Remove AH Barriers PUK.1SHEO WBEKLY BY THE OAHOLINA TIMES PUBLISHING CO. E. P£ABODY St. DURHAM, N. C. PHONES N-7121 J-7t71 By Dr. OlurlM Stelxlo It it geaerally oasumed by s(Hne otherwise informed Amerio»n« that the progre*« of the progreti a» BOf«nd cli under the Act of March Srd. 1879, L. r.. AUSTIN, PUBLISHER WILLIAM A. TUCK, M.natin, Editor HERBERT R. TILLERY, ButinM* M«n>««r CHARLOTTE OFFICE 4*0 I-a EAST SECOND STREET m«tcr at the Poat Ufiee at Durham. N. C of the Negro rae® in the United States begran at zero on January 1, 1863, wh«B PrMideoi Lincoln'a Emancipatioa Proclanuition be- I came efleeiiv*. It ie true that more than four milion slavee started from acratch at that time, but nearly half a million Negroes were already free, many having pur chased freedom through their own efforts. WTien the Civil Waf began, g»at numbers of Negroe* had alredy become skilled workers, and while undoubtedy many owed their training to an African background, wliere for centuriee mnny of their forefathers were skilled artiuins. Ijnatei. It abe seems c^Tioos and logioal that tkere is not a white family in the United States that would fivs the Spells a job. Therefore, tjie ^:>elk May be forced to change their name. It ia to be hoped that Spell’s exonerations will have the effeet of staying any contemplated dis missals of colored domeBties by excitable white employer*. In the words of one of the • juro«, former Deputy Sheriflf John Bdyl# “THIS MAN IS innocent I” Your Insurance SUBSCRIPTION RATES: $2.00—Y«w, $1.>3—• Month*. The Platform of . THE CAROLINA TIMES indudes: Eqnal Balaries for Negro Teachers. Negro policemen. Negro jurymen. Eqsal educational opportanltiea. Higher wages for domestic senrants. Full participation of Negroes in all branches of the National defense. Abolishment of the double^tandard wage scale in industry. Greater participation of Negroes in political affairs. Better housing for Negroes. Negro representation in city» oponty, state and na> tional governments. Questions and Answers • The publication of the bene fits of th« National Service Life Insurance evokM consid* erable comment, and no few questions. For further clari fication, here are some of the queries and the answers . . . What is your question? • fci music they made a distinct This is a reminder that a 120- oontribution to American life-day-time limit has been imposed In religion, they sawyed their on applications for the Nation- of millions. As humble works on al Service Life Insurance. Ap- farms and pianlations they made plicttions will not be considered possible the dominance of the after a lapse of this time. South in the production of of As the Act was signed by the tobacco, rioe, sugar, and cotton, President on Octoter 8, 1940, then the time limit for those whcTWere in the service on that date vdll expire on February 8, THE LIGHTNING STRIKES aibout service in 1941. EDITORIAC FROM HOLY' WORD: to say northing other fields. Their devotion to America as soldiers has been shown in every conflict in which our country has j Those who entered the service been engaged. During the first since October 8, 1940, or who world war, 380,000 N^oes en- pay subsequently enter it, will rolled for service, and they the have 120 days from date of en- first to get into action. And while try in which to apply, hundreds of Americans were ac-1 Q—^Are extra premiums cha^- cused of disloyalty, it is said that. ed to cover thre hazards of fcvia- there wasn't a single Negro a-|tion? mong the number. | ^—No, The premium charge And what may be said about same for all branches of those who, in spite of prejudice’^^® service, Q—^^re Reserves on active du- end opposition have exoelled as ! IK)et8, teachers, Journalist^, actors . . j * * i, • Follow peace with all men, and holiness jartisans, physicians, bankers, busi ® ^ ® ® 'nessmen, scientists and in many, * •« ^ •j.u •'I A—Yes, if they comply with other occupations. Given the same ., - i* . j , - the 120-day time limit for apph- opportunities enjoyed by others, hosts of Negroes would today be; ' « « « in the front ranks among the peo veteran's policy ma ple of our country. Sooner or tures and he receives face value larter the people of thig country it, be in- . -. without which no man shall see the Lord.’—Hebrews, xii., 14. THE CO-OPERATIVE SPIRIT The continuous and steady growth pf Negro b^i iamt-*w^be iness, edu- cationi^and religious institutions in Durhamt-*w^believe, will ^will realize the unfairness of the cltid^ outstrip that of any other city in the United States. State- ba,rriers which stand in the wayj A—It ttitlst'lie reported as in- ments and recent reports show all major businesses in this city of the Negroes of America, and come for tax purposes, but the to be in a healthy condition and possessing growing pains. Hence it is with pardonable pride that we hold Durham up as an example of Negro cooperation that is worthy of emulation by other cities. Standing second in line is Chicago with its many Negro business enterprises that have been built, kept going and grow ing because Negroes co-operate. Chicago possibly has more Negro businesses, and exhibits a greater amount of racial co operation than any other city in the United States. Chicago only has more Negro business enterprises, we feel, because Qiicago is a larger city and has many more Negroes than Dur ham. DID YOU KNOW By Miss Bessie iE. Mclntyr* FAVETTEVIIJ-E, (SpociflU — 1. Jbe Louis, heavyweight boxing champion of the world has scored another victory for our racial uplift? I 2. Booker T. Washington was ^the first Negro to have his pic ture appear on a postage stamp? ^ 3. George W. Carver, world famed scientist, has obtained a number of prducts from the peanut? I 4. Tho famous Mill Brothers Quartet has two headline shovra with a salary reported to be seven hundred dollars a week? per acre was 1939. one bushel undee “Tar Heel farmers harv'ested 2.418.000 acres of com for oil I purposes last year," Wemon said, I “Of the aibove total acre^^e, 2, 333.000 acro6 or over 96 per cent was harvested for grain, with the remaining portion being de voted to silage and hogging down and forage. “The valufe of crop is estimated WEEKLY LEGISLATIVE BULLETIN EDITOR’S NOTE: — Thie is thie fifth of a series of weekly sumimaries of the activities of the 1941 Cteneral Assembly. The ^aflP of the Institute of Gowemment presents this service to afford a compneijen- sive weekly review of legisla tion introduced or passed by the 1940 com at $32,208,000, a slight decrease compared with the 1939 value. The price increas ed from 68 cents in 1939 to 72 c«nts per bushel in 1940. “There were 31,938,000 bushels of fcbrti held on North Carolina farms as of January 1, compared with '31,808,000 bushels for bhe corresponding month of last atives. Another measure propose* to set up a State Marketing Au thority, composed of membe-s of the State Board of Agriculture, to promote the more" effective Ly l\ marketing of £ami products. The unemployment compensation law amendments are designed to ex- Council of State Governments, tend and revise the provisions of would send to jail for 10 years r the present law. Farm Bulletin fine $10,000, or both, ’ persons in tentionally destroying or injury- ing property or failing to note. RALEIGH — The new annual issue of “Agi-icultural Statistics” published by the State Depart ment of Agriculture to serve as a ALAMANCE COUNTY Week of February 2-8, 1941 m iWecti^, intentioMly defec- ^ farmers, farm leaders tive workmanship on a^tdcl^.when \AHDATL Certain Sales of and others in planijing and deter such actions would delay or inter- an^s^iticates miniflB'.i^-ici^l^u^l pjogreits * fere wdth defense or wkr prepara Pursuante Thereof in Alatnance off' the presq dnd ^raj;j&ble 1.. M A*—ij validate tions. The act also provides lesser County. ould penalties for unlawful entry on “y land for distribution, collector ini the representative in Raleigh, w hen that time comes they will amount so received Is exempt' AT THE close of its fifth week be prepared to take their places from tax. A test case was rul- the General Assembly is prepar- ^ o nrn^rtipR ^®unty, and cities and towns nl More than 10,000 copies of the shoulder to shoulder with all ed on establishing its nontaxa- ing to dig througih an avalanche i countv durin? 1939 1940 and publication have alread;^ been those who hope and work for the bility. For refeernce, this case of public legislation, including highways, and defines progress of our great nation. may be found in the Internal such individual obstaclesis as the""right« “o‘riabS! pri>^lie7‘l a^icutlural workers Revenue Bulletin and is known wage-hour, state marketing author jitne^es and the questioning a^ Introduced by el - ^ e as L T.-3924, Bulletin 1932-2, ity, reapportionment, unemploy SB 90 BURLINGTON “This publication contains in “AUTHORIZING the City of “ ^^sricultural production , X i. of all crops and livestock i o r and By L. Baynard WMtoey LET JUSTICE WDT! nauona/1 THREE HOUSING measures, ^Burlington to Erect, Either With crops North CaroJina’’ Oommiasionei of W. Kerr Scott ex plained. “Detailed county data I oh and page 151. This ruling should ment eompenstion be cited in making out Federal defense bills. income tax reports. j »p},g ^jjjy measures of public one vialidating the estaiblishment in or Without the City Limits, a . . , Smart neonle rarelv bpcome actually passed dur- and undertakings of housings Municipal Building tor an Audi- ^S^^c^^ure incensed when nAonln week w«re bills requiring authorities, were presented on torium and for an Armory, and , , w • i? The .„cce» of Neero bu,i„e», enterprhe, in the«, t,™ cit- , “ «”>' Bond, "and ies naturally raises several questions. Why have they, above P ^ ® Eleanor Stroubing, ^cases to chai^ the jury that such authorities to engage in slum Said^ity." Would validate and f r f w al! others, been able to thriv* while similar enterprises in such J*®®® “ Bridgeport, Conn, i» » 4. 4.1. ^^^y ^etider a verdiit in e dearanec and dwelling acc'.moda x>nfi\ proceedings ^i-eady^^®^*^^®^ cities as V/ashington, Atlanta, Winston-Salem, Norfolk and bedded victory for interracial Idegree and Permitting tion projects for persons of low taken New York have failed? Why are Negroes in Chicago and Dur ham apparently more conscious, alert and cooperative in the efforts of their race to forge ahead than they are in other cit ies? Ft *n whence comes and from whence is maintained this eooperativ spirit? It is \ ii,hout pardon, chagrin or shame that we point to the nnbridled editorial policy of "Negro newspapers of Chicago. Ne- jrroes in the United States should never forget the fight waged by the Chicago Whip to focus attention of Negroes on the fact that they should not spend their money where they cannot work. & hard and unselfishly did the Whip fight that jt fin ally succumbed to the wounds received and ceased publication for lack of appreciation and support from those who had profit ed most. I The Carolina Times knows something of -the pangs suffered ^ by Bibb Graves and his gallant associates who stood with him in his noble campaign to awaken race pride in the breast of the Chicago Negro. Truly it can be said of the Whip that it died that others might live. Fortunately the Durham Negro has stood with his local newspaper through thick and thin. He has not deserted it in its most trying hours as has been the case in many other cities where race newspapers have battled to keep the fires of race “l>ride burning. Had it^not been for the steadfast and undying ' tbpport of a few far-sighted Negroes in Durham the Carolina Times would have long ago folded up and sung its swan song. What is needed in many other cities in the United States ^ere Negroes reside in large numbers are newspapers owned .•-operated and supported by Negroes. They must have a sup- tbit will permit them to speak without fear or favor. They jAMt ht able to maintain an editorial policy that will cement .'Ifcgro taught and build it into a spirit of cooperation. Unless is done N^rro business will never be able to stem the tide Strong competition that it is certain to naeet. Wb^«ver N^rro newspapers exist with a spineless editorial wherever they have put their own welfare above that of group, there will be found a non-cooperative atti _r the part of Negroes in general, there will be found ^ ~ failures, there will be found factions that make for mass action on any movemnt. The Durham IPto miAi tt possible for his local newspaper to promote ^ e9op0(ition. tip tiwt with most democracies is mujr fitiasi yfiub baiieve they are entitled ■ p._. - > kcmu^ peace to-9»land, Itidy ejttended a similar ,^ BUMiH>ia and Japan is presenting the boon to Chi- talk peace and deliver it by swor^ for the Advancement People of Colored iir« in TTnitiMil —o -- c v.w.i uaReuy^iii aubhoristation of $18, torical infomiation iiioludes statas StatesirnerfSi fstiidv of the including farmers, au- 000 /Municipal Building Bonds, tics on approximately 50 crops, distribution system will change cooperation with the fed- $3^00 Airport Bonds, $42,000 with much data for thfe past 30 the opinion. .fauetoand. |eral government in hmisinh park bonds, $40,000 St- yeftrs.” THE first railroad tunnel in) THE NATNONAL DEFENSE assue safe and sanitray Innprovement Bonds. and $123,000 For the first time, comparative the United States was constructed Jjilla involved sabotage, housihg, persons engaged in Water Bonds, and sutihorise ly complete information on the ZZ if Jo^^town, Pennsy- army draftees and wlunteers, and “^tional defend activities An- Board to issue - Also, it forefully demonstrates aii-w-i, :a fnu- other bill would credit to draftees in accordance that i white jury of six men «uu six women of iSberal Northern background were capable of cl»ar unprejudiced thinking in an at mosphere free from race hatred and /mob spirit. Elarly in its history, the NAACP announced that its purpose, often winning astounding and amazing triumphs for justice in behalf of the Negro. The Spell case will go down in history as a signal vic tory SFELL NOT FREED However, the prosecuting attor ney may, under Oonnecticut law, appeal the case and have Spell tried over again. If this should happened and Spell is convicted, the NAACP would no doubt take the c^ise to the Supreme Court of the United States. Altho insistent is being brought to bring upon the State by those dissatisfied with the verdict, there doubt that the icase will be appealed; therefore Spell should soon go forth a free man. WHY 00 SOUTH? It is reported that Spell and his wife, Virgu6, plan to go to Louis- ' ana to see Spell’s mother. The Spells had decided to change their name in the event of a “guilty” verdict, but now they ferf it un- neoessary to do so. o my miod» these are TWO VBBY UNT^T»E DECISIONS. The Boutli is aghast, astoaished and {afuriated over the vardiot. I believe that if he should attempt to travel South on a visit to his mother. Spell would be quietly ■f Ivania, for the Allegheny Portage uniforms. The sabotage measure “““ J I- ^ 1 . a uniform bill sponsored by the THE POCKETBOOK of KNOWLEDGE ^ An- Board to issue all or any of same number of hogs in eaeh county is with Municipal included in the publication, on a new car lieenBe tSie propor- Finance ^nd Local Govenmentl Agricultural Statistics, formerly tional amount of “Schedule B" li Acts. Introduced by Sanders, known a^ the Far«n Forecaster, oense ta.T he hiad paid but not HB 209. Public Mebane. I’is a 48 page magazine publication j “TO PERMIT and Instruct the filled with wealth of information Otiher defense State Treasurer to Pay Certain that will be useful to agricultural as well as indus ial interests,” WHATS IN A NAME? NAMe PROM THeOiy IN WUI04 IT WASnKT RaDUflRy MUST MAKE. IN CONNCI^ON WITH MOJtOCCO ■ HKpONM. OCFENM, AeouT nod MATOtfALS FOR TM MtMy AN9NAVV peACCTtME TERRART SHima IS MAAASV ton ns WWeMTOR. ■ .HBNBy ONt U.4. COMMNy VVHUFACT0ttlt«6 PliOPUCTS rnoM coRKO^ASOor I exercised because of his induction ;into armed forces ■bills ■would appropriate $30,000 Bonds and Interest Thereon.” for uniforming home giiard units Treasurer, upon Auditor’s Avarr- and authorize the Governor to ant, to pay C. L. Carden, Treasur form a State Guard to substitute er of A. W. Tinnin Endowment for the National Guard when the Mount Zion Christian Churdi, latter is called into active federal Mebane, $2,267.50 in discharge of service. Individual State Girard burned bonds, one a four per members would not be exempt cent registered highway bond, the from f^eral service, and the or- other a four per cent State re- ganization would be disbanded gistered bond. Introduced by Sell- upon the National Guard’s return, ars February 7 A STATE WAGE-HOUR BILL| ’ C^endar Action much nearer to federal standards ,Statug of Bills as of Feb. 8 (than ttie impending Wage and! HB 165. Alamance Tax S^les Hour Coromission’s majority and ygiid^iton—In Senate Judiciary minority reports, was offered by 2, SB 90, Buj-ling Auditorium Commissioner Scott added. A bxOBY ABOUT 12 TON TANKS At a recent meeting, of the New York Railroad Club, Freder ick A. Stephenson, vice president of the American Car and Foundry Company, explained how his company tackled the job of building 12-ton combat tanks for the Army, under a contract to begin delivery in two hundred Senator Gregory. Minimum wage.? in Senate Finance Committee, Hb '^^^®’ of 25c and maximum houm of 44 209 Tinni Endowment Bonds—In per week would be preecribed for House Appropriations Committee. the first year*, a 30c p«r hour| minimum for the next six years, with 40c per hour from the on; 42 hours maximum, for the second year, with 40 houra thereafter. The a«t creates a Wage and Hour Bureau in the Department of La bor, to be ajDpointed by CommiiB®- ioner of Labor, and specifies non 1940 crop of interference with labor’s right to ttie Stats’s 100 collective bargwining. beaten by sixteen days. Mr. Stephensdn said that after his company got the contract, it discovered that the necessary case hardened, armor plate could not be obtained in the market. Con sequently, the company decided to make its own plate although warn ed that it would . require two North Carolina’ii years to learn the process. w corn, gromi in allj The arnior-plate plant was buik counties, totaled and completely equipped in four 44,733,000 bushels or six per cent months and norw the company is Corn Production Under 1939 Crop RALEIGH, WOVSN L'mtP AS « coveKiN6 fou fUijPi^Ne WINGS REPRESENTATIVE LeGRAND under 1939, W. T. Wesson, junior selling armor plate to other man of New Hanover sponsored a bill statisticians of the State Depart-I'^t’iO'turers, who need it for defense calling for the submission of a ment of Agriculture reported to- orders. Meanwhile, the railroad constitutional amendment at the day. car building company proceeded next general Section to Hmit the The State’s com crop ranked with its tank building undertak- representation of any single 10th in tJie United States in total ing and accomplished ’ what every, county in tihe General Assembly production. The yield of 18.5^one was saying could not be done, to one senator and three represent bushels per acre was one bushel -t"

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