THE CABOUNA TOm &ATUWJAY, APRIL », 1»« -■Ik ” SPORTING American Red Caps Bow mtimmm Brooklyn Royal Giants Top Red Caps 13 to 8 in Ustless Encounter Monday Before 2,000 Fans At Durham Park • Ashforth"^ Prince^t:27trt7.r uZ't Turn In Fine Relief visitors, fared Itttle better a» Huriing Exhibition BT SAM B. WmJAMSON DURilAM — Playing listlees b»U, Caps* local semi pro nine, bowed to a snpeiior BrooklyD Club by * 13 to 8 score last Alonday before aome 2,000 iioUdays i&aa, at the Dut^iam Athletic Park. Or^eninp the game with a hanf tile Royal Giants blamed Pjigo starting pitcher for the local nice, from the mound with a five mn flurry in tie two op€n ii^ frames; meanwhile bolding be was touched for a five more runs by the hanl slug ging Giantfi, before .being reliev ed by Ashford in the fifth frame. In the next four frameti, tli© locals, not to be denied, behind the hard hitting of Mann, stellar first Backer, touebert Citsey, Brooklyn mound artist, tor a total 7 hits and 8 runs, while holding the Giant* to a total of 3 runs, b^hijid the "briUiant relief hurling of Afford and Prince., Score by innings: R H E Brookyln 413 203 000—13 10 2 COTTON JOE VOTE FOR Dr. Ernest C. Br^wn -FOR. City Coimdlman Your Interest and Support APPREaATED Theatre Bargain Day-SUNDAY & MONDAY DOUBLE FEATURE “WAGON TRAIN^-Western and a tliriller IHE WHO WOULDN’T TALK Tuesday - Wednesday -•LADY LUCK” (All Colored Cast) starring .. . Mantoii Moreland, famous comedian and F. E. Miller Thursday* Bargain Day 5e-l#c-D(HJBL£ FEAtURE-5^«c «XHE MAN WHO ,TA1^D TOO MUOT* and ^ ^EHIRGENC Y SQUAD^ Also A Comedy i^ort Friday and Saturday ^WOGE OTY* , . . Starring Erroll Flynn i •. “ZORRQ's Fighting Legion** . . aiHl^Shott Jim’s been (ctMn hU wutncn cn*- U»m«rt ttt iHat tA«y Mitrut£ bay ciore cotton bu •ince lie pat in that dispfaiy sboF- in’ all the pretty new things ma4e out of cotton, he’s wilin' ’em in- ■tead of teflin’ ’era. Attics Of Your Home May Be Of Great Use If all the un£iniah«d attics in jytuerica were remodeled thi* spring, it has beea estimated ithat millrons of square feet of «xtra living space would be added to thousands of homes. Not only would extra rooms , beoom« available, but hundreds P^P of earptntero. electricaJis plumb kaflets l^t Joe Louis, Recent Udlnn Leape Broadcast Atlas Power Group ■ort*. He bag a brake ii4iicU Itc hs8 been 'endeavoring to ma;i.a- facture for some tini®, sato of -stock in the company Iw re- piwenrts has not been atftjfifM* tory «nd it seem* tihat “th* group is 00?© with the world becauwe thie iwe cannot (see the )iron- .pectB of the company'* fotiwe . *de!velopment. He *trik«i at the Strike Sour Notel jn^jgtenj because, as t|jte leaflet Hits Negro Spending ^ j*How him to eell tfc« idi»a in their churcJies amd soiicU fuodh lor it» manufwture. The power group ita» a yen to build faotori^ and etnploy th» maaees of Negroet and wants jt to be done with Negro oapitaL, having refund white intea^ent. Food and Feed Cunpip To Be Started h State With the endorsement and have produced at least 75 p^r.|nothin« compulsory or binding cent of their food wid feed Ve- signing tl» cards. It quirements for the year will r®- merely ii a st««iment of the ceive handsomely engraved cer tificates signed by the Goverir or. Thr«# hundred thousand en rollment cards are now being intention of the Airm family to aid in the National t)efenfle Program. Th^ #nain rivalry, in so far as trans-Atlantic air routes are BT B^BEBT A. CRITIEP DETROIT — While most peo ple here are etill oonvnenting favourably about th© radio pro gram over a nationwidie hookap sponsored iby the Urban lei^^e Sunday, March 20, at w'biob time a plea was made for jobe for Negroes in industry in ooo nectioo* with the defeni^ pro- grom, ome oigani^tion here known *s the Atlas Power group strikes a sour note and sever«iy criticises t^he progrwa m parti- «ulaf and the Negro in gene«il, Tba Atlas Power groap, head ed by Arlahur Reed, is eirenlaifug leaflets entitled: “Claimr Your Heritage,” with a sab head; “Don’t Let Injury Polloiw In sult. '’ After having. nmde. m overture of im> apologia for srtateoients, the leaflet said of the “supposedly Negro leaders” ‘>We beard ‘Mamniy’ Ethel Waters, Uncle Toma and the professional flunkies. Bill Robin son, Roehester, Joe Louis tttid ®the*«. Such a j»ogram was the niflet dastardly insult and show of ifrnoranee heaped upon the heeds of a race or .* group oi‘ Mtive ^rtic^tion of ^vernor ^ j^orth concerned, myolves acquisit^ J. M. Broughton, a “Food md Carolina farm family will re-^o^rnm^nt funds to subsi- Family Lmng" campaign of these cards, to-.'**"'® enterprtse. ing started m rural North Car- gether with a letter of expl»-' CSiurchill signs bases’ pacft; olina. farm famil^s nation, from their county faun hjOpes it is Hitler’* deatfe w&t" will be graded, and>th»e i#ho home agents. There if K3KME1H[ i« iai mi in IWH The x^mphlet takes a „ j 1 ®t ministers, -churches, religion ers and other buxldmg tr^e He says be given employ no right to even , . LI I dare to approach the grea; in- D c- ■ *)lustrial leaders while Negroes for tinan'cii^ under the Modem izaftion Credit plan of the Fed eral Housing) Administration. iH’orkexs would lent. This type of will spend 136,000 to $100,000 /for amusetnent places for ‘^a pleasure drunk race.” ,‘Our most worthy champion, Joe Louis,” the leaflet expounds Willkie tells photographers a'“and ei^n his managers have free press safeguards liberties, 'no background but that of the I average poor Negro, yet thou- February traffic toll of 2,560 aands of the same claia f second highesWor month. ^,hich tbey were birthed stand I , , . hy and see them squander Export balance of U. S. m *i ^ j j n v, icun u • i?i r .thousands of dollars on such iy4U eclipsed by mflux of gold. Lw jj? i ^ I'tmng^ as golf links, amusement Hitler informs Matsuoka the^^””’ riding ^ academy, club Axis will expect Japan to acti^®^f®* insurance com- positively. Red Caps 000 014 003—8 7 4 Batteries: Lundy and pasey; Page, KnaiekleisH J^ford, and Prince. pames Mr. B«ed, head of the Atlafe Power group, is an inventor of □ Joe Look Slippg Authur DraavMi Tells S^rts Fans *^terinixiatioit Made Him Gravest FighterLackinigf* (CALVnrS 8EEVICS) ST. LOUIS, Mo. — “joe Louin is ded'initely slipping;” No leae an authority an Arthur Donavan who referred tfee Lonis-Muoto fight here lagt nigirt, And Donavan should kno»w iwhat he » *aiking about, as he has refOTred 17 battles since the latter debut *gainst Caraera in '36. “Ijouis doesn’t seem to haw ^e deter luination that made a great) fijghier,’’ 4eolared Do»*vaB>," His ^rit seerogi to be gone.^' “He is no long«r the finished fighter that polished off M' a x Sohmeling, Tony Galento, Max Baer and others'. It isn't that Joe lacks confidence but he juBt sie«ms to lark that ^>ark or some thing that can’t be explained.*' “Unlike the Louis of old, -who triod to knock your head off with the first punch of the fight, Joe must got riled up now before he cut loose. liouis is still as great a fighter as he wfl^ts to be. It i» only that he has advanced so far that he no long«r has tlie interest of the game at heart. I doubt if Louis w^ill ever regain the fosm he displayed up into his second fight with Arturo Godoy.” DONT BUME YDURMAN VOTE FOfe A. B. “0JS” ELKINS 1 FOR CITY Councilman FIRST WARD Your Support Wffl Be AppreciaUd Thk advertisement - paid for by Cblored Friends a QVIZfOR, PKimt By mp Mmm' S0M£WI£EL5 Of A CAfi .SVEt TRNML ftlhfS. THMomKwieas ofmsmai^ IN KWe MOTOR VyOES OIL CVER WCA8 ^ /mswen to Qub: for Driv^v A.—Yes, frequently. In some cases, when turning comers sharply, the in side rear wheel it almost stationary, , Tl.e difference in speeds of rear wheels j in normal travd requires the ‘differ- j ential’ on your car. i A.—A temperature of 3.000 degrees Fahrenheit is sometimes reached in the ccmibustion chamber of your car. A.—Strictiy speaking, oil never weari out. However, alien products such as larbon, soot, sludge, vanji^, water, BBbcuiied fuel, tiny bits of metaJ icuffed off, tcid caused by oxidation of parts of the oil, and other foreigr substances contaminate the oil and prc* irent it from properly lulfilling its iebrication job. • ••If h«'^faNi"for « glrl^f lov«ly liaiH If ymur hair Ic dull, lifototi oiul 8ray-fft‘eak«d.. .Color It wMi Godofroy^t UirlotMe Men lust caa’t hdp admiciac heau-,. tifiil iudc. siotice ■ womut^ hair almost before they notice her ^e. So «k>a’tiMdi^ dtegy,,g;s^- strestked hasr destroy tbcloviktaMs that y»ur mtj$ finds so appeaiUng. Use God«£coy's Lari«»M3 Lariettsc (LAXS^^SB) ooIms h^ quickly, .etitnfy.'it wop’t Jtiib off or wash out. I^uuaitt , marcels, j>ermanesit wtftit. Known and used/«f 4f ftan. iipamf back if not satisfied. Chbicsof It o>lort. If youf dealer doesn’t li#ve it* send $1.23 direct to.,. GODEFROy MFG. CO.. iJlO OUVB STREET. SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI ooniiMn HAIt COL Since the Anson Gounty ter- mcing unit stMted operatioiis in 1934, 608 mil^ of'tei^T^es have been constructed'M wall 6s fana roada, outlet'ehuinels, I and draioftge ditches* REPORT (»' CONDITION OF Mechanics and Bank Farmers 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 6. 8. 11. of Durham-Ralei^h in the State of North^ Cm-olt^ at the dose oi bimness on April I* 1941 ASSETS '' ' , Loans and 4iscaujats ,jLncl«idins $, 50 overdmfts) $ 486,529.60 United States GoverBmeat obligt^ions, direct and guaranteed 331,^)4.60 Obligations of States and political aubdivisions 52.906.&4 Other bonds, notes, and debentures : 55,000.00 Corporate stocks (indudinff $None stock of Federal ;Re«erve ^nk) 29.152.18 Caah, balances with-crther banks^ 'including reserve balances, and cash items ia process-«f o^H^tion- ! Bank premises ownod $22,460.00, furniture and fixtures $8,885.90 80,748.90 Beal estate owned othier than bank premises 4,728.08 Other Assets ‘ 2,779.87 12. TOTAL ASSETS .31. m 785.60 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 28. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. LIABILITIES, D^and de}rasits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 2^,572.36 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 645,843.25 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savingi^ 38,1^. 50 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 155,^.77 Deposits of banks .£,5^.37 Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.J 6,006.68 TOTAL ^MGPOSITS ^__$ 1,016,220.78 Other liabilitfes ; 4,043.79 Total liaMities not including subordinated ' obMirations shown belowj) .,050,26^57 Zt 34. ■"J7’^(rWhiaer,. Cashier. J. Seikntdyi Dicactora CAPITAL lACCXHJNTS c»i»tai» ; ; sip,000.00 Surpltis — ^000.00 Undivided profits 8»583725 E©8€rves an4 retirement account for preferred capital) 28,937.78 Total Capital Aecwats $ 280,521.^3 TOTAL UABILITISJS AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ja, 330,785.60 ♦This bank's*CJ®itaf consists of $210,000.00 of ci^^^ msSm and debenture; first preferred stock with'totW par value of $96,000.00, total retirable value $96,000.00; second preferred stock withj total par value of^,$ —(None)—; total cetireftMe value $.^.(NgDQe); and comsiou stock with total par value of.^ Ill,000.t00 MEMORANDA ^ Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book valued 3 a) U. S. (government obligations, direct and guaranteedj, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities....... 138,153.57 XW Other assets pledged to secure d^osits and other liabil- t j ities (including notes and bills rediscounted'and securities sold under repurchase agreement) 30,136.38 jCe) TOTAL-., ^ .... 168.289.95 "Secure and preferred liabilities: ' • ' M Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to reQuire- ments of law — — 159,938.29 (d) Deposits preferred under provisions of law but »e1: se- cui>ed h(y pledge of aswrts 214.68 e) TOTAL - ^ $ 160,162.97 Ya) On date of repozt the required legal resorve against de posits of this l»nk was-.,—: — 95,763.41 (b) Assets reported above which were eligible as legai re serve amounted to 327,338.83 L J. H. Whjeeler, Cashi^, of the aliove » n«med bank, do solemnly BWear that the above( statement is truei, and that it fully uid correctly repre sents the true state of the several matters herein contain^ Jifid #et forfh, to the.beit of knowledg* and belief.i Cor^t, — AttfSt: R. L. McDougald, C. C„ ftpaulding, W. State of North C^roUiUi County of Diurhatt, si: fijwtrn to and subsciil>ed before me this 11th day of April,, 1941, a^d I hereby-certify that 1 mu sot an officer or director of this ba^it.) •M^>w>Buin9a08 expires July 10, 1941.9 fi)li»*B. i^otary Pid2lk.t IQHPasaaaiQHIOaQBISIHIEIBIOHIDIPaDHQBDBDHQByp.

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