mm THE CAK0WNA TDIHS, Here's MsbiQQ You- smmnm«cn:;nmnnwunmwBin[ Kltmore Hotel of fte ■Easter Season A. * P. Food itore 615 Fayetteville St. •••••••••••■••••••I.. •••••••••••••••••• It ^ .“.!3 i r.n MOSS’ BAKERY Mo6s’~ Better Bread ik::uk::kix:::» CHEEK’S 5-10 and $1.00 Store 608 Fayetteville St. BEST V/IStesM ..i m 1 Meet Your Friends at the Progressive Store and Ham’s tbrket HoDjwood hn Cale 712 Fayetteville St. CIHKiliWIIiiSlgSS e«a;!iMa:H;aa:aa;;ai '••••••■•••••••I ••••••Mat Speight Amoco J Service Corner of Pine and Cobb St. aasssmaammsussoitnmaxttmtmi fnsn:tos 118 S. Mangum^Sf^ GREETINGS DeSHAZORS BEAUTY COLLEGE DeSHAZORS B^uty & Berber Supply Cow DeSHAZORS BEAUTY SALONS . SM Pine St. siliMfiswisaiii »itni::Rsnswi«nn^iRntim:»iii! SA.TURDAY, APRO. 12^h., IMl pme 'Kpoo years ago there was revealedt€f^fe;5^rld an ama?in| That nfc^d faith andJkM^^ known bloodshed, the me of tyr^ and the M of empires. But,~it had nev( reckon! Then He came! j humble -itatun on a and showed id live again! King olflL| tl^ umve ... in Le w^^j^ng of i^illo^ teeing 1 ie ew'shell Of ths vdven co\ _ O ’ S icles, mese, D^ore mjaa’s eyes... Jiad ^ee^he naked earth, stretched beneatli theXs^canop^^ddealy ewnej&s-^life>OTk little birds the air into a insnature id courage fstless sle( th^ the gol^ over th^ sky easel day melt bow m the had bathi tiny brook! le men.' rested the Of^je-^i^ed i^raindrops air. Of themed . ^ ^ ►nne >F *s warm :e. [saw death, a^d i tfirst Easttf me, wj^t him that i^l redial ^lii € new hooe kmnan^ no)dcatn! ly, oun world is'^gageJ in P$^aps3>^greater war ever befOTeMButT^ere can be a ce ... perhaps a greater peace tbSr^KEr befcsre! die flowers of another Easter burst into blossom, silent reminders of that amai^g truth revealed some 1900 year# ago, let’ us look forward with faith and confidence to this new and better world!.... By Jane Hunt Mohr,. of iere i there can within .Ther. Now^t another MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK Durham, N. Raleigh, N. C. EASTER iOREETWOS 1941 The Carolina Times iH»miid^tu»ss:u:Rsn:s:»s8u::»KS|asis:si:s8iu:»»Hissu:u!:i»scu!si«isKiiiiiismnii:»:»»niHiisK%tiaKiiHi HCKS a CH>«IKy WHAT uaui^:i:Ki:ninnis»H»iu:&uaut;»ii:simn8ass:e»:;:»::»u:::::uHStt»K 4* ••••l*iiiiaiiiiiaa»aMaa»»Be«aa8a«paa«aaMB«»p ■' if . ilflPHB Em Union Insurance and Realty Co. Real Estate - Rentals Insurance Lincoln Cafe “The BEST Place in TOWN to EAT” 114 S. Mangfum St. cauk j Biltmoie E^ Service Station Wash - Gr^e.» Wax Polish' REGAL IHEATRE iiiiiiiiii»»iii»a»ua»iiuiuiitttuitiuiuiaiuiiiu»aiuusu!uut:uuusm:uui