper and L. F, Palmer of the Joint Comnyittee on Teach ers’ Salary case in Virginia were in conference with City Attorney Anderson and City Manager Bor land in an upstairs oIRce. Th^ir presence was greeted^y the tefioh er« with eb«ec» and then tlwyl were oshjrred into ‘ the” tive’ huddle. Maintain that they would only discugB the form of Principal Urg^ Consideration Of VocationM Needs “Birth of a Nation Senator Lodge Cites Closed Following jDisfranchisement N. A. A. C. U. Protest Present System NEW YORK — Follo^ving vi gorous protest by the national BY WILLIAM A. TOOK DURHAM — On the weekly thirty minute radio program en titled “To Durham City Schools” Wednesday night, Pnincipal W. M. In introducing the program, ink and handling’ of woodwork.” Superintendent-W. F. Warren (rfi McElrath Pleads the 'Durham City Sohools express, For Opportunity ed his “sincere” hope that in the I In the nuain address of the future, there will be more and evening Prof. McElrath statediin Way last week to effect an agree decree which,they had prepared fpur vj^rTVRo, TirpxT. t>T/^rprTrri?ir» u * • n. i,- . vt j r- j lu • j XL InE yoUJS'G'MEN-PICTUREiD here are anxious to serve in the first all- Negro armv air ^auar T ^ don to be be-established at Tufike gee institute and have already met the physical requirements for i«.on and Aiu™, OW H.n,Oty Attorney .nj «y Man.^r, Anericanh -flas. Th'y ,,a ,ho,„ \,ith Col. jin Ih, latur the teaeh- Manarer that fnrth.r d.«u..ion i„ da/rk wit J. cap, who di«ti,«»i,hed himself fishtL for H.iU-Sela«i, i„ the ers, he recused himself in open wa^ uslegs and these two indivi- W „ ii. iaa * j i. ^ » -r ,• . _ , j. a ‘ ■ n- -i. ,1 mniopian-italian war a few j’ears ago. There are more than 100 student at Robinsort s Institute, count and requeste Senior Circuit duals soon left the premises- Judge Parker to assign someone! Returning to the, auditoium else to hear any further proceed-1 Forney Ransom made a report ings. The difference between the had happened in the up- two forms of decree, as described gtaii^ meeting with the cdty offi- by NAAOP Attorneys, is that the jiaig and urged the teachers not one proposed by City Attbmey surrender any more of. their,. Anderson i«, in effect, an crder rif^iits gained by the deiiaoiu for a dismissal of the suit, where- haj been won. Winston as, the decree drawn by the teach Douglais, member of the Joint erfe’ attorneys calls for a deoiara. Committee, who h»d been the tory judgment and injiin(»*ion'p,ov,in,j force in the calling of the forcing the defendant to carry out i^eeiting presented the aa:^unients the terms of the agreement. .tfor oompromise and after a brief When word was ’received at'requital by Attorney Hill a ballot the National Oflhce of the NAACP| .^g taken on the question as to in New York that Melvin Alston,' i,.gther the teachers would sup- President of the Norfolk Teach-'port the decree drawn by their ers’ Afw^iation and plaintiff in naAOP attorneys or would ac- the successful action against the gepj. the proposal of City Attorney Norfolk School Board, had been Anderson. When the vote was forced by petition to call a meet- counted it was 132 to 34 in favor iner of the Aseoeiaition on Tuesdov the NAAOP aittorneys. Dou- Attomevs L. A. Ransom and OH- gia^ moved that the vote be made ver M. Hill were immediately dis unanimous which was done. Negroes Placed On New York Blue Ribbon And Grand Juries NEW YORK — Several hund red Negroes have been called by the New York County Jury Com missioner’s office for examination ag potential Blue Rd'bbon Panel jurors and members of the New York County Qrand Jury, a« a NAAGP Opposes ;NELL HUNTER Extraction Of ENDS WORK Negro, To Georgia IN GEORGIA NEW YX)RK, Special to the. result of efforta by 4he NAACP, CAROLINA TIMES >-Wrhe follow its became known today. Ij^g tele^pi;^ jni on February The-i&ue w«^*“Wiised when fc 4 to Qovenior I^man Blue Ribbon jury waa sought for by Walter W^ite, executive seer*' the trial of Morris Preston, Ne-'tary of the National Association gro, chaiged with the murder of for the Advencement of Colored his wife. Preston and his wife People: were two of the seven persons j “National Association for Ad- manhandled by a mob in the \-ancement of Colored People famous Crambury, N. J. potato respectfully urges you. as Gover- piekers, case in 1939. nor, to deny extradition of jay When a Blue Ribbon jury was Gould Cotton, fifteen year old sought Morris Shapiro, Proton’s Negro lad asked for by Georgia to counsel, raised the issue of the odmplete ' barbaric sentence of absence of Negroes on such juries -from ten tp ^ twenty, years for New York County. ■ At Mr. alleged theft. No- civilized State greater opportunities for the Ne- that while the Negro teacherg ac- ghapiro’s request a brief amicus i would impose such a sentence on gro youth of Durham, to get the cept the ta»k and duty of aiding curiae wag field by the NAACP juvenile even if ^ilty. Cotton proper training in vocationing students in the selection of occupa and hearings were held on the'aHege,«^ he wa* unmereifally bea-’ fields 80 that there will be more tions whi;h promote happiness and.y^jjjj^ tying* Preston before ten before‘being griven a summary chances for employment. jsuccess, “the public should ac-^hite Blue Ribbon Panel trial and convicted. He aL^ alleg- Citing the progress made ini®®Pl^ that our education-jju^y before Judge Jonah J. »3 that he was cruelly treated on * the Home Economics Department, Process must change and im-jooldstein of the Court of General the notoriotus Georgia chain gang.' re. I. E. Colmfin said “ag late as Rrove if it would continue to ser-'ggggJong 19^ the department occupied two ® w’ell the vital n®eds of the nia-( 'Ifon. ATL-IXTA, Ga. (Special) — Mrs. Nell Hunter, ct>nsultant in rooms. There were tw o teachers, one text book, five sewing mechi- ne». Today we have four teachers, It is oor , Opinion that a cruel i • ■ • » x- -« ■ . • _*.• ij V .V division ot Negro affairs, travesty -OH justice would be per©e „i At hearings before Judge Golds ^^^^ed by returning Cotton to ""n t n r- . He pointed out that since 1935 tein on January 30 the NAACP’s Georgia” the peir cent of bovs enrolled in secretary presented to the Court ,. Bill Robinson, two general and two vocational, '‘^^tion work ha« decreased from a list of 159 Negro residents of j, P tf two clothing laboratories, one ^ Manhattan who had qualifications sc^^r on labortories, one lecture roohi, 4(14 there has been a similar decreiase for Jury service. Deputy Com- by posting the Admin istrattoof Washington, pleted a month’s .-tay in Georgi* tamous during which time she visited release niany Negro NY A projects for required $1500 the purpose of assisting in th® world text books, 75 library reference.®'™®*'? g*rls. The decrease i» imissioners James McGurrin and BwxAlyn a^ creating of organized choral pro books and eleven sewing machines ®nrollment was stated as being Thomas F. Kane exi>re8sed will- office of th* NAACT\ grams, William H. Shell. Georgia - and other interested groups and XYA admi'histrative asmstant in individuals *re exerting ewry ef- Negro affaifs, revealed this week. —two of them electric. The food.s inadequate space and ingness to include on the laboratory consists of three units,' rather than a lack of list all Negroes who met Jury the fort to prevent Cotton’s extra di- two gas and one electric including among the students jqualifications and who were will- .. ,, j- * i a frigidaire. As far as facilities I “We, therefore, urge that our ing to serve. Judge Goldstein ad- ^ **** ii*g ® will permit, all phases of home.|vocational needs be fully con- journed the hearing to FeJbruary S^i’ams, letters etc., to this cffeet economics are taught.” jsidered in order that the program 11 to permit the NAACP to pre-i^° Governor Lehman. Mrs. J. A. Nelson defined thej^^*^^ already been set forth, ipare an additional list of all duties of the vocationad hom« be complete for the city of avail persons. j February 5th, economics teacher as including thel^^^®"^-” I I McElrath, of carrying on of a community pro-| STATE DENTIST Hillside Park High School whs pram of work by means of Adults OFFICERS USHERS WASHINGTON, D. C. — In a the main speaker, and three teach- classes and the .supervision of, In addition to Arthur Crump, Greensboro Ushers ASSOCIATION statment read into the Congress-1 ers from the vocational depart-projects ^ office and New York branch of the jgnal Record of January 31, byjment of the sahool also made work dealing with problenss^ NAACP, and other interested ^isfiranchise the Negro. Under a short talks. The theme running personal, home and family life Vj||^TAfn IJIJD t groups and individuals, the show- Repiiblioan from Massachusetts, | through all of the s.peeches was projects are sponsored in jWRW I HHK / ArQ ing of “The Birth of a Nation",gupport of a joint resolution|the conditions to be found in the for better hotoe liv- at the Ambassador Theatre here .introduced by him calling for was terminated two djiys ago. iconstitutional amendment to pro- Hillside departments of Maid Invocation, president Union. Welcome Address. T. E. Hum- mons, secretary of Hayes- Taylor YMCA. Response, Mrs. L. B. Perkins, recording secretary, ^ injr or for employment. , . . . _ . , „ . . ‘>»>iiv')>e liniSfruction is the main ' ^ joint meeting of the Board Selection, South Choir. T*. pi.t»re .ck«iaM for .'via, for n, p„p„tor .l«lion orgT "Z"Z ’’f"'"" NorthtoSJ InteSomint G.^nnell. CTair- prevue benefit performance for the President and Vice President L^^^tional needs be fully ionsider,''*®® tional Ushers Association will Bundles for Britain on Febru- of the United States, disfranchise present program H. R. Nan«e pointed out to be held in Greensboro, Sunday , for all the stu- the radio audience that: afternoon, February 23, at the Call and readinff of the majority of our boys leave school Hayes - aTylor eMmorial Y. M. j nwnutes. Reports from the supervisor may be complete dents of Durham. Mr., I. E. Coleman, in.t™clor f »«»’' " ‘'"■y P»" tl-o W l™il C. A., it WJ» Mnounced this Rei^rte from th* suMrv.^1 ■ Mi>s T F Tsr 1 on of compulsory education. It is week by O. G, Donnell, chair- of Western District, C. R. man of the board Craig; BJastern District: J. Wy- of Se^ying; Mrs. J. E. Nekon of - . ii. n 1 • i * J -vr from thw aroup that the 25,000 the ^king pe^rtment, and N. The meeting is scheduled to lie Thompson, Supervisor of Nauce, instructor ary, but upon the urging of the ment of the Negro is cited as one NAAGP and other civic groups, of the defect in the present elec- “The Birth of a Nation” was toral college system, not show’n, and “Four Feathers”i , » i. • was substituted in it stead. 1 ® ® Walter White, secretary of the present system, * -At •■■•...-i.iai me uumw*!n. — - ’ t • ■rw' ‘ National . A^*socitaion for the Ad- following,R. Nauce, mst™ctw m Auto ^ promptly at 1:30 o’clock Junior I^partment. Mw. L. A. vancement of Colored People, was VIT s7h^^ of First ibd informed by a telegram frorn^ “The eigTith defect is the ten-l“*‘" enourfi for only thirty in the all ^^rtment, Mrs. Fannie R. Bundles for Britain, Inc. that it dency of the present system ^e- Vocational Department which Diyision-of Orri Hygi«e, had cancelled its acc^bance*^of disfranchis the Negro. Under a speakers. The Hillside chorus trains in auto servicing a n, d jng will please be on time. ' J. W. Doak. After which the.^' State Board of Health s sang two number under the direc- soa'e enoue-h for about seventy- program, for the occasion State President, Pr«6ident L.E. ,*»*«' conducting a mouth health tion of' Misg. T. H. Claggett with .eight in the industrial arts de- jg as follows: Austiug will offer -progr*m in th« publia sahoola oif Miss D. V. Croom at the piano. 'partment which trains in^ the mak Selection, from the Soutk Choir ^tions. Ithe City and Coooty. DURHAM PROMINENT FARMER IS iLAID TO REST James Melton HoUowar* prominent farmer of Cionnan, died at his home Tuesday mom* ing at 2:30 after a, short ijlnnni Mr. Holloway was 81 years of age at the time of his death. Thd deceased had lived ia Durham county all of his life and was a succ«asful fanaer. . Although he was not ft meynfaer of the Mt. Calvary Baplirt church, he wfta active in all of its works and served the as one of its ataunchesfc anp* porters for many years. I la addition to hii WidkMr»lfR.t Tmma Hollowajr Mr. Bidlowaar ia survived hgr six daugtdwt»«>^ three sons. The daughtan are ,lirs. iavirft Reopen, Mnu .de*- ys McNeil. Mrs. Olpha F. WXk i^Misaee Sudie, Eva and this benefit showing “because f system in which no minority votes itg sympathy and respect for the are counted, there is scant incen- Colored people of Amerlc*i.” * tiye to bring OTit the Negro vote. 2!!.*^“^ .BoUowftjr, ftll of DoMham. sons are Willcgr, (Mear and Af vid. Wiley reside* ia Pwuasyhraaia, while tla two aooB are rstiifaatg «t -A