Go On Record For North Carolina Interdenominational Ushers Ass^n. Mid- Year Session Sun. EMPLOYMENT CHIEF VISIXS .DURHAM EDITION a QLittie VolujTM Twenty-twQ. Durham, North Carolina, Saturday, April 19, 1941 Number Sixteen Cfime Fight Gains Impetus AREWELL PARTY GIVEN PROMINENT DURHAM VISITOR V(f One of the seaion's most brilliant social "affairs was the farewell party given for Wil liam McCauley, at the home .of his sister, Mra. Julia L. Warren on^last Friday eveninjp. PreMut at the party were several of Durham’s well known business men. The photograiA i^h&ch was taken at the party shows reading from left to rijfht: J. S. Stewart, Hosea Bar ber, Mr. AfeCauley Utandinf), Mrs. Warren. The little girl in froht of Mrs. Warren is JtiHk Margaret Wheelerv granddaughter of M rs, Warren. Mr. McCauley left the city Sat- , lirday for his.hon\e iq Canada. ' . ' - Capitol City Policeman Acquitted In New Hearing On Brutal Arrest of Soldier «£• NORTH CAROLINA April 16. Xm Office of the Mayor W. F; Carr ‘ Member United ^ates Conference of Mayors; C. A. Irvin, Director of Public Relations, “The Carolina Times”, 117 Peabody Street. Durban?, N. C. ; • ' ' i Dear Irvin: ' . It is with much interest and pleasure that I note that you are putting on a campaign for the reduction of crime in the City of Durham. It is a most iworthv^hile objective and I am sure that much good will result from such a campaign. WFC.H Yours very truly, (Singed) W. F. Carr, Mayor. Fttdend tax Fa& Hiravily Upon Race’s Lower b^e Group NEW YORK Special) — PoMiting to *tat«iia«ot8 of Senate finanoe oommitteement Qeorge D., Oa. and Taft R., Ohio agv«e ing tiiat ino(Mne tax«« will be doubled next year, 0«o^,8. 8«hnyier, Ghuman of the Kegro e» Against War ^inoiittee charged today tiiat Negroea irere being hard»t hit by war eoetS' “19«groea have ao little come," he aasertedt od n\any jobless relative^ to «np port, that taxation Vavily upon ttl^eqi Any othnf' single - pKrap in t|ie eoajn try.’. To booat present ineotne tak ‘kfvy froto 4 per to S per oent ,thua im^tojws a eevecne hard ship Upon empk^ed Negroes ■with fair sala^efl.' "It, . beett • estimated by Senator Taft that five billion dqllaM ^f additional revenue muet be raised by titxaticm k> belp pay .in pai* the ])fQg« anni|ni *nta bill, iiKluding aid to the Britjeh. expfeiter« isS Afrioa. India and the. West Indieev There is' aeeording inoreasing (Gontinned on p»ge two) Dr. (Mom, Dr. Powell Figure In A.andT. Commencement ORBEN'SBORO — Dr. Howard W, Odom, Kenan profeesor of sociology and director of the institute of Social Sciences the University of North Carolina and Dr. Adam Clayton Powell, Jt., pastor of Abysiisrtan Baptist in, ciiur^, New York City, will »e prisMilpak in the A and T coll^ oonimeneement exerciaee whioh bearv mor^ begin May 20 and continue through June 2, i* w«s announced this week by Premdent F. D. Bluford. I Dr. , Odum will deliver the literary address, Monday, June 2, and Dr. Powell will deliver the ba«oaIsure«(te address, June 1. Some Wilson County growers are reporting a shortage of to bacco plans,: a condition due largely to the extended winter, says J. A. Marsh, assistant farm agent of the Extension Bervice. Dr. J. W. Seabrook Elected President N’ C. Teachers GREENSBORO, (Special) - — Dr. J. W,. Sealbrook, presid nit of Fayetteville State Teachers Association .at the ^imal session of the 60bh annual oonvention of the oiganization held oit A and T college latet weijk. Dr, Sea- brooks succeeds Mrs. Rose Aggrey, of Salisbury. J. A. Toipley, principal of the colored schools of QreenSboro, was) elecrtied vice ptrasidelnit Other offioera elected include Mrs. Maude Mitchell Jeffers, J«anes supervisor of t(he Qastoo county ili&ools, ieGordii)gf seeM>- iary; and Dr. A. Elder dean of the college, Noi^ Oa3x>lina eolle^, tea-Surer. O. V. Hall principal of Price high scftiool, Salisbury, and L. R. Besrt, principal of tJie oolored high sc/hool, Wakt Foreedt, were elect^' ito tha executive cot»- mitteSi I MANY PUBLIC OFFICIALS JOIN IN LOCAL ANTI-CRIME CAMPAIGN r^^Dein»a:e a iy%w#e»aip!e of evidence to the c^t^ry, the Raleigh Polic^Piyemen's Civil Service Commission acquitt^ patrolman N. E. Cannady here Thursday of the ohargc of us ing excessive force in arresting ^ Fort Bragg Negro soldier, Private Harold Daniel near the Raleigh Bus Station on. April 5. In addition to acquitting Of ficer Cannady, the Commission ordered him reinstated from the date of hig suspension, v^hich came af^r Negro citi- tens of Raleigh had protested to Safety Commisnoner R. C. Powell that the beating of Pri vate Daniels was "unwarranted and inhuman.” ‘ Although there was a slight confliction in the testimony of several witnesses, it was of a minor nature, and did not ap pear from the surface to be of sufficient magnitude to prove that Cannady did not use ex cessive force in arresting tke soldier. Lieutenant Lawrence A. Oxley, chief of the Race Relation^ Unit of the United States Employment 3ervi» who was a visir tor in Durham this week. Lieutenant Oxley is mAking «l| inspection tour of the ten Federal Employment Agencies of t|[§ state to determiiw the extent of their «sipkiyment of NftCiV labor in defense projacts. The Chief, at' the request of a representative posed in front- of the North Carolina Mutual [nsurance building with two of his friends. Attorney M. rkompson at the right, and Geo. W. Cox ((tenter). Insuru^ executive. , » OF 66Th. ANN6AL OF STATE TEACHER’S ASSOCIATiffli BY J. ARCHIE HAB0&AY:Q3 eracy in all peqpie redts of the- Amnies4 fixTB|y uppn ttA ■0RE£NS^RQ; (Special to the > shoulders of sOaeattefi va* t|i« TSMES) !-!- 'lhat the . ^poasi eo»ieBi3n» rc«ched owr bility 'for fstablUkiog th*' fir^ Ijnei^f* naiitwal defense by iu- csl^atkig.'ttte . i^rineiptes .dezao t«sch«rs Qs^ng ; at . A T e(^le$:e last,,w*«k in- fch* (Continued on pase^ five) TO HOm REVIVAL Russia has an uncanny knack for timing her non-agipression pacts so that they will do tfie small country no good. As the Anti-Crime campaign, which is being conducted by the Carolina Times enters into its second week, interest is being manifested in many quarters. ^ The public response to this campaign hfis been surprising as hundreds of letters of com mendation from outstanding citizens of the city, county and state have been received. Among them are letters from the Mayor, the City Manager, the Secretary of the Oiamber df Commerce, the Director of Pub lic Safety, the County Manager and various merchants of the city. The officials of Radio. Sta tion W. D. N. C, „ and The Herald-Sun newspapers have pledged their support in this drive, Anent the campaign - • ...i- The Sun in its Friday, April m freei^ the csom- 18th., editio^x had this to say from its stigma of ctime. - • . In the furtherance of this campaign, Th|e Orolina Times will seek the support of the law enforcing officers of thejjity of Durham, Durham County, The State- Bureau of Investigations, The Federal Bureau of Investi gations, The Chaimber of Com merce, The Retail ' Merchants Association, every minister in Durham County, college offi- cals, and every perSon connect ed with our public school sys' tem, and the executives of Dur ham’s financial,' civic and indus trial organizations. , - At its height, the campaign promises to arouse public opih-> ion 100 per* cent against the city’s hiifh crimfe riate, to make every citizen Anti-Crime Con scious, atid to eillist the cooper- In the blackjacking of Dan iels, the soldier testified that he received a severe gash on his head and the loss of two teeth and a part of his jawbone. Officer Cannady testified how ever that he only “tapped” Dan iels wKth his blackjack. Patrolman Cannady, backed by several witnesses, most of whom were drivers of the Strop Taxi Company, testified that Daniels drew a knife on him af ter he had placed him under ar rest. The policeman also testi fied that Daniels cursed him and stated that he was going to cut him. When asked by Attorney P. JP. Carnage, repre senting the soldier, why he did not summon aid from among (Continiifid on pi^ eight) At this time, we wish to editorially ^ in part: “The Times should be atte to_ speak more dixMtly and nu»e'thank those citizens whose Ub effectivdy to its readers ttaa'eral response has added impe- most mediums. Certidnly it Is tus to the campaign, and to embarking on a constructive endeavor of quite definite peaai- bilitias. It should l»ve, and will kave, the co-oi^ratiim of school and puliiit, and of all r*> spectaUe and raergetic Diir> ham dtiiens.’* extend an invitation to the pub lic to, join in this' monster fight against the demon Crime. Mail any sui!|restIons to G. A. Irvin, Director of Public Director of Public Relations,. Times, Durham.. Winstonian Passes Prof. R. W. Brown. Sr., principal of the Woodland Avenue Elementary School, and Secretary and 'Treasu^ of the Winston Mutual Life Insurance Company, passed last Wednesday P. M. Fun eral services will be conduct ed at the West End Bai^t church, of which he was member, and trustee, Sun day Rlt 'urn liiL The Mt. Zion-BiptMr vival April 28, vwkli B. Kst of Wintoa.*|it evangelistie wtSk series of aas^tow. lbs. ling- May Vie aU pvay-for this xrwt . I

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