ALABAMA raCHERS WIN RAISE Mailing EDITION f Number Eleven Durham, North Carolina Saturday, March 8, 1941 PRICE 5c f- Volume No. XXII i N. C. MUTUAL ENDS SUCCESSFUL YEAR ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ChL Ward Boss Accused \ ‘Bana Adopts lew Pay Seale fer Hegreet NEW YORK — Newf hae reach *$37.50 a month, and under the ed the Na.tional Associattbn for new scale they begin at $40. the Advancement of Colored Peo* Thi« new minimnm scale does pie that the State of Alabama-on not in fact equalize salaries bet- February 20 adopted an equal ^een white and colored teaciers minimum salary ecaJe for whitle jji down the line. There is siill and Ne^fro teachers in the state, q wide difference between a Ne'i- Unless the action is examined gxo teacher, for examplei who has closely, the impreseion is created a master’s dil^^e and five y^ars thafci *^nd white teachers of experience^ «sd,'a white teach.‘*f ar« nrffr drawing thfc saiAi&' er who has a ^fejfter’s degree and iee: but this is not tpe cam. jfive"* years oJ? axPerieoce. The truth i* th»t 'all teaeh^,] ' both Nejfio and white, now start \ ^ ^ at the same saJariee; but above all this equal minimum', there are fctill the huge^differentials in fa-, vor of white teacher*. | Accordinsr to an announcement from Montgomery, AJa. February- 20, the state allotted about $200, 000 out of a sum of $500,000 to^ Mejfro teachers for the pwrpfae of brinfrinjy them up to the new | minimum. Thp remaininj? $300, 000 went to white teaohersi. In concrete Oerms, thi« action by Alabama means that whereas a Neifro teacher in the first rank formerly had a minimum of $63. 75 a mtonth, he now has a mini mum, of $70 a month, an increas® of $6.25. White teachers in the first rank used to b««nn at $85. They ow start at $70. Th« new 'icale repo^sent-s a loss for white teach , . , • • I iyt^yy acq era. but only the minimum • • . . , ^ Washington as a transport, level. ■■'■TO teachers in the lowest rank (fifth) used to MOTHERS’ CLUB CELEBRATES I7th ANNIVERSARY BELIEVE IT THE UNUSUAL HAPPENS BOOK HILL, S. 0. (Special) —0. H. TtHner, Dean of Clin ton OoUeg« was notified this we^ by Erwin, Oarothers, Mayor, aod J. J. Ranch, City Manager of Bock HiU -he is to serve as a Pre- cent Manager in an Election that ifi to be held, in the oily of Rock Hill on Mardi 6th, 1941. Work on the third set of Pan- begin at ama Canal locks is going ahead. Law Suita Predieted Against Defense Diserim NEW YORK — l0W snita by taxpayers against boards of edu- caUons that provide defense vo- caltio»al training for whit® youths and no, or unequal, training for Negro youthsi, may be brought in the near future, it was an)- The NAACP is seeking informa tion from other cities where this situation exists. In New Yolrk City, although three aiiplane companies, Brew ter, Grumman and Republic have so far refused to employ Nlegrof nounced today by the National es, the board of education is no* Association for the Advancement denying training to Neigro youths, of Colored People. i The NAACP legal committee is The Association has received nteking a study of the law in^ reports from Seattle, Washing- volved and feels confident th*t w Mutual’S Assets Over $6,000,000 DTTIHAM — Aceording to Dunne's Insurance Reports, In- C. Spaulding, President of North corporated makes this statem*'nt Carolina Mutual Life Insurancs with reference to the eompany'% Company, the year 1&40 was • financial stamling: With eaah most successful one. Referring and select securities which are •to the annual report that appears the equivalent to, the com- elsewhere in this paper, Presi- pany ha® liquid t*eeuritie-» avail- dent Spaulding statwl: ‘'The able immediately for any eontin- total gross income of North Caro gency which might ariiie and to lina Mutual daring the year give its policyholders the pronii>t 1940 was the sum of $3,057.60 or and elticien t service for which w^eekly average of .foS.TSS-S/ o* it has earned a conimeniahle re- this sum $40,599.04 was available pntation." for new investments each month. * In keeping with the company’s | program of iiiaintainiHg a balanc* ed investment portfolio, its net ini'ome is invested weekly.” Cask aQ tUqnid Aiwti . On Decoml'er 31, 1040. the cssh and liquid assets owned by the ^company totalled $1,807,229.92: Life Extension Serrioe Realizing; the gre«t los* and Kufi'ering from iifkne^s »nl *ieath ithat is eiprriencf'ij bv the Negro (popolation, Artwric*» several ▼ears ago a Life Esten-jioQ De- f*artment was wt up to aid ■’.rJ nininlv to T'-ilicTrhi.ldi"!* and the insuring pnhlie to th^ including .$740,063.95 in United advantage^ of zood ar.H State Government, state and innni to obtain it. WhiU this con ;t:‘a- ci} al bonds; $78o,263.7o in FHA tes a service that is pJ^>jib^v ont ‘mortgj^es; $110,917.60 cash value side the strict confint^s of gener** cor{>oration oolicies with other al life in'siiranee prr>ee?'ne. it coitipanics on lives of officers; h«s neverthele ' con «4ttited a j?!30,000,00 in Investment Share service that has b*N*n »f rrreat j(''e’'tificates of Federal navingi benefit to th« Tv-ihiie .ind lo'in A.^sociation^; anrl .-?*240, Under the direction of th» de»- 984.62 in cash. Durinw the yea® cartnieirt, thou;=;an(ls of health. 1940 tV]f> company continned it? bulletins arc ryl"'' *•1 : established program of extending in an effort to tea«*h and snreal •'mo‘>^gage loan credit * to its poliry the principle^ of 'sanitation and holders whn-e the recurity was perf>nal hygiene as wel! aid jfound- to lx>, unflnetionably ade- in th^ development of ininroved ■quate to nrotect such investments livins: and working eand’'tit)n« a- 'flndljn increasing its holdings mong Negroes. in I;nitetl States Governtner,*, t state, and municipal bonds. Seasoned PenKUinel as Asset (Continued on page there) 'At at recent meeting of the Mothers Club held at the h seventeenth anniversary was celebrated. A birthday cake was Members of the club shown in the picture reading' from left to r Holloway, J« U. Lowe, Robert.Gilmer, Chas. McLaurin, Ge rick, Lucius Johnson, J. N. Mills, O. J. Gates, Miaggie Ameyi and Mrs. Julia Harris not shown in the picture were ome of Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Lowe, 801 Elizabeth street the presented the club by Mrs. Lowe after the business session, ight are; Mesdames J. M. Hubbard, O. W. Baldwin, J. L. o. W. Logan, F, H. Rowland, P. N. Baldwin, E. R, Mer- Smith, R. C. Foreman, Lula Gomez,! W. D. HiU» Mrs. C. also at the party. Mrs. E. R. Merrick is president of the club. Asked by an assistant Unite 1 States attorney what that was, Leake replied: f “Ifa a game of chance with 78 numbers. You play three nnmbers and have one chance in 7,776 of wii&inf.’' Sneed Named In Skidmore Trial CHICAGO, ANP) — Edward M. Sneed, 3rd ward committt»- man of the South Side, who is also a county commissioner* waa ^ named Thursday as an interme^ ^ ary bebetween William R. Skid I|iy|'f nn Trt more, white and gamblersi who »»l**VvU »V testified! that they paid feraft to Skidmore for protection against police interference. This testimony was brought out in the trial of Skidmore by ’ederal attorneys in An inapme tax evasion case. Skidmore was Southern White |New County Agent Woman Is Arch-Foe Of Lynching Evil ton, San Bigeo, Calif Nashville legal action can be brought hyl^j^.^^ colSjcting milliOdS Tenn. and St. Louis that boards colored parents and ta^Paye™jannually for protection, of education in these cities have-where training ha« been lenied -x i. • i- * j indicated that they wUl not Pro-'or where it is unequal. ^ who implicated vide defense vocational trsinin*!| In a statement today, the NAAjy ” • ^ r*' for Negro etudents because in* CP said: ’ «-connct and fformer policy dustriew in or near the cities have declared thtit refusing means at hand to see that Negro , ■ , , ■ o u U. ^«n>loy |Amm,a» g,t . ‘ /"? “ S.Ptemb.r, In SftBttle, the Boeing, eiiplajie.tbe del'use protrrun. We ert> . T * t. * plant has made BUch a declantf- ^confinui^ aicainat dis- ^ per- tion: in San Diego, the Consoli-^crimin.ation and segregation in dated aircraft corporation; in,all branches of the army and iixm 3 e ■ J u game operator. He testifiedt that de^ed by Introdoeed to Skid- National Tourney DUBHAM — The Notth Carolina College Eaglee, 1941 0 I A A baskdtball champs, luv« been iuTited to compete ifor national basketball honors in a tonmameailti held in Cin- cfniut^ Ohio on the 21st of March iMtween wUntaers in diffeiMnt sectioaal and con ference aMocitttionB. The CIAA d>am|w are Inclined 'to accept, but Ooadi Johnny McLendon awaiits farther de tailed infonnatlon. ATLANTA, (ANP) —An ener getic, white woman counterpart of the late Ida B. Well-Pamiett, life long champion of hum'ao rights and pioneer leader in the fight against the lynching evil) Mrs. Jessie Daniel Ames, execti- tive director of the Association of Southern Women for the Pre vention of Lynching. A native Texan, for 25 years a widow and the rnqthier of tSiree grown children, Mrs. Ames be- oaowe interested in interracial problems in the late 20’s affler jaerving a term as represBntative in the Texas legislature, and be ing thrice chosen 1920-24-28, as ^ i c. */yesAfti> Agricalturc & Teehaical School Observe SOth Yr. • Richard B. Harrison Auditorium To Be lotting: For Paeeant Depicting The Significant Events Of Cc^legre By J. Archie Hargraves Greensboro. — Sig'nificant events in the inception and development of A. and T. col lege, one of the leading" land ~ grant colleges devoted to the education of Negro youthv will be portrayed in a pageant here Thurs day night, March 6, in Richard B. Harrison auditorium. Director and writer of the The pageant's openinir wom continuity is Charles C. Green, deals with the laying of the cor* director of dramatic arts. Music nerstone for the first buildiair appropriate to the pageant’s at the college. The baildiav continuity will be rendered by later became a historic laaA* the a capella choir and the mark as old Dudley hidl. band under direction of Warner | On this occasion, J. C. Lawson and Barnard Lee Bfaaon by. first pranduit of tiM respectively. jlege^ is tbm npmhnr Events which led to the in- taken from records of tb« of the board of trustees is Nashville, the Vultee airpiane na\’y. We have -secured the in^ i more, e sa . corporation; and in St. Louis, tbP^troducti^a of a feenabe resohi- "®® MO^pted money and pnt Curtiss'Wright corporation andifcion in an effort to make public I i*' his pocket. I startelii to other induetriei. ' (Continued on page three) operate a pdiojr wlisd.** delegate at large to the Nationf al TXemocratic Conventions. Agent recently appointed to a 9eptio»» “d schemata ^. v • » In 1929, her work attracted the ; similar post in Durham County. by year progress of A. and *y uv^ eontmuity. Tm^ attention of Dr. W. W. Alexand-j Mr. Hubbard brings a reputa- T. until its present status wsa spQMft xolfcwttJ _ miarfon to start hi« policy wheel, t Jane Russell, 19-year-old new- director of the la-* tion of boinff one of the sUte^s reached is the prineipal concern I tte ilylag «f Describing his meeting with comer to HoUywood and new, : outstanding farm agents to The material ;est discovery of Howard Hughes , .. v- « _ x i u l(he also discovered Jean Har-f ^ low) is proving a sensation. Womens Division on In- She is hard at work in “The,terraical Cooperation of the I Outlaw.” (Continued on page three) Durham. It is too late to be careful af- ^ter the accident. dealt with is factual bat speeif' IMW ic evens are botl^ lampooned » and glorified in order to pro>l vitt vide entertainment more in with theatrical i>rodtt«tioii. •

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