PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THE OA&OUNA TIMES PVBLISHINC tO. in B. ISABOOT St. DimHAM, N. C. mOMES N-7121 T J*7S7I BETWEEN THE LINES BT DBAV CKAOOM HAVOOOK • • TBBMR TAOTIOB; HmJR BUBBLE BUBSTDrOi TNIC iwort MM tyute •houl4 ifil nr MMMU TRYING TO SNEAK IN! KBodmi MM top affort «#n; then "tUaffs will b«ffin t* roll." • —a. Mehornay Mf* d«fto«i wro cost 190,000.000.000 bf n/Kh end. Q- M duw m«t«r at the Post Offee »t Darh«», N. C. mider tkc Act of March 3rd, 1879. L. E. AUSTIN,PVBUSHER WQJJAJf A. TIKaL Maaacinff EiHtor S. & WILLIAMSONt News Editor CHARLOTTE OFFICE 4M 1-X EAST SECOND STREET SUBSCRIPTION RATES, $1.00—Ye«r $1.26—6 Mo«tk», The Platform of • THE CAROUNA TIMES includes: E^oal salariM far N^ro TMchan. ' Nei^ pdUeenen. Nc^ir* jaryMMi. Eqaia] eincational opportunities. liifInN* wacM tor domestic Mrvants. FtW partlcipatibn of Neirroea in all branches of the ** Natiaaal defense. Ab^ahaMnt of the dmible-standard irage scale in indiKtry. Grtoiter participation of Negroes in political affairs. BetU^ honsinr for Negroes. Negt« representation in city, county, state and na tfc^ ffovemiMnts. m EDITORIAT Qreat Britain *i| Taliant ktaad ii proof tkat terror ta«tiee hare th«ir limits. Hitler’s terrorism Uk« a seooiire of the infenil ha* swept oat temporary exintenee nation after nation and itill others are tottering in the bal ances of indecision. One of the moKt eneoara^ng things abont a discouraging situation is the slow strides Nazism makes before stem opposition. When tarrorism eeases to terrier it is the most impotent of imi>otent thin^. When frightfalness ceases to be frigfatfnl, it becomes limited ks a pr^ram and a policy. Although before this article has been released to the press, Orest Britain may be wrapped in Mckcloth of capitulation and defeat, I am beginning to won der if Hitler, has not come at at last to the end of his gilded dream of world conquest. There are some reasons why I sr be ginning to doubt the ranted strenj^h of the German war machine. Had it been as strong as reputed, why it did not orer whelm Britain after the capitpla tion of France! A nation armed as Hitler made claim for Ger many, should not have been ex hausted by th© attack on Pran e and Poland. The battle of France and Poland should have been in the nature of a “work out” for the great German isfer machine. But Hitler paused as the channel last summer and is still pausing! Before an utterly nnprspared □ Calvio’s D^est ism has its limits. Hitler promis ed to destroy the entire British army but instead thousands and- thousands^ were returned to as Blngland" '• befart > which Hitler paused. Nearly a year has pass' the delay f If he has to pause to refuel so early his reputedly invincible war machine, it was not so “hot” to b^tin with. Then, too there are the bomb ings which he has not followed did not do to other “Jesus answered: ‘Thou couldest have no power at all against Me, except ft were giv- B^h «n thee from above: therefore he that deliv- showed conclusively that terror- ereth Me unfep thee hath the greater sin.” John 19cll. . THE PRICE QF FREEDOM Tuffoslavia’s revolt a^rainst its spineless lead^ who w6uld ed and all of the British em* i^the little country down the river to the Hitler gangsters pi^e has been dalled into service, be^ks the tetions of a people who are wiUing to purchase jf Hitler could not.take England fraedom with their lives. Yugoslavia ought to be an inspiration summer he cannot take it to rappr^ pMple eveiT^ere, e»pec..lly those m Burope.n „ y, ‘■y ed and oiled « he boMtld wlT There are» few things in the world more priceless than life to i._ v..« its^f. An individual, race or nation that has no ideals for Viikh it will die is not worthy of the-rights of free men. ^ Yogoalavia, whether Germany attacks her or not, will fmerge from present conflict a stronger and more unit^ faopls. She hM taught the world that hell hath no fury like that of S2| huiaMe people once they become aroused. We tbnUc the Yugoslavian revolt is the beginning of the . j j. . « and of tte Hitler r^me. If this does turn out to 1» true, it ^ Coventry will be in ^ny for future students of history to leam * reason and this rea- h»m thp snaUest nations in Europe changed the destiny ’'e^todness «f one oflthe greatMt monster nations of all times. Hitler. How do we accouat for i the fact that after each devasit- ■HIE OLD ORDER DIETO iog air bombing of the British Isles, there is a lull instead of a According to many students of history World War Number follow upf My guess is Hitler's pKO is the direct result of an old social orfer founded upon the oil resenies are running low and frmcipil^ '^at might makes right, the strong has a righit to before these devastating out* IBl^oit'-lh weak, to the victor goes the spoils, h^ who pays bursts there must be a period of fiddler as a right to call the tune, and hunderds of other conservation, fttks of m bMt decaying past. — — . Thegr tell us tiiat whatever the outcome of the present war tiwt thin wUl emerge a new thought and a new and better so cial ordK-. A majority of scholars seem to think that this new •Mial dfdker will be more humane in its concept thereby bring- mg to a majority of the people the fruits of their labor rather than to a selected few. - We cannot agree with these students of history. We do tl0t beneve a brawl, whethier b^i^^n individuals or nations, f«er s^led anythii^^g satisfactorily^ We do not believe that en of nations who are so ruthless as to pump bullets into bb|}ies of innocent women and children, bomb hospitals xm0tt to other henious crimes are capable of producing a ^etlii» or laws of government by which people of differ* and creeds can live peacefully. not believe that a peaceful new order can be estab- ‘. mi¥ki m sword. We do not believe that trained militarists of prescribing for what ails the world. mowment for good that has to come to the sr ml peace it has enjoyed has not been produced of a mord or n gun. Iqadcry foo)s enough to spend seventeen is an Attempt to purchase freedom by mieg and ^bHtla^ips are not enough to draft order bawd on the princi|rf« of righteousness. ^foad]^ who afe m li^l bent,on showing how pow- lao tliat thi^ Ue^ the common people to death to that the savenar* one of them knows not why it not going to change overnight ^oeid iMulm of peaqe. «^iite^|ltfl|im i^afvd hen as rulen of the it op twice in 2$ asd^iuM; tiwre will be order fiom the prajnt world conflict. BT L. BATVAElD WHlTllWr Turrg BAift mDiTiM “GOBPBL TBAIM’' by veteran J. Homer Tati, all star- ing the ftase MeCleodoa runaing at St. Martini Theatre in Hariem* Hii|^ ^*^1 be eoaaidered the story of a dmui and bis msiagt. That naa i» J. Boeieir TpUt whom mors than any linn^ actor playwright knows what i* wrong with the Negro theatia. His message, as a t«ehnical «z- preKsion ihrouf^ the media4a. of the play “GOSPEL TRAIH’* discloses the simpTe me^od by which the Negro Theatre may be onee more revived and vita lized. tliis play, ^ling witii Ae great American tragedy of ottf Jim Crow rail road i^ratem, ia the most iM|i|t|Utioiw4 opoa eWir attempted by Director* iH^k CampMl and Muriel Raiia their MeClendon Playei*.' At 4ong last it eitrikes the hajj^ medium which skillfully ex«!ellent eotertainment, aO^ng asd oogHii pre(a(^wri|^ lir. Tutt ranks along tri^ “ f^' who (Value the proi^^^ T«lae o€ g«>od %mied]r aa opposed to' tai^ %Qod«n pattMM of realisin which too of^n Miiii the* enterthiniBe*^. vialue of palganda plays. *‘jk)ej>el blasts the Jim Crow raik^a^ system like * ^itskrieg. Il^ here we find folks i^ya; gedy, realims, eHnedy {iiilosOfiigr and contempt so skillfidly wmVW into the action of the play tiuit preachment ne^ ta way of entertainment.,' That’s whsi the andiense pays for BNlmTAINMENtt And in “Gospep Train’' the Bie«sa«e lugoea^ o^ fovoefuHy jtist the same.. ‘ What does Mn Tatt thftk is wrong* with Ifce Negny Thewtrftf He saye: “They have Simf^y neglected the simple fondameixt- % of goodi entertainment thete has been the .fa&QTe to show these fondamentajs in top«p ing with the timea. 1%e |mblic wants good enteriainmeilf, blit this almost impossible wi^ otit originality, Matty of oar eotopild performers, playwrights an^l pto dttcers long or the goo(i ol(^ days. Whether or not they - fttily realise it,„ what they 3rea»n f(|r is the oppQrtunity to eredte, to be original. “'FKe bane of show basinsis in recent years has bean alavijrii imitation. Whenf on* good* colo red show beeomes a hit, tin white producen fdh»w tltls ap with show after show of the same kind; largely because thtor think every *ow like - it wfll WHAT DO y'MEAN ONE? ONE TlCKSX ■PUfASf Tt |c ■■■■■■■■■■Ml The Childri maito'. moaey. Ths pufclie, hoiw* •vtf, gets tired of the Mune thtf M almost impossible without the Negro stage.’* “But years «#o ma«y of isxbad our own companies and pvt'on our own.allows w« were able to be origfaal: able to try dut different ideas w« w^s ereatire. Conasqliaaily, i h e public did not tire of us because we' always had something new, Something creative, Tet, we never onee lost sight of that ^reat fnndavental of .the thea tre — ENTfllRTAINMENt, first last and always, entertainment.” “CKjspel Tram” is now being made ready for a Broadway run. It’s a “natural’- and should do as >*611 ss the best of them. ESSAY T The Debt the Citizen of the C^ty Owes the Farmer THE POCK /KNOWt WISrte groap wngh «f tl th» Aioeriean _ of tta PUP- ^ onfribrtii^ of our estimsted annual dollars. The wealth of'«iex*F.^neriea'a wDtUd ce$»e naarer to an ap> vaMM;b. Moi/m TO Meeru-i. DeFgns£ma>s-> ■we tneSL am/tnv pimis ib /W«/ivr /MPHaMMeHfMmt CKMKM. »OR*nfcFBWt WCri ngd otMt GSfAsi JMik, VM otay A i««oaM» wA«r—mr a tammtmea.mfifum waits Mtmi a iisanH arm. MfMWPOH . Nations, like individuals, must net value Ijfe so kighly as to viUue liberty not at all. • * • Never take the problem of life so seriously that other peo ple forget to taka you serious^. • • Herr Hitlw sticks to his story; the Bnglish will be con quered thia yMT. Well, we’ll Defense Program h State Not Factor fa Increase Ctf Traffic Accidents "Persons who seek to excuse the recent increase in traffic accidents in North Carolina on the grounds that national de fense activity in various sec tions of the state has created abnormal traffic aituations are kidding t^mselves,” Ronald Hocutt, director of the High way Safety Division, stated this weekf In reply to an TnquTry from the National Safety Council, which is making a aurwy to determine the importance of na tional defense accidents in the national traffic accident pic ture, HofUtt said: my opinion, and on the fNtsis of our aocident records, the traffic volunie resultiag irom defense activities at Fort pragg, Camp Davis and other |)0mt8 in the state has. been a piir^or factor in the accident pic ture in North €a|plina. ^‘As a matter of record, dur ing ^he ^rat two months of this y^r thera Was only one traffic d^ath in North Carolina in wb^ch a oMl^ta^ vahicle wa^s in volve; thare Isera thraa daatli^ i* motor v«bi^ accidehts ih- vtAmmg orilitai^ |MfioiiAel but not; military and there waoe eight-daatha in motor ve hicle accidents arising :.out of 4efeiue pj:o4^i*4oiV^ The debt tHe city people owe to the farmer is a heavy one. If possible, suppose there were no farmers. Where, would civ ilization' be, and where would ou^ fooff, tslotlllng, and leather fOlf the ^^OCT arid other "prod- u$Aa of tlie HtfAn eoi»e frotnf t>aniel Webster saidt “Wh^ tillage begins, other arts fel low. The Farmers therefore, are the founders 6f human civ* ilieation." How true this is! As far back as anything is re corded farming has played the leading role in life. The problem of farming is a vital concern of the well-being of the nation. Why not then each and everyone as a whole be cooporative with the farmers more effectively? Think, if the, fatmers would' only organise and cooperate niore fully, waht tl\ey could do to get higher prices for thjeir products. 'As it is, farmers are less coopera tive than any other group or profession. ^ The number of farmers is large. The variety of farm pro duce is very great. The envir onments of farms vary widely. These and other factors make the problem of farming as dif ficult as it is important. Some people when they sit dowin to smoke their pipe or cigarette do not realize hpw «nuch time and effort the farmer, as well as' others, put forth to manu facture and make the tobacco from which the cigarette is composed. Some people do not realize how much time the farm er has put forth on hia crop, and then go to the market with his produce to get so small a price. Why don’t people pay the farm remore? Individuals, as well as merchants can do this. In Germany, England and atber war torn countries, mil lions of people did and are go ing to starve because of the lack of food. Why do they lack food? Because the heads of the nations have taken the farmers to fight. They, as well as we, need the farmers. Truly our debt to the im mense number of fanners is rery great. Are we going to pay this debt? The next time you eat, smoke those cigarettes and cigars, stop and think of where they come from. Farmers are indifepensa- Me in the cotintry as well as in the city. So cooperate with the farmers and help them! Workers in factory, office, atore and farm, together with their families, today own 88 per cent of all life insurance pol icies in force, their share of or- dwary, industrial and group policies or certificates being ;i7,ooo,ooo. RECOMPENSI By Louiae Shaw (Fcfoi Good HoMwlMtpii^ How truly wise, perhaps, it-was My dollars Vere io few, ' ' For if my purs* were ftoll, then I ‘Would never knoyr if you Had manned me for riches, or Because soy eyes were blvtsl ‘ens Comer... riiBBIBaHHHHii Ths Problem By IfSTTXC W. OA&BI0AK For Ornaadar Prsii IBDITOB’§ JirOTE: Car- rigan is^ assistant librarian at t^e Capiegi^ Negro Library, fireenfcibott>, l^ng ago , Mrs. Gar rigan saw tbf *eed for better poems and better plajis for child ren and the fruit* of b«r ertorts to remedy the aituetion is shown in her Rhym^ and Jinglee For Children’s Hour (Christopher Publishing Company, Boston 1940). She ia a graduate of Bennett College. I wonder what it costs Little Jackie Proat To keep his chilly sting the sum" nior through; So that the seorehing sun Can’t even find a one To melt away the coldneas, don’t youT I’m sure the snn*’ bright rays On our long summer dayit Could kill Jack Frost, and bury ■him so deep That in the early fall. He would never hear t4ie call To come and sting our hands, or bjte our feet. Well it appears to me I’ll have to let things be; I can not leam the secret of Jack Frost. I do not wish him harm; t simply am not warm—' My ¥lhoes are worn, and my glov«s are lost. —Nettie W. Caxrigan, 1940 More Truth Than Poetry V h The News De Gaullists cowed' in Frisnch West Africa by fear of repris als. ' - Shotwell says l^ritish save the world from dominationvby war. • Rockefeller' Foundation to aid young Briions in medical stud ies. • Manufacturers point to ten- year rise in non-defence spend- ing. V- ^ . ' President’s stand for all-out aid is widely accepted by press. .♦ ■ Willikie pi^uades Martin to keep Republican party post. • ' ^ ■ Wage act .exemptions extend ed for off-thp^3^rm processing. Nation - wide activity in the steel industry is the greatest ever. Kovacs defeats Sabin to cap ture U. S. indoort tennis title. • Wehrle - Sneed are victors in finals of U. S. amateur-pro golf • Canada rushes two chains of airports leadihg to Alaska. • Women are advised not to seek jobs in defense industry now. • Centering of defense con tracts is criticized by C. B. Da vis. • Mercury and antimony ores found in U. S. by Bureau of Mines. # '■ Income tax payers ru#h to give government a billion in day. Mary had a little cold, but •(wouldn't stay ^t home,. ,, And everywhafe thatj ^ary went, the cold was sure to It wandered into Mqljy’s eyw therrt'fun^f i^ard. * It jumped from there to Bobbj^s ^ nose, and thence to Jimmie's ■ ears, ' ' It, pamted A^na’jrthroat bright red, and sweil^ poor Jennie's . head, Cora had a fever, and a-cough put Jack to bed. The moral of this little tale ia viery quickly said She could have saved a lot of pain with just one day In b«»d. Prayer I Republican Senatprk back Byrnes for Supr^e Court va cancy. • ' President opposes ri^ of farm parity from '^5 to luO per cent. ’ Hong Kong's defenses now ready for war in tha Pacific. • Robsevalt popularity is at all- time high,, survey finds. ■ • ■ 0 ■ ■' ■ . 0PM plans strict rationing of almiuaiun for civUiaa u«e.* PRAY THROUGH! I was standing at a'^ bank counter ..waiting for a .clerk to com^ and I picked up a pen and began to print on a blotter in large letters TWO WORDS, which had gripped me like a vice PRAY THROUGH, I kept talking to a friend and printing until I had a big blotter filled from top to bottom. I transacted my business and went avray. Next day my friend came to see me and said he had a striking story to tell me: "A business man went into the bank soon after you had gone. He was discouraged be cause of business affairs. As he started to transact his busi ness with the same clerk, over that blotter on which you had Written his eyes caught the long column of words: Pray Through — who wrote that?' he asked-, and upon being told, exclaimed: ‘that is the very message I need, 1 WILL PRAY THROUGH, I have tried to worry through in my own strength and have only mentioned my troubles to CK>D? NOW I am goia'g to PRAY the situation through until 1 get light’." - • The trouble with most edi tors, including the writer, is that writings runs faster than thinking. • * • The gossip of small towns is ju^ about the same as that in lai^ ciiifl)i, but is more unani- tttous.*- • • « Tiie Mhiayements that adorn hunian progress have not been the rewards of those who refuse to plan.