Hearing Instituted fei Primary Case MAILING EDITION a mm Volume Twenty-two PRICE 5 Cents Durham, North Carolina Saturday, April 2B, 1941 Number Sixteen Series Of Broadcasts In Anti-Crime Fight ★ ★★ ★★★ ^ ★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ir it it it it it 9 QUEEN CITY MAN TO RUN FOR SCHOOL BOARD NAAGP Ask President For Probe In Fort Benning, Ga. Man’s Death “PASSES" NEW YORK, — In a strong letters to President Booaevelt and Henry L. Btimaon, seeretary of war, the National Asaooiation for the Advaneement of Colored People orged complete investiga tion of the death of private Felil( Hall, of the 24th Infantry, loMt^ at Ft. Beating, Oa. fh« lettftr ’•dted* ‘‘aotioa.. 4mm cd necessftry to' diseover and purnish the perpetrators of this crhne. ” ' The Association branded the killing of Hall as a lynching, and in it# letter to Secretary Stiin- Bon said: “We feel certain that the War department does not wish the crime of lynching to be perpetra ied on the reservation of one of its largest forts, in connection with the training ol an army e^posedly for the defense of democraoy. ’' To President Bposevelt, the NAACP wrote that failure of the pi^per authorities to seek out and punish the lynchers ‘ ‘would be a further blow at tb# morale of colored Americana who are being urged daily to give m- stintad support to the national defense efforts'. HEADS NATIONAL NEGRO nrSUBANOE WEES DRIVE F. A. YOUNQ, agency super- »or of the Universal Life Insur ance company, who heads tht committee in,charge of the Na tional Negro Insurance week celebration sponsored by the Na- tiMal Negro Insurance associa tion, to be held May 4-10. HOWARD’S MORDECAI JOHNSON - TO DELIVER ADDRESS AT JOHNSON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY CHARLOTTE, — (Special) — Johnson C. Smith IJniversity is presenting to the citizens of Charlotte the distinguished ed'u- cator and lecturer, Dr, Mordecai Wyatt Johnson, President of Howard tJniver^ity, Washington. D. C., Thursday evening, Jtfay 1 at 8:00 o’clock in Biddle Mem orial Hall. The progi’am is under the aupiees of the Lyceum Com mittee. Dr. Johnson is one of the besit thinkers on current problems on the lecture platform today. He is nationally known, having spoken before white and colored audi ences throughout the country. He has spoken twice on the Human Relations program «t the Uni versity of North Carolina, Chupel Hill. Recently Dr. Johnsen spoke Hi, tlie fifth annual institute pn Human Relations at the Palmer ToQse in Chicago, Bpoiuored the Chicago Round Table of the National Conference of Chi tians and Jews. Rich in experience as R succj - ful college administrator, posst , inr a vibrant j>ersonality, * Johnson has been acclaimed one of the meat outataQd pulpi- generation. In 1926 he was chosdh the first Negro President of How ard University, Washington, D. C. In 1929 he was awarded the Spingarn Medal for successful administration and for achieve ment in obtaining legislation by (Continued on page five) Satterfield - Davis Dramatic Players Present Gay Farce DURHAM — Local lovers of drama wer« - afforded a raw treat when the Safcterfield-fDavis Dramaftc Club of St. Joseph AME Church presented the “Red Headed Step Child" before a large and appreciative audience last Monday evening at the auditorium of the Hillside High School. * j I The title role, played by Miss Loris Shaw, wasi capably hand led, and her performance was one that will be long remember ed by those in attendance. Miss Shavir has had extensive training in dramatics, and is looked up on as one of Durham’s leading young'* aetrMses. The most important feature role was that of W. S. Taylor, who turned in a fine piece of acting to the delight of the many dramatic enthusiast present. Tay* lor, easily reoognized as one of the cities outstanding character impersonators, was superb in every instance of this delightful performance. Other excellent performances w«re turned in by Lucile Bainee, Frank Curry, Thelma Spaulding, Byrd Colley, and M. F. Misch- eaux. Air members of the cast gave strong support in makiilg the production the sUucccsa, which it was acclaimed. Men’s Glee Club Of N. C. C. N. Heard In Recital The Young Men’s Christian Association of l^orfch Carolina College will present the Men’s Glee Club of the College in, Uieir first concert in the city of .Dur ham Friday, April 25, at 8:15 p. ra. This. group -has received many favorable press comments as be ing one of the most outstanding oxiganizatioiii* in the state. The roup is under the direction of idor Boyd Oglesby. You are dially invited to />be pre.sent. Sunday afternoon at 3 ]). m. ,J. T. Way land, pastor of emple Baptist Church will be speaker. New Hope Baptist Association Holds Singing'Meet The annaul singing convention of the New Hope Baptist As sociation ^will be held here Sat urday and Sunday, April 26th, 27, with possibly a dozen or more choirs of the different mem her churches in attendance. Thia convention, which has been an annual feature of the association’s activities for sev eral years, will be a boon to lov ers of Gospel and spiritual sing ing, and the public is cordially invited to attend the sessions, which will be held on Saturday t The Ebeneser Bapt. Cliurch, and on Sunday at the Hillside Auditorium. ( PROF. R. W. BEOWN, SE. Principal of the Woodland Avenue Elementary School, Win ston Salem, North Carolina and Secretary and Treasurer of the Winston Mutual Life Insurande Company, who recently pasesd. I*rof. Brown was on© of the Camel City’s most influential citizens, and his loss will be greatly felt in religious and edu cational circles of the city. Local L^ape Te^ Opens Season With Richmond Colts DURHAM —' Baaeball season will oficially take a bow in Dur ham Saturday, when Mayor W. F. Carr throw* out the first ball in the game between the local Bull team and the Richmond Colts at the* Durham Athletic Park at 3 p. !' 'j To see that the Colored fans are insured due consideration, the management of the local club has appointed a committee of Colored citizens, to be announced at a later date headed by Prof. James T. Taylor of the North (krolina College for Negroes, to work in conjunctin "witJi it in thte provision of every facility for ifei large number of colored fans. ■ The Bulls have also inaut'urat- ed the new policy of employing members of the race as ticket sellei-s and ticket takers. Tickets for the openirf-? game now on sale at Garrett’s Drug Store. The admission to the opening game for ttie colored fans, is Q.*) cents to all. All tickets that are pur«ha8cd will bo good until used,. Ai^mts^ion to all gamas after the opening, will be 30 cents for colored fans. Come otit on openindy day and give the Bolls a big hand. Queen City Attorney Makes l^d For Board of Education CHARLOTTE, — (ttpeciul) — Attorney L. P. Harris, prominent Charlotte citizen has announced his candidacy for one of the three vacancies existing on the Board of Education of that City. The attorney, who has gained the support of Charlotte’s many political organisation, and t]jiie Negro Chamber *f Gom^tgr^e, has been a key factor in the politicial activities of the city, and hasi been instrumental in organizing a Voter’s League, the purpose of which is the more active partici pation of the race in things political ■ ) ; A graduate of J. C, Smith and of Howard Law School, the young lawyer has gained a wide reputa tion for his aggressiven^s during his eight years of practice. A. M.E. Property Dispute Setded By Court Decision NASHVILLE, . Tenn. ^Special) TrrThe brethren of; the cloth who style themselves “th^, Church'” and who broadrast to the world that they would take charge of the Sunday Srhool Union publisix ,ing plant at Nashville April 21, came in for another jolt this week, as the following will shW: On the morning ef the 16th day of April, 1941, at a hearing in the United . States District Court for the Middle District of Tenn. Nashville Division, the Hon. El mer D. Davies, Judge, granted «n order in the case of Harvey E. Walden et al vs. Snuday School Union of the AME Church et al, STAYING the order en tered by him on April 8, 1941, terminating the receivership and directing the receiver to turn the properties of the Sdnday School Union over to the trustees designated by the General Con ference of the Chui'ch. The defendants execu>ted a supersedeas bond in the suni of ^,000, w^ich was approved by the Court. The effect of the above stilted order is that the oi)eratioh of the business of the Sunday School Union will be continued as it has been since the order, ot the ^"!ourt in December, 1039. Nation’s Eyes On Hasgett; Case To Test Legality Of Texas Democrtic Primary “Charming Co - Ed” U. A. W. Pledges Ford’s Negroe Work- Men Spffe IM •* xr*-: MISS DORIS L. HOLLOWAY, charming daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Holloway of Eliza beth Street, is at priesent an out standing student at- Saint Augus tine’s College in Ralnigh where she is majoring in History. Hav ing already completed require ments for graduation' at St. Aug. she has been doing social service work at St Agnes Hospital in the same city. In Septemlier Misa Holloway plans to enter the school of Social Service at At lanta University. DETROIT, (NNS) Of the 20,000 workers who went back to work at th« Ford Motor Company Rouge plant in Dearborn, last week, after the eettlemeat of thie^ United Automobile Workers Strike, wfre 12,000 Negroes whose average wage scale rang ed from to $7.20 per day. In Detroit newspapers, last week, the ^ecutives of the United Automobile Workers inserted an advertisement setting forth the Union's official position on the question of the Negro as covered in its consititution snd enforced by i^s constracts. The points , are “that. Xegro Ford workers: will receive the same' pay as other workers doing the same ■ work and will share e4ually in all other benefits pro vided* by such a contract. ‘‘That N^o Ford workers wiH not lose" any privihges or poisitionTj* that they, have enjoyed at Ford Motor Company. On the eontrj ar>% they will enjoy greater pri vileges.’ ’ The Union contract will carry an anti-discrimination clause. De- (Cktntinued on page five) NAACP AttorncffB D€mo€rm- tic Party la tk« Btste and Primarica ar« State, PriTate, Aff«izs HOUSTON, law — After having b^ea postpoBod fima April 14, th* Texa» whit« p4.- m»ry ease, Hasgatt v» Werner and Blacfchnrn, opened here Fri- t day uiornii^ April 18. Judge T. I M. Kennerly o£ the United Stat- j ess district court for the Seuthera ' district of Texas is hearing the . ease. Proceeding began last January when Sklney Hasgett, a i.uaJi- fied voter filed a compiaiut on (charges that he was denied the ^ right to vote in the Demoemtie j primary Arjl^ust 15, 1940, aftei; I he had appeared at the polls I with his 1K>1I tax reeeipt. Denial ! a Negro. I Thurgood Marshall, apeelal counsel for the National A«soeiia> was based on the fact that lie is tion for the Adrancemect Colored People, who with W. J. Durham of She]^au, Tt|ui.^ acting for Haxgett, issm^ follt>wing statement: “The qnetftion involved is ther or not the Democrats ary in Texas is ‘state action* within the meaning of the KT- teenth Amendment'to the Uoita^ States Constitution. We ntaia* (Continued on page fivej Lime and superphosphate have been responsible for doublincr, the yields^ on a meadow of N. Cheek, demionstration farmer of the Gal oreth Creek community of Swain County. Ebenezer Baptist Church Bums Mortgage at Service DURHAM — A wave of en- thusisam, bordering upon frenzy swept over the large congregation of members and visitors present at the spectacular mortage burn ing ceremony conducted at the Ebenezer Baptist Church last Sunday evening. The church, which has made remarkable progress under the pastorate of fiev. T. A. Grady, one of the city’s moat progress ive and energetic ministers, also a graduate of North Carolina College for Negroes, has \irtu- ally cleared itself of all eneum- berances, and boasts of a mem bership that is growing by leaps and bounds. Mrs. E. D. Pratt and daughter Jean and Mrs. Doris Tolbert ef Washington, D. C. spent the holidays here. Wide Public Response As Plans Perfected For Air Lane Campaip Charlotte Citizens Group In Meeting CHARLOTTE — A group of citizens representing the various organizatlcBis of the city, »et last Thursday night at Friend ship Baptiat ehureh. A steeriog eommitte« was eleeted to perfect aa organisation to direct aetivi- tief of the citijsens et the eity. Attorney Bow»«r, was named chairman, llie meeting of the gvoup was held Monday nite 8 o’cloek ^at IVCendahip to complete plans fur the eoming leleetioii. DURHAM — The beginning of the third week of the Anti'Criaa Campaign being spoosor^l hy this poblieatiofi witnesses th* develo{Hnent of inereased poU^ interest, ' as the flames ot aroused public oiHiuon aiosBt higher aipunst the trwninal foiv «t large in out Moontini; piks of «kxmMntwty evidenee garaered withia tih* past week attest the growiaif i»- oreet of the edfflmoBit^^ enry in this litiame atniciia ti» rid the eity of it» eriioiiial al»> meets; the campaigB's Sreetefc and this pubUeatioas Diiaetw 4|| PohliQ BeUtions. C. A. ~ has ffeen, literally, (Continatd on SPa*

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