MailiBg EDITION PRICE 5c NUMBER FOURTEEN DURHAM; NORTH CARMJNAINA, SATURDAY, MARCH 29tli IMl vouTiRsa xxn Urban League Plans Anti-Discrimination Fight Case Nation Wide Protest Lodged Against Nominee For Vacant Supreme Court Seat FOR THIS... JEALOUS SPOUSE... GETS 6 TO 9 YEARS WASHINGTON — A memor andum on tbe conduct of Senator Jamea F, Byiwes, of Soutk Caro- Una on questiMi8 affecting the Negffo was filed with Preeident Roosevelt here March 17 becao^e of the strong rumor that S^iator Byrnes ie practically certa^i to be nominated |of the vacAnej oxt the United States supreme «Dutt. The potest meora^i^in w*e deliveoed ^ tk®. WWle Borbse tu pnmom W '^alW Wliite, seofeAiuy t>f the Kational A«isoeiation for the AdVaO««r ment of Colored JPeople. \ Annoancemetit in the pre>s of l^unday March 16 that firaator BymM* name would ppobably be sept to the 6en«te early this week caused Secretary Whi^ to sepd a ^ telegram of protest to Preeident RodMP«|eilt w'hieih cited iS^nfttor* Byrtws* long o|^omtioa to.the a^lratioos of Negroes, iiis continuoml battle against appropriation* for Howard Uni versity and his vicious upab the- various ahti lynching billa. l%e telegram stated that a further study of Seiwtor Byrnes record on racial and mligious bigotry “particularly against Jew«” was being ma^> and that a supplemen'tary memoraiidum would be submitted. In the memorandum taken to the White House March 17 by Secretary White is the para graph: • • "Where an individual has been active is publio- life for many years his record is the best eviiienee of his social attitudes. Examination of tbe record of Senator James F. Bymes «how^ clearly that hi« attitude to wards the efforts of Ksgroes to secure the ri|^hfts of citizens in United States Is such as to pre clude the possibility of his being capable of acting with calmness', and dispatfiion in any matter affecting the rights of this ' re pressed minority. Throughout his career he has demonstrated his determination to thwart tfce ef forts of those Americans who hJive sought to achieve for Ne groes the equality guaranteed to all persons in the United States by the Federal Constlttation." The prot^t and menorandum ther: “Never during his public life has he deviated from the position be took more than 20 nvo.” Ui^es Rivard of N^o Signals As Sacred Music CLEVELAND, Ohio (6l>ecia*) Worth Kramer. eon^iii^Qi^,^^ t%e popular ‘/Wings Over Joir- d#n” CQlumUa Broadeastiqg SywteiiB- ' ■ p^bgrf^ji, Wed*e»daj Mareh 19, appealed to a number of top fligt>t band leaders re questing them t» please regard Negro spirtuals as sacred music. Kramer has receive nation wide re«^iion for his arrai)ge ■icnts of Negro spiritual in ccn Dectioh with "Wings Over Jor dan” heard, on the Columbia net work each Sonday mining from 9 ;30 to 10:00 £8T. many music critics he is Considered one of the outiAan^ng authori tietf in the realm of Negro sphrit ual muai whiih he arranges and conducts for "Wings Over Jor- lan.” • Kramer based his appeal on the fact that Negro spiritual aTC the hymnfi and Kturgieal' music of the Negro religious ser vice and that “jive” or swing presentations of the numbers are a direct insult 'to_the vast Negro population of the country. In connection wirtii Rev, Qlenn T. Settle, prominent N^ro clergyman of Cleveland, Ohio Kramer has jnloted “Wings Over Jordan" from a position as a loo*), sustaining feature of radio' .i^ation WGAB, where he formerly served as program director, to a coast to coast CBS spot, and during the past 12 months, has conducted over 150 concerts in principal cities of 31 states. “Wing Over Jordan” witih its Negro spiriitual music, talks by prominent Negro pastors, educators, business *nd profess ional leaders, and i^ts plans for the establishment oi a college iNsholarAip fund for the better meat of interracial relationships is a non profit corporation un der the state laws of, Ohio Kramer addressed his ap^al to the band Readers Wednesday, just prior to departing on a con cert tour extending into Florida and a number of other southern states. Among the leaders receiving letters from Kramer were Fr^ Warinin Glenn Miller, Sammy (Continued on page eight) Prineipal In Local Wife Slaying Case Convicted On 2nd Degree Cennt By Snperior Court Jury RACE TWO STUDENTS AWAADED “JOB INTEENESH1P8” BT PEPSI OOLA • ; Th* liffele^ body of Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell McDougal^, pictured ftfter* she had been fatally wounded by her husband, Clem "Buster^' McDouffaM, last July 9. .. — .. Clem “Buster” McDo^i^id, W^o giwiv a sentroace of 6 to -9 years in.,. Superior Court last Wednesday, after having .been found guilty ^ of ^eoon*} degree murder in the slayins' of his *ife last July. 9tJ;i. „ . PERSONAL HYGIENE AND FIRST AID’ THEHffi FOR 1941 OBSERBATION OF NATIM HGR0 HEAtTH WEEK DURHAM.— Eevry.^.pa^r aftd * .ehu]%h departmeovt heed; ever principal of public schools and all teachers, college presi dents and facultits; every Ifead of loca fraternal orders; every insurance manager and assis tant; every physjieiai^'' cEeiirtiist pharmacist, and niiiise; social welfare " agencies; civic bodies, such as' parent (teacher associa tions and wjmen’s clubs, County demonstration workers; also bn.sine«s men and women, and o^ers, whose calling make them particularly interested in tlfe health conditions confronting our group and desirous of pf- Ifeotual ways* and means) to im prove them have be«» issued a call to action in this, the 27th atinnal observance of National NUtro Health Week. The theme of tljis year’s ob servance “Semper Parasus”—Al* w«ys Prepared has as its special bbjealtives, in keeping with our National Defense pr^»m, “Per sional Hygiene and Pinit Aid Pi?eparedness" These speeial ob jectives halve l>eMi utilized du® to 'the relative stringency of our defense preparation to the gen eral health and well being of the Nation at large. • J’he choice expresses the determiuation of the Negro people) to enter whole heartedly into the defense plans of our country; implying (Continued on page eight) Guest Speaker At S. C. A. and M. Banquet • ORANOEBURG, S. C. ~ Al- phonso Heningburg, Administrs, tive AsSBstaint to the President, North Carolina College, Ihirham was guest sf)eaker at the first annual banquet of the South Carolina A and M College Ffl«- ulty Study Comniissjiort Mardi 19. More than seventy five fa::|ulty members and their guesta heard the scholarly suggestions bn* the modern trends in education. Dr. Heningburg lauded " the effortsi of the Farulty Study Commission at South. Carolina State College which was orgaaiz ed this! year to evaluate the work done in the variousi divis ions of the college. In his addresls. Dr. Heiining- burg referred to the important of evluation which involved a study of modem trends, ^hni- ques tod proceedwes. He point ed to some of the slogans of educational philosophy that ^ emphasized in Ameri^ today, [especially advocating “the com munity school. ’ ’ Managing Editor Two “job interneships^have been awafided Negro students by Pepsi ‘Coia Bottling Company, acoording-^to • recent announce ment. The awards r^rese«t an efRsi^ on th^ conipany to ^i«ejop jobs Ar yoni^eoUeige grsdawtcsl ^ i^n^tiag appsaH^ eeshipA, in the form, of s^srisd Jobs at $1,900 per year, at th« end of which tim* the winzMm will get permanent jobs oe be assisted in making other connec tious. Thirteen of these appren- tieeships have been awaided this year. Colored winiters Mre:, Jeanette Maundi. 29, H^ptoi; In^itute, and Alien . L. ; Jtfer Kellar, 21, South .Garo^a . Si^te Agricujliwal ';a^ M^-t .njiical College. .1 To Hear Rdibsevelt Urban L^gne Air Plight of lice’s Skffied Workers A case whit^h has held the* attention of Dvrhamites sines its inception last July, when the defendant Clan “Boster" lie- Doagald, Ufe-lons rssident of the ^ity, shot and killed tris m- ~ - ^ traMi©t wife, E|isTibgth Mitdb> pci«tieed da% '1^ McDeocaU, «MtwhiIe the Natlsnal ■f -A , ^ Above is Donald Jones, man aging editor of the New Or leans Sentinel, one of the south's newest and fastest growing Ne gro weekly newspapers. Mr. Jones's ability as an editorial writer has won wide notice. GREENSBORO, ‘(ANP) special msssage prepared President Itoosevelt will be reed to more than 63,000 n^embeis of New Farmeia of America aft the concluding program of the semi annual meeiting of the national board of trustees t^t Howard ! univearsity, ^farch 31 through April 3, according to an an nouncement by B. Simmons, executive secretary. The conclud ing program wjil) he li|roadca,84/ over the NBC nMwork I arm and Home hour, Apri’. 3, at 12:30 p. m. EST, Negro Youth Week Set April 27"May 3 New York Under he auspices of picefl of the youth division of the youth division of th« NAACP National Negro Youth Week will be celebrated April 27, May 3. A complete program for each of the seveii days has been' outlined by NAAC,P Youth IHrector Madi eon S. Jon«a, Jr. There will be (Continued on page eight) In his message. President Roosevelt pays tribute to the Booker T. Washii^on whose birthday will be eommemmraited on this occasion. The purpose of the semi an nual meeting of the NPA trustee board is to perfect plans for the natiMial eonvention to be held at Tallahassee, Florida, in August, and to set up a program of work 1941-42. Neiw Farmers of .Amer ica is the laigost oiguisation at Negro rural youth in the woiid boseiing 63,000 members located in 975 cheers in 18 states. In the openii^ meeting of the trustee boc^, aa NFA leader- (Continued on page eight) NEW YORK — Centhining it* camptti^ to ,mak« the general public of Amoniea aware oi the fact that diseriiDinatioa agaiast ski^fd Negro^ WkeH » d«^se indnstrisR, the Natli UrbaQ League will pl'esent S one hour eoast to o64st radio pro gram, over Oie Columbia networit on Sui^y afteraoon^ Maren 30 from 5 to 6-p. m. j ■ ‘ Among tho^e expect?ed to take put. in ttie program are Marian Aoden^r JlthejL Watw, Bill ^ebii^p* Joe, .Lou^; Eddie Mat^hfnfs, Anpe ,Wigj|^ .Broira i^eimeth^Sp^neer a4d;,a ^ost^ of other ^atipufJljy, .;k|i«wi:i. Negro baqd». of .X«mis A?m- Johnj £^byj Slla ^ Mt^- gwald, ao)d. Dttk,« 1 • Ell^iigtOtt w^j ^o^l)b;^tj[». eae|i. 8p«do^ inv8«d ioislud# Kwrile li LaGuaiiJia, Mayor of Nw, Y^k, Dr. Frank Griiham prem- dent University of North Caro lina;. £!ageae.‘ .'KinekU Joives, Meenfive seeretsry of tlw tionai ijrba^ tjeague; > ahd>a tepifeie-nfcittve «of the of Production Managferaent in "W^Bh ington. . Th/e Ctdnmbia Broadcasting Systiem has donated its full ^aei lities fdr this one hour program inclodihg the arsistanee df its writing, and production staff. The program is being arranged tor the Urban League by Edward Lawson, inanaging editor *of OPPORTUNI'TY; an4 Miss Ann 'Fanneyhill, assii^ant in charge of guidance snd personnel of the LeAgue's Department of In dustrial. Relations. Judgre Carr Hands but 6 to 9 Year Prison Term In Case White Attorney Favors Negro Councilfliaii OREIENSBOBO, —Attn’y A. Staeey Gifford, prominent ^ite Xawywt skid he favors « Neg^ member th* city co«m cil in a statement h«T» IViday. The noted attnney was ^ cussing the poUtieal and general ooaditi$»i of OnmMboaro witjl (Cbntinned on JMW Wght) tieian of the Friendly City Beao^ ty Parlor, was culmiiuited ia Superior Court last Tues^ajf eveninsT, when the jury hrmii^ in a surprise verdict of gtiilty in the state's case of second de gree murder against the de£ofcti ant. From its beginning, the eaaci revolved around the testinMtny of the state's icey witaesKK Mrs. Sephronia Joknsiw, ai friend and fellow employee of l^ha slain woman, w^tooe state» naenl to the effect that the de fendant,. on the day preYifHtt to the .actual slasrihc, tuui imn- i««ny threatened, “Tea’ll lunra «.-room: fujU. of flowets toxoox^ row, but you won^ smell th^,** kided considerably in the state's prosecution; and that of two other eye witnesNs; Mrs. EUizabeth Vail, and Wil* liam “Bill” Tate, who testifial that the defendant, after hp«>> ing been shot twice, wrerta^ the murder wie^pon from tlM hands o^T the slain womaii; ta3 pursued heir North on f^yette- ville Street, firing two into her body at close ranCBu McDougftlcfs attomegr soagKI to est&hlisb as a defense, llii testimony of Dr. J. V. D. dice that there was a profaalA^ ity that the defendant’s nertiwMl system had* been so shoekad the sudden pain froin.t^^^idlik wounds that he could haWna^ temporarily mental^ dtnas*^ therefore unaware of tions. After hearing^' the Uatii—if in the ease. Judge Lao CSh# charged the jury that aithar three verdicts could be ^ in the eaae; guilty of aaeMd i gree murder, gtiilty of slauglkter. or not guiltgr. retiri^ to the jury a period of an hour aad the j«agr > l»rHtght in a lat% wwiing of. s&d |«ia«Hier was to jail to tmtoA the jMcB*