I jt , f ••( .. ■ , 1 •, 1. ■ ! r ’ ' I i ■ 'V ■■ v';!. ★ SPORTING WORLD Smithfield Captures Qass ‘ ‘A’ ’ Title By|] Boxers Show Class In Conference Boxing,Wrestling Meet ’ ■. « T“f Detroit Takes Pro Grown After MPOrt-O^urSpn 1. ri|ifA«tifi(r Inant TrAftnrc Rpiifi Defeating Inept Trotters, Rens Co>Captains Fot ’42 Bf •OQ.TOK a BBANOH CftAjUXMnTE — JohaBoa C. Sontii figbteri umde • «l«ui «w«ep in tkt fin»l aad flhAaipieaidiip niat«h«i of the eiglilb aoAuid GIAA Boxing »nd Wfeatlu^ Tdarn&ment held here Imdt »od S^tarday, Mareii 21*aad to s^nex for tJie third tii]^ eonvecativelj th« eoofereaee boziap; erown and rethrons a tcnmm flhvnpioo, “Sporty” M«xk h«B, 1938 flyweigfa title holder back a tvo year abaence. Idacola IJQirei^ty, aix time» holder of the wrestUiig diadem, wa« tied bjr Viji^niji State l^t three all after the Lions had moved up seven graj^lers into the finah. • From the* standpoint of eoach partieipenty aad ^eetator it waa the moat oi^erl; and well eon* dneted tonmey in CIAA hlstirty The first broadoast ever of "thii CIAA event wa« eaxri-ed ovef radio atation WSOC Charlotte on an NBC hookup Friday after noon and Saturday nigh*. The competilon in both ring and mat meets was th« keen^t yet, for not oaly the iinal bouta but the preliminary rounds as well pt^ueed thtillere in every eiaiB that k^[>t 1500 speetatorg in Hartl^-Woo^ Gyimuuiima how ling and roaring in suspense and excitem^t. Of •i* defending champions, four managed to retain crowns. Travis, 165 lb. Virginia State wrestler lost early to Campbell of Moi^n and Brandt, 113 Iba; liineoln bowed before Rudy Powell, yiiigini* State. Jenkins’ challenge of Brown waa repulsed bv Mf^gan’s hiavyweight boas, altfaeuijh'^'tHij^^Haraptoo grander, (Continued on page five) T%ANK T WARD r ——— i ■ '■ ifBW YORK, (Calvin) — Boh BY P. M. DAVIS until the final 1°** HAMPTON, Va- Pmot is on tho coast gloadiag OHICAGO, - Both «»• Har- bMajwe *fc«y committ^id 24 per- Hampton eage squad ov«r hi* Monday nite victory ieto Globe Trottew and the against o«r own Turkey Thomp- New York Ben« son. Turkey didn’t do a bad wait until March job, let We tell you. Floored fore eith^ 8uav») Bob, six time* in the first wear the crown t * f» - • % 1 1 1 H.T111b VMUTlT&liflin 1V LfIS Ele«Md were Otowe may and soon TurkeF champions. That honor went *TT' B(f Out that judges gave Wednesday night to the Detroit tinow ' ^al. j. ^ ^ n _ 20 years plAnnod to take « crack at Louis national - Th. iWiS will be . ltd fouls aiud aeitbear SoBi^ by co cip^ains for the fint time will have to (or Berm* conld in Institute lii athltiio of 1942 be- &•»•> b»- biistory, It wa» ao»oui«aed thi4 agbia hope to ^ seeoads, week by C. H. Willifui», superri iSL^ri^’JoliDson fountr Cjgtrs Defit AtklD Fitc in Play Oft Ftr Stale Title the of official because they muflftd nine mr of fvthletin^ heAt. But by aome mimcle Pastor w'orld's profeapional babketball Ble«Md were Gfoi^e ‘/Tiny’ began to r^ and soon TurkeF champions. That honor went ^ J oST^ '•iih2e Thompson and Howard AU«n, f»«^tdeP9 of Srtitbfi^ld. wa so tireltut that judges gave Wednesday night to the Detroit f.wo Piratss witjj alms^ identi- th6 final goaf Boh 7 oyit of 10. We kinda feel Eagles in the final game btfore J min^xe » wfow ^n ^ «Tinv” ThontpBon, who i» CtrpUna Colored son^y for turkey as he had 12.000 spectators at tsh« Inter- ™ ' ’ amphitheater. The Rens - ■ - - Scarborough & Hargett FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE PlMBea: Day J-3721« Night JS722 522 E. Pettigrew St. a» lioon as Pastor wa« safely put did save third plac^ by drubbing away. Gu#aa Bob didn't wear his *he mixed Toledo White Huts, dancing tights and slippers like 57 to 42, in what develoj^ into : he did once U{H>n a tiioe, long * contest be^tween Dolly iCicg and i-; long 4g9- Who said the Beng Chuck Ghuckovits. | were /Worried about beating the Detroit won the title by topp^ Royttls at the pro basketball ing Oshkosh, Wis-, 39 to 37 finals in Chiwgo. Well the Ben» previoualy nosing out the brwMd'in . and sent the Royals Bens, 43 to 42, Tuesday night and baaif to Kenwha (that’s where Trotters, 37 to 36, th*3^ ^me frodi) so fast with a Sunday night Tbs Motor City 43*.15 tage tied on so the Win quintet therefore performed the coQsin folks would know why so unbelievable feat of trouncing early^ The Bens ji^ started out greatest Negro team® in winning and kept on winAig. basketball as will aa the cham* : pioos of the National league, Osbko^, which had eliminated All men, including statisti*on Mond.«y, night the great Qians, are interested in figures. Americanleague ’ kingspins, the ^ *x * 1. Riiladclpbis Hebrews, 38 to 31. Th« world IJ top-heavy with incidentally, had con- w y m u]> m e all season to the process. , „ * Bens, Tnottera and Oshkosh. Has any forward - looking . , •^P'ega- commtsnity had a committee to donuniated the touma waleotos Spring? . • • • have only thetoselves to blame Deftnae' contracts are not ^or their failure. Againet De- to bv sourcM'of permanent eco-troit, both were in^t- The nn»ie benefits. Trotters, wh»h led all the way Fish Story TrAYPTtPVTT I tf ‘^^1* y®"*’ FAYE^EYIM, ^(SpecUl) — Coach Howtod “Bruttrt ' Wil of Coach ‘Brutus' ^ ^ Wilson; m fonner, Morgan three letter to att*m the go4l A ti-a- 1 IhAt reaehed Jwre Wednes* Athle^ Aasocifctj^n.’e ^ ni((ht And thfe team really hWe Wednesday, Ha^ f^ove^'it* supe«i( b*j delfeAi^ the Atki^ ligh •ohooi* of 1 Wliiston Salem, by $ ] old and «e»«B from *ch^^ Middletown, Ohio ii a physical pJayfl#'owe vveanepoay, wapn Bupetior in tl^ education and matheitte^a ma tne AtkijW lltgh fonteeti They g»|: oflF to a riow jor, and Boward AUen 21 is •ohoot of I ^W8ton Salem, by « tirst, but by hi^ time from finglswood New Jlr^y >nd The playo(f wa« kadin^ ^inatoa a.phjuiwJ edaeation Itid social ^ St*t« olais “A” lhaoip 23-10. When*the fiaal gttft atudies major. Both wUl be »wt- feouaded, Smithfield wag, ©Ut ia iors next yeu*. | 6ia|ttfield reaehed its ]^sitib^ Iront nirty pointi Th« scoie Allen was h%h aaorer of the in tl^„ champiohAip pll^off by Wing 49-19. “Slito" Rich, Tuck Hampton pire-tes in the 1940 winn^, the BaatwB diviiion fr aad Todd piroved them»elves season, ringing up 20$ |>ointft in title in ^*a touriMMnent 4^ld at Illy ''tfpairik ft the Smith 15 games. His averag« j>er game Payet^ille Tubers CollejBpe. field ftttaelt. While B«l, Ha^* 13.8. Thompson has also been a March '14 and I8. Atkins high kins and Houeer were the stand staJid ottt player this part s»«»%>t! BIciiool. Ww -wit in t4ie We»t«am oat fe’* Winston Salem. (Continued on page five) divisi^ toamame;i|t.‘ (Coatinued on page^ fiva) In Observance Of Negro Heidth Week’ Onl 10 eatsh Aik in theijr btMt comedy twr Hetro>GoIdwyii-Mayw« titled, “Going Rtlibig,’' t*ie 0«r Crag jrounfMer* nsnage instasd !• *cstch” troohis. In th^* eMsnteas .die kids NOISES for RENT N». BOMB ADDRESS 2 6 Adams Court 2 8 Adawa Ct. H^2 Alston Avenue A -t 3 S 3 2 1 4 5 3 8 I i 4 4 s 529 Oolenian Alley 113 Dunstan Street 121 Dons tan Street 1010 niyettetille Street Spt.) 811 Fayettevflle Street 1808 Fayetteville Street 1312 Fayetteville Street 812 Gtoidale Avenue 306 Hunt Street 511 Mobile Atcbm Hebile AveiiM 309 MUIne Stieet 526P Pettigrew Street 418 Piedmont Avrane S28 Proctor Street Bldg. •06 Ramsey Street 608 Ramsey Street 610 RamuKy Street •12 Rams^ Street M8 RMCf Street 410 Soatf Street 416 BMcy Street ite St. Joie^ iMreet Mli fft.' JMcpli'Stnct w Soatk Itaat f06 SpaAiiip Street 307a»w«i^^ 116 UmatemM^reet 1006 WmtMmttet WUtted StrMt WEEKLY RATE $ 2.50 2.50 2.00 3.00 3L50 3.50 15.00 10.00 6.25 5.50 3.50 3.00 3.00 6.00 4.00 4.50 5.50 6.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.50 Z.25 4.50 3.25 3.00 3.75 2.50 3.50 > mf Proudly Joins With The Spmsprs of NATIONAL NEGRO HEALTH WEEK The bigger drink with the better flavor! PPRANCEf REAIJYCO. JU(AL>«|^A1^EENTlNG-QfSCRANCE m AND BtJlLDlNG StJPPLIES ^ PHONE J4621 MORTH CARCOJNA •• fs* to tiM rivsr earty, amwr a psiicswan, rnngm s iNw dHver, an to the wroaf river aad finally diaeofcr tiiat ft is toe late 'in the day to co fishing aaywayt Edward 04w dBrect^ Wkmiiln NEW YORK NrtiwOOi HwWssfcisI m PlUMIMati^ m* N«Tii TNEHEM 7tkAva.fi 19^^ , POR KXQUI9ITC UVINQ AiatiaetlvwloeatfMi... All «n« Bar. sad ta«nitr. Lu§» nM0M wikh pritmt* k»tlt •2.00 m»mm ^tcuaft^hp MrnMftm WALTBlt W. KOTS, Ma««fm N«t«l TBBRESll Tfli Ave.it m* St. ito»v«*wy PhMMi MWwa*«iil »-W®« IS OUNCi •omi I DURHAM PEPSI - COLA BOmiNG CO. Durhain, North Carolina fflllMIIINIHrilllllHIHIIIIIIIIIIIillHIIHU^^ t PHOHl > Indispensable to. Human Hapite.... No fifiit lias Wn mora no .919^ grreater ImiiiWB iuippnew. than maa^ fiflit He e(m«ii«r (Ummo. 1* your moftiWiHoiu l»»«MiOTi take care «f it. T|».a,«uit «n at four disiMMal. In the i>«eeei!^iidit of hinlth, wlw^esome' enttnmniMit^ 'eltta Uy- ing fltttf lelMn llOnlmii ar« { m Gomoma eotd to dangjlMf. iSoH't nevlcftt it. Xaep.fit a*fiewrd m^ health M 6ioet »Midetti |wirioii. Durhuir Dptfirt • W, I ^ra«rlq|tejr District 1': ^ ril