ARMY TO PLACE 45 NEGRO CHAPLAINS; $2,000 SALARY A.M.E.’S ENDORSE $100,000 RACE LOBBY MAILING EDITION dm^ PRICE 5g Niimber Nine Durham, North Carolina Saturday, February 22nd., 1941 B" "□Volume No. XXII TEXAS PRIMARY CASE UP FEB. 24 , ■ ■' - ^ ' ' ' ' ' ■ ■’ ! ' " -I ■.1 i.i —I , i — ; —— — - ■ Goldsboro Negro Getg $14,000 For Malicious Prosecution HOISTOR TEXAS TO BE SCENE-OF PMMAIV CASE SoDth Carolina rKi:s:juiy ifolds Five HOUSTON, T«. Acting ,nn- der the new federal rale» of civil procedure, Judge T of tihe United States Dktrict court *, « her® has set February p4, a^ tii«j w|||fp Ma|I If] d*te for boWinjr a pPeUmin®ary| ■“* •onJf«reau!e in |«H«fes(aai|>g flAal-tt A| KlnrrrA court *e«(» •Wriwrt white 'fpS^ElPOWK S. C. (AKP) fougtit by llie N^ional. . Amoc{s-;^AWi^ aaftael^ M tion for Adva^emMit of Colo- by liie loea) eorooeir, oc red People. ' I dered fife,- wilitft Fonths li«ld £or nuL XT A A SO.T. ' » , 1C ' death of Bruce Tis^e who SAAXT ■ .. ^«ry U, ^ ^ filed « case here on beh*lf o* ... , . , Sidney Hasgett,’ aNt^g^ Votea’ whoi ’ ** ^ ’ '»ns denied tiie righV to vote in I The jury held th4t «the five mm the tlember&tic primarF lact ye«r, aire ''all resfponsible for tiie deaitih The association teeiM $l5,000 of Tisdiale «md ar* to' held fea^ dam«ges on the ground the higher eouitv'’ TheT- are being h«M 15th {unendtAent to the Comtitu- by Sheriff H .B. BrQoiioo. tjoo Jwa been violated. Manskail, special HAACP ooun^ ig elected to come heore in time Afloofding to tesUiBony«fc the i^queat^ Tiadale and* his friend, /.««« Gkunble were ipvolved- in a 1he opening of the aasre. Otker ^ ^ NAACP kwyei^ working, in the^* ^.«e include: W, X Dorh«m, .of ^ Andiw* Saturday lught ^hermaa Te^aa;. WitUam HaMi«, (leon A-Esoisoitt.»Jaineb Nabrit, arid'Rohert Ming, Jr. all ^nvmb^ of aaDociation’« natiooal leg^ cofljniitte©. *• - - —-.i,- • First Lady Wffl-Testify At Senate Hearing Group at National Capital Lincoln Pay Dinner Bishops Council Approves Plan Of National Body; Calls for United Front QkmBle teaiified th^ he and th« ^ai^- mao worked , at. aa Atid-' rfwa iunoher mill, and iheQr wei^ hii^, white men who jdad lh« aa^ie. kind of. work ii'er* dj». chaa^ged. ' , -v . C. T. BArfinMiu, njill foreman, t^tiiKetd that Cries, one of ^ve mm now being hold, wag die dharged three weeks ago ft«m th« mill and thait when cade bae^ for his envokpe he wanted to knoiw “why the oouldn’t work k DI A TKIC and 'the 'aiggerB’ could. V/HAa L^/alillJ the 1,000 persons who attended the Lincolti Pay Dinner at the Mayflower Hotel In Wii^in^toir, D. C., addressed hy Thomas E. Dewey, New York District Attorney', were (left to r||^) Robinsoii Mcllvaine^ assistant to Jc«eph W. Martin, Chairman of the ^ ^^uUi»n^ C^tmmittee; Dr. John E. Franels, prominent Washington dentist; rwry W. Howard, Eepublioan NiilioiMd Committeeman for Mississippi; Franklin Walt- mim, Director of Flibliclty,.Republican National (Committee; Dr. Emmett J. Scott, dwiStfltiMit on Negro Alttdra to Chairman Martin; Jadge James A. C(^b» former ^V’ashUi^, D. Ch ManicipiU Court |udg% - f ARMY TO PLACE 45 NEGRO Petition To Gain , Negro Auditorinm ]^=Jpored By Council NEW YORK — Mm I^nklin D. Roosevelt, Philip Murray, preei dent of the Congrem of Induatrial OrganizatiooB,. A., Philip ^andoU ph, president of the of Sleeping Car Portere, and ljf»- ter Qiraagenr, «i»*8tant ejwcutivel ——— Bearet&ry of the oatic»tfil Urban | CHABlAyiTE. (Special to League wiU be among the pronSin TIME^)f—Memh«B of the Colored WASHINGTON, (.^P) — Forty ftve Negro chapdaine will be ) needed in the army when the full Wength of our fighting force* are *placed afaield, sait Col. Wiliiam B. Arnold, chief of ihaptfiine in an exclusive interview with the Aa- fiociated Negro Preaa the moming. Man Admits Guilt In Attack Case NEW YORK — Arraigned be fore Judge Johnson in the Nassau iCountp Court at Mineola. Long Island, ThwBday, Pebrua^ 13, John Taaffe, a ^ year old white electricin pleaded guilty to Mrs. Ruth Davis Passes at Goldsbsro North Daro^ni^ 0btm Award k)LDSB0|i0 — A $u,w^ Judgment was ikwaid«d Jesse W. Jackson against his landlord, Will | Parks, for' allegefll^ twice wroi^ Pnlly placing him iH tiie State Ho^ital for the Color^ Insane, and for prosecuting him for lar- V without probable eause. Jack son sued for $50,000. The Juj-y which awarfed the judgment againist Parka delibera ted f3T two hours after bearing the case for an entire week. The plaintiff presented numerous wi^ nesses who testified that Jackson appeared nventiUIy normal hrfore, during, and after hra stay in the hospital. 'The defendsnt offered iMB NEW OBLEAW —■ Th« Bb- bops’ founcil of the African Me thodist Episcopal Char*h meetixif; a^ *^ of fli^op B. D- Ore*B% N#* kleJUi^at the o®- lelotim ot a hi^iwte tkrea 4^ ^ 1 conference ia Naw %^eaa9 in- W' ^ doi«ed ttiMwimoariy a«4 the pgoilfti— oi tbe Natieaal Negro CoBoail ealiing. for a ^united fratt of l^M)OviWO lifr- groe* back ot the Cnon«a’a 000 .lobby, the first to he tstaUldi »ed in Washington to protect *04 ladvanee the welfare of eolatt^. atizens in every ^4^^tioa of eobnty through a nation wiia^ ca^Sr.paign." > “Me most demand justice from Congfe^;s and the federal govero- ment,*’ said Bishop Beverdy C. Ransom. Wilberforee, Ohio. “Ne^ fi. ■' ‘ ‘Sl^WA^t, ' Wistantigro people evwywhere shonM fmt - . _ , . „ jBBTot«r7-treMfrec ,4 W,MutWi^nP to wdtneases who teatifi^ that Jack Loia AseWialiaAi ^arp of the billions of doilais f«r son spoke of heari^ Tmceil, 1h«t he could turn the Uttle Bi1r«r into blood, that he peanutft he claimed he eould sell for $50 a-pie^e, and that he offered hi|^ ioba ii| « gtads*te to officials of the sta4« hoe^tal.|gveni4j,3^ DURHAM — Mrs. Ruth Davis wife of Lorenza Davis and as sistant secretary of the Mutual Building and Loan Asaociation died at Qoldsboro Monday after - ^ ^ . an illnehs that extended over a cha^e of statutory rape cond degree assault againw a 12 ^ . year old Negro girl, who named ^rs. Dav» was a native of 4 - « , Thursday him aa the father of her unborn and had lived i» Dur- Adv^ement of Co^ P^le hiJd. 1 “ P several years | was ^nounced here today by Wal- * lehe has been in the employmwit ^ ter White, executive secretary of Taaffe. who h&s been ia.-thelof the Mutual Building and Loan 1 the oi^aniiation. county jail einee February 7» was Association. About five years she) ^ — i^o was.’ Baajlws of the I '^ieh we. are betag. taxed fa the piuiiiam rfiapiter ^ oi tSi^e dn|ega name of Nation*! Defense.^' every Nagra meeting tJS» mc^h. Mf. SteWart America most send • of Atknta Um- of •BaeiBCBS Ella Baker Named Field Worker For N.A.A.C.P. mdnisintiotk iliw eoin to the Nattiooal Raee Defend Fund, Citizens and Sonth- ■'rn Bank a^ Trust CwHJaiiy, ■ il9th and South Streetei, Philaddi- Youth ru&s B4 inilas in 1S?4 phia, Pena. Major R. R. WnghI boors to prO¥B a gen«ral wreii*. ,tion of the National Negro Coub. leil’s ten pcwt program to bt seal foitish press and iweaented by a Ranking aa first lieutenants,! ent witneaeea to teetify at a preii Votew Allitooe, headed by R. H.'with p*^ j*te at f2,000 per year' minay Senate h^ng to investirjMoreland ewtiwhile political lead f^r the dumtion of the emer-!indicted by the couny graod Jury was elevated to the position of T\ p D/v^r Kfa«m gate diseriminiation against Ne-ier of the FirSt Ward, aj^ea/Ped genoy, these poeitionB offer an ex-the day before his airaigninent.'assistant secretary which poai- L^* V» DOj iiulIM groes in National Defense, the before the City CSouncil at its Feb cellent importunity for th« right He will be sentenced on Febiniaiy tion she held up to tiie time of m \\j x lli * A National Association for the Ad-lruary 12 s^oc to p«eent a i»ti kind of man, Col. Arnold said. j25. The child, wiboee parents* Mr. her death. | I 0 W GSt lUlQl I _» j ti 1- attacking a rider authorizing! Qn^ innovations inatitut'and Mm M. Hunt, live in Ri^yn,j . _ i. u a vote on the • advisability of an'^ ^jig a^y ^ chaplain New York, was represented by I Fu“«ral services will be heldi „ aiuditorium and gymnasium for ^id a chai^l for every 2,000 men Mies Florence Lucas, legal eoun»el ** Thon^ stre^l ia ^ • - . . . the colored pot>u{ace to the pcH^ lor r*^e»»t. In one of the huge for the Nassau County hi«neh of am anjraiwty wte»« Ml^ ©avia WM posed bcmd issued of $l»000^000tamjy oootonments, ^ere are 65 the National Association f^ Intemarat chapel»~where aboost every reli-lAdvncement of Colorad Peo*»l« ©smeteify uptown vanoement of Colored PeojHe AHr nounced today. * The hearting, according to the NAACP is wuhedulel to take {dace in Waflhington, D. C. juHt prior' . • Kbax HwM fkte of fleet to Amorira [ctKnmittee to Preeidmt Rooeevrifc NEW YORK - The appoint-! ^ ^ mentofMiss Elia J. Baker, ofIWweat ltepttHU^ J«ader» New York as * field worker of decide to "watch" W»«fae. -(Continaed 00 page sax)- the National Aseociation for thej ^ • Gen. Davis Arrives At Fort Riley To Begin Active Duty ,rO&T BHiVT, JUi., A]IP>--'far!Mr atudmk* of W'dbtirfam t—elmr aai lha to the int^nction of'^areeiolSiw new city a^itorium in thejchapel^where ahnost every r«li-|Adrac«pBnt '"^n seirticai. The ooutwUy m gious 4eaomin*ti(>a in tihe^ army * Action in tlie case waa started by in the-Senate calling for an W^edenta, failed veetigation of discrimination a- . f —i XT • *1.^ agam to take action on the re- gainst the Ne^ in the govenu ^ petitio(n««i hold nrent’» nationardefense program. I •- • Introduotion of the resolution ^ by »ev. will be at Beediwood honor studeot aad eadet -captain | iMce^ Thuniiaff Feb. 13, at 2 at one tine a on 'Fayettevill^ Roajd. Dunbaj* Hiigh school last yeaXjp^ ^ take eonunand of the Mgadier gwnral "•% and now a freshman ai the Univer ft,„rth ea«iL% eaiae'»at of the ROTO aait. f .H H, ’ nothtai mor. tlji .Si'* to wM.[ «tth.taa«*, ing than the ci«M„ who doe. Ki^ -j_*| BBOH£ES can find spiritual conifort.* jthe NA.^P, aocordii^ to David Seliection of the chaplains will Adwns, preisdent neoaB«rily be based upon the ap-|and Benj«nin Lowery, vice preed- his bit of community work. --w* ^icant’s phyeical fitnejis to "stay dent, when the child’s parents without pay or the expectation »^w» ♦» T>r Mrs wkh the troops and to actually learned from their physieian on of reward, and then begins to* P*r«n > serve the men under wartime January 27 that the child was pire- Sirge others to do likewise. 'conditions. gnant. which is being sponsored er$l Knators, has been held Qp becauiae of' the illncnis of Senator H. Q. Walker of Waribii^[toin, RoHert Wagner, of New Yoa*, who N. C. is now contmcting a broiler 1 When the infoi«»tion first seep with Senator Wawen Barbour, plan which will acccnnodate 40,000 ed out th'rough letters to various heen an innaate of the Nasmu _ New Jei«ey. is takii^ the lead^ in ohi^ens, re(ports W. G. An4rews, institutions concerning the avail- Conuty Sanitorium. She was re-' Income of individuals in 1940 orgaioizing the plans for puthing assistant fam agent of Beaufort bility of well trained men to filj leased to her parents laat Decem- totaled $74,300,000,000, the r^lutkm. County. I —(Continued on page six)— ' Pieeee tui« to page Six Army plans to inintre buying Since Marich 1938, the child had according to market conditions. says. John R. Francis, reoeired a t^e- gi^m nolifjq^ them of the ap- by Bsp. Afthvr W. Mitchell of Illinois. Francis is mw of the few erfor- ed Waehingtoimns pvm SA op- Joneslportunity to tajce ^ ^xamnatioM for West P(wf. Tbe bfigadkr ^tismnX recetred eaTilril% v«pK| dkaslb itC an 11 sahite ttpon arriTttL InsM (The Pnmdsnt, g|ip * - > . - Geo. and Mm Oftvis #tei nesday Kansas C^jr goesAs of Mr. and ■ C. A. FnmkMn. Ia St teais 1N(A^r| aighfi^ they w*i% KM joMla'et Hc-l M Mrs. ' Both he^B, 4t0 Thffisss" ■ ' • ■ ■ ■ ' ' ■ ■; ■ i ■ ' 1 i- iiiii in mi

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