¥sr m'msmA mmm, Givea Ol Hant Food itiliiein, Sprint Season of 1940” i m 11* I cont.minf 246 page* of infor-1|AwafH A||^ lJ|gh mayon to ffuide f»rmer« m‘WffOIll /UIUU lUgll I more intelHtent use »nd Pur* pn|f|f ^nrHr fM chase of plant food, it now off a Ullll> vl ^r.rJpr:“pT|Hampton Cage Squad Rsleigt^ April 10. — North Coltrane, assistant to the Com-: Ckn4ina*s annual bulletin on missioner of Aarriculture, said "AlHUyM* of Commercial Fer- today. cage aqnad, were 'Uie two higb Boliert “Slim” W»tt« ofi ■ooren in ti»e 1941 «ea«o*i,*gt. Louii^ Missoar was fifth with Coaeb C. H. WiHiam# today an-' uoun«ed. Alleni a junior in the Divi«on of Edtieation from E5u|rlewood New JerMy averaged a total of opponents' total of 774. HHiinniffliiiiiiiiniiiiHiiiniiniuiiflnm^ Service . . Yom wlU find w SERVICE con^ete to Uie SBiaUMt detaiL Our yMrs of eiperiene* enable na to uticipatc jroiir need and therefore aerre you hotter. -Thoofhtfnl Attention To Even The Saiallest Detair AHETS FUNERAL HOME Ml PiM Street 24 Hour Service Phone J.2971 n Durham Academy Of - ' Medicine PROFESSIONAL DIRCTORY LEXX G. BRUCE. M. D. Physican and Surxeon • 814% Fayptttfville St. Telephones Otttee 3-6222 Res. S. N. MILLS, m. D. PHYaClAN AND SURGEON Office 106% Parrish St. FECIAL ATTENTION TO DISEASES OF WOMEN Trained nurm in attendance DOCIOR E. P. NOBBIS ra^msT 707% I^yetteville Street Hoars 9^ 2-3 4-7 Teleplu>na Office J-832I Bes. J-9042 R. P. RANDOU% IL D. PHnaOAN AND SURGEON ‘ 312 Dowd Strept Office Hours 9-10 34 6-7 TeJephonoB Ofice N-^11 Res. N-5562 I. E. TUBNBR. M. a INTERNIST 618 Fayetteville Street Telephones Ofiece L-8254 Res. J-8S64 I. & THOXPSQN. M. D. PHTaCIAN 709% Fayetteville St. Telephoni:^ Office L-2541 . Res. KIJJS E. TONET. M. tk a03 Hillsboro Stre^ Oxford, Korth.Ckroliaa Telephones Office 445 Rea, DOCTOR A. S. HUNTER DENTKT N. C. Biutual Building ^ Office 1-4)691 Res. L-35811| Eiampt»i Institute Defeated Five of Its (^pon^tsy Scorinar 669 Points 774 Total HAMPTON, Ya. ~ Howard Allen and Q«oi^e “Tiny” Tboinp son, iwcently appointed co cap- t«ij» of next year'# Hampton 13.8 poiota per game, and Thomp ^defeated w«re Howard, iumi, alao a junior in ttie Division of Education, who comos from MiddlcAown, Ohio waa e^aC b«- Nnd with 11.4. Julee F. Jackson, captain of thia seaBiMi'a team, of Montgo mery, W, Va. waa third in soor- ing honors with 7.3; John “Ace’ PhilUpi of Hampton scored 7.^» l.O per Hampton defeated five of ita 15 oK>onent« for the season and|^ /I f l\ scored 0f.9 poinl. (^^^086 !l 116 U I. U. 12,000 Negroes At Ford’s Are Loyal; DO DROP IN to THE HOLLYWOOD INN *If Not Satisfied...Dtmt Tell Otters...Tell Us” 118 S. Maitgum St. Prop. BIrs. Hayfwood Teams Saint Paul, Bluefieldi Lincoln and a return engagemwit againe| Saint Paul. Hillside Aw^ded Sportsmanship Trophy At Negro National Tourney Eliminatcfd in Qxtsxier Finals by Roosevelt Hig^ School of Gary> Indiana » • • * BT WILLIAM A. TUOK . (Sports Editor) BT BOBERT A. OBUMP ■■■■■■■■■■■■■«»■■■■■■■■ OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour Takes the out of Baking and Saves you Monty DOCTOR M. c: KING Telephonoi Offioo 2S3-6 Res. 249-1 IVanklinton, N*. C. & M. BECKFORD, ML D. . GENERAL SURGERY 218 Montgomery Street Hpndonon, N. C. I * W. A. 0:£1^ND, m. D. PHYSCIAN AND SUBGfiON Biltmore Hotel East Pettigrew Street Hours: 8:80-10:80 1-2 ff:30-7;60 Telephones Offioe BM021 ; 4. Res. 1-1634 J, W. V. CORDICE, M. a GENERAL SURGERY 711% Fayetteville Street ’ * Telephones J^l . L-8571 DOCTOlt J. M. HUBBARD DENTIST N. C. Mutual BvU^ir Office Hourr,‘9-1.12:80^:30 Ev^ni^gs md Sm»}ays by Appointooiit Telephotofe 34}^ Scarbrough & Hargett FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Phonni Day J.372I. NUtht J.37I S2] E. P.Mcn* g. MIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIilllllllllim^^^^ It’s Never To Ute To Save \ , .V INVEST PART OF YOUR EARNJNGS IN afUTUAL BUILDINO AND LOAN SHARES • • • 82nd Series Now Open Join Today HODSES FOR RENT •j't * No. ROOMS ADDRESS WEEKLY BATE 2 C Adaau Crart f 2.50 2 8 Adaau Ct. 2.50 2 19H2 Alston Arenne 2.00 3 529 O^eaian Alky 3.00 3 113 Dnnstan Street ^ 8.S0 3 121 Dnnstan Street "* 3.60 2 ItlO f^yettevllfe Street IS. 00 1 811 Fayettevflle Stieet 10.00 4 1M8 Fayetteville Street 6.25 5 1912 Fayetteville StrMt 6. SO 3 812 Gleadale Avenue 3.50 3 3t6 Bant Street 3.00 3 SU Mobile Atwaue 3.00 5 606 Mobile Avenoe A.OO ^4 2M MaifBe Street 4.00 4 526P Pettfgnw Street 4.50 5 418 Piedoumt Avenue 5.50 528 Proctor Street CStore Bldg.) 6.S0 2 606 Kamsey Street 2.50 2 906 Raauey Street 2.50 2 !• RaMef Street 2.50 2 612 &uila^ Street 2.50 2 4M Banoy Street 2.00 X ao mtrner Steeet 3.00 3 416 Roney Street 3.00 3 418 St. Jaeei* Stnet 3.50 3 iMSt. Joee^Rreet 3.25 4 fSU Sooth Street 4.50 3 M6 SparfcaM^Street 3.26 3 307 Sowefi Alley 3.00 3 lli UMBtead Straat 3.75 2 " UK Willaid Stieet 2.50 3 714 Whitted Street' 3.50 A Tl^ Hfliiie BnaDdng BBtatiwi & mmmf realty co. tiiiilil JHmT&->KPtlPf«^IN8UBANCE " WEAmS juro 9CaJ»ffG iPPPUES KOtam cAsmjBiA p. L. McCOY,- Chairman of Board C. SPAULDING, President R. L. XcDOUGAlJ>, 6ecV,-TrMs. 114 West Parr^SCreet ' FHONE 3-9m tevllle mi 816 Faj^ettevllle Street PHONE F-6S21 Although eliirtinated) in the qartfer final by the defending ehaimpjons, Booseyelt High school of Qary, indiahai i^he ' Hillside baek«teei!| brought > l^ongie amther heatlfol trophy Sunday morning’ which waa awarded and donaiked by the PrefcieiH of FayettfeviHe State College to the High school team exhibiting the h%heat type of clean play and spdrtVman- ^ip, throughout 4he champion* ship*. r , , • The National -NeigTO ■' High School Basketball Tournament was hteld in Faye^villp ^ lasM: Miortday, Friday l^nd S^Cti^irdaiy, Mpriiin^ide Hi^ Seh^l of Statesville won the national title from Armstirong Higlli of Bidtmond, Yiigkua hy a, close Mai^n of 34-32. Gary, Indiana, defendi% champions,, after de- fettting Hillmde of ■ Durham, 39-25, iifthe qnarter finals# were upeet by Armstrong of Rjehmond in the s^i linalsL ^ I t ~ The *1942 Naitionals will he held in Dorham daring the third week pf Marcfo DOWK nr THE MLAB8BES Doiwn in the mai«be8, and in Hie bogs I ^n..hear the fife' and drwa of the '*■ ‘ ' ' , Even baby froggie squeaks, like a little kite While middle eized frqggi^ towchi ea hia fhite. —ITotti* W. Oanigan. 194L DETROIT — AprU X ho« loot been designated a« “AH Fool* IJay” when eurprise* and’ pranks are played on the unsuspecting; bat it will take, scwne time to tell on which side »of a Irag drawn out situation the joke i» on, *he ‘TJAW-CIO, who called ait down strike at tiie Ford Motor company, re«altk}g in idlfenees for 85,000 workers and etoppage of production, or Ford company itaelf. The CIO hf« been in the pro of oifeanizing the Ford workers for several monWis re lative to becoming the eoUnctive bargaining agency for all Ford ioyes. That oi^ganizatioo boests of having a majority of the workers as BiBtnber* and ia ctoojoring few ■ a vote to deter mine this faei,' * while the Ford oompany is f^hting the decisions of the National ' Labor Relation boArd. ' ■ *. i Mr. Ford has con^taintly .in formed hia employee that tfiey do not have to pay an outside agency a dollar a month to work for him. As to the colored em* jrioyee, they are reminded of their positions with ^the company as skilled artisans, ‘operater* of every type of machinery, electei* [eians, repairmen and the like, beside^ the fact then something like 12,000 Negroes are employed there. Acoordinjf to the best informa tion obtainable, the Negroes wish to remain loyal to the coxnl- pany and will have nothing to do with the union. With this great nun^r holding oat it haa proven diflficult to the aicfsn forccg to get a firm foothold. At this early date it can not now be de termined just how many, if any at all, are among the sit downera who stopped prodnetkm in Sev eral depatrtments. iiiiiiiiiiiiitutiiiiiniiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHw FOR BEHER. UGHT and « BEHER SIGHT 9^ Watt ‘ifoatvarfc^s been pretty tough lately. OtioHi h: was because iny eye* hurt. jSvt race li2(aii took out t^t 2S-watt bulb and put ia tbat big 100-watt in my atudy lan4>, X Ni!°f^^t tiuough my work.^ ■' - .Hill .1 1 ■■■ GET THE RIGHT SIZE G-E MAZDA liAMPS llOr 40&60- ' mkn:. 13c loa Watt 15 c This Ckxmpany Operates’on a Volume 'Basis HOME MODERNIZATKM ^AND SUPPLY WANY GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCTS . 614 Fayetteville St. Durham* N.C PHONE J4m DONT EAT YOUR f, HEART OUT... if Iw'i kmd by btr bamrtifBl hob CM MdM Iwir lfv«ly, MtraKtag wNh SMnf§ UrievM Hair Coioriog tadoy When usad as directed^ Larieuse gives quick, stire tpsults, brings jouthful-appearing color (black, brown, blonde) to jronr hair. Won’t tub c^, wash out. Permits cuding, niarcels, permanent waves. JfCtiovm anduudforoimiiytart. Moacy back guarantee. Get a bottle from your dealef to day. If he doesn't luve Larieuse (LARRY-USE) $1.25 dlxeatoGode£rojrMfg.Co., 5510 Olive St., St. Lo«dabMo. ooDirnov n Don’t Deceive Yourself! 'A WELL PLANNED Life Pro^cam anticifmf^ cerfaiit problems that must be m^—a profirrto that probably itt- dudi^ insurable protection. But YOO are deceiving' yHir* self if your insurance progritfm does n^ , T«fF in UVS vmsN ft li SASriM: Mfr as sa MM t. OLD AGE SECURITY A t>oll;y designed to urovide ready cnh at ^ NEEDED MOST. 2. CHHJyS EDUCATION A policy that will provide cash for IN edueatioa of your chihben — evea H iMth should terminate otliw leaa cnrtaia plans. 3. MORTGAGE REDEMPTION PLAN A poUcy combining WHOLE UFE and TERSI INSURANC9B featnies a plan particularly effective in the paymMit or ivotection of EXiSnNG alid . . « ANTICIPATED OBUGATIONS. « . . - If your present insurance program does not guarantee these benefits, consult one of our representatives. THESE and OTHER policies are included in the MUTUAL PLAN. Don’t deceive yourself. To be secure y^u should INStJRE. DURHAM DISTRICT NORTH CMOUNA MUTUAL C.C.SPAUlDIN0.rr.«i4M«» * OUWIAM. NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte Office 233 S. BREVARD AL £• Spears Manager Durham CMFi^ ST. 809 FAYETTEVILUE ST. W. L. Cook Manager II WiAiiihrrfafirarfaifiiflteiiiy im*A' A^- 'dU ^ iiini