• • THE WOMAN’S PAGE "n" M1K SHADOW or TIE STARS B/ -dbbe * Uaflacs »wNGCTr MewmsTOM AmwiOmj 9wge "k L ^ ★_ Jfe. IMr.—Took Qvmmcm Vox Ba Am^wn ar Tmm Oolomn. to • «>lr ^ ■>? AmuxMT Riaoiim k Lvcxt D*t CmKT ni nMi«« by Ktaza ouil a ooaCdcatia] itttar «f Fr«r Aivkt ualya' lag Ant (I) QwKaoBi palrataly. Sita year fall iJdrah, aod bkthdttc M di littan, fmi pla^^ 1bcI«4* • wlf tJdtMwJ. iltmftd Mtdept for font rcplf. M aS iHim «ae ABtT WAUJICE. cm* h«v« been irorkin^ on'sh^ wa* v«ry sick. She ha« ftis job for 16 years and I do guanKan but becau«e the wonvau lf«ot 430 k*ive it either, but it in change did not look dfter her, looks tike I «m froin^ ^o ikave to the ooonty made me bee guavdiaJi make • obaxif^. Do jou think I and paid me to look rafter her irtioald^ now or want awhile f Now she haa a little propeirt-y and ih«y «re looking. for me to Anr. Hold to your job—if you wen to leave now the people yoa work for iroQld be boand to dnv- peet yoa of ibe stealin^r that hw been takin|r pi«e« arovnd the IWNiBti Tou bein^ with them sh- tMc years means a kt io yoor fiavor^they wouldn’t let you go unleas they had positive proof you did ido 80fnethisg wrong. IfQ—Mly fansbaiad was in prv- ■cm and while he was there I met up with another man I liked better. Now that my hoshand is «at he says I can’t sMy in tiMt ae town with him if we don’t pay the taxes- Tell me what to do? She won’t sta^ heve long at a time. An«: This ip a complicated meek hot since yon have been appointed ithe woman’s gusrdian and they are paying yoa fi^ dollaiit a month to look after her I shoold think that j.t woutd be a good gamble to pay her taxes this year and hold on to the re«%A. Du« to the fact that the old woman’s mind iifb’t juett right will ba taken into consider ^ation bul influeace her to the Eve {oge41ier. Tell me what ttojbest of yo«r ability to eome back Ana: Yonr hnsbazid is not the!to yon a»d tiy to make h^qr com- tyjvt ot man to talk Kg'—and Ira .fortahle. ■Baa% does he sk}b he wiU do. IT Yo« feel yon do not waiH to live with him any longer get yoar divorce and in th« mean- wiiile make a ebange. LP—There is an old wonian here that I took care of whiie EB—I 8«> coming: to you like a empty vwisel. I am a poor wo man witlP>4|^ildren. My husband went away ^ work and eiaid he was foin^ to send me money and I haven’t got none yet and faAVe DO DROP IN to THE HOLLYWOOD INN “If Not Satisfied...Dottt Tell * Others...Tdl Us- 118 S. Muirui St. Prop. lbs. Hayswood' Durham Academy . Of Medicine PROFESSIONAL DIRCTORY LEO a BRUCES M. D. Pbysiean and Si)rg«on 814)4 Fayptteville St. Telephone DOCTOR A. S. HUMTJBR DENTIST ' N. C. Mutual Buildinff ^dffiee J-6222 Res.L-«>54 J. N. Mnxa M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ; Office 106H Parrish St. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO DISEASES OF WOBIEN Trained nurse in attendance DOCTOR E. P. NORRIS ^ DEimST 1fn% Fayetteville Street Hours 9-1 23 4-7 ‘t T^iephono^ mee J-8321 Res. J>8042 Offiee J-0e8H Rm. Ir^l DOCTOR M. C. KING Telephones Office 258-6 Res. 249-1 Franklinton, N. C. >lf H, WL D. AND SURGEON 312 Dowd Street Hours 9-10- 34 6-7 Telepbanea N-6211 Res. N-^ i X E. . TURNER. M. D. aflfHCNlST 618 Faircttei^le Street Ir«64 Re^ J-8884 >1^]LD. rvmom IPU liftttwriUe St RM.L.MZ1 kjx s. M. BBCKFORD. M. a GENERAL SURGERY 212 Montgomery Street H^derson, N. C. W. A. CLELAND, M. D. PHTSiaAN AND SURGEON Biltmore Hotel East Pettigrew Street Hours: 8:30-10:80 1-2 5:30-7:90 Telephones Office F4021 Rea. J-1634 J. W. V. OORDICE, BL D. GENERAL SURGERY 111% Fayetteville Street Telephones J-mi Ir8671 DOCTOR J. M. HUBBARD DENTIST N. C. Mutual BuikUng Offiee Hours: 9-1 2:804:80 EVfkoinfs and Stmdays hf Appointmant Telaphone J-OSM not heard from him either. TeiliView” last week. A projcst me what to dof . jnewa sheet Ths w.eek’a issue of Ans: I am afraid that you (the -‘Pair View” contains tiua might as well make up your nnnounoenienit of a swies of mind to get owti and support .round table discussions to b%. thee^ children alone he hh« been fonducted at the project bar gone since last October and it ia'tnpmbem of the faculties of Weat eJearly indicated that it isn't his Charloit* and Second Ward High, intention to do anj-thing for yoni jschools. 'Hvp first of the«e round Mid hi« oiiildreAU Contimie to do tables were held on March 17 on the 3^ without him. ALM—I oan’t get a job here and I have a lady friend ib (^Ufomia who says jobs are better Iber^ than here. Do yon think T i^uld go andl would I be able to help my mother moret Ans: Why do you vmnt to get alt the P*y to California to get a job—you oan find enapl^ment wiithin a imdrtHi of 25 miles from mother’s honte. Under no the circumatances it would ,be best to stay near your mother for if you went to Ciflifomia — youir lady friend would get your mon ey and not yonr mother. SM— I am deeply in love with ‘‘^use versus Home” and Waa coi^aeted by Miss S. K. Boone; thj second on M»rch 24 “House Hola Hints in Cleanliness'* by irtr*. W. R. Carson; the third on April 14 on “Household Hints itt Deeoratioos”; by Misfe K. L. Stewart; the fourh on April 28 on “Managing Task«” by Mi^ T. Archer. Membent of the Chamber of Commerce met Wedaiesday at one o’clock at the College Union on Beatties Ford Road. Membej^ present were: Meagre Fred Moore, Q. T. Na^-h, Lee Jackson, Geo*)5fe Jaimei, C. H. Beckwith^ Leon Alexader, Roy Perry, |W. P. Makme, F. D. Myers, S. H. cer^^ yoong maoi who ^d White Rev. Poweli> Mesdames H. L. McCrorey, Lucielle Blakney, B. He.r*d5r, ajul Miss Albeirta White. Distinguieih ed guesta present were: Messa!fe Ellies of Texas, Wiallaoe Thomp son o Boston, B. Booker of Duriiam, Dr. Co«art of Buber Scotia Oolleg©, Dr. Cobl e of married. He ^ys he and his wife McKinney are fixii^ to giet a divorce be cause ^ some mother in law and will be mine ae soon as h*e An«: Wby do yoc wan* to get tangled up in thia family of hisf The girl he married is a fine girl 'but she oowldn’t live with him and t«ka ordens from hisi fiar ther an^ mother as well as the Baltimore, Dr. McCoy of Atlanta boy too. I suggest you stop stee^ ing 1hi0 man altogether and coBr eentoate on some desirable sln^ le man for a friend. This yousig majii does love you either—^h« is huting sjnnpathy. m BT MBS. BESSIE HABDY TMephone 31626 I In a reoenit interview with Miss Ruby Berkley, w'ho is in chai^ at the Be^lebam Gen tear, eb)e stated tJMit * ‘ ‘mo^t people had been oalligg Bethel«ii«sm Center a hjome.” SJie say “it i? not a home niether a Day nursery because ttjiey do not keep the children 4bet©.” “It ‘will serve and Neiw York, Dr. and Mirs. Metz of Edisto Island, Doctor Wynne, Undertaker Davidson, and C. R. Blake, Jr. of Char lotitei Tho Haehion show that will be ^Kmslored by the ladies auxiliary of the Medical S&ciety will be April 3, 8:15 p. m. at Second Ward school. Anyone intbereSted and wishing to take part, should get in touch with auxiliary as early as possible. Tickets wont on sale M&rch 20. l^ere w^t also be a prize given to the one selling t^e highest number of tickets. Mi^ Lottie Johnfson and Dr. T. E. Craig will sponsor an oya teTB supper Saturday Maqnch 22 at the home of Mrs. Johnson 514 El 7th] street for the benefit of Fin^ Baptist «h,up*ch. Those asc^ing in a«rving will be Mias Rosa Johnsoin, fornier nurse of Good Samai^n !^oepitail and XETAS Attract Crowd To Hear Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown SAVANNAH, Oiu (AN?) —A expect something in return.” / At the evening serviw^, Dr. Bruwn deiwred another nienfciage on “The Measure of Life.” Dr. Martin Haynes of Beach- Cuyler High school introduce Dr. Brown, «nd spoke wry high ly of her as a “woman oE cu| tural ^haracteristics and trium phs.” pr. Brown bnsel h**r right mesfr-|agp on th? following topics “Life is nott nwisured by mater ial po«se«e(ions, life pannot be measured bj* years alone, life cannot be monisured by achievef- ment, but life can be measured by tH^ gropth of the mind and growth of the souf.” (’ulminating her remi^lrkB, she stressed the im portancp of “Grt>ater thinking, greater restpect, greater service and greater ofljiievem'cait of the mind for the Negro race.” TO AWARD HONOR PLAQUE large and enthnsi'aMic audience gwtei Dr. Charlotte Haji'kitw Brown at FAB church Sunday momii^ and nijrht when fch« Zeta Phi Beta sorority presented the noted e«hio«tor as guest i^oeaker. Dr, Brown was intmd'uced at the morning services by Presid ent B. P. Hubert of Qeorgiia State college, who spoke of her aa a woman of great common sen se, fine jttdgment and unquestion ed intQfrity. who coming from M«ssaehu«|eitts, came to her na tive state, North Oarolini and built one of the finest institu tions in the country fosr'Negro boysi and girb.’^ , , The title of Dr. ’Brown’9 ad- dresB was: “The Reaponsibility of the Negro WMwan to thej During^ the afternoon, for one Community.” She began by re- hour, th© Alpha Theta Z e t _ , . • ^ minding rthe youtig college women chapter of Zeta Phi Beta honored Memorial Institute, Seclaha who mill make the presentation of a t!hat “th^r achievement had be««i Dr. Brown with a tea at the ’.ome P'aque to the Honor Family on Friday night, March 21, climajt- bought at a great price and sacri of Miss Nancy Walker where the week's activities in the study of family relation^iiips at fioe on the part of ]>arents, and,the Savannaih public had a chance College. The family to receive the award is to be select the communtty (ha« a right to to meet her. impartial judges on the bas ic« of achievement through coop erative group effort. DR. CHARLOTTE HAWKINS BROWN, President, Palmer DURHAM SOCIAL NOTES Misses Doris Stroud, Ruth C Norris, Nannie Stewart, and Julia Edmonnlson, students of Winsiton Sfllem Teachers College spent last week end with their parents. Miss Jess|e Logan of North ampton County Welfare Dt|>art- members odPiHient and Miss Ester Brown of Wifcten County Welfare Depart ment attended the 16th Annual Public Welfare Institute for Negro Social Workers in Raleigh They were the week end gueate of Mr. and Mrs. Qeoi^ W Lo gan, parents of Miss Logan. 'Ve like *• community center. Min Berkley «ays “they hope toudh the whole comnnmity w their work. ’* KindergiKrden fe 'Joltt^on C. Smith, Univeiwity. bedng held now from 9 to 12 with children from 4 to 5 years of aga There are 13 ehildiren now. 25 is the Hmited rniunber, due to the aanall num ber of workers at tJie center. The Betheleh«m Centear will do the same typ© of woric bh the 'YWCA, YMCA. Beglmung ne«fc week they will stait oiganizinjg gtrls' and boys clubs of school «®e 6, 7, 8 years of ag^ to be held after school with, ali kinidi of feorefttioo. The Public Aifaiis Committee of the YWCA sponsored a pror gram at New Emanuel Congrega iional church Sunday March 9. Mrs. David D. Jonee of Bennett College was to have been the speaker for the occasion, but she was unavoidably detained and Dr. W. P. Lovell, Editor of Star of Zion, delivered the ad dreds who was introduce! by Mrs. J. E. AbEeander, chairman otf Program Committeeu Doctor Lovell spoke on “Educratiou for Youthful Living. ” Prayer waB offered by Rev. C. N. Rush, pastor of the ehnrcii. Music wcus rendered by the Roberson Har monizers, Mrs. Julia Waite Wil son, directress. Closdng prayer by Dfr. J. S. N. Trosa. Immedi ately after tbe program, Tea w«8 aerved at the YWCA on Brevaird Street Those serving as hosteas at the Tea w«re: Meedames F. Woodson, H. Plater, Doris Ray, and C. F.-Atkina. The Cherry. Day Nursey applied for inembership to the Charlotte Communi>ty (Aest at [thle monthly directore meetinf |U)»t Wednesday.^ Th« application bebg held in aheyacoe pend iog farther development of the Institution. TeolaBitB at the Fkirvitfw H»aM Hoaung project receivieU eopiMS of the fir»t istue of Til* HOTIL THERESA ISTNECIMHCC NEW VONK NrthsNy VmWHkmi 7tliln.atU$tli$t FOR PlOPtl^. Or TASTI Congenial atmosphere. Readily accesiible to all pmnta of inter, est in Greater New Yvk... All outside room*; luxurious auitts; res^urant, bar and Xari* room* with privmt* bath *2.00 SlMlt—*230 0«Ml Mi m Without privatt bath •1.S0 timi-^92.00 MM mi m WALTER W. SCOTT, Maifgar Hotel THEBESA 7h JDre. at 12S«k St, New Yarti City Mr. Bowman has been employ ed in Government Service for sometime. He is now recuperat ing from a minor operation wlhich wa^ undergone at Lincoln Ho^ital. Mr. and Mrs Bowman are residing in Durhajm. Miss Thelma Rogers is not do" ing so well at Lincoln hospital wihere she underwent operation. marriage of her dauj^ter, Miss Emma Ruth, who is a student at North Carolifla College to Thom* as E. Bowman, of A.sheville North Carolina. FELDER-YOUITG Mr. and Mrs. A C. Felder of 612 Dunbar St. announce the marriage of their daughter, Glaydei Marie, to Ezeikel A. Young of Raleigh. The marriage occurred at Dillon, S. C. last N’ovember 17. The young couple are residing at 402 E. Da^'ie St. Raleigh. SUPT. W. r. WARREN OF CITY BO&OOI^ SPEAKS AT ' PTA MEBTINO The most outstanding meeting of the Burton PTA was held Sunday afternoon, March 16 at three o'clock. A very splendid program wasi arranged by Miss L. A. ShawV instnictor in the Firt Grade Department, whilh consiislted of expressions of Ap preciation from the faculty a double by Miss A. M. Dunigan and expression® of appreciation from the students given by Misft Charle^ Jones of Raleigh, spent Daisy Patterson, sixtdi grade sometime Sunday afternoon with p^tudent; readings, papers and his cousin Miss Minnie Seward.'solos, with Mesdames Bettie Friends of Hobert Revels will Barmett and Martha Stanley at regret to leam of his illness in the piano. Lincoln hoepital. A speedy re-j Tlhe guest speaker for \he af- covery isl hoped for him. temoon was Supt. W. F. Warren ' who gave a very, interesting talk The Miaxehala Class of Saint on “All Working Together” in Josei:^ AME Church met at the home of Mrs. Truemiller Smith, Tuesday evening at 8:00 p. m. The Pia»tor’4 Aid Society of ; Saint Joseph AME Church met with' Mrs. Annie Thursday night at L. 8:00. Alston, Umm Jvloe iMipe CkMks Mraiwitie Paii Qiickly n The Julia Warren Circle met Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Allie Mit chell on Fayetteville Street. The CIC Club held its^ meet ing at the home of Lawyer and Mrs. C. J Gates Sunday after noon at 5 o’clock. you iuSer {ram rheumatic, irthri* tit or _ neuritis pain, try. thia (impU inezpeiuiTe home recipe that tboutandt •re utlof. Get a package of Ru-Ez Ctoopound todajr. Mix it with ■ quart of water, add the juics oi 4 lemont. It'i eaiy. No trouble at all and idaaiant. You need only 2 table- H^nfuii two times a dar. Often within . 48 hours — sometimes over- nijht — splendid resolu obtained. If the pains do quickly leave and if you do tot '-wau Tlr 1m better, Ru-Ez will coat you I BOtlung to try at it b *old yo«r. drugtiit under «t abtolut*. . _ _ ■sooey'^M^ guarantee. Ru-Ez Atlanta, Ga. Good*”Dru»»)««t*”ET«TSe» jheld in the B. N. Duke Auditor ium. Com^nd poKir USX pOOfl’ Business GffTYOUDOWM pvEj^sm(} "nr woMssRiaiL The Speaker at the North Carolina College Ohap6l Service ^jon Sunday evening, March 16 Benjamin. E. Mayes, ^ jPjjesident of Morehouse College, The Service wae the home, school and church which was highly enjoyed by all and helpful information wa^ gained from it. [West End Notes I P. J. Joyner of Moreland Ave nue has been ill at his home for the past two 'weeks. At press time, Mr. Joyner who is a well known deacon at the Secoaid Baptist Church, was reported- as steadily improving'. Miss Olivia Blount motored to Greensboro la^ Sunday to visit her sister. Miss Artelia Marsh at Bennett Collie. West Miss Alice Jones of Proctor Street waa given a sur prise birtlhday party at her home on the evening of February 2.'5.'' A!mong those prefsfent were Mr. I Doctor William E. B. DuBois and Mrq. M. C. Hester, Mr. and iwill deliver an address to the Mrs. Thomas Johnson, Mr. and jstudent body alnd friends of Mrs. William McCoy, Mr. and the North Carolina College, Fri- Mm Eugene Short, Mr. and Mrg day morning, Miarch 21 at elev^.X>onnie Cuitis, Mr. and Mrs. Roy o’clock. Curry, Mr. and Mrs. Evans of — lOary, Lewis LaMsiter, Miss Ha|t- AABHTOTON-BOWUAN [tie WTiite and friend. Miss Helen Mrs. Elizabeth ^ Arrington of McDade and friend. Brideboro, N. J. announce? the) (Continued on paffe seven) lYDUR HOME IS INSURED-YES IS THIS ^ 0©© TM JLocai^gen\ BANKERS* FIRE INSUMNCE C( OUmAM, NORTH CAROLINA ^ C0NSEHVATIVEL-SOL>^ -OEEJEliDABU ACME REALTY COMPANY RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA UNION INSURANCE AND REALTY CO. DURHAM. NORTH CAROLINA Service You will find our SERVICE complete to the smallest detail Our years of experience enable us to anticipate your need and therefore serve you better, “Thoughtful Attention To Even The Smallest Detail” AMErS FUNERAL HOME 401 Pine Street 24 Hour Service Phone J.2971 Comolete BUILDING SERVICE ••••REMODEUNG •***NEW CONSTRUCTION ••••ROOFING SERVICE ••••BUILDING SUPPLIES Esimates Gladly Furnished For Painting, Papering and Decoratins: we use ROGERS PRODUCTS. SMALL PROFIT, LARG*E VOLUME ALL WORK GUARANTEED We Use Long-Life LOGAN' LONG ASPHALT ROOFING EXCLUSIVELY. LONG IIFI /• ^ P^aASfHAO SHIKMa THIS COMPANY OPERATES ON A VOLUME BASIS Home Modernization and Supply Co. 614 Fayetteville St. Durham, N. C. Phone J-4821

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