I • ^ Livingstone College Celebrating 62nd Year Livingstone College Adfflirable Training Center For Youths jilnnt. and evranaHiHin ■ (i||«);e for hoinpinakinK nnd lo- rrnxtir *H», fiirfhp|. provision for |si holaivhip^ and the inoreaxe of pndowmpnf. I The present adininisfrHtion, in line with the ideals of the jtioneer founder ha*- visnali*ed ■ period of (SppeiaU growth in the •whool plant *nd faculty »nd is- looking forward to SALlsm’RY X. I Ooe ol the outs-tandinjr in-ititu tion« for the training ot ^^IfroiiMir future when vontb in the eonntry i-, Livinjr- fondest hopes and widest stone i ollo^»-. located at Salisbury, jf, pre«t founder (W X. t . From it-- h«-(;inninpt thiv d«*scribe«l in thp follow pioneer intitntion foundiMl in q„oted Radio address deliver 1879 by the illustrious .To«eph Wallace at the coll- t harles I>riee has had as its aim Founder’^ Day celcbra- the 'f-rvine of humanity, anj the race by traininfir yonnjr nien and women hi* maintained throuphont , • « j ««* «' and ha sniaintained thronf^ont OrOtllGrnOOd WGGK the years, this fine tradition of prodncinp nien and women of thw hiphe>t moral calibre. This institution, sinjnilsr in many respect* is suj^wrted ir its entirety by the Xepro race, and has never been the recipient as many of our institutions, of any fonp of philanthropy coming Ofeerved Currently Throughout Nation This week is being observed in church of all denominations over all the United States as from without the race. The coll- Brotherhood Week, in strikii^ epe, nnder the present leadership contrast with the feneral aban- of President W. .T. Trent, boasts donment of the principles of today one of the best faculties to humane brotherhood elsewhere be found in any Southern eolle^re civilized world The following: universities and collepes are represent on its tacu- Ity: Har\*ard, Colnrabia, Chicago, * President Roosevelt has called this observance to the attention oT the American ^people in the Xortbwestern, Pennsylvania, Newj™®ssa8:e: With reverent dependence GLEE CLUB BOYS ASKS $25,000 FOR NEGRO DEFENSE PROBE (Continued from pasre one) Immediately upon introduc tion, the resolution was refer red to the committee on mili tary affairs. Morris Sheppard, Democrat of Texas, is chairman of this com mittee, which also includes Sen ators Reynolds, N. C.; Thomas of Utah; Johnson of Colorado; Lee of Oklahoma; Schwartz, of iWyomingr; Hill of Alabama; Downey of California; Chand ler, of Kentucky; and Slath ers of N. J. as the Democratic Salisbury College Pioneer In Religious Training lo South EDITOR'S NOTE: — The follow| iple. It ha® furnished minister ing radio address was deliver- and other Chrit«tLan leadeifi for ;the race in general and the ed by Dr, Thoe. W. Wallace, Secretary therbood I African Methodist Episcojml Zion of Ministerial Bro-1denomination in particular who African Methodist have carried forwad the ideas of Episcopal Zion recently hi Salisbury, N. C.: Friends of the Radio audience We are approaching the an niversary of the birth of ouo of the greatest exponents of educa- ithe illustrious founder and first president. So devoted was Dr. Price to his task in Salisbury that he refused political preferment and large fees on the lecture platform that he might spend all hia energies tion among the colored people of (in his chosen work our country and one of the group. The Re^blicans on the 1 believerg in the capa^ cora.n.«ee «« W«ren R Au^l tin, Vermont; Bridges, of New . . . " . . ,. HaWshire; Purnoy «f South Ameman e^ti^enship, rtekota; Holman of Oregon, and I John Thomas of Idaho. I"»ent of American civilisation. The sponsors are asking im- m^iate action by the commit tee on the resolution would bring to light and to the at tention of congress the failure of many concerns operating un der government contracts to hire Negro workers in the skill- u *1. » 1 u ed labor classes where hereto- ^ory of both races and bjjfener Short was years in nJiich he the results ^ IS JosejA Charles Price, born in Old North State, educated at Shaw and Lincoln Universities, devoted his life to the training of his people to become nt^ful members of society. On February 10, a pilgrimage was made to his the span of labrred,, but devotion and untiring activity are monumental. He mon the good will and cooperation of the, white people o^ Salisbury and they have ever hrid the College in the highest esteem. Skiing isn't Always Th« Po*try of MotiM York, Oberlin, Ohio State, Atlanta j ml • j T- • XV. j upon and faith in our destiny Iniversntv, France and , , . . as a people, let us meet in Pictuerd above are the young men \yho make up the Livingstone College Glee Club, one of the country’s ranking'college musical aggregations, and k noWn throughout the east for its beautiful renditions of spirituals and the classics. Grenoble many others. liringstone is also a member of the A.ssociation of synagogue, Amreican I niversitie« and Coll- . u u 1 • j ,;able to see the value and enjoy .which no one church or creed church arid school, in cathedral 1*1... 1 ...i.: ^ ■./ i;.u in ubiic haln benefits of this enterprise, jcould accomplish. -n.wc.n tniversiues ana coii-^^j during'^Broth^Uood’ ^e,, and has an approved rating ^eek. the week of Washing- m Si^ir by eeveral regional accrediting ton's Birthday, to purge our Ihearts of intolerance and to Rehgious oi^nizationg have, bind all our citizens in a com-i „ frod its inception, played an in- mon loyalty ^ ® certain day in San tegral part in the development of i “The defense of America be- . representatives Livingstone, and the college boasts gins in the hearts of our coun- ‘° " today of a recently «-organked trymen. In this hour of emer-‘ department of Theology and Re-'gency let us set aside time to UormoniniKi liCTo# Education that rank« with build our unity from within, V)' pe 1 or e the South’s best. The YMCA, the renew our faith in brotherhood, YW, the Student Ministerial Al- to quicken our national life and liance and other campu* ororaniza ,to reinvigorate our patriotism tions, all stress this ideal pi>e»tj« t^i^alt of'that vision tion for sound ship, visualized Christian leader by the founder of democr&cy without which we perish a» a.people." According to the National advancement of all religion. “That day is called Brother hood Day. “Every day should be Brotheiv hood Day among' the ’fre^ churches of America. "But to promote the happy condition of universal brother- State Collie Answers Timely Farm Questions Spiritual Emphasis Week At Johnson C. Smith University CHARLOTTE — Dr. William Lloyd Ifties, pastor of the Saint James Presbyterian church, in QUS^TION:—What garden ve-;New York City, will be guest getables may be planted in speaker at Johnson C. Smith Un- March t liversity, during Spiritual Em- ANSWER:—Many early vege- phasis Week which begins March t«bl^ may be planted in March. 2nd and continues through March Enough fox a family of five with 7. Dr, Imeg is an outstanding a surpMs^fbr eannirtg may be had preacher in the Presbyteriai^ by following this schedule: radish church and ia ia great demand es and parsley, 50 feet of row; as Speaker for College students. fore they have been pitifully College, of which re Vas the discriminated against. .fomider and fiwt president. Aid- ed by the good citizens of Salis- * OONSEEVATION ibury of both races aod by gener- [oug contributions . from; philan- -' snow is blanketing A -V 1 •Interest in conservation is de-ith^opical friends of Negro educa finitely on the increase in Forsy-jtion in England, the result of a th County, with terracing lilne,'sPeaking tour iu that country phosprate, legumes, pasture, and|^^" he was attending the Ecu- other good practices showing menical Conference of the Metho- gains. Sixty two Franklin County farm families bougrt 1,000 peach ti"ees this winter through a co operative order, reports E. P. Barnes, assistant farm ageit of the N. C. State College Extension Service. ONIONS the in U-^-ingstone’s picturesque, and Co*^f®rence of Jews,which spon- anti-pagan reliScms spinach, 100 feet; He ha^ won wide recognition as a beantifol campus, located on the'"®*’! the observance, services , having through- 200 counselor of young people. ■such as the rresident ^ ^ ■t- dists of the world, he began work of Livingstone College Salisbury, North Carolina. Dr. Price was one of the ear. liest' proponent^ of the three fold aspect of Negro education, the training of the hand, the head and the heart. He believed and taught the dignity of labor with the hands, recognized the minated and the spirit of Jesus Ernest Best, F. C. Best, Rus-j physical being, and urged that sell May, Jam% Rouse, and J. both hand and head must be do- T. Bailey, Greene County 4H Clubiminated and Ihe spirit of Jesus out the nation a series of Broth- 200 feet, onion sets, — iwill be conducted this year in ^^hVoT i^riTke the more than two thousand com-' munities. one ob served in San Francisco. There is a greater work to subui4>s of Salisbury, ha« a her of modem buildings, have been built by cmtributiMi« from its many friend* and well „avn,, withers, yet according to Pre»id- v-j _ ent Trent this worthy institution* je^ation of religious enterpriX righteousness and religion, 'as March, which boasts today of students ^thout regard for differences tolerance than any from 23 states, D. C. S. America >of faith and creed, on siich a accomplish. and Africa stands in immediate • ' f .««««- .11 , need of the following the comple tion of The Price Memorial 100 feet; and Irish potatoes, 400 feet. Strawberries, dewbeiries, raspberries, grapes and fruit meinbers, are planting onions *8 a club pToect this year, reports Aesistant Farm Agent J- W. Grant. Christ. Livingstone College has stood these years for the highest and best, training of the colored peo- slopes and mountainsides throughout the country, you wiU undoubtedly hear it repeated that skiing is the poetry of motion. If you want to believe that by provinjr to yourself that you, too. can ski, hark to words of Jack Alan, who recounts his experiences in the March issue of Cosmopolitan. “Skiers,” he says, “art an institu tion as old as the hills, although ths hills, which stay still, are somewhat smarter. Skiing was invented by someone who decided that to flounder comfortably through a few feet of elean invigorating snow was not nearly so convenient as plunging headfirst into it at a speed of twenty tniles an hour.” As for the skis themselves, Alan describes them as “ssven feet long, made of overlaid strips of hickon, and coming to a tapering point m‘ an evergreen bush. About one-third of the way from the rear, th^ is a harness made of metal elampt. Into this the foot is locked to re> , m»ii\ wtU the ehance arrival of ' sopie loiidly passer-by.” Once you have mastered thtae few facts, maybe you will be' m fortunate as Alan, who writes bu trMtise in a hospital bed, with two broken legs, hoisted in a craneltlM iifair to the ceiling. POTATOES 8c^e until the United States' A*’ churches QUESTION:—It is possible at undertook to do so. unite in brotherhood to make Building, the central heating that the American people are It . wonderful thine indeed “ ««»niPH»hment absolutely RESPONSE TcT^OUP MOVEMENTS (Continued from page two> Yet, how many of us stop to think that the majority of our organizations and their leaders rarely, if ever, consider, the community first. With them, it is organization and commit tees fir«t; community or mass activity last. No organization, or organizations built upon such principles, can effectively influence the life of the community, for the masses remain inert until challenged, to action by wise and energetic leaders and forward - looking organizations. The whites are only par tially responsible for our dilemma. It’s true that they con- I As a prelude to this sugges- thig time to treat so as to improve coming harvest f ANSWER:—W. H. small grain yields at thei^’*^°’ A program for the diversion into livestock into feed of up to 12,.500,000 bushels of 1940 crop Irish potatoes in eight Western i state* has been announced by the Marketing Administra- NINETY-THREE THOUSAND K ILLED Rankin, N. j RECORD tion, Mir. Hearst has written: |c.^ state College Experiment Stat-| A summary of 1940 records] L religious liberty is Jon agronomist, eayg its rardly that American farmers ob- ' d^ocrapy. ^ Ipossible to overcome poor manage /tained a record amount of AAA i ® *1 of the churches Ipraeticea at seeding time, .materials such as lime and phoe- in America—for the welfare of supplemental treatments in Phate for carrying out prescribed! ‘“P ?;-‘T ”i,“ the nation democratic and the y^eWs. Top drees- churches free recommended for small “To maintain religious liber- ^"1 conditions During 1940 larger numbers of tyjin democratic nations, and nitrogen is purebred animal^ than in any re- rektively low and vegetative cent year were certified for free PUREBREDS to re-establish respect for reli , . . . .. grjon and tolerance for all reli- inadequate for tre produc entry into the United States und- atitute the ruling or governing class: yet, it's also true that to gious worship throughout the 20 to 25 bushels of er provisions of the Tariff Act of consent of the governed, {world is so great an objective 40 to 45 bushels of 1930. Then too, w{e must take into con- that all churches should unite application of nitrate of in principle, if not in effect, sideration that the whites govern to benefit the whit&, the Negro. Consequently the philosophy of the White always follows the line of his group thinking. HOME IS INSURED-YES. BUT IS T^' *iot in the effort to accomplish it. iSoda should pay well. • rne juoo KEI • MOimi CMtOtlMA SOI - OCPEiiDAgLI ACME REALTY OCMVANY KALEIGH, NOKTH CMtOLlNA |||a^ OfiUltAliCE and KEALTY CO N«tTH CABm.fMA “In union of the churches of God against atheism and pagan- QUESTION:—^What ism there is strength to suc ceed. "In division there is almost certain defeat. {out that the best ethod is to set “It is not enough for the,the plants in a well settled plant churches to wish and to say ^ bed. Dig holes with a mattoek or and to believe that moral and, spade deep enough to accommod- is the best method of planting kudzu? ANSWER:—Technicians of thie Soil Conservation oi^niBiNa The w^holesale food price index was at .$2.55 on February 11, which wa^ one cCiit more than a| j week earlier and 9.4 percent a- Service point,hove the corresponding 1940 .nver- age of $2.33. tn- ate the plants. Then place the (rootg against the firm side of the duty hole and pack the soil, tightly, tl'^i.leaving the top bud level with or below, the surface of the sh.n 1 gQi] 25 feet, apart, space the plants about 31-2 feet a part in the row. Around 500 plants to the acre ane recommended. I relig ious .“cntiment will umph in the end. “It is the pre-enii.nent of the churches to tr.kc necessary measures to sure thtt right3''«snoia friumph and relii'on sur- Afcr was written liy .Mr. iloarst, I’rotherh j ser vices w. rc held in ii;»nv pities throughout the land. Each year since the number of communi ties participating has increas- . . ed, and additional millions of co^^itions are favorable for the people have taken part in the of the 1941 domestic services. wool clip, reports the U. S. The result is an impressive of Agricultural. Econo answer. The people of Ameri- •' WOOL Domestic supply and demand ca CAN unite in brotherhoodi and have done >o. , Th® people of America HAVE SMALLER United State^ itnpo>te of cattle put aside their differences of in the calendar year ,creed to do the “greater work" 1®40 were 20 percent smaller than ‘in behalf of righteousness and in 1939, according to the U. S. religion, justice and tolerance Department of Agriculture. TAe HOTEL THERESA IS THE CHOKE WhMln NEW YORK Far tin Day TheWee^WKl •r- '• PMmMUtly 7th Ave. at 125tli St FOR PEOPLE^, Or TASTE Congenial atmosphere. Readily accessible to all points of inter est in Greater New YcrZz* •. A.11 outside roonu; luxurioat suites; restaurant, bar and grill, iar^e rooms wjfh prtritm 6iiH^ *2.00 Slagle—*2./0 DoiMt art is Without ptivatt bath *1.53 Sliigl« -*2.00 OooM IM ip WALTER W. SCOTT, Manager Hotel THllESA i;i .‘■nf’. c; 12E» St, Hew Yctfc Otj Few of us realize that during the year 1939, NINE- THREE THOUSAND people met death from accidents in America ... on6 person every five and one-half min utes, eleven persons every hour, two hundred and six ty each day, eighteen hundred each week. Sixty-two per cent of all fatal accidents fall under • two headings . . . motor vehicles 34% and falls .28%. ■ With the holiday season approaching, travel will be in full swing. What would be the picture in your home should you be one of the victims? Insurance will not bring back a loved one, but there is satiifaction in the thought that the future of those left behind is financially secure. Can you afford to gamble with a need so vital? NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL CC.SPAULDlMd.rr«*li*nt * DURMAM.NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Office 23 3 S. BREVARD A. E. Spears Manager Durham Office ST. 809 FAYETTEVILLE ST, W. L. Cook Manager

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