PRICE MAILING EDITION 5c Number Fourteeii Durham, North Car ouna, Saturday, Apr il 5th, 1941 SMITH TO OBSERV FOUNDERS DAY XTolume Twetity-^o Sings on CB^ Nat’l^cc Congress Delesation Unearths Segregation Plan Atlanta Teachers Sby Suit In £^1 may Fight HEADS ORGANIZATION Negroes Receiving Less TOan Their Fair Share of Jobs i, ' t -BtatWiient made by ttw Co»‘ .he lwidin» perao^^j^ w to rt*r ^io pwgfiutii tot ituiday a)ired over net\vork ht connection with ifac IfittionBl UriMiB Leairu^^ eftmpaitm for widet- «otplQhnent (^portiiaties ffH-cO]6Teii p«opI«. CRIME ™f} TO BE iW BY and Aiticles Crime Sp|idt#d for N'-egwca on Kurinff Canapa;^^ to paais *k» being “ u€urb Eawbreakingr me ' Carolina Time* wiU l»oi}cli;n«]^t: waek an I»t«i«fve war on erimee in Jtoriiam, and is eallikifr on aU eltUsCTS to co operate in the effort to malce this community a m»e decent plac^n which to live. WASHINGTON, D. C. — A I^#n whereby the Unified States Civil Service CommiBaion will etftebliih vhat is regard an Admini^tntion inspired poli«y 6£ Jim Crow categoriee for Ne gro Congreaa delegatiwi follow ing a oonfereniee with Haarry B. Mitebell* ehairman of Com- iniMion, MondAy> AprU 24. 4^ white sttpremooy lAtt be u*ed as tbO" 'baeis of aq' to intimidate oi^imiiiations seeking job eqnality for Negroe*, dele gation menjbera de«lar^. Mitchell, aocopding to the detega'tes, admitted- that Negm- es at« receiving fai* !««■ than tiheir proportjoaate shares of the iobs allooated • to the 3,000 ocfw deftose worfcere wh'ifli. the fedl- oral govemaient ig taking on each nsonth. However, he insist ed, . tbey said, that *tjie best that Negroes isonid hope for would be ^tiriijg civil Wirvice jobs on a “•^rregated basis. ” He de scribed , those who opposed Jobs a Segregated more concerned with social’ ©quality than with getting miore jobs for Negroes." Plans Afte Made' To S^k £|9ality By " Buildiv Good Will Teaoh- ter ’01 The po]pit, press, schoolg and individuals are asked to help make Durham an unpleas ant place for criminate so that the city may curb the wave of killings, near>kniings,hold-9P8, hreak-ins and other forms of lawlessneu that abound here. Interviews with several Inter ested citizens this week disclos ed that many of^ them aHe of the opiniMt that unless some* thing is dime soon It wjill he un safe to even watt in daylight in certain sectlcAS of Duritam without being held up or threatened ^th vMence. Loud and hoteterous cursing and other profane language in the f^ence of women and chll* dren wjio find it neceraary to widk along the city streets Is becoming'unbearable, accord* ing to several citizens. Several voiced the opinlcm that the cul prits who engage in this kind of dlsord^ are usually habit)' ual loafers, and the kind that resort to lawlessness to eke out a living. . Lectures, sermons and arti cles on ci^me are aU In order and the Carolina Times is ask ing the coi^eratloa of all citi- llwis and agenciea of .fnf)uenee to lend their sumiorf to the yrme on crime.- State Becomes Member Education Council Scientific Inquiry Is Goal Of National Organization PETERSBURG, Va. — At the March 24th nWeting'of the Bxe- eutire Committee of the Ameri- ean Council on Education, Vir ginia State College wag elected to insttitutitiooal membei'shipw according to ccwrespondence re ceived at the college from C. S. Marah, vice president of the Council. The couneil is.a central organ of CO operation and co ordination whi^,. without invading the ^.u- toniomy of institutions *nd ihf tei^ts within the' AmeKcan Educational sysit«iB,lb has pro moted oonperted action, in mat ters of bommoii concern. _The eoHncil .devotes itself to .scienti fic inquiry in any field of edu cation and tfe the stimulation of experimeatal activities of in- Stitatins and groups of institu- tioiis. ' Through. conferences 'and in vestigations, the conhcil f^ks to claHfy eduM>tioqal issues of national significance, to define problems arid to nlist Appropri ate agencies for l^eir solutions. Q>ui^nir infortBfd ’ ‘' th« grmp tiia/t ‘ ofQckUs. o£. the edpca- tional .' .depa!rtman*1( ’ aM . ropxe- ««j.tatives of ootofed edtiefatfeoal groups 'were to. confer at Pkine coll«ige on- April 9 aud attenlpH; % work out a frfan “best for'all of us.” Otiiei* Teoommendatioo4| adopt ed by the conference included a statemfent uiging the procuring for colored youth aivd adults training in all phases of the na tional defense progranj, and provision calling' upon the state to take steps towaid, establishing means of providing graduate study for eoloi«d. , ; . ATLANTA, (A$PJ ers of, the Fii^ ci district' were AdvUe^ by M. L Ootw^ ' department oft'fdueal df^oD, courts' »ly wHeii ^ fell other means of eifecti^ j^oational reforms have been''esiha^iet^. Meetii^ in a ~da^ session a^t Booker T. * Wasbingtoti hi^h ach^I,, represerttrttives froin the sevei^ ''bounties of tte'disWct went on' rfecorl being 'ready to ‘^bring wesanre in brderj^ k> sec^ire eqdality of eeooqmih and eda#ionj^ opportupitj^, all petwpns re)i:iirdlcw • of .creed or coior.'? ,Blan» were made to seek ■eoualil^ bv huildiafir ufp will, ’ inviolvim' the vitifltiencfe * of all orgfuilxatbi^ a^d, if, necys- maldrikr ®pliiefiit5i(>ii 'to 'the oottPte,' ' ' r-V auty (Guitarists ,Mtd BenevoWt A»- -- p^:'esldent of the ^ •sociation of Mrae., C. j. Wicker Agents, Inc, Under the reor^ ganizatioh i>lah% Mrs.'-Alice Jp3, Burnette, fiist vice-president of the Walker C>^pany,' wil^ national .organiiser. The Asso ciation, orii^hi^ in 18^. ^provides for benefits, sick dues and free legal the latfagr to‘ be -fomiahed. by Deputy Attor ney General JUnaow,' is legal adviaer. Furthers Health ri5»", •..'j .• T’f ®UEHAiM;» -t:; Nor^' . CaroKjA ?, baiketbalt- team ^ whidii./lfad; ijifet ^ Nfliioa ; inten odll^geii^at^' ^om«iaia®nt’ iiiv Glife cjfliktti^‘Ohio,' was orilei't^ed by the thji4«»m' A^umni^ AjsbJh^-- •tion with a banquet at * the Algoiiquib Tennis Clubhouse'?*ti- day oigbt, MartA 28. The '*ln>&er began at 7:15 with only tiie «to- t^ainment committM and the '^atQ and ttteir coaches attend ing and it ' waa featured with speeches bringiig words of com raendatioii to the team for har ing , won second place in the fiitet annnai naiWonal tourney. Immediattely aftea* the dinner, about 9:30, oth*r members of HbV alumni, and' vflMttr.;gtieats'be gan arriving and dancing became tile order of tiie eveniiig. J,L.. Holloway, {H^deht of the Durham chapter of the- North Carolina College Alumi^# was the fiwt to pay verbal tri- Hillside Holds First P. T. A. Meeting BY WILLIAM A. TUCK The recently oi^nized Parent TiBacber* Association of ihe Hill side Park H%b School held ite first publie meotinf of the year at the school Snaday afternoon. A feature of the meeiting waa the presentation of newly elected officers and grade mothers'. > B. F, Page, inrtructor in 'the Hiirtjry Department, was master of ceremonies and delivered the address of weloome after the address of welcome after the meeting llad opened with selec tions from the band and the sin^ ing of . “Lifti Evrary Voice and Sing” iKf the audience. Later during the program Pito^ WitUam McEkpth, ®iUH eide’s* new principal, wa« ealk^ on for remaeHa, and he pelted out t» the group *t!he .greiftr nee«’ sity f6r a eFtronger unity between *■' sTl^ Dr. Highsmith Will Deliver Matin Address J SMITH ALUBINUS Mrs. Henry Pfeiffer , To Attend Bennett Building Dedi^tion , " Dr. T. W. ^dseiB.,'‘of Atigfista, Ga.,. nationiU medical directior of the National Negro' . Insur ance Associatiwa,'^o basil ed a call to the medical directors of 41 companies belon|ring to the association to £put over a big Negro health week pro- The insurance groups arfi striving to . IeM6n death rates hfy encouraging he^th Q^ucatibn... OBEIENSBORO — Carrie Baige Resideoce ball, ^ixtb in the Nenv Bennett %ildii^ Program, will be dedicated and the oomerstone laid for ii!be Annie Merneir PfeifiPer chajwl, in apeicil ser vices honoring the women of MetSiodism, thro^h whose gen erosity these buildings have been given to Bennett College, on Friday, April 18. 'Rhe board of trustees of Benoetit College will meet in annual session on Thursday, Apiril 17, «dK>ol. Ife Said that in order for tb« association to live up to its purpose of beSfter educaikig the Hild, the home and school will h>av>e to work hand in hand. Mrs. G. A. Wiasiow of tiie HQkide faculty introduced the PTA ofBcers wlro were elected at -the grade mothes' meetfing laflt tbursday nigbt. ,'fiater the presi dent appointed th« following commiWee headaf: ProfesSor Me- Gfa«th, constitdfion committee; Mrs. lE. Norris, mejnbership; Mm Rebecca QattiSi pac^wn^ Mjss M. L Pi^r, bo8j>Jtality; W. D, Hill, health; A Tark, publicity. • r , Completi^ the’ piwgram 're marks were made . by. .Carter ^mith, major of the ! Hillsid* Safety Patrol, and Pfof^ssor'^ W. G. Pearson, principal emerJUus of Hillside. Gladys Markham^ in eighth garde student, z^d a ‘Petition to the Board if Bdu" cation” in which she exjowsed the immediitftto needs of the school. Music for the meeting was furnished by the Hillside chorus under the direction of Miss Theresa Chgget#l Pre*dent M. T. B6orton out line 80 objections of tbe PTA. The Addition of the 12Wi grade, a wider voeatkmal program, and more teaching space in the school building. The nest meet ing will be held Apnl 20. N^rro Chamber Of Ommierce of Char* lotte To Banqi^ ' The Evening at 8:ii CHARLOTTt: — (Special) — Historic Johnson C. Smith Un^ ver»ity will observe the 74th anaiversary of its fcKinding im Foonders' Day exerejges Monday April 7. Dr. J. Henry HiglisiBith of Baieigh, director of the Diviuon of lostmctiooal Service of .the State Board of Edoeatioa. wiB deliver the priaeipsl addresii Dr. Bigbssith is lislN^ in % Who*’ as OM mt tiie b»> *a teemosL:silaeelB*s-'., ■ Tb* Smith •laouH will^ ba re- pmated hy th« Bev. M. A. Sanders of Jaaaws Dilaai, S. Q: President H. L MeCrorey wiB prwde over the serriees. Lawyer L. P. Barris, pronii-[ A proeessioij of studentii nent Queen CTity Barrister, and dignitaries will Smith University alumnus, who i fomal eerenu»^ The procession will comaesee the Biddle Memorial Hall aad wind up at the ehopel. Special iimsie has been prepared for the occasion by the Uaiveraity ! Choir. Qnintet, Trio, and Men'a I Glee Club, aader tile direeik^i j(rf Prof. David E. CarwA j In the evening at S |o’k*loel* (the Charlotte Negro Cbaaibe? e* tCoDimeree will .-iponsor a Cttisea^ • DiBoer in honor of Dr. lla^ Crorey, Johnson C. Snuth tfip' versity, and their service in ta» field, of ed.ucation. T. & MeKia- ney, Dean of Smith tTaivemiik is president of the chamber. Plans are elready aaderway for the diaiaond jnl^e eriehnr tion, marking three qoarters if century of serriee, that spoke recently at the 8th anni- veraary of tfas ^kineord C.' C.' C. Ci^;^mce i^mm. c-..-./ -.'IX', ... - J V- •. .1 v». .... jVA-SlilNGTON — The V. S civil service commissiott- .a.n- Q3]ipc.e^ .-,.4)pen, competitive. e»* lainalsow toe tbe folk>wiog p«^ tiqrifi:. junknr engipnerfeg drafts- ihan;,boad soil sci^iats; band t^khinder, 'and marine opera tions bo^biqder; senior medical offlccr, medical oflRcer, and a»- ^iate medical officer. Addifional al information may be procured from your kjeal p«t office. bute the team in his iJfctrodu®- ■ _ _ „ , fcory remarks. Following bim. Came Baige Hall a n^era Master of Ceremonies H... H. m^every d^, is the Riddiek presented Captain Re- of the Woman's Home M«s- ginal Ennis of the NCC teain Socwtj of toe former fdr a response. Qcan .Jajnea T. Mettiodist Ejnseo^ ch^h, Taylor, who was reipresenting Little Thea both tbe team (aa manager of most ^nt gift of of athletiw) and the alumni H«nry Pfed!^ spc^e next, and he was followed City, Mrs, W, H. Go^e, by W. F. Bujghaidt who ooacbes president of %he Society football at'the college.- • • : is chairman of the eoounittee TT . iv .. il . arraiKing the dedicatory s«r- He told the-teem: ‘ you pot on » the. greatest exhibi!»tion of basket ^r®. Pfeiffer will be pre ball in Cineinnatti I hav« 'ever sent to perSMiaUy lay tbe eomw se^ in one team. aijone in 'the Annie Merner Pfei- Tbe next- m'sn pmmrted wm jppj. (^ia,pel. From all indieati^is John 'Brown, Gary, Indisitut freA , » j. i- , ’ Tr^ a large group of remreeeatative man who was selected on the „ . , All National. Toumameniti team Methodwts from wide area« of as one of tbe two beat guasd ib* country will be present for Please torn to page EHght . * the dedica^ry exiewisea. GRAND OLD MAN N.F.A. Holds First Father and Son Banquet at Oxford OXFORD, — On Tbursclay nigbt, Man^ 27 tbe Mary Pot ter Chapter of th« New Farmers of America held its first Father- Son banquet Approximately 115 fathers, shis and visitxHv were in attimdasce. A program was out by the officeia and members of the organization. The objee- tives «nid aecomplishm^ts of the'Chapter was read by James 'iams, n»tk» by Jamea Wil- aton; W^eome address by Cor nell Powell; Selection by the NFA Quartet; NFA Creed by Julius (BUiam; Apprecia^n by Rev. H. S. Davis, prineipal of Mary Pott«r; latrodoction of INithera by EmiiMftt Cooper; ia- Pleaae tnm to Eight ‘ Dr. A. L. Lewis, chaizBian of the board of direc^rs, Afro- American Life Insurance «wh p*my of JacksonvUKf Fla., which he. help^ fpund 40 years ago, reviewed the accompHsh- men'^ of jcidored Floridans Sondiqr on the **Wings Owi* Jordan" progzaBi. D;*. Lmm. trea««rar • tvs of th^ NetpoJAi^ ness Ij^ua, haa a]ao auperintaiulMa't of AME *^di9, vitte,: £» kipt fkin Tiff witmQ son C. Smith Uaive«aty observT next spring. v Theme of Natiiiili Negro Health Accorded Prabe NEW YORK — In a aut praising tbe theme iof Negro Health Week ■ i PerMwal Hygisna ai^ Aid Prspaidness,**. Browa Menilli E*eeait»a^, }or of the National tke Prevention .of urges i^uti ^iesial directed laward of «y«si|^ T%jb't natioMi defailt pmnAa ««tt «a gaad who nriili to'tKi* ka'pigt ^ awmad lanw «r U al ii