s: state Bulls C. I. A. A. Champs Spilled By Alert Peilmetto Demon« 40*48 Bison Ends Court Career Sipithfit*ld Crowned Champs III Finals Of Playoff At Eastern Division Touri)ey ORANGEBURG, — In • David 1 OobjOfa huetklxiU ■p«eetMle A^P6S l/0l63t S«rf Friday Mareh 14, .. j r / ‘ SonUi CaroliM State tpeed d«- nOWdTU DO * 00 mooa eat down the wfc*%y OEEENSBOSO - Th. i .nd JWl ClAA ehampion* *nd won ™ . ... .u • K- I-*..-. T Aggtm hroufht to an end their it nevw to be 4»-38. foiifotten victory r^nlar seheduel 1941 oage cam paign here Friday night Tournament fans and Uiree defaeting Howard university, 66 Imndrfed aad fifty playen who to S6. It was the 18th victory . irore her# for tlie Siith A>imiaJ for the '^aaon for the loeftls* 'Hi|A School Tonmament tpoD>- „ . , * . a *1. o 1- . oV7 By of^laat PV>d»y nc- •ored \n Sootii C«iolina State . ,, . . j iu-.j ^ * j M i-. n -A. , .V tory, th® Ame« fmisihed third m ; A and M College* witneted the ^ ^.exhibition tli« two vtellar college flves. CIAA race, beind North Carolioa eolleg« which Tras de clared champion and Yirgiai* Th* two point niai|;in of vie- Union unirerrity. tory «*me in th« waning momenta Captain Jack Hig^n*, of th« of tii« f«m« wheo |he N. ,C. Aggie wrote fini* on a great les wilted under the terrific pace intereolkigriate cage career by *et bjr the S. C. State Bnlldt^ sooring ten points and playing In th* hectic encounter, South o^^e of his nwxt senBa»tion>al floor Carolisa used apeed and fast gwn®** breaking to ‘nr^ni* , Howard eco.^ firat. The Bcor- narrrm «a.^n untxl the cloaing»^^ mi.nte. of the game. ^ ^ pulled ahead by Hie Bulldog* tied the bcore foiw baakets. 36-36 and p^led out aliead when Retarning the second half, the . ij I’*** *■ Aggries aetitled down to pass afld breai fh,« Holden ^d ^sed a accuatomed rtyl. to Bro^ for Norgi CarohM dribb* gison outfit. Mort of the a«oond kmn the flo^ .nd «iak a eubatitntee carry to knot It ag«m 38-38 tj.e brunt of the battle. With aeewids only to play Hold- ^ •a for South Carolina aent a ioog «i)^ to ilta hoop that gav« “WHEN you get ivto a tight Soutii Orolina th» Tictovy 40-38. P^*ce ted everything goes ^ain- -■■ ' — .. at yott, tall it sttoms you eould not bioid on a minute longer, Sings Swan Song | Howard Quintet I .>ws In Laat wiCund Of Fhriil Packed Contest The £a*tern diviaiA of th« Ten CoOeges Are North Carolina Nc«ro High p x J *1' ^1 School Athletic AiMKHjiatiwi do®- [,XDCCt6u lO 1EK6 ad ita ann>ual baakethall toama* * ^ ^ ment hei^* Saturday night with Porf In X|ltfff|£kG'f much Micce*B. Winning teams * ^ Ulll5iWI. much aucceas. Winning teams from each center in the Eaatem division .were choaen to take part la the touroaaient as a “SHRIMP” JOHNSON, Co captain Johnson C, SAith iJin- versity's Golden Bulls ended his Coll«?:e career against Howard last Saturday. C.I.A.A. set «ome of it. f.'f ** Wdjme^e^e tide will turn.”—Samett Beech* er Sto«w«L Democracy must have much more than political equality if it is to bless the people of the world. Incidentally, what has be come of the gridiron stars who captured the headlines a few years ago? The person who does not read is not ednested; oonverseljr, the ime who reads is maltii^y proff- il ’S FUNNY How Follu Store Stuff In An Attic When They Can Cash In _ With A WANT AD Panthers Wallop Va. State Trojans As Smith Sings Swan Song 61CH1£(XND — Th^ Virginia Uosatt PsBftsw arenged their ealy CIAA eooferenee defeat of Ae p«A Mfs season* bowling •w ib» steundi rival Vitg:ini« Sm* 66-24 Friday Mfht ta ejii&ttioa ^ame' at iM BhMs' 4LnDOT7 here before mgo, Coadi Jeffer- feored s aeflastioiial to eliminate the HUG’S BOYS ehMttflioiubip &r tke first time in fqr iii iprji«Biss; a eoa- Hir«r, UaioB ^ ,ps^ hr ia jMtf t* Hampton Boxers Ontslug Trojans BT “SEAJCmr” BTUAMT HAMPTON, Va. — The Harop ton boxing team defeated the Vijil^nia Stats pugilists 3 1-2 to 1 1-2 in a boxing and wrestling meet h«ld at Hampton on Mon- daj of last week, as ttte wrest* ler lost to the Trojans 3 to 2> P«sha«> 126 pounder floMed Matty Korton with a rig^t to Uie bead witb less than fou;> se- emds to go in the fi^t. Until ICortim was dropped, he Seemed to inrve tbe edge^ Pisidagi^r hi« usual lom> Captain Fountain of Hampton, •■lily outpointed Billy Coleman. Ifoci«e« Jones of E^mpton and ol «t»te ioegbt it oat toe t/ar t«ro rono^ in a 165 pound fcooi bat cdfcd his ^ipon ia tfce tldrd to ti]^» -tiu‘de> Tbe Colored Imtercollegiade Athletic Association organized 1912 member, of Th® National Collegiate Athletic Asaociation and The United States of Amer ica Sports J>edeTation Bok 455, Lawrenceville, Virginia. 1941 CALENDAR BASKETBALL See Official Schedule BOXING AND WRESTLING MARCH 21, 22: CIAA Eighth^Anmual Owunpion ships—Johnson C. Smith Univer sity, Charlotte. TRACK AND FIELD APRIL 25, 26: Pennsylvania Forty Seventh Annual Rebye, Franklin Field, Philadelphia^ MAY 10: ^ j CIAA Fourteenth Annual'Open Cbsimpionships, Hsmpt(»i Inr- sbitu'te, Vii^ginia MAY 17: CIAA Twentieth Annual OhampionBhips, Motgnu ^tate CoU^^e. [ I TENNIS: APRIC 18. 19: Dm! Matches APRIL 25. 26: District Tournaments MAY 2, 3: CIAA Edghthteenth Annual Touamainent, Howard University] SEPTEMBER 20t CIAA Tenth Annual Confer ence of Football Coaicthes, Ofil- cials and Oaptans, St. AD^stine’s College, Rsleigh. FOOTBALL Bfle OflSeial ^hedule , TWENTY NINTH ANN'UAL MEETING DECEMBER 13, 13: a) CIAA Seventh Annual Con fere«o« - of Basketball Ooaehes, Officials and Captains b) Fifth Annual Conference of Officials c) Piwt Anmual Meeting ol£ The College Public Belati(»>8 As^ sooiSilion. Virginia State Colles^ H. C. PERRIN, I^eeident J. L- WHITEHEAD, 8eorsts*y Treasiirer. CHARLOTTE — Wi«i prspera ™ _ tion complete for the eighth an-j means of determim^g tW chiiim'^ CIAA Boxing ^ WreStl^ pionship for that divi«on. Tournament to be held .»* J«Jn- son C. «miUi University ITriday A grand total o^ fifteen teams ^d Saturday, Ma>«h 91-29, Bull were present on the campus of boxing iqenter Hareld 18 Adams Fayetteville Teachers College is binding hia , «««fie8 toward Friday momii^ rough ajid ready the total regainifliy of the CIAA t> * holing crown wfiiidi hla ehsyges In the fi«t rounds (B class) isat year shsr- Whitevilie topped Spring Hope SJnpton. _ 34-21;, Pantego topped Central And th^ Smith ringsters; with "HURRICANHl BILL OLIVER High 42, 26; Beaufort topped the mo«t powerful a^i«gatioii o£ Co-capt«n Johnson C, Smith Ellerbe 55, 34; Dunn topped battlera since the Bulls fir«t took University % Golden Bulls «*nd'^ Garysburg 28, 15; Pautego topp- tihe sport in 1938, loom a- his career against H(xward Uni- ed Zubulen 62-47. In the “A" heavy favorites, “tthrini^” John vemty ^n Saturday night. Class Hillside of Durham topped aoO, basketball ace tod ’89 ’40 ^ .Williataiso*. 42, 16 and Smithfieid 126 lb titliat* decided ag^* K[i|fff|f|(|| 1^C|rAfhj||| ,'Laurinoui^ 40,'30. st a second title defense sod llClUUllttl LHluIvvlUilll In the \ second rounds whcih abdicated his throne. However, were held Saturday, Pantego “Sporty” Markharii, flot|iy topped Lauriniburg rounds whiah ringster who handed Hampton's ^ |j t. fort topped Dunn 30,19 (B class) great Furcron his only defeat as ^0|(| lUSKBtvC In the" “ A ” class E. E. Smith of he wrested from him the 135 lb CI^lRLOTTE — Johnson €• and “'Shrimp'^ Johnson, dimih«- Smith PaiTersitJr roariny Golden tire whirlwind ^od darling of Bulls the iasrt of thfeir the eourte, for th« d«o ended bariwood mars for 1941 here lae« theif college eaireeTB tih«.t night Saturday night as thsy shaded a in a blase of glory. of .P« 1PSS undoubtedy the *nost thjjll- tators were also for Durky ing and hotly contested bsiUe Welkeof, deadeyed so^jhomore seen in CSisrlottA this year. soufbpaw whom Coach Ja«ksoti Aad at tn* final whtstle, the eli||ima to be the greatest gnar** entire, orowd that pecked the in collegiate competition today, Hartlsy-Wooda GymnieiMm to bar none. Racking up a totsl of capacity arose in a frenixed sal- 22 points, and playing'an even ute, tribate and fsreweil tc co gp?eaier game defensively, ifS^- captaina “Hurrieane Bill” Oli^- «r paced the Bulls from start to er, wiho with seconds to pls^, finitii, at times waging the dropped in the winning basket, battle almost sihglehandedly. WNIIIflinilHlimilHIIIIIIIIUIIIIIHIIillUIIUiDIUH^^^ ; Tourney To Be Fayetteville topped Rocky Mount crown in 1938, 51, 24; Smithfieid topped Hill- Uie kleigli^hta aide of Durham 23, 7. after^ tvo ear ^ Ns»tian«l absence. And the head that once ^j^i^cholastio wore A crown is covetu^ another aiaueia for Markh»m is oonoen- Never assume, when one asks yoip advice, t;luit the quertioner is interested'in your opinion. No candidate beeoipas wiser tlir9«sk the luck]r^ i]M4tet of is back beneath tUSKSGE®, InstAtate Ala — InvitatioDcyi In- Baaketball Toumo.* SMITHFXEIJ) WINS .= j^ld awiually at Tuske- IN FIHA1.8 1- to detwmios the Jfationd In the finals pUyed between 125 lb. division... gasketball Champioa*ip for ^mithtield and E. E. Smith of' . ^ks ^S"’^9 Fayetteville (ela«5 “A”) Smith- i. , • demae* of tie United States, field came out on top by score of .'ij - pia A titlo, three •S*WBth aanual touniaiL'ent 54,45. Brutus Wilson’s boys came ^ ^ ^ from behind in the first quarter ™ TS v^r due fo Thursday, to take the lead 9, 6. And at the itaniM nf * Saturday, March 27 half they were in front 26, 17. 28 and 20. > I mi. u ij X.U- , J .u L reoeived on the gridiron last They held thw 1^ fall. However, Brooks haa been Beoaase of the national char* i out the third period. In the ^^^^d and this great aotwr of ,1ihe:meet,‘ which draw* fin^ penod the E. & SmitJi style remark- t4» bsdt t^ems from evei^y aae-, Basketeem to b^ away, r,boM.mc^t for Joe Locals tion of tile ewmtry^ the ^ng cuttiug Smithfieid^ mill,sruf5e into action again this tesai ia ,woogni«d a.,Khe Nar to five points. But Smtthfwld ^ his fourth tlonal Ootored Bsakedball Gham* caitie back, capitahzi,^ on tte .onsecntire victory. .piona rf.the United Statea [height and accuracy of “Slim’ | I Rich lanky iSmithfield center who - - - f • Tbe fiiat 4eam tourtKsment was has 29 points to his credit for I lAlArAfl lTmV^rQ Will ^ I the game, Smithfieid took a nine| UlVfClQ "“1 of thfe tournament ainof tbs* point lead and held it until the,^ III ffjlCf ^ fV^ ^un ^oundied .through out HCo a^ lJUu Lvl U entiidBiaatse eoojwratioii Whicb the gmy. Curry of E. E Smith fllAVAC Tac4 ^ extended to tibe offioialM was high point with 12 points. wUlUvll vlUVCo 1 vol of >ths tbuitoailient by the Athle* BEAUFORT WIHB — itac Boarda of the C5oloiwd IN CLASS “B” NEW YORK (A N P) — A Schoob. Tbe twumament hsa The “T%ers” from the sea- crowd of 14,114 fpaw roared alid widened in aco^ each, year and coast got oflf to a faet start howled ai the tennaitioa of the wtnks witii the foremoBt against Pantego. At itJhe half Baelfceni Golden Qloves ohsnipiion aithletic events of the niatkm. they led 29, 19. With Parker a®d ship® Wednesday aigtut In wiiieht ‘T a Nstionai Injvitatiooai Ch'adwiok sharing the Honors, sevra of the eigSit ititlee were Touroainenit was establitbed to with ten points each and Redgii^ annexed by oolored figbten. The maintsin the cladnat c(E hawkiuii^ wit seven the seacost other bovt was wn by Let^ter Ootor^ edhools in atWettes; to boys were able to subdue Ptinte- MioOowaib a baattamweij^ from enable Colared schools) of go 37, Buffalo. country to meet tn friendly PEESEDENT SBABROOK 1 Four of the sevvn WlimsW WH|»mipetilti«a f* a Moognitixn PESENTS SP0iEtT8>> Wweoted tihs Pliilad*l|fcia In^ nstional titlej to ajMinidardlee HANSHIP AWAJBA) quirer aod tjhensftoss tkail rules uAdM* wihwh thase Capt. Windley of the Pantego 21 poiwts for the team title t«»»a eeiK^iete, and to ph«s the team was awarded th« Presidi- N«r Yofk wijih two Wljtter# nun r«|raWioi# on plane. lii ent’s cup for good sportsmivniiiip 18 p«Dt» and siogla ^ •** year# in whioh 4^ tournh his teamanaltBs .will share oi rtaitory imoi^ it X8 eAsb^^d ^ honors. Presidenl Peshrook de- The ^amrntagtvalt of (Siiwipioos aimbftiioms ^ of tiie founidwn# ba,we dared in 4>U pr^nt*tion th«f. for 1041 im» dls^ad on# of fba jortiified. The toomanito “this award is th# most import" more auaowsful of iUh» 9^i0»nfih •J*© been of msAy beneflrt* ant of all. For it is fii^e sports mentigi i(i the five 0f ill ^ ^ Oolored sefceals 4 tfce that we need in our arthletie set existenesL l%«se elhampiMM alodV 'Wj® ©oAlsWs evtabltshisd up today.” From all ii}di«atione witfi ttiH)able alteralilte» tq \m t»eitwe«« ^a|^e|S fcnd powftss h*rs the North Carelina Nsgro High aeil6ct«d by Coaoh W*W>, waulted In a fkw fflecdMp gkjhool Athletifl 4Ms«iaiioii ie will rs|»s«6»t itSNe SlMt a|pkl1Miit sAiods. setting a pace towsJd that end. the b^ in the Wart to tt»« pnwwiiy wiU be *inld «t 8 |>. Inter City Ookiso'Oloirea ^ ^ ^ Too many human beings an March 28. ^ w-ww wo w mu«wi «■»* wm waiting for the milennium b*- —^ tf» ImrtHute. Ph^rsrt tmuit fore att^npting their good The best recommendation if • fcaioe eompirted soIumI works. repeat order; in ottar 1M>r4Si w»i be nk## '-ww a subscription renem^ . J**® W ftim Debates would improve if —r— ' ' n speakers frankly advanced their The ii^vi4ual who • a«en>ts Some of tiift people\who ;t«lk real argumeatd «f»iiift a pro* from what ’be baj^'t^oftt9l«r*r»are^looliiiuiffor H#;' 0^^ Advance Tickets 65c ih Door Sale Tickets 85c WHITE SPECTATORS AdvanGt Tickets 50c Door Me Tickets 60c iMlwM— -Tielitta On Itk At- Rex DruiT'Stor^ B« Ind St.- J* Cs Grahfun Dij^gr Store, Club Arbor Natioiial Hat Siu^, 108S. TryonSt Afoiory AnfUtoHttii MARCH 9«00 'Ta'?‘J SW«t.v i' ij

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