AFFAIRS COMMITTEE SET FOR CITY EL Mitchell Wins Suit Against CELEBRATE INATrONAL BABY WEEK H^feUTHllblBRI^E Pj'i Volume Twenty-two Durham, North Carolina, Saurday, May 3, 1941 CTIO CELEBRATE NATIONAL BABY WEEK Number ^fVenty-three CRIME CRUSADER Harris Victitr In Charlotte Primary ROSENWALD AWARDS GIVEN High Court Rules Equal Facilities Negro Travelers Race Candidate In In Charlotte Wages Hot Contest For Seat C^lina Tlmjes’ Public Relation Director, C. A. Irvin is 8how;n Above deliverinsr an ad^sa Sunday, over radio station W^I&NC, j^rQihoting his newspaper’s anti-crime campaigrn. ^' lit a letter i^dressed to the ^ii^toi* the cam^ignt P. Ix. .Fowler, American Tobacco Company official, said: ‘T have noticed in the last several issues of youi* paper that you are campaisrning vigorously Against crime in Durham. I think your program should have tlie sunwrt of every good dtlMtf.”' . ’ The servioes of Mt. Irvin, a keen observer of employer* emi^^ee xelationships are beings widely sought by industrial ists ihroughout the South. RifiNWALD FOUNDATION AWARDS 'ANNOUNCED FOR 1941 BY EMBREE FOR ADVANCED GRADUATE STUDY L. P. Harris, rising Charlotte Attorney, and race candidate for the Board of Education of that city, sN^ored a triumph in the recent Queen City Primary ^ection. Harris, who polled 2,- votes rode to vitcory on the wwgs of the largest colored pri- miry vote in the city's annals. Th^ Queen City now boasts of an estimated. 4,000 colored vot- «rs, whose support is virtually assured the candidate in jbh.e election. L. P.. in Laurin^rtt couiity seat of ScbtMnd coiinl^, N. G. Qe at tended the public aehool there. He is a graduate of Johnson C. Smith University, and Law School of Howard University, Washin^on, D. C. Has been a practicing attorney-at-law in the Charlotte for 7 years, and a resident here for 15 years. Mr. Harris is District Deputy of Elks of N. C., I. a P. O.E. of W. ,a member of the Knights of Pythians-, Odd Fellows and Grand Attorney for both orders, and a member of the American Woodmen. He is also a church worker, deacon and assistant secretary of 7th street Presby terian church, member colored Branch YBfCA, Board ef Man agement, also belonging to the Omega PsI Phf Fraternity. Baby Comes First... War Or Peace -.j Chicago — The award of 64 fellowships totaling $100,000 was announced Wednesday by Edwin R. Embree, preaident of the Julias Bosenwald fund. The fel lows include 40 Negroes and 24 white southerners, selected for their scholarship and special tal ent from over 500 applicants. The awarded are made in two categor ies; to Negroes in any field and from any part of .the United States, and to white Southerners who w'ish to work on some pro blem distinctive to the South, and who expect to make their careers in that region. The fellow ships average $1,500. The Julius Rosenwald fund has been granting fellowships fot 12^ years. Among the many notable fellows of earlier years are Mar ian Anderson, contralto, Kather ine Dunham, dancer, William Grant Still, composer, Charles S. JohnaoQ, social, Augusta S«yage souiptors, W. E. B. DuBois and the late James Weldon Johnson, writers. Upder the prSae^ fellowship program awards made once each year -by - a ^mmittee on fellowships cohsisting of Will W. Alexander, adviser to the Coun cil on National Defense, Charles S. Johnson of Fisk univeisity, Henry Allien Moe, secretary of the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial foundation; Raymond R. Paty, president of Birming- ham-S6uthern college; Robert C. Weaver, administi^ative assistant Office of Production Management, Edwin R. Embree, president of the Julius Rosenwald Fund, and Geoi^e M. Reynolds, director for fellowship. The 1941 fellows will work on projects in a variety of fieldis, ranging from southern agricul ture and South American forests' to a study of the Spanish-speak ing settlements of Delacroix is land of Louisiana and the paint ing of scertes the Southwest. In iddition to fellowships in the aeademic fields, three awards were made in art, three in crea tive writing, and one in music. Negro«i who received fellow ships are: Charles Henry Alston, New York City: for creative work in paii^flnng and ths graphic arl|?. R^ppoTntmedt. y- Thomaa Henry Bembry, head of the department of chemi«tryi Livingstone college, North Caro lina for studies in chemistry, at (Continued bn page seven) CBS To Broadcast Mrs. Roosevelt’s Message to Negroes New York — Columbia listen ers will hear the First Lady tw'ice within a week in broad casts from two important events at Chicago and Washington. On fthe first of these, Wed nesday, May 7, Mrs. Roosevelt is to be hea^ in an address con nected with the dedication of the Negro ^ Art Center in the Illinois I metropolis. The program will originate at the South Side Community Art Cemter, 3031 South Miohigan Avenue, Chic ago. (WABC-CBS, 4:45 to 5:00 PM, EDST). :' ;' She will be presented by Dr. Alaine Locke, professor of phil osophy at Howard University, important Nsgro institution in Washington, and author of "The Negro in Art,”, a recently pub lished work. Six days later on Tuesday, May 13, Mrs. Boosevelt will speak from the studios of WJ8V Columbia’s station for the na tion’s capital, on , '^Today’s Challenge to the Youth of America.” (WABC-CBS, 10:15 to 10:30 PM, EDST). Mrs. Roosevelt is to speak under joint auspices of the Col lege Division of ' the Committee (Continued on page seiv^n) t m f S(^ For E^t^ Washington — The Supreme , *44-^ Court held w«#k that Ne-{AllMS groes trareliag frcm pae atat« to another ar» entitMi to zailroad aaeoaunadatid^ ■ eipart to tiu>ee | ^ s.«-FfBe86f. May 6th deUta»«d lha 4minom on a test ea»« btoci|^t presentAtive Arthtt W. Xitehdl Demooikt, of ’Iliinote, ’ Ilia only Neg^o- membeir of Congress. No dissent was announced. / Henry Moss, Jr., son of Blr. and Mrs. Henry Moss, Monroe, N. C., wlio was chosen by the Negro Baby Health Week CiHnmittee, which was sponsored by The Carolina Times* as the healthiest and cutiest baby of the many entries sent in to the Contest editors. Houston May, Haye More Negro Police Houston — Chief of Police Ray Ashworth, recent appointee here, told members of an interracial committee of the chilmber of commerce this week that the force of Negro policemen in the city will likely be increased in the future. Tlie committee had indicated at other meetings that more were", needed. Appointments to the force, whe ther white or black, will be made from civil service lists, Chief Ashworth stated. “I am confid ent that no inquiry will show any item of mistreatment of Negroes by me or my department,” the schief stated. Strange Illness In S. C. Family, Puzzles Coroner and Doctor Chester, S. C. — A strange iH ness which developed at the home of Walker Land, farer, oausiog the death of one of his family and the serious ilnness of five others is beng investigated by Coroner Lewis H. Miller. The child who died was George Land, Jr., three an -orphan who lived with the family. The malady affecting the house hold causing their legs to become tlseless, is similar to “Jake Poi soning” o£ prohibition days. Of the five who are ill, the mother’s ^onditipn is most serious. She has been running a temperature of 105. Four other members in- clding the father did not become ill. ' , A postmortem, held by the ironer Saturday night .at the funeral parlor, was attended ly Dr. Geforge A. Henniea, Chester county's official physician; Dr. Daniels of the state health de partment of Columbia; Dr. Chance Dr. A. C. Lyles and Doctor J. S. Allen, all of Chester. It was de cided to seifd the child ”s stomach to Charleston for a chemical analysis. Illness followed a night meal at which only bread made of home grown wheat wa s»ervtd, along with millc. Just what caused the malady is still puzzling m^ical officials. Senator Rebuke Naval Academy Officials For Bias Washington — A letter to U. S. Naval academy r^ovii^t the institute for its atittude on the recent debate with Han'ard over the participaion of a Negro ath lete in one of the contest was sent by Rep. Robert W. Kean of New Jersey and read in to the Congressional Record on Wedoes day. Said Rep. Kean: My dear Admiral Wilswi: “I note in the enclosed artiela which appeared in the Newark Evening News, of April 20, that the lacrosse team of the navid academy refused to take the field against Harvard when one of the members of the Harvard team was a Negro. I cannot understand such as unAmeican attita^ by the authorities of the academy. “A t a time when we are con scripting into the armed fcreea of the United States all boY« of military age, without r^ard- to creed or color, whetf many Nqpro young men are volunteering their services to die if necessary ia de- (CoQtinaad os uage food (I^ Smmmmi WnUummm} The Committee on N^tfo Af fairs announces this week that in the city electioa to be hdd ^ . . . . . . , , her* next Tuesday. May. 6, that Miteh«ll contended tlwt he hsd provide the Negio .voters «n “forciblv •eiect«d’» from Durham with aw»rov€d and Qualified workers, as well aa automobiles for the purpdae of conveying them to the polls. ■ The- Committee hopes that ei^- «ry Negro who has registered will avail himself of the o{^>o^ tuiiity of easting his ballot far candidate of hia choice. TK« Gttf^as^ttee wishes also to wms all Hiegio voters against tb* evil practice of certain polikieid work^. who in every electkifk tbemselves to see how much money they can fleeM from the pockets of all candE^ dates for s^ish reasons rather than for the good of the ram and the community. Cars operated by workers irira have been ^proved the cook* mittee On N^rro Affairs will have sufficient labels so tlng^ may be easily identified by vot ers who do not have meana of transportation to the poUa. A check-up diselosea thiik many workers, not aM>roiei by the Committee have solicit^ and received funds f^om caadl- dates riuming for the saoM place on the C^ty Council. The r^ord of the Durham I CcMnmittea (hi Negro Affainm representing all Negro citiaa— ia of unquesti^maUe charaeilar and is deserving of the su^povt of all Negro eiiiauis of" Doi^« hmm. At its meetii^ heM ry Thursday at the Tennis Club, ti^^ of intiifwtt to Negroesk mtm dieewei. been “forcibly ’ejectad’*^ from Pullp^h*iar in Arkaste,. while trareling* froih * Chicago ' to' Hot Sprii]^* in 109^ .tad'had be^a compelled ta cQUfileU ney^ a ^ wilh iH3C(wd ; c^asa j!£c(»amodia^pc3. ,“Thii%" Joatiee Edghes as serted. ‘■‘iraa* Diamfestl^ a dl]^ criminatidn agai^. hipi'in t|ic eounii >afhi* iaterataitt and’-'aduifttedfy? disfi|!- axinatien* waa 4mi^ aolcy apoa the l^t'ha was a 'Nt|^ - ' The quMtion wketW this waa;a dieuia)tnati9a ' fqrbiddea by the InteMtata aommeref a^t isinot a qi^tiou of aefprcgatioD, but one of equality , of treats ment. Th« d«aii*l to appellant (Mitchell) of aqoaiity of ae- commodations beeatise of his raee would be an iataaion of a) fundamental iadividaal right' which is guarantee against state aeiioB by fh« Fourteenth Amendment, and in view of the nature t&a r^hi and of our Coaistitutional poliey it cannot be maintained that the discri mination as it waa alleged w«s not essentially unjast.” The Chief Joatiee said that btcause s^r^'egati^ waa not in volved the eourt had no oeeaa- ion to consider the qaasti«n dia eueeed by the attoraqra genual of ten state' in a b(^ filed witht the Supreme Coart. *nie loief eont«eidad that the litigatioa did sot involve eoa- atitationaUty of tha Azkaaaaa a^parata eomeh law aa applaad to intexaiale eonaana. Oeta «£ the alkate wm Ai^anaaa; fha otiiera, a^ iudiag ,sia^li«r gatkm Florida, Mmt. and Tttgina. Safiaf kgisi^oa *‘tooali«a * of aofljit ^tate ad#adT ^ weca teaaa>gi ef paMa^aag tha bxb- paaaa aad paoi>lfl of ^ Tl» iMtinpte «t tti *iinl