271 fo Be For First Negro VMt Spinn Of Air Gn^ be M- .. W^aSSKtTON (flptd«l) — War D&ot^tmmt todw u- AppticAtioaa wilt alao *md th^tkm «pt*d tmm *ndid^ •f Wii PaMoR Sqaftdnm, for woiirt**iU m c*de*« fiiM ]li«fo «nit th« Air to P«Mfy m jxMa of the •quad** Cbep* ftr wliieh 2?B Mefroe* Th« unit will h*ve about fltaiaa all wetiow luUioo 33 pikte. «iB W Mitiate^ fcr llie gron&d Tli« 276 mm ,to be ralisted lifttl Im trained aa nulntenaije# f crwri of the aquadron. Lika *U AtlMr n>m Tttmted for .the iir g. Oo*|», Oic«e rwruita piuat Iw*-Krop*, AtUm Wi«ir at iMiA a hieli fchool sh,», «,d Bobby Bynm. 1%^ aittst ulso pmt tne A»i Oozpa t««t to delennin^ tli*ijr| _ rt *1 imi^iuty --rgvofs tCMiiiciun&ii Ai» Corpa tMhsKsal ^ehodi. i KrSflKr _ PT-ANWIMQ for youth LEGSLATURE Britain. Food Minirtet, w a . ... (Oontinued from PMT* on«^ After tha men have j»aifB H. Boykins, bead of Cm their baaic training li^ Chaaute m DR. AUBREY L. PALMER Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted We rmdntain a completely equipped office for the exclusive convenience of the Colored Peopla tel 3-8500 (OppMlte PaUic likiMy) »7-A N. Tryon 8*. m atabUiiied aader Preas, but he ai^d “thif la aan 1941 and we mlAt «K trrff ‘^ wall be Fealiatie.'» « Kagro , Bnw )a1a« tK« Th^r^ Mie up Ontobar I, IMl ttoy wmi ^ «aliatic.'» traarferwd to Tuakegee, Ala., iwminate wliapa Hi* 90th f How might delay th‘. of ^ win ^ formrf, Th«r ehy to aecur® ■ pro flypg pliape^of the tra.m^^ cadet Qreenaboro’s terribW Mqiiii. -Youth Week WINE and DiNE at ARCHIE’S BAR and GRILL M & First Street Specialities in Breakfasts I . ■. Lunches, Dinners Incqported and Domestic Wines } Hilts, ISc—Pints, 25c«-Ouart8, 45c wUl begia a^ aohool ta ^ eatabljiiied neitf TtMegee SM^^tate. * Proapaetive for t%a ikiniee taet advised that (Continvied from page Qne) watt-' be AQaepM i» ^ weA in the ehunA; 4 tag oaiinr tbi^’ thi^ apply — firtl6 day; dvamatie ni^t* aveo flsM, Served. {^iliatiag-ing, h^ «cho4 apeakit^p day; wiii»ti«fi#1h S'week, wiiieir wiUiand a final mwi maating girtiBr fiv« all apii^eanta equal oppor^ day «TeAiog wh«n i»«inin«nt tunMy to i«aeh recmiting s6i- speaken will ad*dreaa gvoopa in tiona at I dW^Rated air fielda variow eiti«a. Priaea in tiia $500 the di4ribtttim . of . reoroUing national (»«»y coniett fftioaored qsotaa ia aa'IbUc^a':' ' ‘ by th« NAAOP wiU be at^arded Mitcjiel Field, Tofk .40 that n^ht Bolling’ Pfeld. I>. C. ' Maxwell yitH, Ala. ‘ ]j>atteim>B^ Maid, , j . Ckannte^FKldjt'IlUnoia M.aroh iSiejd, .Calii^ i ,r. , S*a Ajo^Io, ^exaa c • ^ ■• New Farmers-■ ■ fib' •' ‘.r K -. 40 3^ (Continued from p«ge on«) ^ aebMl will be «o»d«ieted. ^ Thoee ^king part to hi» pbaae of the program inelud* Jamea Warren, of Ore«m|KH^ nar preaideot; Jethro fiiU, dt |w, W [jfciooal V Canada plwn a reduction o#|pir,e bI^, Ark., forme# preaident 35 {nr ceikt 'the wh^t Mr*) '• .» ' .■ . r ‘'Ajrmy. «^pir«ts riaa in' fliintit eiMhcia* due to In'pi'^aM trtitf tar. ■ •••■' • -^ DAVIDSeN BROTHERS FUNERAL HOME Ml is. Mint St. Phone 34336 WiUkie Wiiea tnit^ St4lM ^ook-rt^dihff haBit«. : . ' V i*' ^ H. J. Bevels, of Monroe, La, Health Week >■ (OoRtinu|d from p«ge one) ttiaifc dnparticii»anta' in the pro gram -aceept responiibiUty Aw ^ be^erment of peMonal health ^Dr.; I’ai^n/'tMekr eaya to aquiti aome'Afll In Brit»iA item American jdoctoiNC Vifgt,'aid as their eontribation 'k.hl.riarti^'-’i4id' ^ ak» fer"V€Witiea;3t«tW BHtain. .r [to the *^g»*m. A ateries of Satnt^ay, radio ^ Mai«h 29, ftddressea «0 ttiia HUStquTs ftp Em^^Seeoad Stre^ • ' SHiCVES 15c BREVARD ST. BARBER SHOP Shower BalJis 15c = “ N. G. EDWAltD^ m Sb r^ CL' t i %-~rt i •*.' ■w|»A lete SiDoTdW^^ *‘l*«taoiial Hygiene hour d^enalB pMjsotfe. ****** P»a|>awdn€»'’ .irilt aonnd ^ ataotkig gong, fde peahape, ti)« |^«etnt >pTogi^iji[ fo * ‘ baU«r fitallh jp»«* paj4dnes» id. Mm annals of ihis «6u»t#y’« Ifapo popnla- m pro^m tor tike #ee|u March April ‘ ‘ Snnday^ Mobilizaitffiti Day l^nday, Horitv 'fieaitif Day Tuete^yi'- Cdmmnnity Saai^- tion Day. 'Weto^ay; fipeowl' bpnpsi^ • A^oHffr, B^th Pay IW^y, ■ ^Healti a»i Safety .-Dily.-'-' rC'>.,,.C^ >• ‘ Gkoetal Cfoan isp f : : : , ; TOrSE^ BDME i i ; 323 80UTB BREVARD STREET PkMM M91 NItkt nMB« 8-6037, 3-2172 FlUsti r^ViHnii^^iEi^ E»* ■l4r8t''^..'^ total of more th^m 6,870,* Woo It on, kaaannounced the op- OOOjOOO haa been loaned by cred- ening of poi^ bars when tha it lastitutiona operating under Englishman may get all the po- the supervjwion of the Farm tatoea he ean eat for W cents. Credit Aministration aince the jPCA was organized in May, 1933. Lard production haa declined hog Japan, ¥re lather, ia trying consideraUy with i^ueed marketinga during the three montha and is expected to continue iome amatler than a Spring remihda ua that ^ere year earlier throughout 1&41. ia still time to paaa a law out- to find out if the AXis alliance 5^ ia what Tol^o thought it was. Above are shown three key youth leiMiers of the Sbuthei^ Negro Youth Congress planning .lor the "Alabama Youth legis lature" whieh convenes in, Enaley, Alabama, Ma^ !^h to M)th. The Youth Legialature will consider discrimination against Negro youth in the government armunent program and the ill treatment of Negro conscripts in the camps. Ijeft to right: Annie Mae 'Echola, Robert R. Wilson and Ethel Lee Goo^an, all of Birmingham. j sata iin> NEWS SYNDICATE Bitty MitchoU, pc$}\:i|^ Negro curtist, as he appears wtih Dsi^s O'Keefe in Jlepublfc's nev mysfery tijriller, “Mr. - District Altomey" ^cture, sugtpestea by.Ae p>op\|^ radio sericd of tiiSs siisn^e' rKtme, iedtures midi outstan&ii^ per{onx)ifln.as florvnce Rice, P^ter Lorre and Stanley Pidge^ Save Time and Money By Relaxing in the BffO m3 %J GMNG *FO AND FROM work can b* a pleasun If yoa ride the bus. You get home earlier. ; / Dur^m s Servlcc Co. &BgO«k' iiad IViilow u:.-. " ■ BEte apssESf^ Trsi*- M. C. eOGGlNS GROCERY 'IW ▲ OOIIFLETE Unp Of CSOCEBIES and Q1MUTY MEATS Pender Stores and B« Stir $nper IHarktts MOH . E Y ^ p fe )PA K On IManto^ Wst^hi^ J SHverwaN, Meii^ Cto^g, Type Wiiteis, Gima. Hiutod ln •tnimenti^ aiqrthtaff of value. TO ' LOAN CO. I m EAST TRADE STREET I'XSiMotte^ Oldest aiicl l*rgt9l^ ^m,.faeB three) f«r ihe dSi^’l . # habit of rof drilling an^, she is a model; wife in' evei^ «th«)r way*.. 'I be lieve yoa wili^ Iw- aUe to Oan- yinee her to it. Cairry her to ehureh. more. ■ JPT — WUl I g«t a job thia year like l^e one X h^d back in 1939 f Pleaae answer soon- Ana; Nqm I ipi afrwd you wonbe’SO fdrtnnate. It is in dicated to me that yw will ie- piain on the imme job you are on now for an indefinite period. Lode arotind fw something dif ferent this gammer while you are not working. •. , .Vi, t ipK tirr I - AlraiHiimiai SCHOOL-RINGS, ^TS, FRATERNHT - JEWELRY 6IUUHJATING - NURSES - PINS ttFLOYD-HORNE Ohiittte. H. a : KING'S’ FOODST(ffiE CiMceries apd M«*ts Mr—He won't leav« bis wifeli b.>cao»e of his religion. We Wh k)ve each- otHar. . Do you t^ink 1 am b«in|f a^ioQl or should I leave him «loD«f ■ Am: .Indeed'you are acting very fooK^. It '• true religion do€^*t si^tion '^a divorce but Ifnt. does it. honor an outside .such a youfSt Ho- Be knew you l^wo y*a«l before he married, his V^e and you didn’t appeal to him «ioti|ii for marri age and he is men^y Qsiag you now do not mntin«^ on you ai-e hjtrting 3^orfra^, "n«t ^is wife. This'man is entire^ 4^ dd for ^ yon anyway. #' The liq.|00 loli > time life IP instance of ^jn coup' ^ents 01 ^ try last year aided American w faifailiM in creii^kur additional Siao E. Fl»t St., Owriette# insutance protectien .of ap- |pranBPW3«(3 “*• I itionwtde. Manufacturers Of Quality Cotton Fabrics Durham, N. G. Erwin, N. G* Gooleemee, N. C.

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