PUSUSHEO WEEKLY BY THE OAftOUNA TIMES PUELISHINC CO. St. DURHAM. N. C. nioNEi N-riai *r J*mi elaw laatcr «t the Poat Ofie* at Durham, N. BETWEEN THE LINES Br Dwa Ooiddli B. Btoc«ck f:,.. "7f coMis the spring freshet I Calvin s Digest I ^ a- Digest Br U Bavkiftitl Wliitsif c; OTJ& BgVByrB SBMBB: TAKB8 890T AT BOOXfll ITS OBITXP uidar tk« Act of March Srd, 1879. L. E. AUSTIN. PUBLtikEli WILLIAM A. TUCK. MM»riB| Bailor HEItBERT It TILLERY. BvainM* Mmmw CHARLOTTE OFFICE 4M 1-2 EAST SECOND STREET Sin»CRlPTION RATESi $1.00—Y»*r, $1.85—^ Month*, The Platform of . THE CAROLINA TIMES includes: Equal salaries for Netrro Itaachers. Nerra p«lioeaMii. Ncffra juiyawfi. Eqaal ^acatiimal opportunities. Hirlwr wac«s for domestic servants. Pull partidpatian «f Nefroes in all branches of the Natimai defense. Aboli; aent of the double-standard wa^e scale industry. Great participation of Negroes in political affairs. Better iMnainc for Negroes.' Nesro reprea»tation in citjr. county, state aad na> tiaaal fovemments. EDITORIAC Great Family—A Great Son The rapid rise of Richard J. Reynolds, Jr. to a leadership in the democratic party certainly meets thje wholcf * . ,, . . » hearted approval of all •thinkinir North Carolinians of both zaces. It now appears that Mr. Reynolds is not “ ?, ® jHoaeet#- only held in high esteem by the citizens of his own state Theoretically, submers’ed group# uid leaders in the democratic party, but by President Frank- should ali^ tihemselves Kn D. Roosevelt as well, who from all reports is seriously radical' groups; and the Negroes, considering: hppoiatinfi the esteemed Nortel Caxodiilian to a post therefore, sbould b« aligned with p£ duty that will have much to do wftK clifflRllS'^t^e cifurse of communiate, th© America thibugii the^e turbulent seas of hiwyldonal relation* the present crops of "^oupai.’' ship. But ooinmon aense, dictates that The rise of Mr. Reynolds within the ranks of the party for the Negroes to east aMde ali now in power comes as no surprise to nativi^ NortK Carolinians disscretiom an sUmhly adhei^ to who are well acquainted with the liberal policies and fair deal- oommunisBn which has nothing for ifigtt of the great Reynolds family in Winston £(alem, where jijgjeif jn thig cwmta^*, and ^o more than 15,000 people of both races are happily and (gain- «^pletely with eajpialiam Here -* aowm oooiB boob DURIKO • period whsn in* eoiii« «od opiwrtuaitf ^or avw«(|« Nfpo aetor. mfOiUfiM* and paHSemer Keached atl* time km, ith«r« mw ocjfanlsqd^ — 'in Harlem the Y Or«flosnda That man is endowed with five « serttraa group of stay put naiQ|i seOM* i« one of the fundamental eiaaai; «etoi«, ' p>roduoem autlwtlif axioms of physiology. Oar moat and playwrigMs, whoae praaii* elementary education eraibodie# cat obgeetiv* ja the reeatabliih^ tbia elino^ self evident truth, i^ent of the Negro mualioian to PenripteiH attempts hav« been his t*iglil^ place, made to establi^ a sixth sennc Th^ battle cry is ** Bring ha«k but to date no eonvincing head- K«gro muaicl'’ their akiganr “We w«y baa been made and wa are originatel” Qbmmon aMfertng left with five special senwa !,«(• inapired sineare oooperw through witieh come all our know tioa. ledge. 8on% have ;(wllad them the It was during the glamorous windows of the aoul; for through heydays of easy of eSay moDe7 them (Kmxea th« light that men in th« entertainment world that live by. Jewirfi managers of Negro tal- This writer is beinning to ent began to fatten the Ooorn wonder if there is not a “seventh (the thoiughtlefla, uoorganised* aense*’ and if thar# ie. it must be ependtllrift oolored taleoft) whiell commoosense. Some yean ago I a later dlay would lay GeldsR lectured before a laifje audience Ejggs at the box offiee and triple from the anomalous subject, ‘The thg profits of white money Renaissance of Common Sense’' thfowifig hundreds of oolorei and the more I reflect on my musiciana and perfMners out of audacity the more I am convinced work. that I must have been inapiredl trosble* Tell me if hei lovet nte In a world ahot through with a geti|| rid of hert hundred theories about every^ WHITE OOBVEB TALENT thing; with learoing exuding ^Jl began with the whilee doubts and uncertainties of div- oomering *11 of thf ers description; with'^aeademi- ^egro talent in sigbfc. Sio^ oians bewildered in a labyrinth ijipj SuUavan, for i»- of cOTrtP^ictiona and with re woqld be a^ced to si|D a «earch oftimes making confusion oontmet a4 soon as they msde Si more oonfonnded, it soenwi about antatsur ahoir. If time for common sense to get a ^ eiogwr never got anywhai^ rehearing. ^^^sa foifol^n but the nnonen^ she snapped into the spotiigbt with a jniey omitraet aomearh^ Mr. Smart Ofay would ecoefve from the abadows present h^ first contract and take over, nommon singer a pittance aqd pockeil*^ the bulk of the profitfc Xhia is the kind of sharp pi4 la tics which has impnoverished with uinjority of our moat promin ent and “socceHaful" talent the theatre. o POEMS... •Q .d M T RACE BT IflBS M. E HAWm •••••• My raae haa mada improvements Since the time it baa been free. There were many tasks to do In it» new land of liberty^ The free black man bad fsW friends, ' His burdens were heavy to earry He could not than, a« sOTuetimes now, Live an^ make • decent salax!f« ) Jjfy raoe deserves credit, for It haa climbed the Isdder fast. ]W« hav« teachers, oh po numer- ouav Dootora, scientist grouped' in a maas. Lawyers skilled, laborers tried, Have done dieir part of work. If only the Negro could be justified In this life, he would never (^irk. _a_ ' My race has faced injustice. Has been tried for crimes of ‘‘ t Ifhame, It "had to bear them humbly, Therefore, abuae it* name^ 'Tis true our skin may be black, But our souls are sincere. We do our part for advancement Without a murmur, though some times a tear. « • o • IT’S M 0 T H E & One of the unfortunate happen imsis in the world of todayj is the side tracking common sense for ^ “pet theories” There could be , no greater blessing than the re place 01 fV,. -Ij. if: a bian dip By Dr. Oharlaa Btabila Geoi^a Interracial Conference Cominittee Holds , Interesting Annual with the unions in ay place, rittiag the Negro for Defense Purther facts wjlre presented Wwrk, One Majiy Important j g Blayton, president of Topics Discua*ed Dadioated to mother— Wm. Lot^ Horton • • * * If ever I had a friend. One who knows my sorrows, One on whom I can depend, It surely is my mother. -a- the Wash. It is alao a with traoa a capaicity laudience present and Dr. R. Ih Ruaeell of Griffin. Ga» NeHan Jackson, Instructor in presiding. > Department of Community Or* faults Of the children she cherisehs so. It’s mother's care that protects you Negro Chamber of Commerce o* If a man die shall h« Uve Atlanta, whoSe report wa» one' ^ Name baada h»ve agaijif No beoauW he shall ■ ^ HABBIS outstanding at the It s a mother who never tires of lii^srrldicarT^*^®™* • never die: There’s'aomethini in * J, —The a smi«t«r brand of gangsteruvi nia» that Uvea fojrev^. A3?LANTA, Qa. ( > Bufus E. Clement, preeid- When everything goes wrong. which bag rediueed some nrasiciin annual conference of the Oeor^ university, gave She ffliares yonr sun and rain, to economie afaverr. You are the aame man the* Interracial Committee, holding jnfonmation conceminfe bom Some day «he whole bottom twenty yeai« ago. but one of the, most mteresting meet ^aje by Negroes . _o rotten mess will come oot of y»“ professional training in «>veral times during thrt penod l^t Friday in the Exhibition ^^^j^^^jties of the It’s mother’s love that hides aU —^your brain is rebuilt twice Room -of Atlanta University with i fanlita - , . . „ * - . fact that eolmred eoeh vear. —ooutn. folly employed in tha Reynolds Tobacco ftctories. Here no werything is the nnwie writer* do neajrW all of ■trikes or near-strikes are ever h^rd Of. Hero peace and har- ^ atnpidit-r. «ie arranging for the popular Memory rtanained "°*Re*l^M^ntow^i8 the best dLcripti^n applicable to this I'heoreticaUy, a man Aould die JSe SLTSiu The aubject ^ “Vocational ^izatioru AtUnta School of the grasps of the World’s «act army of employees and well they migiit be for the Rey- for hia righte, but eohunon, sen-e ^ ^ door, nrtds company has a splendid way of compensating those wlio 4k.i. * sluould «n- ^ , talent to gain popnlanty) Nothing ia ever destroyed- lates |p National Defense was teresting report of the work Ubor under its banners. ^ atnateev of survival f“a . **" Coa* bums, but the ashes and didcussed by J. R. Womack, conference, held recently at •moke and gases precisely aqual assistant state supervisor of In- Tuskegee institute. ^ jt >s| mother who" comes in and original bulk — they have dustrial Education of Atlanta. He simi^y taken on another form. explained the type of defense Arming from the indesitructi- worit Negro adults were being bitity of matter, you believe trained for in Georgia and also that memory and heart treasure said that training i« being Negro and soul ci^ure perish f When a trae hsa borne leaves and &uit. ita work is done. Buit not even the wisee|t man who ever liv«d 1104 finished his work braeda accidents, ^»th «*me — he w a ■ Safety Wviaion J»»*t begfawdng to undarsband. .. Can this be all of life for himf Bttfenae before wiadom dictated the inclusion of preparedness in just thk thing for .50 yeatH and in the groundf Dose this seem public health as «i in^rtant corolla^ of the production of themselves unable to do sol North Carolina last year ^ harmony with Gbd’s method, flrtna and militaiy training. And it is indeed commendable Booker T. Warfiington did not According to the diWsion's everything ebe brings tliat. while material j^p fonntadn of popular a^- jcecords, approximately 70 per from ghwy to glory f appro- giain,, Jq jjj^ indi»trial education jent of all drivers involved in pl»y a strategy of survival (“a Throufirh the yMrs the R. J, Re;^oIds Tobacco Company has edaoated Negroes’*) in order _ tmilt up a reputation for fair dealing, honesty and integrity, thbt he may live for his right*. Tlus idea has extended so as to include even the humblest em- It is true that sotaebody must die ployee. It is a system that guarantees its workers security by for r^ts*; it is alao true that |pt>vidinir again^ their Illness, their old age and their leisure eomebody moRt live for them, tone. This is known as the Reynolds' touch»the company's Science may prescribe hefat for own wa^ of doing things. the body by electrical appliances In oonsideratk>n of the magnificent contribution this illus- common sen*© alone can teU tnoos family hAs made to the development of American indus- jg, enough, try we think the democratic party and the president of the Unit* ed States can find no better hands into which they ean place a News accounts have it that a jcreat responsibility tJian that of Richard J. Reynolds, Jr. certain learned man of the race has advised tha;t the Negroes Katicmal Negro Health Week Observance "forret Booker t. wiashington’a teachings.” In reply to this we America had not progressed far in its plans for National might say, Negroes have tried to “Familiarity l^eeids Contempt” For Danger, Cause Of 70% Of Accidedts Turkeys Familiarty the Hifirhway pennted out this week in releas* itiff figures dealinif with| the, residence of drivers and pedes- f* ^ moth^ es, in all the principal cities of Georgia, except Augusta- When asked why there was no such program in Augusta, he ex plained that labor unions in this city objected and that his divisi®n was instructed • by authorities in Washington, not oonflialt say The nicest sort of thing*, Turkey producers intend to prais^every effort made hatch and buy about three per- enoourges me. my friend, cent fewer poults this year than . g last, accordii\jg to February 1 reports to the U. S. Ajfricultur- Today ia mother’s biirthday, al Marketing Service from key i»m giving some word* of mine, farmers. So that she may smell her flow- ers here,~ Add similes: “He was as ^s-^hile on earth she atill abide*. itive as a judge trying his first case." }n> and the cherished institutions of the nation. _ „ _ attention is being directed to the mobilization of the hu- I^aus^'u''dW 'iiot Wtm rewurces upon which the nation must depend for essen- ^ ^ more Jeam^ men, he was denoun ' The National Neffro Health Week program, founded by the , j , i. ^ « Booker T. W«Wl.»ton, hw been devot«l for more than . “J. , f ■ sr of ^ century to the fulfillment of hU prophecy that the ®* . * nation turned to cov Mid would assimilate the ways of the American life WaBhiiPgton s te^mgs and fmd li^ o rcominff the handicaps of poverty and illness, pro^ thereim the basis of one of the a vir i iwee and develop a idholesome citizenship. ’“oslt pretentious vocational pro- yeei's Bhaitli Week objective. “Personal Hygiene and gnams mankind has known. Theo THE POCKETBOOK q/’KNOWLEDGE ^ ■»o+oi J • 4.U i i J. Many of man’* faeultiee are fatal accidents in the state last ... * o : . year lived within 25 miles of ’“wWod tool« in a cW the place where the accidents ^examiwed’ unnamed - waitmg occurred. And 98 per cent of ® fu^gre world. 331 ^estri^s WIW in t^e kayw that perfeetion state year wre kUled with- ^e teali«d in the present ^ - th«~ “««t be some ramiliarity breeds contempt . *.1. • for hi ghway and traffic hi- ^ ~ immortality Aid PiapnadfMts. consonance with the national riats and scholars have sounded ards. and thia eont^smpt, in turn, breeds accidents, co®* which will permit to > see fulfillment of our dreams. of.totM’Vr^Wwdaeaa fbr the total defense of America the common sense plans of Wash mented Ronald H^u^'dir^tor would be ^ tte p—pte. Personal hygiene is the obligation of the ing(o» and have time and) *gei» of the tiiffhway Safety Division. i»co™plete witbout thflflie whJo to 10$ awUMe health information for attainment mii^construed his basic teachings "When a person tr^veU upon struggled to biitng’ men nearer •» W» eou>«toent and daily habits but evidences are multiplying certain roada day after dfy, to parfoetion in the prpsenit irorldf ’ ►tttrai enaowaneni ana aaiiy naoiw jjut evidences are multiplying certain roada ^ cpallenire of a complex andhaz- ebout lo witness the ye%j: in and year out, he beglBs to mm tte know^ge and twhnic «*wh reni^i^nce of the ideals of Wat|» to fed timt he is famUilir «f juieiiUmt or sudden illness from disabil- isty npnlt from d^ay or improper ad- In' sflte of moiay pet theoriie. «very fo^ of tho«e Topifh and lilil pitiMdffftc. thgfp Health W®«k has a traditional period biMofjr' do«« mrt record a natio# ibe week which indudea Febru- or »ce that began at the toj». j«t This jmr ^e waek ui ^^rious stages of hfe- , tlw Natiooia Co«umt(0e ridviaes r- .ere.;;: activities to all •“*“* “ rooted in a very hasti^ tW Imd no lessening of Thb is tm* of all grtmt t aa an aid to sani- people*. Maiyjal labor whettier irab^tte of renova* or factcry ‘is batically ij||g M aii iicetltffe the same. When Waefajnffton Wf ** *>Tin«r to get hi* peo^ to see it> « w hedth the virtue* in the aecomplish'* «b4 Mitttrioua Otiliiatien, meat of the manual artsW he was pride of M^faborhood, to have ^em begin at the r’w The cute little coefl ia tke he tends to b^me poii^^pta> girf who put the "leg" in col- of the sharp curi^, narjjBw fetfa. “dges, inters^iens ot|{br n4 individuals : flMunuiiiKk Oil those roads. He If you are doesn't think it necsMsi^ to be you will alwmya rooted in Piveful on roads ha klUm so re^y to take. The ivell,.8o hje permit! hil oaution Vr~— This republic will be uttefly Ivhen a driver raa«lMS th»t lost tti^en ita aalrfttion dep«idi point, an unexpected nituatiop upon one nMn. —•the unfamiliar hazsr^ on the amiliat roaAi-j#||l iMihost in* Ii|^l|igeace dob not al fmyiably result w #n •ocident." Meenwany •' the iigiyn BMTVrdlesf of how familiiir »ome |»eople acqmre. n you are w^tli «lty f-ofd," the , safety director cpnclud^. “you Gducation ^b^ets responsiMli*’ can not travel upon'^it' in safety ty. the more . one knows, tbe unless you are always prepared more one's-taik‘in life should m-- ■ ba«ooi wber^ begin they wi|6i for th^ •I Mpustm/^pocep me HAlARbS^ lOO yiARS A60, Losses Ml PlAHTS INSUREP W owe TyPlCAl COMPANV AvenAeep 63i pkh 0/00 muneo— rcoM TmmexMB less tim 3* THfy UUP FM U.9. DSmtfE^ — B MAJon A/iKMtrr coMmme$ mne iHCMMeo •nnm 'Mnxiyutm 4WIMY 90 0 nUCtMTm ym*t ’W6 MOHUMMTit TIW>K> MOTH NATINUMI tMmCOM-MrcMVOOO CM4M. I« ItgSUUtiD By Ntmy 74^ 1M0MM0UT1MeiMltEP CP syoNConMoaafUiMOAp First For the first time, Brazil last year bought more goods from the United States than ahe sold to her northern neighbor, it has been revealed by the Brazilian lifiinister of Finance. Animals During 1940 cattle and sheep showed substantial increases, hogs a rather sharp decrease, and both horses and mules small decreases, reports the U. S. De- partmentof Agriculture. Decline The rural - farm population shiowed a decline in 21 states during tha past decide, the rate running from one-t»nth of 1 percent iji South Carojiha to 21.1 percent in South Dakota. Ladybui^ Italian farmers have been giv en notice they must wage war on lady-bugs, these insects now causing grave damage in the fruit groves of that country. Cotton Based on ginners reports, it iis aatiautad that the lltO Polk County cotton crop yielded ap- |roxlmately 2,000,QtO pouBidb, says J. A. Wilson, farm i^ient of the N. C. Btate CcAlege tension Service. A civilized individual has tol erance for all people but he se lects his fiilends.