-see THS CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY. APRIL 19. 1941 FACE i ■jELm ''Mmt—ltM ^StrdiKMi inou^ bk Awt««UK m TM * ) .. taid wi!y ly« A>r agr AfnretiAct AuaMb tl ItcMf ;li« HmiW Mr# iiiliti It r-nirn mu" " —'At~r* f*r*-^ r-*n 1m duM (>} Qmtftoiw ptiMMlini lit* >»•% W> |A fdMif h«In* • Ifciirf -S falilw*.! ABSir FAt^ . ' I%—Is it. ^vknble for me K> hu, bani—it i|Sn^ tmao. The fa jOefeiisc Tl «8n 1 do to ina^ I Pit^intm Under Fire ,f;!»op witiir jwm doa’t love him and y0CL nisd fo work »wMl« my ^ep fatfc«r ■*0i> tiwting me lilft he do*« a> i feel Hi«t it is yre^f 1 ba?e told my moth«¥ 5 it but 1 doii’t ttoink A& ibe]ieveg^ mo. Will I fc»v« to le%v«f I Aaii—YoQ ax* nMrly teven- *e«n-rf«t ym • jol^ mam0Aiiki»lg vbea sebool « otrt aodl try io «riAng« to Uv« o» th» )ot You ar» rifh* in wanting to get a rauniig Mer Fi ByN.A.A.C.P. jiBOitty bj lindartry, rfield cion by tile fcMt m »ri*tian bot do not Bti^k to tiMa field «lon«. ‘fbii |voto«tti we d»- casploTMMt in ficM of endaRVHV and Mk for th« itirlusioa of N«pxj«« *nd ia- frabton ia all phuM of de fense iH-ogmai. ^ HBW YORK — A» a reanlt of' yepotfs from all over country that N«gto boys Me not beiz^'giv«a eqaal eoosideration in ^fen*e traipiaig progranw, thf legal ooBMSffi^a of Na- tiMial AflBoeiaiion for the Ad- waj tmi donH iMiva trntil yoa tak%^, tr]^ driving job? jttjer i», law i» uo^ to ^ father Aw,:-t^ would be fine for you int*rfet« witfi M/a. mam^e—and demand W #ii?ipeiw-try it. Ihc job you.thsire iab'l aay^wf- be eouli do tn mnii iP lut -^FeelfcnA't tet AA^nA ^ lot# •^‘'Article Io Crisis Lambasts Byrnes As Pressed Judge N. €, C. Glee Chib To l^e V^igh Oneen Gty Bht Kfied h Stfwt In# To Eld % We^ Ke^e Fkm Appearance Apr. 25iMnrten JVffliam Jacbon VictM NEW YORK — Unrelenting is bill, to tile anti dkfcriiniiialbn j know if haTe now just doesn’t net you if be ’★iriwAit© moti^ money apd a change ia j^enj. •dvked. I OB-^Please let m.e IB—jHy, dau^ter married'gm goijjfe off to fchoel ne*t fall ffob. Odes my abo«# n . «to , and t heai’joj. atould I do what *hi* per«on thV woman with mef Boonf 1ih«t, *bii| boy’* father hae a'ha|, asked of met mind 'fe •Ipp it., IIow let me* know, if fce’ ia doing anything to thenjJIfld wtal most 1 dot 4“»* no attention to Hie goiftft iftat 'is going around »- bout , your daughter and her new AnsJ^Your parents aren't in a position to pat you in college next fall—bu/t they will give you a business oouree or allow you to go ^ training. No, don’t get married 4o the fellow you are v«»eei»ent' of Cirfored PeopJe this week di*jeu»ed filing ta« limt payers’ Sioita ^»init boai^s of opposition to Y(jy’education where di«erimination happier making fydnr own way in tire World. j A letter hag I| 1tXX-I am askiflg your opin-WAAGP brau^he, oflk>*« aakiilg to appropriations husband go with*®^ to investigate ih0 defend "nivemty are public avow... of here in thThonae^ T ^ 1 Please let me hear and to get U»# •ttitndettw F, Byrnes of c>oi*th of the locirf sehool boaiid eon-is reportedi to ^ 0i in line for elevation to the TJnit- I ,wr 1 tl lina State official recently .-t-iked the Wage and Ho«r,, t, ■ • i. a ii ■* m Kaieigh, following an appear , . . o I i - o • „ I ante before the StAte Internicial * r..• ? K^i A”'' ‘I"* 'I"’ !»«, «mt to Art, to th. .ntl ly.chmf Wl^.^1 ^,1,^ ,m,.er,d b, ° a|jpe«raiiee at the K. C, I CHAIILOTTE, — »»4 alnag kin to tfc« tiwel. Y. U.C.C Spansorine«”[>»«';•«"' >‘‘'7 “■*“ “ wepk period oecnrred enrly ini* ■nmek fte saH>.^ Plfjft A.pp6&rBIlC6 CM w«ft, whm Wifliam fIofm«4 0? Huiain wa* Ukea to tlie 0o«4 „ I M ^ » . 728 Cpbbway St. received a'*—iiitaa wbere k« MimClADS ijroiien ne«k while «ng»)^d in • wm pro—PwaetJ ieai of a street brawl with Scott Ja.;k«oa'brokaD npi-k. M«aBw|ii]« Faekae« in front of 403 S. McTowell takes i«*r cii.trrfj br paUm Jaekson'a recidenee. |to iNrait farther invMtig«ft'i». According to the file* of thps RAL£iQ0 — WTiy have we not heard them beforef That’s what an important North Caro- So far as we know, bMnfmg cr^ police, the two men were* locked in battle. Holmes *^y>'«;ho78e^”haw no sTt^d^'^rifc^ to knife Jack»on, when JacSimn> a Hargett began a desperate »tmggle/to. Matsuoka learned iit bimaelf from hi» opponent. i Berlin on hi« trip WMt, wifi With a final burst of atrengtJi i soon see evidence of in the Far College April 25 sponsored by tg wrested himself free of Holm £aat. 'Sie YMC^i th^ question which I rtrNEBAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE niMeli Diy>3?lt. Night J-3722 522 E. P^ttiffxvir St. IS THIS msumn the jCocaZ Agrent ( riREINSUI^EC urnmn Carolina * SOLI^ - DEBENJDAttLt ACME REALTY QfiBIPANY * RAm(p« :NQI^ CAROUNA tNiON Insurancb and realty CO. An»:^N«t as yet. U»der ^ eiiKsamataneea it migfrt be Weil •to ask her to get a room at Aome other place. 'rfcis woman knows that your husband does oare for —her but if abe thought %e could take him away from you—*he might try it. MOB—My sister has been sick and had to have an opera tion. Tell me if I will get to go And see herf Answer r^ht away, _ , ■ - | At a time like this—idi© need, some member of the family with her. i ■ • : eetnka^ the full iffWgmtion NegroPH into training «on«»i. Stating that this adffiini^tra,' tion hiade cuaipai^ pvomwes to s|n.fe|ri»ai^ agail*|; ^aeramination in all i^ovemmewt aervieea, tt»« re^iolution points out tiiat Negro' •s are ndw ^eing denied work many factooriai holding ooti- traots onder the pational de- fefiao program. It recoiumead* thait iSie govern, meat Iti'e.ii'.de in ea«b eontraet let to indrastry en^gaged in de- f«|it»e prt>diictioni a non disori- mination elau^e. Km Margaret V. Brown is pre«ide»t. AG—^I read your column an“ like it very much. I would like to know if my husband has the disease I have in mindf Ans: Encourage your husband to go to the doctor for an ex- aouination. If tbere ig anything NEW YORK (TPY) — Mrs. wrong-—insist that hie take treat e_ Franklin Frazier,, wife of tfve ment. Due to the fact tiiait hislj noted sociologist, returned to Noted Writer’s Wife Returns From Brazil job depends on a physical ex amination—do not let him put it oflf any longer. New York thiis week from South Aiuorica on the SS Bradil after six month® with her 'husband in various South Americain coun ty [tries where he is in engkged ed Stat«s» 9uprei»e eoort* it wa» ejuiplhasized in an article by Louis L. Redding in the April CRISIS magazine. A protest against hia appoint ment has been filed with I^esji- dent Roosevelt by Walter White NAACP sccreta.ry. I Mr. Redding (writes tih*t jl*slt after the World War Senator Byraies ranted ag»insfc the No* gro press, proelaiming his cro-’Mortfc ■Carolina sade to save Negroes from “mdieal” Negro writers. The South Carolinian is quoted as advieed tSie ©ok*red citiasen tfcat if: . . .he doe* not oare to Ur« in this land witkoat political and social equality, tiien ke can other country ^ now, being mk0i i«, how did only two yeai-s of activ# w^ani^tionf ; In^ihd by ttoeir young direc tor, Isador Boyd Oglesby, the boys «ettl© down and take their work seriously and people every where. l»av« marvelled that th* young ©ondnotor oould do so much with men to whom nuiisic had only been a minor part of eamptis Kf#. depart for any he wishes. “. . .there are 90,000,000 white mined not a&d social in this conntry people deter- t6 ucteod pflitical (jtiaMty to’|10,000. MEW—My aunt told my friend to stay away from thej^ eoinparative study of the Ne-^hift not to be gro family. He ' 000 Negroes, Ajccording to the ai^iele, Bymee, thp eon of Irish immi- gr«nts has practiced appease- in 'ment to cotton raUl owners in a from his , previous, but fleeting, liberality in regard Io labor policy. ^ And now they call it “one rf College’s most representative group of young men. Whyf Because it is a combination of over thirty five men representing all sections of the cduntry; it tatfc the physi cal and mental sides of each man and combines tbem with his ejMritiilil side ' to give him the fullest possible expresaon; it gives each member a knowledge of organization, subordination and cooperation such 0« no other siiiriUar men’s orgianization has We«n able to fewterj it takM the patience, the perseverence, and the initiative of everyone whe is ..a member. ' ■ - Wars are neither avoided, nor, by wishful thinking. DUKdASf. NORTH CAROLINA BPHOP DAI^ toSURANC CHARLOTTE Durham Academy Of Medicine PROFESSIONAL DIRCTORY house and for him eaught with ind *^ne anything tj rher nor to mel- Mrs. Frazier, stopping her« |Bd the Lord knows Mr. Wallace at the Hotel Theresa, said *«i jlolds and bacteria which at- he IS 'the only one TUra. 4-_j t\_ in—% » , , _ . .* cared anything for, what to doT Ans away from with' your aunt that you are too young to I'eceive company—a 15 year old girl should not keep "boys” on her mind all the time. Content yourself with' your girl friends for another year—your aunt is going to see fit to be more lenient. I’ve ever I v>r tod Dr. Frazier back in'tggj^ foods levy a toll estimated Tell me'the States around the middle of*at more than $100,000,000 a June. A member of the Howard !year„ indicating a need for im- Obey your aunt and stay!University. facnity. Dr. FrazierJproved packageing and refrig- om this boy. ' I agree ig making his present study as eration to redUce this huge an- a Guggenhein for his study nual loss. particularly noted for hia *stndy whenever an individual dis- of the Negro family in the Unit- agrees with you he is either ed States, having publised »ev- smarter than you, in which eral volumes on the subject. At case he should have your re present, Dr. Frazier is in Haiti, jspect, or he is dumber, in They are coming from those which case he shuld have your sections of the counlti^' affected sympathy. fi VOTE FOR GEORGE W. MUNFORD FOR CITY COUNCIL FROM 2nd WARD The Peoples Choice Your Vote Appreciated »d Solicited This Ad Paid For By Colored Friends ■i^aoiaisii LEO 6. BRUCE. M. D. Phxsii^ apd,Surg«on *' 814 H P’ayptteville St. T^ephon^ Office J^6222 Res. L4>>54 J. N, MILLS. M. D. FHYSIttAN AMD SURGEON Office 106^ Parrish St. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ’ DISEASiS OF WOMEN Trained nurse in attendance. / DOCTOR E. P. NORRIS DENTIST ■' 707 H Fayetteville Street Hours 9-1 2-3 4-7 TfileDhones Office J-8321 ‘ Res. J-9042 BdCTdR A. a ttUNTER DENTIST N. C. Mutual Building Office J-0891 ' Res. L^581 DOCTOR M. C. lUNG Telephones Office 253-6 Res. 249-1 Franklinton, N C. R P. RANDOLPH, M. D. MYSICIAN A^^D SURGfeON ^ 312 Dowd Strept Office Hours 9-10 '6-i 6-7 Telephones OficeN-5211 Res. N-5662 j.^Aubner, k D. INTERNIST . . • 618 Fayetteville Street ' Telephones OficceL-8254 Res. J-8564 J. a THOMPSON, M. D. PHYSICLiN ^ 709% Fayetteville St. * >. Teslephon^a afficeL-254i • L-8621 ELLIS E. TONEY, ]|^ D. 808 Hillsbortf Street % ^Pl|^pa^;Notth Gaisina. telephones Office 445 Rea. 932 S. M. BECKFORD, M. D. GENERAL SURGERY 212 Montgomery Street Hpndereon, N. C. W. A. CLELAND, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Biltmore Hotel East Pettigrew Street Hours: 8i30-10j^ 1-2 5:30-7:90 Telephones Office F4021 Res. J-1634 J. W. V. CORDICE. M. D. GENERAL SURGERY 71114 Fayetteville Street Telephones J-9081 L-8571 DOCTOR J. M. HUBBARD DENB^T N. C. Mutui^ Building Office .Hours: j6-l 2:30-6:30 Evpnings ai^ Sundays by Appointment Telephone J-0891 LEGAL NOTICE TO ALL OWNERS OF DOGsWtHE CITY AND COUNTY OF DURHAM RELATIVE TO THE LAW REQUIRING INOCULATION AGAINST RABIES ... Q&I2 fOR pmm SL/vimTmna/r fs^ mttm ^HV^HOULV imsKmt ftoPKiy '■ MFUTED yP ^HO DRIVE IftORE OOC1DWOR wmv RMISTANCe ' ^ mcimmKiKt io NUUSANHOUI M IT » AT K> Mlli^ Ml HOUR ^ ' Answers to Quis for Drivers A.—Undcrinflated tires increase gas oline consumption, increase the likeli hood of puncture and decrease side wall life. Overinflated tires cause hard riding and rapid tread wear. A.—A recent study showed that doctors average 6,900 miles annually and salesmen more than 10,000 miles. A.—No. Wind resistance increases fa) proportion with the sqiiara of the •peed. Thus, wind resistance at 3C- miles an hour is nine times as great as St 10 miles an hour; and at ^ miles an hour it is four times as great as al 10 miles an hour. Service . . You will find onr SERVICE complete te tlM Moallest detail. Our years of experience enable us to anticipate • yonr need and therefore serre yvn Iwtter. “Thoughtful Attention To Even The Smallest Detaif* AMEFS FUNERAL HOME 401 Pine Street 24 Hour Service , PImbc JJ971 iilililillllHIUItlltHIUIHIttllllHtttUtiltllUittHHIIH^^^ 4lllllllllllliiillUlllilHllilllllllUIIIH^ I FOR BEHER LIGHT and I i BEHER SIGHT , Tir . ■ On and after June 1,1941 all persons owning* or harboring dogs three months of a^re or older will be required to show a cer tificate that the animal has been inoculated against rabies. Any Peace Officer or Game Wlarden iu the City of Durham or Durham County has authority under the |aw to view the certificate which must be signed by a qualified Veterinarian to the effect that the dog has b^n inoculated within a period of twelve months. Any and all persons found to be owningi or harboring dogs within violation of this law will be subject to a fine of $50.W and imprisonment for thirty days within the discretion of the Court. BY ORDER OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF DURHAM COUNTY IHayaSMglB|3||aaiiainHI3IBDBiniWllBllBaBQiBliaia|l a *^oae«trk's been pretty tough lately. Guess it was because my eyes hurt. Bat since Mean took out t^t 2S-watt b«in» and put in that big 100-watt in my study lamp, 1 sail right through my work.” GET THE RIGHT SIZE G-E MAZDA LAMPS 25 lOc Watt 100 t Watt 15c 4a&60 itQp w^tt This Company Operates on a INfaiaie Basis HOME MODERNIZA TIOM Al^ SUPPLY COMPAPff GENERAL ELECTIOC . 614 Fayetteville St. CL, PHONE J-IWf

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