fil,TDia)AV, APJUL 12t^. l#4r raK oitiOLlKA TOIESr ■wrainnunnuniMBBMniMaHHaaBiialiaiiHkMfeBiiBaainMi EFIRD’S NOW ON And Continuing Through 2i, II NOW ON Saturday, Apr. 12 I ■i Do Your Easter Shopping Now -Our Store Full Qf New Merchandise For Easter and Spring m B .J BT ALVIN HOSES SATS Bdtd* T60 STE^llO FOfi WHITE BOYS a wiiite of 25. Therefore wheAjthey reach out and smother a you match a 20 year old Negrojblow almoat before tt even gete novice against » wWt® boy ofitinderway? They can do this be- the -siwn« ag« who is staj*ing outjcause they are govern«d by io- ia Jjoxing you are arranging a atinct instead ^ being forced to BEAUTY IN MOTION ON S.. U. COURT match between a man and' a boy. »nd in a majority of ea«e« ihere can be but one result. 1* m much eefiier to tead» Negro boys to box. tliey ai* natural inimicH and most of them c*a imitate' any move they gee a good boxer mak^. .You «an spend monHie l?«ieliing a white boy one certain punch aod the oharicea are he trust ter their eyesigWt to w«m them as a wihite boy must forji %e first three or four yeai% WILBUR WOOD, Sporte editdr of the Kej? 'S^rk . Evening Sun carried' this r«emt interview ,wrth Jack fiuriey (white) of Jh«'^emongtrate the same punch nw«x countnr in hi« cplimn. Wej^^^ ^ feel that it'4#ul4 be.of interest he’ll to Negro spofts lovers tlie nation it ovw, so we publish • it. , salientteft«her ^ points. ' p ...Hurley, developer of Billy |hAVE JUNGLS OUNNJNG BttroIle» great bos«r of more. t^n i| agioi ^»d alwdjye ' g^ll Negro'bosws are endow' ^^seeker after fistic »ys jcd, with, a sort of junble cunning ‘™«gro boy a are too Artwlllr wr|’—w Wl^1;iey »ens€ dianger lutiJ tfce white b6j«. “I mean that ajmore quickly than a whitc^ bo^ eia had to d«te. Xs proof'ot'iSlis! note hciwhe wanted to work, and eat t3iat he’s in boxit^.” Hurl«y continues in stressing fact that Negro boxers hav« nolt always wnd still are not' ^ven, the fair ©hancc they ■ deaerve by saying. “It is my opinion that NegTo boxers will completely RULE if yoa^he amateur sport within a few years. In tho recejit Golden Glo\'^ Boxir^ toumanjent in New York, seven of the eight as well as iitles were captured by Negro boys. In the Chicago ©ompetitdc^ •11 eight championAips were taken by Negroes” With resped; to the Negro in the “pro field'’Jie might pot d^. so well there. It, isp,’t aajy secret that in the old , days a N?^gpo bo« be “reasonable” if — Q of the Sinner! BY tiAJUGStON HtJOttES (For A*»odJU*d Negro Press) re- I went down t)h« road, Dregsed' tp killr— Straight down the road That leads to hell.-^ Mother warned me, Warned me t^ue. B^faer warned me, ^ And Sister^, ^ "/ But I was bold^ Head'Strong wild. I jdid nojfe-Acii. like to^ rigHt: J^vay Camella Pearjy, junior and Inez Roctjue* vivacious sopn)-stey «n the.ri#it fa«ek. more at Southern univ^sity ^snapped on But i wa« drinking liek^ one of! the university^: tennis courts'4n 4^.tifcrbugging back,^**" playful mood. • r»' * • ^own that , ^ 1-——— : ; Ail dressed to kill — The,road that le«d»^ ; .* iafht straight to hell. BRINGING.UP FATHER by McMaw WELL, DID you ( SUBE I DIO BUyTHEEASTEK ' MAGGIE/ VT5U SEALS VET ? ^ KNCWI WOULDNT NEGLECT THOSE CHILDRENf C>rr. |94l«KtJ« Njt«ire» Sy«*eaw, lar, WotM vttliit iubhh*. CANNON^S Blaster Footwear Parade Featuring Beautiful Styles in Beige, Blue and All White Combinations gularly. It once was not goodjtepm, and he ia.- ahro a tta«k Queensbury etiquet for a Negro participant. He surprised the en- boy to teat a white boy. tire group of competitors wid [ “Joe Louis, the Brown BomibeT sportswriters at the C I A A by his matchles sportmansh.ip and Tournattuent by holding Ken i»j! 5 .irt modest acceptance of victory, has don away with the old pre- judices, and fear ot mas® racial dfe(turbfl|nc€8, ” he concluded. BOB PASTOR’S jinx over the ooffe colored lads in indeed a thing of mystery. JtBM; when Oo^ fans had tagged Turkey Thompson m J'Oe Louis’s mo^ ormidable opponent, along comeB the boy who was ^aughtered, |l>y Louis and Comb, to upset Tnrkfey, butehter wagon, tsk, tsk—ftdioa Right straight PRAY S'OR ME, MAMA! HAMPTON BIASKETEERS 25 46—A and T 48 19 44—^Howard 52 29 42—^Tusk«gee 56 22 53—BlafieM al k FEBRUARY 1' 24 47—^. Paul 44 1 -* *“56—St. 44 ’ 25 * 5^*-^Vai Sta^ 57 7 • 41—♦ 'V m MARCH 8 49^Morgl^"’ pi 1 •44—lineDln ' S 14 34-rUnioit ‘ * 54 6^ 774 Bi«wn, four times' CIAA heavy. RBGORiy FOR 1941 weight ehatop, to win by a slight li^i time advantage. JemkinP shoul step into this spot as Brown has ended this wrestling career. Nor folk, Virginia, is his hometown. Jones and Fountain, Named Hampton HAMPTON il 51—Howard 13 29—A and T 14 40—N. C. CoUege 18 40—^Union Ilif lebkixis Leads iWrest- lersj Elections Hdd Last Week BY SHAKEY STEWAEt GMttMMi’S Shoe StOf« FOR tfijf ENTIRE FAMILY 106 W. MAIN STREET HAMPTON, V-.. ~ Carl Pouu- tain and Norrece Jones, CIAA Champions in the 145 jwund and 165 pound classes, respectively, were elevted co oaiitains of ■. e 1942 squad of boxers at Himp- ton and Paul Jenkins, heavy weight, avas chosen to lead tih® Pirates’ wresitling team in lajst week’s elections \at the Pirate®’ atronghold in Tidewater Va Fountain, wdio suece&sfiilly die- fended his title at the recent CIAA Tournament, held a* John’ son C. Smith tJniversity, is a sophomore in the IHvision of Agriculture, majoring , in animal husband^. He comes from At kins High Sdhool in Winston- Salem. Jones , hails from Woof- bine. New Jersey, is 4, freeman in the Divsion of BuKineas, and is aictive in student aetivitiea. Without any previous knoiwle^e df boxing, but wiflh a fightii^ heart, Jones reported to CoaA thltton ’s initial tall and Went on to win vthe titl-e iu his first yeer of boxing. Jenkins, stockily built heavy weight westler, is a fir«t y^r etudeat in /Wie Bricklaying I>e- partment. .H® wm a stellar guard on-the 1940 FreAman football Bepsi - Cola Is.. Mt^e Only by p s r- C O L A BOTTLING CO. Long-Mand City» N. Authorized .of Durham^ N. .C, ■■■■■■■■■HHeeMMiMWii mawsii^* You’ll want to get lots of extra nti»> factkm from thoce oew dcAhes jrtm’ll wear oo Easter mocnoiK. You cpi if you are as careful In caring for them as you were in their bt^fing. Clotiies wear longer as well as kwlc better when Sanitooc de*med. Samtoning deans to the hout of fabrics and n- moves cfirt partideathct tnahe dntbcs wear out faster. A GRADE Suits - Dresses 75c Up tm •£rhkLk- - muik pURHAIffS FOli Phone N-136 Dl.Ut ^