SOUTHERN “IT ALUMNI TA^K IT OVER Pictured Attending Southern ‘IT 27th Founder’s Day A irroup of Southern University alumni chattinjjr over “old times” at the annual alumni re ception honor'ing the founder, his wif^ wd son. They are, left to right: Charles Keel, in structor, Tensas Parish Training Schcjpir '^iss Sadie Mae O'Connor, Jeanes supervisor; P. 0. Wailes, president of Alumni Pederatidn; Mi^. Jewel Thompson, secretary to coordinator of national defense at Southern; and Miss AlSirtine Parker, instructor at I^uisiana Bural Nor mal at Gramjoling. I—— I, ■ li , ,1 I R^>tuming to Wiaslhingioin white and colored, wfco ar© in- thrpft. .later, Mr*. Butlwr t»rescJ in this coratounlty pro- sayi^>''to th© jecfc are uii^ed to make a contri- ol1ic«« there in a bution. Any aaiouat cootribated t»tat«ment in whiicA eiie however «lmall or l«ig« will be flMltjt^for a irefural of her moniey gladly accepted by tiie workers. Mr. White’s iction was the ^ Se trip, fjCJ.70. Th« company Executive Director John E. reawlt of inforniation which ,proi|^*^l to inveatiKate. .. Payne, announces that the Club rame to the NAACP that th« twiw^n Arkansas -i»U>37 w«o pootos are open every day in the Indiana Ch^iber . of n«uiunprce aipj*«](ed io Jj/f: 'hifc*i court "rom week except Sunday and the pu- -BUS SUIT- (Continued from page one) trick, head of the Civic Develop* merit Department of the U. B. Chamber. was opposing a bill in the state legislature which would operate Bff^uinat imions which discriniin- at«r against JTegroes. ' Ii\ reeptaise to a protect on tJ»is aJle^d action, thie United thin^ States CSiamber of Commeree m- gi©nfl plied, throiigh its president, tjjg James S. Kemper, th«t it did not h«ve any authority over the In- • diana chamber, but that it .waa referring the .whole question to., its conunittee on civic develop- (( ment. The matter in ,turn had been referred to the Department ^ committee of the U. S. Chamber, j , _L ano. 'AVI ige district court l»c is cordially invited^ to come in it had no jurisdicition and observe tJje pr(^r^ for the 3 matter. hoys which is in full operation »n wrote ~th^ otiher at- 3:00 o’clock p. m. to W.OO general: “The alaJ-minK p. m. The following per- me is that the solicitor the present offloers ofi Shade, Top picture, left to right Clark, Mrs. Clark, lUion taken [ichelL in the O^lub* . J. l^e^^^nedy, Jr.*^ * * * r'*”” ~ ^ ~ w. a . bv th« arvnpl- President; W, D. Hill, Tice Prea|- ^ A l>oley^caught by Southern University’s photographer attending the y ^ appei- , 1 , a\umni's annual reception honoring the founder, his wife, and son during the celebration of the 27th Founder's Day, Lower picture: J, E. Williams, state director of Negro education; Mrs. J. SC Clark, Dr. Felton G. Clark, Y. L. Fontenot, president of the schol for blind white children, and J. S. Jones, state director of W. P. A. educational for Negroes, after hearing Dr. J. S. Clark's masterful Founder’s Day address. lOYS* CLUB - itinued from page one) their services to conduct to house feanvassi fk>r caah jphnlRes for THE JOHN,^*’’’' |Y BOYS CLUB, Avfliich isj dent, Mrs. Et9iel B. Hubbard, Vice President, E. W. MidgC'tte, Secretary; Mrs. Ethel 8- Berry, Atesistant Secretary; Mist Horn D. Holloway, Assistant Secretary H. Wheeler, Treaftirer and John E. Payne, Executive Diree- FORCED TO STANI>; not ,^t supported by the city, COURT; MITCHELL- ; (Continued from page one) i^atfej^or the local Community i (Continued from page one) eise ah© «x>uUl stand up ‘ ‘sinoo Fund^ndi is entirely dependent ^ the - ON RECORD - 0ue^ and maintainied and are /n J J- \ now puisuine; and maintaining tie (uontmued from p&ge one) ® school ejstem is under the defen >f board of -education transportation |d«nit Intersitate Commerce com- fcer® ie plenty of room. ” Slue updn -^he contribution of aharit- she lh>aid to accept this latter able ^d civic minded citizens o£ aM^mative. ; owr 4|y» and all persona, both missi(»i bad eared! in dismieslngf his petition for equal aoeoeioda> tions. _ eraperiiiitendent. alleges further Th« complaint Asii Action On PoU Tax BiU WASHINGTON (A N P ) / Brinq You Complete Dairy Seri/ice... Chocolate Milk A Pasteurized Milk Grade Whole Lactic Acid Milk Mellow Milk (Homoirenized) Sour Cream Cottage I Cheese Golden Guernsey Milk Whipping Cream Coffee Cream Gold Seal Butter (Salted or Svyeet) Mel-O-Rich (Homogenized) Fancy Ice Creams Ice Cream Sherblerts Punch Fancy Molds Ice Cream Lactic Buttermilk Golden Flake Butter milk Gold Seial DURHnm DfllRY for white school children in the variooai seotioins of Greensvillte Cowity and of ailing and refusf “Defendiants over a long period ingi .provide similcir fre© 'bus of'y«i» have' cdnsistently pmv traJMportation for Negro pfapiis CSngreBBnmn Lee E. G^er of thflx>ugihout th« various sections CWifomia petitioned the house of Gtreemsville County. Such of reprec^tative Monday /to di3crimiination is being practic bring out of oommittee the anti- ed against plaintiff and other bill, H. R- 1024. Tihe Negro children, similarly aiituated whicii would prohibit the Solely on ajocount of their race ®oUe«ition. of poll taxes as a re- or color.'' > I ' quirement for voting in federnl jelections, was first imtaioduoetd jin oongTOSs in August, 1939. Hearing were held by tlie sub- eomanittee last March, April and committee' of the house judiciaiy Celebrates Founder’s Southern University Celebrates Foi Appropriately been taken by the oommittee. ^ RESPECTED MATRON PASSES I Funeral services for Mrs. W. E. WaUer, respected local citizen were held at the hcrtiie 501 Massey Ave., Thursday at two p. m. Mrs. Waller, who was stricken Monday, is sur vived by her husband, and a host of rela tives and friends. She will be greatly mise- ' ed from the large family circle she graced as central figufe, so long and capably. Th© aotion by Rep. 3eyer followed a decision of the United States Circuit Court of appeals jin,Cincinnati Saturday, uphold ing the wwistitutioniality of the 8 faulty poll as a prerequisite to vot ing-. SCOTLANDVILLE, La. —“From an ' institution with membeom »nd 48 students planted (Ml 520 acres of land with 6 ca bin®, 3 small broken down iarmi, The decision of the court, Re.p houses, one horse barn, ehed said, makes even uKxre and th© plantation house haat "«oeesary action by congrejs to blowomed the beautiful Southeim o«tla,w the poll tax. Congress hias univeieity you now see" was the power granted to it under' wliat Dr. J. S. Clark presideiA *e oonstitution, and it has the emeritus, told ov-er 2,000 studi duty especially in these times, ents, teacAers, alumni, former ^ est«.blish a 100 per cent De- aitudents, stnid friends assembled mocracy in the United States, the university audiitorium to in hear his 27th Founder's Day address last Sunday. ‘-Today” said Dr. Clark find e plant worth $3,915, 343, 000 to compare with $76,000.00 27 years ago. You find a c*m pusj of 76 buildings which p(no struggle, vide instruction for 13000 stud ents under the leadership of a faculty of 108 persons 34 of whom are Southern graduates. DURHAM • CHAPEL HILL • HILLSBORO Dr. Clark, who was elwted the fiTE^ Njgro preeidtent of neiw Southern university, retired three years ago, and his son. Dr. Felton O. Clark, was elevated from the deanship to the presi dency. “He is doing a magnifi cienit job” wad the maoner in which many alumni ezpres«ed themselves upon visiting their alma mater. In closin?, Dr. Clark admonish ed all; “Buildii^ and grounds «looe do not make a school. It must be ti>e spirit, ideas, and philsosphy of the great people who will inspire us as e Walk acroMB these groundB andi find ■written on every building,' oarr ed on every one in invisible lines tlie spirit that must lead* us on. 0^^, QRACE, SOME 07=r TJ-IE BEST ^ARCrAlfJS ikj rue pap£flt£3pav/ LETTS' 60 s^^oppmai i'U- MEBT you AT WINE and DINE at ARCHIE’S BAR and GRILL 601 E. First Street Specialities in Breakfasts Lunches, Dinners ' > Imported and Domestic Wines J Pints, 15c—Pints, 25o-Quarts, 45c is Fiiestone’sl94l contributioa to highway safety! Here’s more non* skid safe^, more protection against blowouts, more mileage than we’ve ever boilt into a tire — and at a NEW LOW Trade-In PRIO£: MOII NON-SKID SAFETY 3,456 scientifically placed sharjp-edgea angles grip nrmly for emergency stops and tujn-wd starts. LONGEI NON-SKID MIIEAGE Fhiner, wider, deeper tread adds thousands of safer miles. GREATER PROnCTION AGAINST BLOWOUTS New Safety-Lock Gum- Dipped cord body gives greater protection^ against blowouts. JUST THINK! VOU GET Ati THfSE I ^ X T R A S A F E f Y ^fAfURfS A7 p^£iv low PR!cf5 COflfE IM i The war industries will make money out of the defense pro gram; labor is demanding a fair share of the profits. Our farm- ers hope they will not have to bear all the cost of the world J Tire$ton«i# CONVOY TIRES low h Prke- Bvt HIGH IN SATETY, QUAUTY AND MIIIA6E Compare this Firestone Convoy Tire with any ocher tire built which sells at soch a low price. Buy it—use it—aix) you will find yoursdf dollars ahead ia long, non*skid mileage and safety. 51 ► TlMstont COHVOT UMI m nm mam A4R. MERCWAMT WAS IT YOUR AP SNIE o BEADi It is not only priced at rack-hoMoat, bat il carries the full nit£STC»a UISTIMl GUARANTEE. Us/en m “Kmcv af Firrstmu,'* Mtmday NJS.C. NuApmA ALEXANDER TIRE DIVISION P. O. Boole, Mgr. Ck)rner Main & Gregmn Sts.