ADDITIONAL SPORTS— CONTINUES OUILD YOUR OWN HOME Pttbli9»tloa aWrt of dnwisft «a4 nifr pbuu of tli« firit of th* tiM Sunaf* tide, M swmpimied nouiio«aM(t f ro«a Ideal t^ntrae- . « Mtate firuM, baildiaf Pwwo^g littwith %h» fimt lupply deelm, iisumea conpsn- of All .^«ric«n o| |h*iy reedlnw* to sdviM F«jailiet with High with you for th* ft.lfillm9nt ot utd llodait meMis, ^our drMunt. th* Burlington Journal nisui' taaooucljr *nnounc«« compUtion ■ wbiek will TNEC urgm bo«rd to regirtcr of Krranptmanta m9k% It poMiUa lor crvtjr Hm ijy ia thii eoausuni^ to eho»M Democratic N»tion»l Commit p|aM tor m liQtia* of your om taa rtport* 1414.617 oblii»tioni. ani hpva it «rhtted on fnnuul General Motor* hai ^^,400, of 400 lobl^ grottp at m^ltal. N»1 r om tae report* 14 a on grouiul General Mo o|m ebflioe, o^ora 000 def«naa ardan. Sloan BRING BEAUTY INTO yon iME oP/ OOLLEGIAN EXPONENTS OF MODERN DANCE RYnOI Soni-Finds (H Boxers R^[ionls At Baina State Produce ThriHiBg Pghts I MOSTOOJIJSEy, Ale. — » AAU awwl fcy.Hwi Mrt- amfttcur bo««ni reprweeiag cifki Aaelty. fo«Ui«ni atotd* pat m » ttviUrj ' iDg eKkiMtioQ of b»ia| Preeimt apprtata liond to thr% nigbt* keu et HontM Qym war relief activkiaa. »t the ttafisK of th* Meow aa- 9 Dual Netkml AAU fteiai*fia*to Many income «u pegren «wa South Colored Boxen Bcfwael veluntJuily to defeaM fend. •IwMored by ^ 8t«« Teed^fle , , ^ , • ... , . _ i^Ikee ead the Pmtr Aam induetruU aetmtqr foond ICeiStT Ctak. A ^ le^ in eoWa ,irins*«», oo« ia •met cMmb Ao»^ |i£rom the winacrs of the flnetS [▼ill nppreeent edN>red bosoif ia IDizie at A« Natknml AAN te be lield in Boetoa Mereb SI, April 4 and 2. h»' The A. 4k T. CollegiaxiB, one of the countriee leading collegpiate orcheetras, who have met with unusual success on their numerous engagement'jaunts through, this and neighboring states. In addition to the orchestra* the college boasts one of the country's leading bands, a 60-piece outfit, which is rated tops by the experts. Famous Brooklyn Royal Giants To Train At Charlotte; &t To Conmence Spring ExWbition Games Sunday, Apr. 1? line, who earlier over Hampton’s won deeifiively Haywood in a center fot ^Thiteville, seoring by' polling twenty ,four fjiig^ve* points. While Ten figbta on t^e opening nite prpdueed three kayois than were five BHNT* kayoe ia tbe nine figihts on Uie aeeond night, aa4 two otben on the final nigbt I w^en seven figiita were staged, =r making a totaf of ten sleep pro led the Queers for twenty six battles. a good indication of ^e QVI2WR - Torrence, Plato boxisg enjoyed Price forward, caged 12 points. j^e meet, where e»«y The National High School are the will be boy enteired was doing hia leve best to make that trip to tbe tougii and bloody battle, the boxing highlight of tournament. Both fighters »*«> « i n * • , . , , Basketball tournament C" wiS i!ik Teachers BO.W meet. „ «nd delivered rolliokin' and push 29- Ten ^ representing South paS-ohne; Georgia; Vir- However it wL a eountry's best teanw have ^he Tri State AC of Memphis, ginia and some other sta1^. _ already aaked for reservations. ^.jjted off with h|gb«|t hon«» A great many requests have rn„*»,e.' wit.ia thot. TT of the meet, winning four places in tbe finals, three I? battling and a £oorth by default »inee their entry in the bantam we^t NEW YORK (Special) —The Brooklyn Boyal Giants of New received from Independent York expeete to start their spring owners requesting exhibition exhibition gsniee on Sunday, Brooklyn Royal April 13. Giants. Quite a few dates have tinuously at Givensi' vitals, that Collins the eloeesit dscision scettammm mom m tooomut 9 THE niTT mmsiom *ni Kuc^ Kmjf Tentative arrangements have already been closed with a fowl been made to play in Haleigh on remaini;ig open between I Sunday, April 13 where they will jg 3^ i. ^1.- Tj.i-._i. n Pjj - Smithfield -• (Continued from page four) WHITEVILIiE oml* WIK IN CLASS "B” - Hampton -- (Continued from page four) and an exceptional fighter. Hie claw was unopposed. Theee boy Anawera to Quiz for Driwcaa thrilling slHots in the last few reptreeented winners of a meet seconds of both the Lincoln and •taged in Memj^is last week A.—^Tlie crankshaft rwolvoi ateoe diree nalKoq times in 1 abw tBIuefiled games this season won where 167 boxera from tbe three trmvcL /the games in both instances. states of Misfi,. Arkansas and A.—Nothmg dow.. Honetiower is I ‘T'iny” Thompaon completed Tenn. fougbt it. out for ^e o£ work required te r«i*e ' Ckilor is the Way to Do . It! «r to uo .iii Colpr 8ets The Style in Smart Interiers and Exteriors ... So Paint •* U|> and Brin^f the Spirit of Beauty Into Yoiir HcMne D.C 316 Morgan St. pniiininRHfflHiiiiiniiiiiiiniiniiiiiw^^^^ FOR BETOR UGHT and BTTER SIGHT " ^^Mtwtrkt been pretty tough lately. Queta it waa because my eyea hurt. But aince M(»n took out tliat 35-watt bulb and put in that big 100-watt in my atuijy > lamp, I aail right throui^ my work.” I X5ET THE RIGHT SIZE T O-E llOc MAZDA LAMPS / 40 & 6^ 13c 25 «:15c This CcNtnpany Operateis m a 4rdunie Basis \ HOME MODERNIZATIONiND SUPPLY COMPANY \ QiaiERAL ELECTRIC PRODUiSTS 6(4 Fayetteville St Durban^ N. C. PHWfB J4821 j inimilHipMlHlilHHtlllllllUIIIHIIIIIIHIIIHH^^^ meet the Baleigh. Greys. interested in iny dates E^er Monday, April 14 they requested to communicate _ _ _ hLTcirbTn The class “B^ playoff for girls’his'prep sch^“l work at Palm,r honors 'o7“ ikeii-" disTrictTTbei^ ^ a doubleheader. * Build^. New York who'hindlfe also held in Fayetteville Memorial In^itate, ..where he,were under tbe *d?wetioo of ^engineer, howerer. horsepower meii- Charlotte will be th tome exclusively for this ^^gdn^sday sight. The Wthiteville starred in footbaU. An all round Harry Cash, Depaty Commia«ioni Aired the amoont of wo k that eovU * ®ltib. ' ! high skshool, playing for the eas- athlete, he worfcs as a lifeguard | 1 ^ hy aa ordinary draught horsjt tern division- won out over the during the flraramer months in on the Freshman football teftm' u^~YorlH^*No»e^«*l9OT^'^M I • I «T £|. . Plato Price high school, repre- Ohio. He starred at the forward the same year. He b*s be«l ' w*» built 00 the rwjf. not only to pro»e I/lflCOlD “18 U1BI6 *ented the western division by a post on the Pr^hman ba«ke*ball the Varsity football (and^tbojsket- that the horseless carriage woaM go, score of 45-20. Williams, star team of 1938, and played half ball squads ever sincefci^rf'i' base of the Brooklyn Royal / Giants while they ar^ trainpg this season- / but also tJ»t it ccsdd climb a hiH Th« 1^ Famous Giants of Mew 7 NEW YORK BrooJiiyn jttoyal ■iork, intern independent Colo red Baseball Champions will use vttariotte. North | Carolina as their spring training ui« 1)^41 Season. Grun-Groan ArtistsiijniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitiiiNiim^^^^ Wrestle To A Tie The Royal Giants are tbe old est organized * colored baseball team m the buainesis and have (Continued from page four) base fol'spotting his rangy opponent j eleven lbs., gave Brown a f«w very anxioua^ minutes. Lineoln’* King,. 145 lbs- registered the quickest fall in CIAA wrestling , , . history as he pinned Tennessee played thru the entire country 43 seconds flat. at one time or another. | boxing, Fountain of Hamp- Laat aeason the Brooklyn ton fought off Lincoln's McLeon ^ Oiaat* -did their training ^45 defense that in Florida but thie season d**cicl- g^w plenty of leather slung, t J"*® Charlotte, aa their Costa, spphomore Lin Mi^uaners. ,coln king was unchallenged, birt 1 D put on a brilliant exhibitipn ^oyai Glints made a succeJtsful agi^inst Oharlie fcfirey, Oiarlotfce' barnstomiing trip thru the south Qoi^en Glover* playing-The Bthiepian Clowns, xhe final bouts for the 156 lb yatenell Plages AU Jess^ crown between "Chico” Givens, Owens Toledo Crawforde. The a. and T who won his preliminary Boyal Giants gave a good account fjght in’a third round TKO of of themselves 1i*#n they play^ CoHington,-Lincoln and Smith’s th^ cluba in North Carolina, senpational “Red Ripple” Col- HEALTH IS THE POTENT FACTOR IN‘THE DEVELOPMENT of any COMMUNITY ... THEREFORE REG AL THEATRE Sunday and Monday, March 30 and 31 DOUBLE FEATURE and SERIAL “DOUBLE ALIBr - Also Wallace Beery In MULE TEAM*^ Tuesday and Wednesday, April Ist^Znd “QUEEN of the MpB’» with Ralph Bellamy * and SERjLAL ' , j ir : ;=^= Thurschiy, April 3rd “SLIGHTLY HONORABLE*’ with Pat (yBrien also ~- “ZANZIBAR” — with Jewi Cagney BARGAIN DAY 5 and/ lOc 2 Features and Shorts WE, GLADLY, JOIN WITH THE SPONSORS OE NATIONAL NEGRO HEALTH WEEK Home Security Life Insurance Compiy Dodnm, North Canliia