PROBE OF DEFENCE COLOR BIAS U PRICE 5c EDITION Number Thirteen Charlotte, North Carolina, Saturday, March 22, 1941 Volume No. XXII Local Professor Hinted as Probable Trustee of Tuskegee Dr. Heninburg May Be Candidate In New Wgee DURHAM — Dr. Alphonite Heoingbiuig, 'wbo gradafcted fiH>m Titf&egee Inrtltate a» vuledititar- ian in 1920, «nd who. eBoie to North Carolioa in 1937 a» A»- eiitant to the President of the North CajraUna CoUeg«, is h&inf prominently mentioned for this position. The New England Trir Stftt« Alumni As«oeiation, com- priftiii|^ gtmdaaim in New Totr^ VJiiw J»ratey ADd |PeniM^lv*ait ' cnm in ■enaomny K ih«ir cAn^d&tC'. Otiier elUlNl iDdividuals throoghout the coun try have added > ^eir endortliB- m«nt. 1 , H«ningburg worked at Tuske- ge« twelve yeans a« A«aid«nie Director and later as Peraonel Direetor. He ds one of the f«w Negroes in th« country to have earned! the de^a^ of doctor of philosophy in eoliai^ admimvtta' tioh. It i» primaryly becouse of his 'close aeqaaintauce with alfain at the IiAtitute as well a» his train ing in collie, adminiistration th«t his supporter are ui^nig hiif unanimoae seleetion^as the fiWt repreaentative on the boan} to be eketed by the graduates Oi%at enthu^^iann htas been dwrfoped among Tiiek^ee gradl- uait^ throughout the country orer th© forthcoming electioti of an alumnus to the of Trustee «f the inetltutiori. . .. !Dtein|g the pnust year, thje ehaitman of the Board requested the General Alumni Asaociation ‘ - ■ - Probable Candidate/ New Orleans Teachers Act To Equalize Salaries NEW Dr. A. Heninburir« Assistpni |o the Presiftent At NC. who is Iwihiir prominently men tioned as a ptobable 'candidate for ..tho Bo]ar4 of Trustees at to dominate a graiduate for ele^v" tioh to the poard. Tbe dectidn wiU ta^ plaee at Tuak^ee In- «titUte on April 4, during the annulal meeting of the General Alumni Asvociatioa. .Willis Peek of Anderson Soutb Carolina. i» President of the general bedy, and Alrin J. Neely of Tu«skegee is Executive Secretary. NYU Suspends Group That Protested Against ^hooFs Refusal To Let Negro Athletes Play In Wsshington NEW YORK — Seven stud e«t» of New Toark University wfene sospended last Thjit«diay by Dean ChaiTleHi HeConn f» oiroutating * petition psrot^ating' the failure of ‘ the Uiuvtemjity to send George BagfaijBn Negit> cocaptain of , the • .traok teKn to a tnck meet held Monday March 10 under the 8pon»at*hip of Cfctholic Univewftty in Waging ton. ’ The students are not to be permitted to re eavter ibe ooUegie this smeeiterf it was yesterday by the faiOfk^ eo®u mittee oa disipliBe in «. 'vote 66 to 6. The atadefris, in ]uv>te«ting to the ttnvynsnsity aadd that the action %ainst Hi^ane pure ly P»e result qt rsioial diiefimina titim. - . r m.Mii |>H I| II I——^ OELEANS, La. — A Wroup of teaehora here "who are i^eAUy interested in equalizing tixe fil^ries paid to Negro and white teachers, are jwepared to initiate a test dase in the oourts. With thia' idea m mind, th» loeal group iorited 'H»ungood Marshall, apeoial oonuuel &>r the National As«o«ltion for the Adn vaacement of Cok>rei' P6^le in New York, to ©onf«r withi 4hesn ovsar the week e&4 ilp 16, aM advise ok ' |ii(ttl‘:)2roee^re obtain, theif d4»jecliTei- ,#» aetioh cf the-NAjybP Sn " Maryland and Viri^iltl, «nd- the l^al which hias started. already in the. State ot yiorida. They l^r in mind, also the fijust that '’the legislaitufe of South, CafOllna has agreed to coniuder the equalisation of te&di, em’ and thet the iegiela ture of Alabama recently passed a bill equaizing mininmin saler- ie® in the St«te. iVom this time forwaardj both Negro and white tea6hei« will start at the stame minimums- in Alabama. The NeiW Orlsane tea®hen» al»o hiave 0tU^^ th^ recent decisSon of the Loiiisville, Ky, echool board *0’ equalise salaries in that city. ' Mr. MaraWall advised with the gHoup. Leg«l action by the NAAQP und^ hifll guidauiee will be filed if found neceesnry. RECEIVES AWARD Senator McNary Joins Sponsors Of S. R. 75. NTEW YORK — Senator Chat^ les L. McN«z7 has volunteeaned to join in ^pooboiing Senate Re^ BolutitHi 75, whidi proposes a Senate in§v«stiga>tioi)L of the diah crimination against Negroes in the army forced and in employ ment in indoBitarial plants filling nietional defence ocwtraieta. Senator McNaiy wired the NAACP Matidi 8 saying: “I widi to associate with Saoata Be8^«lion 76 and ihall CBMrt «my abla effort its aulr coor- . lleiiator ISKaxy ’« offer mm seut immediMely lo Senator W. Warrin Barbour, who introduced tbe reaoiution. Oth«>r ^Mnebss are Senators Bob^ F. Wagner, New Yorkj Prentiss M. BroWn, Michigan; amd Arthur Ca^ppei^, Kajneias. 1 Senate Action Sought On Defense Jim Crow By National Organizations “Passes” Hie uuivepraity officials denied that there had been aay diis crimination, daying that Elnul von Blling, ooa«h. of the teain simply did not aelect Hagans to nm in th* twio taile relay. Among/ tSt© aiudents ausqjended Ai^Ie Stout, colored, who is pretident of tbe Student Coun cil fw. Siquality. . A request by Btud.ent0 to cireulate the pe*i tion Ibad been refused and the^ were auspended by faiktre *fa labii^ bgr thja roling. An enthuiriMtie man is on« who dSfCovers wlurt; ot^c paii^le have known a long* time. Mitchdl Afpe^ Jim Crow Case Before Supreme Court WASHINGTON, (A N P ) — Oon^ee^nmn Arthmr Mitchell of Illinois ai^Ktared before the Und!- ted States Swprem© court Thters dlay to preset hia bMifs and aigiuoenia in. the celebrated case growing out of hia ^jeeftioa from a Pullman oar wihile travelling in th^ Soutih in 1937. I\be teai ca«e wm institulted to determine wbelthier rtailroadli nntsrt: giv® Negroes traveling from one staite to another . acoomodar itioos equal to thoee givMi. white persona Mitdiell aaelectte^ in his bri^ cponected with tlw* menMa oliuiA ‘'fiunple juat|ee in'tiha interprefcation and apj[4teatioa of the constitution id»^d require eqoalHy in Uitenrtote tnmiifxffta- of »U AmaHean eitizena ieMe or colon His p«nti(at ynm giv9n suppofi W wpreMed vicfw that (Cbntintted on page three) MISS JE^IE W. LOGAN, Case Worker of Northampton Cfe’uVty Welfare Departm^rtt, jackson, N. C., and daaffhter off Mr, and Mrs. Georg’e W. liogan of this city. Miss liOgan has recentily 'been chjosen by Mrs. W. T. Host, Commissioner of the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare and W. R. Jbhnson, Consultant and Field Agent on Neirro Work, to re ceive an achievement membfersbip award in the American Pul> lie Welfare Association for efficient performance in connection vrith her work of less thari tyro years service in the field of So cial Work. (Pouchee Press’Service). BOYS’ CLUB SPONSORS PLAN HOUSE TO HOUSE CAMPAIGN TO RAISE SUFFICIENT FUNDS On October 1, 1940 THE JOHN AVERY BOYS CLUB opened it* doors at 418 Pettigrew Street in the Old Wonderland Theaitre Building to the N^ro boys of Dniiham and Duiiham . County, age 6 to 18, both incl.usive. The purpowes and iims of the Club to pronaote . the physixal, mental and moral well being of these boys by providing ttueh mea^s of ^education^ recreation and guidance fa in the jttdgiucmt oi the sponsoM of’ the Sub mky seem most likely to achieve the desired ,en^;- to .provide mean^ by which th® «lub can get as many boys as possible for clean, whole" some i^oy; to teach them thp thfili ■ of doing ■ something^ con- struetiva-and to offer them *n example of upright living thru sympathfetic and ^ experience^ leadership. f. -ii Following a careful study of the financial needs of the Club to petfonn the tMkal outlineid' Jri the above Stated purpose# and aims, nn annual operting budg^ of $2,500.00 haia been approved by the sponsors 'and at the re* g|ilar meetii^ of the directors h^ on March -8, 1941, it was t^eed* tihat a finanoial campa^ be 'conducted during the period of March 17 to Ajml 17, 1941 to secure . ca«h' contributions and ple^els total at leatM; $2600.00 to obver the openiting expenses of the Club for the ensuing yean A group 75 persons hav® volun {■Continued on page three) Father Sues To Get Bus For School Children In Virginia W YORK — On 'Rjeadsy, Maiwh 11^ in the U. S. Distrw^ Court for the £ast«m. District of Viii^ndia, (Richmond)• a case] was filed for a declaratory jui% ment and a mandatory injunct* tion to compel the Bohool toard of QreensviUe county to furnish bus transportation to Negro sehool children. TMs case marks the opening in the campaign to secn^ equal bus traoeportation for Ne^ gro students in the South an NAAOP annoiiniceaneDt declares. It will serve as a test ease in the sahie maomeir as the earlier teachers’ ^ary oases. The cam paign to. equalize ett^eational op^ portunities will be continued until Negroes are fumi^ed the exact same type of education as other America!®. Ollie Miay Branch, the Negro school child, sues through her father as next friend, Tbe^ defeudanlB are the scho^ board of - GreeS^ville County, Va., and H. L. Webb, superintendent of Greensvile county. The theory of the case is the same as the thcocf of the teaichexs ^laary cases, which is that the local school boa3Pd, throogh eostom nsid usage is depriving Nef^roes of tbe equal proteotion df tbe knm guaianteeld them by tike U. S. Constitution. The o«faq^in| all^s ^ that Ollie May BKanch is a stud^ and that her fatifer is a icsidrail ai^ taxpayer living in Orei^Mi- viUe amaty. It alleges thi^ tiie (Continued on page thrm) EDMUND H. BURKE, beloved secretary of 'Twikegw Institute, who died Friday morning, the result of a .stroke suffered tiie night before. Mi; Burke was « fine for?e for good m lK»th the official and life at Tuske- gee. U. S. Chamber Of Commerce Ui^ed To Enounce Jim Crow WASHINGTON, — Now that th^ Lend Imsc bill has been passed, a«tioq is being sought locking to the paMUge of S«*te Resolation 73, wbieh provide for an infeHAigatkiB of diaetiniin' atkm gainst N^roes in the -vbi4e wtifl«al del^ense prugram. The fizal Atep is to baw tbe reaolntioi apjwwwl % the Sen-' i^e eoMBQittee «d Education and Labor, before whieh it now j#eal|, TV «haiiwap «# thii is El%rt fboaaiS ‘ bf If the reaolotion in approved by the eo(nmittee> it mast then be approved by the Senate, and the in\^ti^tion procped^ (me important «ietail is approval by the Audit and Control tom- mittee so that the necesisary fund.s can bp provided- Preaenre for passa^ of the . recolution ia growing in all mm- ! tiooa of the- country as the shame fnl picture of the discrimination i^ine^ the Negro' ia beiuT reh vealed. New factories are aprinjring np with lily white employraeiKt noljcies; billiMis of dollars ia ad ditional contracts h*v> been awarded and marrine maeMaists; machinists, tool -.-^fllakers, lathe operators, die makers, and torf dctRtgners. NEW YORK — The United States Chamber of Commerce, located in Waahington- has been uiged “at the earliest practical- able date to go offi^ally and un equivocally 00 record against all discrimination in ^^jment on aocount of race, creed or color" by Walter White, secretary of the NAACP. Mr. White made the reqoeat in a letter to P. Stuart Fitzpa- (Continued on page three) This annooneement of a «tMr- tage of wor^is ties in with San ate Beeolatioa 75, whi^ prbpaats to invest^ate th« discrimination against Segtoem in the armed fonea and in industrial i^aats hKddiD(g deJ^»iBe contracts. flka entire airplana industry is sakl to he praetieally lily wfaita. Many other indost.ries wotkiog on defense contracts baw ntwih ed to employ Negroes evB ^haa tlKey are qoalifled to k> work. Elderly Woman Forced To Stand WUte Moi Can SitDown In Bns NEW YORK — Tbat. a white driver on tfca Wi^hiigton to Poct^knouth, Va. mn eompelle*^ her to leav« her seat to permit two wiiite men to sit down w^tle she stood was aobBtanaally tte eomida^. ffled this -vadk. wi^ tbe Qgeyhoond Boa eompany Miu Fay fitter, an Mesfy Woman t^ eitgr** Around ithe aidtte jFabrUazV nxbrdtng to ^tkr kA Waabmgton tor • vint vitik i kAifves in Poi—iDalii. Just ooi- side Wash%;teD, flbe ctexfea. bw to(4c, oa two wl^ male fmit ig«m At 4he 4am^ fer wm mmtping of dble aeata ia tlla nar bos. AH atiber aeato Obswriiig Aj» aBegea, bm dim iier tar^ fir^ np bar Ae lit ■ iiHil