7^ BAWWDAY, APRIL SMh, IHI TEE OA&OLQTA THIES PA0E Improved Soil Aids Ch3d Health "" PrilMFy Battle (Continued from page one) tain that the right to vote in- eladM thrM dittioot at«pi: (1) qualiifying to vote, 2) •elMtion of caikdidKtMl iMi 3) K«dlo WDKC, tbe Police D»pftrti)!i«nt, th« Sheriff’« Office Mid thoiUAodfl ^ ieaeer eiti2eas> vlio «n weo-ljr leadtsg every effort in wholehearted «upport of the drive. ■ To iUaetnte the type of re«- ponie, vhiefa the c*inp«igB ie ^e actual officials of Badio Observance ef Child Health Day every May I indicates the nation’s interest in the welfare of its fnture citizens such m this radient child. , This interest is sh«rtd by the 6 million farmen c»oMrating in the AAA farm program. As a contribution to proper iwtritton for gri>wint chil* dt«n, these farmers are creatinf soil eonditiowwMeh asrare.lin abund* •nee ot healthfal foods both now and in the ratoi*. AppiitkttOn to fhe land of liming materials and stoMrphosphate, shewn in the top picture, is one means of doing this. Such practices mean better pectures, more And letter milic from dairy cows, and healthier Am^ican children. NEE-CHEE TeJf-Rising Flour Takts the Guoss out of Baking and Saws you Mmey el«,tion. The eupreme eourt has Station WDNC held that N«gro«B cannot be pre- miBUt**, vented from taking part in ^.teps >' «»««« mnute. one and three. We maintain thatl«" wece«iive Sundays in the fur the selection of candidates by a this eaujpai«ii. The primary election pursuant to|^‘«t >“ ^e seriM Sunday state, statutes is just m much a .^P*'*^ 27, 5^ p. m., will feature part of the election „.chinery «*« t^e eampaign and of the state as the actual elec.|Tl»« Pubho BeUtwn Director of the Carolina Times, C. A. Irvin, , in an introductory address, at “We will show at the hearing whieh tirtie a detailed explanation that the primary election* are'and evilauation of the plan off made and held pursuant to cnmi>aign will be given. In addi- statutea which are followed. Thatjtion, Mr. Irvin will announce the the DemocAtic party in Te»a® speaker for the following Sun is a loose jointed brganiaation,day's broadcast, with no set rules or re^ldtionsj As we survey the progress al- except the statute# which they ready made in the prosecution of follow.” the campaign, we again take op '‘We will also show that isinceii>ortunity to extend onr apiireeia 1859 all Democratic nominees | ion to the publio at lai^e, and have heen elected in Texas with ^ in particular, to those unselfilh two exceptions. We will show ^ and civic conscious individuals, furrier that the primaries use ^ who have respoi)ded so whole- the county clerk and other state hearte'dly to this difficnlt en primary eleo- ISTHIS YOURiiO INSURED f 1 pMmM. NORTH aROLlNA C0>jSEBN^IVE^SOLi n - DEfigHDABLt ACME REALTY COMPANY RALEIGH, NORTH CAROUI^A ^ UNION INSURANCE AND REALTY CO. DURHAM, NORTH CAROUNA BISHOP DALE INSURANCE AGENCY, QHARLOTTE HOUSES FOR RENT mach oflficere. in these tione an^ follow tW state inery. ’ ’ We will also show that Ne groes in Uouston formerly voted in primary elections prior to 1923 when they wefe barred by statute.” The defendants will maintain that the primary is a private institution and is not a ‘‘state action.” deavor. --Dr. Johnson-- (Continued from page on») which Howard University be came a recognized responsibility of the United States Qovem- ment. -Anti-CHme Fight- (Continued from page one) with letters containing comments and suggestions as to how thisi worthwhile project nmy be iriore effectively carried out. The list of interested citizens who have so readly responded to the call to concerted action, read® like the city directory. A- mong a few are the Durham County Commissioners, the offi cials of the leading industries and manufacturing establi li- ments of the city, the city offi cials, the officials of the city’s banks and insurance companies^, 'rho Durham (Camber of Com merce, the leading merchants and professional men of the city, PauK Murray To Make Tour In Behalf Of Condemned Man NEW YORK — Mis® Pauli Murrfljy, former Durliamljte and' present Workers Defense Leasue Secretary, ig scheduled to make a nationwide tour, in company with Mrs. Annie Waller, of two months dsration for the defense of Odell Waller, young Virginia sharecropper, who waS' sentenced to death last December 27 In the islaying of his White Virginia landlord, Oscar Davi«. The case, which has aroused nationwide interest hinges upon the sen&ational testimony of the defendant that the shooting re- snlted from an argument, that took place between him and the landlord, over the matter of his Overtaking the Undertaker Equal &lary Sdt Ffled In fMviHe NAACP Invest^ates Conqdaints Of 111 - Treatment Of Colored Soldiers At Can? l«, Vffgim. High Scliool MiBic Session At A. and T. 1’ETKR.SBl KO, Va. — otn- ptaintH from parent ! coneertiiiig jill-trfatment »f eolord ^ I at Camp Lee, received by the Pnn4>|yA| l||||||C Ik'aiM^^City branch of the rvaUffll llUlUd : , AA*'I* and forward to the ■ York office lirongbt aboat aa inveHtigation of roiidifmuH her* !RRKXSf’ *K'>, «''i.. -i.»' * i There are apj>roxiuiat**ly 21w th»> TfMF-S — ApjfF. xirua'- ? 2. is'egro aelwtves at th4! r«iiip i> (MHI itnd»-nt in th*' hi?h ■!« >^ the 9th yuaartermujBter R*g»- „f th* tate will gath^ at A ai«i uient. T i-olleRe ThwMlny and ‘i *:- The inv(«?tigation showed eon- w*^k J't>r p«rtui{i;iti*>&* ii. iditions to he good and the iiwr- i„. Hfh annual North Carolinr- *ale of the MoitlierH high. There hii'h -chiiol iiiiiMir ft* ti= tl. •ihave been lut apparant iii»tanre! 0u^ r}|p jrr.iwth ■ he n • jot frietion „ between white offic- |.n^fraii) in the '>hoolH of the fers and colored aoUliers in the f ; the festival is being ex- *camp, although there «eems to be tt iuhd t(» t ,vn day- th: in- difficulty betw«*en , - - , - - r-. ps=^- soldiers and southern white sold i to the fetitival There Is another name for the little game of repeatedly flouting the speed laws. It might be called “overtaking the undertaker." Cer tainly thers is ample statistical evidence that habitual players in this lottery lose everything. Of the 35,000 persons killed in traffic accident^ last year, 24,000 met death through some reckless or illegal action on the part of a driver, according to The Travel ers’ analysis of 1940’s accidents which has just been released. T^ere are a dozen such illegal ac- Jons m ntioned Lut stan ’ ng oi.. boldly ot the top of the list anJ coming close to being equal to all the others added together is the one item: “Exceeding the speed limtt." No less than 9,600 speed • Ing drivers caught up with th; undertaker in 1940, and almost a quarter of a million others caught up with an ambulance. As long as the records have been kept, the analysis shows, ex ceeding the speed limit has led the list as the major cause of traflBc accidents in the U. S. N*l?ro if on#* a- in hi ir tiers and civilians in the Peters- man, Warner Lawson, director «£ burg-Hopewell-Kiehmond area. imisic at A and T ftollwre, this Before March 31 the quantity ypor'-i t’t‘?'tival prouiis*^^ to b the of. fofxl 'serviHl was itisiiffieient, ni*.-** ‘otn|»l»*te pvst held, quality was iwor and food wa«| Th»* hij'h school sjroaii^ e»>n»i»«t often served cold. ' Since March jn? are those whi^h reeeiveii rat .*n, however, conditions have in the -^- ven di-trk*t eon- gresrtly iniprovetl, according to held earlier in the y.^ar. eviction and the refusal of the landlord to make a proper settle ment. Waller testified that when he asked the landlord for his share of the orep he yelled, “You won’t get a damned thing,” and reached for his gun; whereupon he shot liim. Davis, apparently recovered I’rom the shots, but died later after n collapse of the lung, resulting in tl(e murder charge indictment of Waller. The tour, which is being spon sored by the Workers DefensiC League, includes a nationwide itinerary’ embracing the leading cities of the rountry. - U.A.W. Pledges - (CJontinued from page one) daring that the use of Negro workers as strike breakers was dangerous, Walter White, NAACP secretary, issued a statement last week deploring the action and calling upon N^roes ih the plant to leave. Mr. White, who flew to iDetroit, addressed the workers over a loud speaker. Miss Murray will be remember ed as champion of opiiression by local citizens, who may recall her suit rf few^ years baekN a^ainist the Grey Hound Bus Company,jcrowded and one of whose drivers maltreated her and companion, and had them arrested for demanding a seat on a bus at Petersburg, Va. Seven - Year - Old Boy Hit By Car CHARLOTTE — Seven year old Willie Massey, of 1112 Jeff- the report, and trainees are now getting hot too in sufficient quantity. Some of the difficulty witii re gard to {KM)r service at inens is accounted for by the fact that colored selectees were moved out of white area into their own se gregated areas before .all the mess' halls in the?e areas were .completed. This made condition cut down the effici ency of the ■ cooks and mess at tendants- Tonipetiiton will be inatrumen tal and vocal stikw, girls’ trim, boys quartets, mixed quartets, girlfi and boys glee ►lubn, junior choruses, hands and mixed chor uses. Queen City Fracas Eads In Slaying i' No. ROOMS .ADDRESS WEEKLY RATE 2 ^ Adams Court 2 8 Adams Ct. 2. 1302 Alston Avenue 3 529 Ooleman Alley 3 113 Dunstan Street 3 121 Dunstan Street 2 1010 Fasretteville Street (Spt.) 1 811 Fayetteville Street 4 18(fe Fayetteville Street 5 1912 F^yetteviUe Street 3 812 Glendale Avenue 3 306 Hunt Stieet 3 511 Mobile Avenue 5 605 Mobile Avenue 4 209 Moline Street 4 526.'* Pettigrew Street 5 418 Piedmont Avenue 528 Proctor Street (Store Bldg.) 2 606 Ramsey Street 2 608 Ramsey Street 2 610 Ramsey Street 2 612 Ramsey Street 2 408 Roney Street 3 410 Roney Street 3 416 Roney Street 3 408 St. Joseph Street 3 504 St. Joseph Street 4 1510 South Street 3 906 ^arkman Street 3 ^7 Sowell Alley 3 116 Umstead Street 2 1005 Willard Street 3 714 Whitted Street $2.50 2.50 3.00 3.50 3.50 15.00 10.00 6.25 5.50 3.50 ioo 3.00 6.00 4.00 ' 4.50 5.50 6.50 2.50 2.50 .2.50 2.50 2.00 3.00 3.00 3.50 3.25 4.50 3.25 3.00 3.75 2.50 3.50 jliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim FOR BEHER LIGHT and BEHER SIGHT UNION INSURANCE & REALTY CO. ( . REAL ESTATE—RENHNG^-INSITRANCE REPAIRS AND BUODING SUPPLIES PHONE J-6521 DURHAM NORTH CAROLINA ■ - - ^ ■ 25 Watt *HonWOrk's been prietty tough lately. Guess it was because my eyes hurt. Bu[t since Mom took out that 25-watt bulb and put in that big 100-«mtt in my study lamp, 1 sail right through my work.” GET THE RIGHT SIZE &E MAZDA LAMPS llOc '15 c 40&60 Wlatt 13c F.H.A. And Straight First • , . i Mortgage Loans LESS THAN $500 DOWN . . PAYMENTS LESS THAN $20iM) (A Month: « - • Including Fire Insurance and Taxes niABLOTTE — Tom (IlenB, was being sought la»t night tty city iKjlice officers for the marder erson street, received lacerated of .lanieM Mack, ot 1021 E*st lil)s ai)d fracture^ lower jaw last Fifth j^treet. According to a city week when he was struck by an [police ri;j>ort, Olenn is said to automobile driven by Clyde Bur- have stabbed Mack in fte left roughs of 5341 Oakland avenue,jchest with with a kuife in a figbt according to police report. He at No. 16 Barbers coort, Henry was taken to Good Samaritan Olenn, Toni’s brother is being hospital where he was treateil. lield for inve^igatiun. Scarborough & Hargett i FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Phones: Day J-3721. Night J-3722 522 E. PettiK^w OIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllltllN *!ii W. CotlriO Blake REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 410 East First Street PHONE 35278 It’s Service This Company Operates on a Voiluirie Basis HOME MODERNIZATION AND SUPPLY COMPANY GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCTS 614 Fayetteville St. Ehirhanii N. C II PHONE' y W p|j|g Street 24 Hour Service Phone JJ971 (iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin^ iiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH Never Too. Late To Save INVEST PART OF YOUR EARNINGS IN MUTUAL BUILDING AND LOAN SHARES ... 82nd Series Now Open Join Today A Thritt and Home FmaDdiig In^tntun Mutual Building & Loan You will find our SERVICE complete to the smallest detail. Our years of experience enable us to anticipate your need and therefore serve you better. “Thoughtful Attention To Even The Smallest Detail* AHEY’S FUNERAL HOME c. c p. L. McCOY, Chairman of Board SPAULDING. FresiilenI R. L. 114 West Parrish Stml fSplfS J-MI m FayettcYille Sirctt ityiiiiiituiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiittui

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