T FORWARD MARCH LIVINGSTONE “Tbe Southerner”, Deluxe Streamh’ner, To Leave Chicago Shops Soon WASHlNT.TrtX, D. » —Deluxe for “THK sol THFJiNKR” arw »-treaiihn(*d train of the Southern Railway, art being com pleted in the ’bi«ago >Aops of t^ I’aliinan-Sbandard far Manu . n. rw j i - j j * Plains, the south Piedmont, ana f«-tnrinff (on.p.ny, aeeord.ng to Untie states At fh(> present time, prowers are realizing approximately ihree quarter^ of a million dollars from turkey each jefU". The industry m loeatel ehieflv in the ('oastal the northwestern part of the mountain neetion. As is true with chickens, one of the most important problems of |th« most wideopreftd is bein^r done into effect haa ako been difeu».i- it can be done, but it is neither fsuch f««ds are ly^onsible for by the lailfi^ and email round ed at the clinics. ipraltical nor profitable.” [more efficient utilization of feed, worms. Bots are alao extracting' Foe tike treatment of internal j Then he goee on to explain that Utj^r gains, higher finiah, and a I heavy tolld in the Piedmont and parasites, Swaffar said, both the important thing to the cattle greater selling price, mountain areafl, although they do phenothiazine and carton t^tra- producer i^ how much weight andj Numerous expe^’iment stations little or no damage in Eastern chloride have been used suecewT finish he can put oh his cattle have ahoivn that a protein supple Carolina. fully. In some caues, cArbon bisul and how long it will require, ment in..fatiening and breeding A farmer can usually tell his fide is nsed, particularly in tbe Efficient production is essential cattle rations will eave on both worlottock is troubled with worms treatment for bots. Phenothiazine to greatest profit in any business eorn and silage. Then, too, it has by the following gymptoms: loss because of its les toxic etfeet, is and this is especialy true in the the added advantage of producing of body weight, loss of appetitite rapidly gaining favor ' and digestive troubles, especially teriarians. advice from Frank L. Jenkinp, Passenger Traffic Manager, Sou thern Railway System modern cars mill be readv to inaugurate a new , , , phahe of luxury travel betweenij^* turkey .ndUMry ,s sUrt.ng New Orleans and New York next ^>?ht D^arstyne month, the exhibition having been tentativelT announced as Mtrch ^ * 17 for New Orleans, they will get them- colic and weakness and lack of; ability to withstand hard work. In order to dombat' this pro blem, horse and mule elinicv were' held recently in * many counties,: State College Extenmen Service^ specialiflrts as well /us county agents, veterinarians, and other j agricultural workers coorpeated Beef Cattle Require Protein Supplem^ among ve- cattle business;. Some of" the more common pro tein supplements are: cottonseed meal, soybean meal, lihseed meal, and otrn gluten meal. All of these ar^ about equal in feeding^ value. Williams explained that the eedhomy of feeding a purotein management and rigid santiation have been treated. “THE SOnHEKNER” cars are part of an order for 47 ultra- modem unit* placed with Pullm n , Standard hv the Southern RaU. ^an ’-eluce mortality of the young way. The Entire order comprises 18 Mraight chair carii; six Parti-j before poults t,on chair car*; five dining can,, three lounge travem obeervatiill started, and aduted to cars with scpare ends; three tav- the temperature desired of s^ci- observation car« with round ‘’y manufacturer. Gen erally, a temperature of 90 to 95 at 8am Williamli, assintant eXten- selves easily to brooding condi- in the movement. Since December, gjon animal husbandman of N. t. tiohs. At the same time, careful ”«>re than 1,000 horses and mulee State College, has an answer to a tuperior quality of beef. As to the amount of this ma terial to feed, the State College speciaKst said that ordinarly in winter rations for beef cattle from one to two pounds of a pro tein supplement is 'satisfactory if a fair quality of roughage is BEST WISHES to LIVINGSTONE COLLEGE S. H. KRESS & GO. 5-10-25c STORE supplement lieg in the fact that fed. ends; six passenger *nd baggage . . ■ j. ■ , ears, tmo majl baggage cars with ^ mamtamed 60 foot mail apartment*; two of the hover 3 mail stora^ ears. {three, inches from the floor for Six eomplehe streamlined trains Then this should wUl be made up from the 47 unit reduced five degr^ each order. Thrw tr«in.s wUl operate under the name “THE SOUTH- * temperature of ERNER” Tre other three trains, maintained! to be cocpleted' at a later date, * will be known as “The Tennes sean” and will operate between Washington, and Memphis. Not only have the animals been treated for worms, but dental work, such as floating the teeth, extractions, ahd cutting extre^ne- ly long teeth, has been done. Managtment of the hoses and mules in putting control measures Torkey Production Increasing Yearly Special Farm The turkey industry is adding an increasing amount of the North Carolina cash farm, income each yeart eays Roy Dearstyne, head of the N. C. State Collie Poultry Department*-* During the 1932-36 period, an average of only 252^000 turkeys were raised in this State annually. Yet in 1940, the number Jumped to 329,000. On this basis, North Carolina ranks 24th among the 48 states in turkey production and third among the South At- A good rule to follow, Dearatyn®' said, is to allow one linear foot] of feeding space for each five poults up to four weeks of age and two linear feet from the fou rth to the tenth week. Meetings Scheduled For County Workstock. Clinics Proving Valuable I Agricultural authorities estim-1 ate that 95 percent of the 71,000 horses and 305,000 mules on' North Carolina farms are infested with internal parasites of vaious* kinds, saj’g C. D- Swaffar, }?orth Carolina State College professor i of animal husbandry. I Oreatest amount of d^iiiAge and Defense Garden Programme Should Fit Family Needs % V. Ife- -■‘■'Ts/'''! '-s>. tIiWBW GMd pianniiic Will Give Balanced Diet, llaxiipum benefits from the De fense Garden are reaped when all work is done by the owner. The «iae ot tbe most profitable garden vill tbertfore depend upon tbe amaoit ot leisure tbe owner has, and hiJ inclinaticm to do gardening work. Unless the product of the home garden is ne^ed for food which could not be purchased, it is not wise to plant a larger space than will be well tended. Two hours on each of three days a week devoted to this leisurely, pleasant and teahhful physical recreation will take good care of a garden 30 by 40 feet or thereabouts; and from this space east be harvested vegetables iuililtnt tor flie average family, aaiApt tor potatoes and sweet com. te deciding liut shall be grown, H»tt» eropt may be considered' as JMfl|yary in -most sections ot our MHtry: Parsnips Parsley Pepper* Onion sets pms Sste «faa Ta$Ailm tf •eorw, IboM you do EMMBibar that it is bet> WmoMnte (tfmaiqr ■roto jour sotir* area to relatively few vegetables which will likely be overproduced, and give you a monotonous diet. One of tbe great advantages of the home garden is the opp^rtunity it gives to grow annual vegetables wliich you mi^t not otherwise try. To replace items eliminated from tbe above list, or to add to it if you have the space, here are some sug gestions: Brussels sprouts for fall crop; celery, broccoli, especially the green sprouting, Chinese cabbage for fall salads; savoy cabbage, a great delicacy; chicolry or endive for fall green salads; collards, com salad, eggplant, celeriac, cress, kale, kohlrabi, ledc, melons, mus* tard greens, pumpkin, okra, oyster plant, spinach, squash, both the win ter kind and the summer varieties which are so delicious in the baby stage, espibciaUy tbe vegetable mar* rows; and turnips and rutabagas, which are especially successful in sections v^cb bave an early spring and Iste falL ^ A ramMe throu^ your saed cata* logue will produce other suggestions w^h should be considered in mak ing up your seed n^er. Some new vegetable or tariety added to your list win give you itaore pleasure than the staples, and it will be some thing to serve your frienda when they cam# to dixM. Commoii People Solidly Behind Defense Effort npHE Americao people arc bnvc, J. strong, intelligent ind souni. in their thinking. The7 can bf cnisted. They beUeve in democracy They don't need any totaJitariar> boss to tell them what to do. These conclusions have beet> drawn by Dr. Geo^ Gallup, Direc tor of the American Institute of Public Opinion, who for over ftv- years hai been conducting surveys of American public thinking op sb* cial, ^litical, and economic 8ul>- Jects. His report, which is publisheil n the March issue of Cosmopolitai! Magazine, is a vital document oS what is going on today in the mint* of Mr. and Mrs. Average Americas. "There is every reason to believe that tiie American people are tbi white hope of demoeracy,” Dr. Gt; lop states. **Against a background of world confusion and bloodshed the^ stand out in bold relief. IQ their hands the future oi demoerl'ty Is safe. In fact the only danifer is that tbe leaders may mderestimat« the spirit of self-sacrifice of tht commdn people and their eapacitv of making, wise decisions. Neitho force of arms' nor fraud of lies cf. ■ conquer Americaii people’s belief it. themselvesi. in the country, in tS» principles of iiem’ocwtic lUEe.” But democracy x:annot survive cn the loyalty of its citizens^ Its peop'iu mu^t think straight and c)^«rly, The American people, accovdmg tc pr. Gallup do just this. Oftentipiet they haye led thdr leaders. -Sj,' yi^ars ago whi^e miytary experts argued over the necessity of plaiiM ip modei?i warfare,' s^ Institute pwi Was taken covering a cross sec^]?^' K the public. It voted nine to onsi hi favor rf a strong air force. U‘ was also in favor ^ conscriptio]: Before anj major political leader' llcvocated it. ' . •Through the medium of his sur veys Or.'Gallup has found that the people of this country are making (|imo(!ra(:y work not only becatise wi» are trustworthy, intelligent and able to resist propaganda, bu: also because they have no class con* •ciousness in the ordinary sense cf the term. "I'here is no ‘class war to speak of,” says Gallup, “even though political opinions tend t« Oivide along income lines. In fact, rtearly all Americans consider them-* lelves in the s^me social clast.” ' / Although the average Americah looked on approvingly when the New Dteal came to power, ^lut a curb on Wall Street and big business, and gave labor the breaks. Dr. Gal lup points out that this opinion has altered. Collective bargaining is universally favored, but the com mon people of the U:S.A, would father see a check on labor union.i if a wave of strikes break out an,:, hinder the defense program. "Yes,” says Dr. Gallup summins ap his article, “I have faith in the common people. Tbe social scientists pften raise the question: Can we trust the common people? I thin^ the question should read: Can the common people trust the leaders?^ thie question: “Can beef be pro duced witrout a protein supple- meatst" Thig is what he has b^n telling beef cattle bneeders and fk«ders wro have asked the qu«Mibn in recent weeks: “In ifajr opinion MAIN CUT RATE DRUG STORE Salisbury’s Lowest Dnig^ Prices 200 South Main-Phones 163-164 } WE t»NGRATULATE YOU! “LIVINGSTONE COLLEGE” FOR YOUR WONDERFUL SUCCESS! PHONE 19 We too haye a succen story for a rery unusual open ing and public acceptance. \ We .with to thank our many loyal customers for their purchases and wish to invite their friends to also becone customers of an unusual store with unusual valu^; * You’ll Do Best At L. & S. Furniture Co. * 120 N Main St*, Salisbury, N. G. Absolutely Free! With Each Gar Sold Priced Over $200 YOUR CHOICE OF A BARREL OF GASOLINE (55 Gallons) "A thousand. mittM. ..of driving at no cost to you” REVERiSroLE Xan^s OVERCOAT An Ideal Ceat Fits Any Season Y.our choice in colors and sizes. “Get a new coat before it siwws^. What Lnek! Now you can get a fine late modd fully reconditiHied used car at a sensational bargaih uid a whole barrel of gasoline or a reversible over- coat FREE with every car sold priced over $200. This generous offer is being made to acquaint more peo ple with our used car values. Act quicldy! Take advantage of . this opportunity while it is available. For your selection we have in stock 38 late model **Goodwill” Reconditioned, 30-Day Gua^ant^ USED CARS ready for sale. THIS OFFER GOOD THROUGH MARCH 1, 1941 Crescent Motor Co. 215 East Innes St. PHONE 540 Cong‘ratulattons To LIVINGSTONE COLLEGE . - On 62nd. Anniversary K. TROUTMAN’S For 15 years we have been outfitters for tfe whole family — Sellinfir at Lowest Cost. Let Us Continue Serve youl To ^^E WISE, SHOP NORMAN*S . . For Furniture Buys"S^ COMPLIMENTS HERRINGTON’S The Complete Food Store Phones 21 - 22 - 23 Salisbury Best To 'YOUR BIRTHDAY COMPLIMENTS Of The Geodtnan Lumber Co. on your 62nd birthday and Our 34th. ANNIVERSARY The girls basket ball team at Livingstone College demonstrates fully that the college not only believes in developing the meittality but the physical part of the body as Well. The picture shown above shbws the team that has brought glory to the school on the basket ball court as well as individual honors to the members of the team. '*^r 32 Vears One Of Salisbury's Leading • Merchants” Kannapolis Salisbury • **2 BK STORES*^ • ™ R. W. NORMAN a QUA Lift FUHNITVRE *

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