» jA"1' 1 — ■“ 'f** ■ —, " ■*?»" "■^' ■■ r SBITCR PARATOS... -AL1TAY& KABaUilBF .iroKeaet inMUute, ju>. - Henry xord, n«troH mumlRciuryBp. «eeQn^]«Bi»({ by !£». ftud • Mercury, ipMt itoV«(ral ho^' «t ttwkefM Tum day oooif«arnng widSi Dr. F> D. pKttanoo. Preaideait «sd Dootor Oeoifw W. Cwrver, ftnkefwli djptinguis2i«d »ci«BtiBt. Mr. F«rd •rri.ved let C3i«hMr in 1m» priwwte «wr early Taesdssr moTiiiii§ and wa« met by Ooetonr IHfcttwuon «ad hurried to Doro thy Hall, wbera Dr. Oiirvw ftwai'ted him. After he «od; Mik. F^d had i%n«d offlcal Tifli' tow' book, Mr. fort w«nt to Dr. Carver's qatrtert whei» thiBy werer teft alone for an hour’a oonf«mM»e. Immediateiy followed the conforence Mr. piarticdpated m tb« diedicBtion of I3ie 0«oigts W. C«rv«r M««eam by tha ioMtrUon of pk»tiw made 8oy bc«en« «od «oy fibrie into » ■'ooaewjt® slab. . Botb Mr. add' lb*> Para wr [ricribsd tli«ur v0^» ic ^ o»- wDKmy wa* by aw- «ml InRital* ‘ «>^d » groap of stu^fii^ . * prominflwtljr iit tt» mua»- ttm and tigniilw aad daap in' 'tawrt of Mr ftord "“d Dr. Cas^ |v«r is th« mdiMPlTM u^UatMCi |Of Caxm etopm. I Mir. Ford viiked with Dr. Carv«^ «nd. nMUufiBat»d kiaep uv- t«i:«iit te ibe n«tiv» fibn* that aro on eziiibit, aiod th« kes that h«.v« been sa*d* of waste matflr- jial. He later vi«it«d th» Tnake- gea Inatituit* jUrport and ezprean «d !«n«sderal>te in>iaret in p(Tc|jre« thait th» stuikoia «e BwUng in profrvm and tliie :|{utwe thait ai^kition oifer)=l While at tie wrport studenlts in the secondary eonnw of in- atrtntion were goin^ througih tbebr maneuvani. S«Via*»l took off iwid (kiided and' Mr. Foird |e(Rni!Mnid>ad tiia atodeniUi on ttie "Personal Hygiene and First Aid Prepared ness.'’ the Objective for tliis Year’s National Negro Health Week Observance Amvrlea bad sot projireased »fM i» pl«» N^b*1 De- ftme before wladom dieted tlie incloajon «f fr«par»dnwB in pablic healtii aa an importtat c®«»Ui^of and irilltary ti«ining. And it ia hadetd comaiai^Me that, while ni*iliaiiur f*rcw lor the def»M of tha »at«Hal ^aatsiaions and the cherUhwi inatitutionf of the nation, appropriate attention U baiae directed to the mc^ilieation of the buman reaources upon wh^ the nation ntust depend for eaaential atamina, courage, in ***^e^mtional N^ro Health Week program, founded by the la^ Booker T. Waahington, has been devoted for 2 of a century to the fulflllinent of hia prophecy that the Newo rouW and would aaaimilate ^ waya of the American life and, by o^r- eoming the handicapa of poverty and illfleas, produce a virUe r*ee and develop a ’■^lesome dti«nahip. . , .mi. Thir ye*r> »alth Week ob}«etiv^ “Peitaonal Hygiene and First Aid Pteparedn#aa,*' ia in oooaooaace with the national ©Wectnre ^ totfj preparedness for the total defense of and all of it* people. Personal hygiene is ^e obligation of the individual to use available health information for attainment of aa abun&nt health aa hia natural endowment and daily habits will permit First aid is the challenge of a complejc and haaardoua dvili*ation to acquire the knowledge and technic which wiU reacue a vktim of accident or audden illnesa from disability, or even death, that may result from delay or improper administration of first aid procedures. The National Negro Health Week has a traditional period des ignated for its observance, the week which includes February 6, the birthday of its foundei:. This year the week is March 30 to April 6. However, the National Committee advises the sponsors in the various communities that the Health Week may be conducted in any apptoximate period which would offer more favorable seasonal or other cbnflttionB. , , . ^ . The HeaJth Weejc program has extended its activltiea to all phases of ho*itLp!eav«(p».but Ifcar^ haa b«)p.4? ®?' pmpha®*?. the rtec4tsfty to stoitatioh and disease iBe F«ir To Your Cloth« —Send Them Now While We Have Time To Give Them Sgietel Attention Tour Suit«~ Dresses— Coats—' Will B« Itotnnied FrMi And Attracttre A ALWAYS REASONABU: Prices— 25c UP |B«I jwera aipal jBev. S. !AM9 D. Otb4r laadaaf i. J. Searlette, prin- BftAii Primary aehool i. pMlor Trinity ^itnb Mra. fa|h«r Dodlay Hi^ aehool « . rioHnee Wtthert, _ the A ami ® Notes lod CoiDiieiits iqiKtii w u^BmUo lum National Gallery is curtnral aaset; a naclesw for ezpandoa. 1^ - —I 1 _ wui.—. irwoiwcui. *ceepta Nation*! ^ r 'J" ? Oltorr «d KeIlo= »4 and Di*v ^api»»n of iT Colfate faraltv. Ih-. Bawkiaa Brown, 'priaclp#' ffalmer lf«inorial Is* •titat|, pi^nied pi*quaa to the folloijiiif honor famiHaa, uiwn the bn^ of eo«Q>erative, a n * harmaofeOt ftimily effort: Th* Williaai MirfJow family of 1111 pi!bo Stiwtj tha family ^)07 Oorrell Street;.®*"* ar-d tb« ^mes A- Yonra familv of We»t MeCijlloch fit- Germany and Italy bitterly *»• the saiiM uhaoBeL HoaoraMe laeaition waa made of u. & aid bill in presa. • • • the JtaiM Doagtaa family. ^ ^rop erf pomtrf tW* fcolatioiriat attitude ia tenaad season is notably amaU, lor 'stficidaf* by feeler. which we otter thanks. iisiSSKSies;: I ' Ob aad after SKiuiiqr mmmf liHcb 2»t^ aii tkrm , amar tmtmmn frim notice Icaa aai snpirit cnaninv from tfaeir raiiii Senate move la made to doub- Thooe who bava la the farm parity payments. bf b«eIi*roi»^ aaaaie m Marian Anderson geta Bok aation filtering Clyde Harris Award, high Philadelphia bon- marring the program daaitad tt ^ be beard will also ftad srii«f* since the trouble oeeim whcil broadeaatinc ataft»|l» opmwtm m aaie as mmmm SOQAL NOTES ntinued from page three) feur to his employer, and the; public in gtoeral. Serg«p|;fj S, .Moore of the ! State Highway Patrol, discuss ed safety for the motorists, and pedestrians on the poUic high-! wtaiys of the nation. Mr. Tom Drye was presented by Mr. Ned |>avis. Mr. Drye was the oldest chauffeur in ’ point of service attending the banquet, and he gave some fine ! points to the group on how to keep a job. Mr. Davis present ed Dr. H. Ij. McCrorey to the group, he in>*turn, introduced , ' Clarence O. Kuester, Exec- eiScitot maJWeiT in l^hieb tuey wun an iateresuaig talk oa |tip^ jetter, when one ,eaQ>'give allegi uti'^®*vica pr^ident of the Char- bandled tiieir piajMil. plemrenting the fiarm inoome by ance to the best, is sin the speak ^^^hfrmber of Commerce. Mrs. Fond was shown (throitgh the Triple “A” Prognan tollow er said. J KuMter expr^ed his h^rty tte girls’ industoiaj biiilding anti ed by an excellent demo^ttation Witheut siuch aa idwl, in pre Negro Ch^- llhe depfllntm^n^ home econo* on “grading' eggs and. culling' sent day bickerinjf, lif» is’dis ** presen e mics end expressed delight itt'poultry by J. J. Lanier, Tether appointing and. drab. There m^st ^ ^ thie preparation of the Tusiege© of Vocational Agriculture, Plea- be an authority within thHt im .(.jj ladies and gentlemen of „ ^ il to continue group. A series of such Pleamnt^ove Commtimty. toward the apoomplisament ot banquets are planned for the " purpose in life, even though future, at whi^^time special- _ • A If may know he is- going to fsU. igts in every fiewi^n which Ne> IW Kpttl 11 MOn Tuesday nightir Mr*. Sam gro workers are engaged will be * ”• * WJ« uel B. Coless missionary to An- brought before the various A/Illracc kt Rnilfliitt , Africa groups. /llllltvdu xll# UvllUvv» spoMe on “AdjustmMits ' to be yv . , . Made within the African Family UJ« Wi thfe enthusiastic expression of , Sratitude expriesSed through tne Group of. youthful D. Q. Scouts, who hav o beeri ch^^ officially tot symboIiiS(B,^ei prje- parainess motive, “Semper Paratus” Always P repared,-of-ithe 27tb annual observanceTof-Na tional Negro Hwlth Week—-March 30 - April 6th. ' , • plemienting the £arm !»nn:; NOW BETTER IHA N EVER! me. vican u|i| *•* v*h ao i»iv*v. 7.*‘ it is a formula for health and happiness which, by intelligrnt ami Irtfiustrious utilisation, produces manifold benefits, stimulates pride of aekgblMrhood, and improves the well-being of the entire community #•••••••••••••••••••• AVOID THE Easter Cleaning Rush So much work is received in the cleaning plants the week before Easter that it must be handled by mass production methods with no attention to detail. Your clothes deserve the best care we can give them so by all means send your Spring cleaning now. i Easter Sunday, April Bth. wwmen students for useful and sant Grove succaseful living. After ibaving luiufh in Dorothy Hall t*be distinguished visitors were welcomed and sho^ tSje grounds of the Veterans Hospa* tal by Dr. Eugene H. Dibble, ma’n»ger. Upon the C/ompletk)n of thieiT to^ of, I inpeotdoa of the re®erv''ation thij' wenft .dtiven 4oPCb«0^w ■whera they boarded thiedr private car for Atlanta. CkBEENSBOBO Farmers and Farm Alamance County E Women Of njoy Big Celebration Well Received . ■ p«nti|ig out that - ’ ' family has had to make adjust , inents to new religiov^a b»li«J; ■ The world ^ better eeonomic.'s status, the fwt of eome to rraiize that people who believe, said ur. ^re of as ^ual • impor-' * Benjamin E. Mays, President of jjj ,tjjj household and in Morehouse Coli^pe, Atantal, Ga. general scheme of living/as in an address entitled ‘Religion . q^j. responsibility, Mrs. MOSS’ OLD TIME ENRICHED BREAD Equal in Yitamin Bl« also the ' Pellagra - Preventive Vitamin and Iron to Bread Made With Average Whole WJieat Flour National Fitness Demands. Energy BREAD is one of The Best Sources Of Food Energy Bny -MOS^ENRICHED BREAD cooperation of both the em ployee and employer in making | in Family Life Today opened the fifteenth H o ^ e Making Injititute at, Bennett College on Monday nite. ■whieh annual pogg^jjie that kind of life 'thaf must inevitably face in a! time of crisis. The theme of the Institute was I “Family Relationships in a Time! Thursday night Miss Katherine J GRAHAM, (Special) - The of Stress’' ^ Bacon, aecomplished English Negro farmers and farm wom^ Observing that ethics and pianist, sponsored hy the AsiSocia of Alamaince County held their morals are relative quantities in tion of American colleges, New Annual On« Day E»tenB|ion the need for somethin- bigger, York City wss presented in torm^ School in the Union Ride Com- chaos. Dr. Mays made emphatic al recital Friday night conmmi- mmity, March 7, with a capacity the need to something bigger, Hj parents, led by Mrs. J. 5. K. crowd iji spite,of inclement wea nobler, and higher than self. “To Aggery of Salisburjs particip^ed The main topic of the allegiance for an allegiance in a panel discussion on * Pre enough to anything that is gcod, or sent ^ Day Pi-oblems in Family garden Don’t Deceive Yourself! A WELL PLANNED Life Program anticipates certain problems that must be met—a program that probably in cludes insurable protection. But YOU are deceiving your self if your insurance program does not supply— ther. The main topic school was growing vegetables in the home to meet the oieeds of the family | the year round. j Interesting demonstrations and talks were given by agents of adjoining oounties an;^. others. J. W. JeflPries, Nc^ro District A^rftnt, Greensboro gave an in spiring talk on location amd pre" parataon of the garden and raisj, iris' eriough food to meet the family needs- Mrs. Winehestefr, NegrA Home A^ent, Reidsville, gave a vivid picture of the family, outlook for 1941, during whi^h time she stated that the tobacco, cotton and wheat farm era would be the losers for 1941 and\the poultry, dairy hofe- and truck farmers w^ould be the oties to increase their incomesu That is those that have these etaterprises oo their farms. M. C Burt, Negro County Agent, Hills boro gave an interesting demon- ejtmfcion on "how to select an4 store your garden Seed. B.’ A Hall, N^o County Agent, Greensboro g>ve an inspiring de- monstiSJition on "how to oontrol insiaots and disease* of gavd«n vegetables.” Miss M. W Towngg Negro Home Agent, BeidsviUe, gave an excellent demonsjtratijon on “selection and preparation of v^etablffij for canning and mar- «t. At ibis point, women of the Union Bide Commujiity swved * TIME in LIFE WHEN it k EDITOR TO BE HONORED RobertfL,rVann, late editor and delicious plat© dinner consistiTif Courier,-whose achievements ij^ to'be.mw®rtali2»«mn.a'^t^ W*be erected on-the canlpug*of his alma mter^yi^ni«i^ salad, bread, hot coffee and de«-, . . i , jUmvemty at'Rwhmond. The towcur is the gift of the^B^}#^ Jn the afternoon, R L. Hann^- government-and w(a6 part-of{theiBelgian'Pavilion«atlthe‘fNew "'iXoft-WotW'siPsir.' 1 1. OLD AGE SECURITY A policy designed to prcmde ready cash at the NEEDED MOST. f CHILD’S EDUCATION — A policy that will provide cash for t^e education of your ckildreA- — vnm- K feath should terminate other less certain plans. 3. MORTGAGE REDEMPTION PLAN A iwlicr comlmiiic WHOLE LIFE and TERM INSUKANCE fobra-—• plan particularly effective in the payment or protection of EXK^HNG and . • • ANTICffATED OBUGATIONS. / ' 4^ If your present insurance program does not guarantee these benefits, consult one of our representatives. TH£^ and OTHER policies are incl ided in the MUTUAL PLAN* DonH deceive yomrself• To be secure^ you should INSURE* DU^LAM DISTRICT NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAl j^yUIN#.fr««l4#n4 * DUiOiAM.NQKni Charlotte Qifice Durl 3 S- BRETARP ST. m Wi Am E. Spears Manager / W: