Asks Probe Of Vote Te PRICE 5c MAILING EDITION i:»ftHi:imusimniUcuKM»»ttnnHn:n:»::i Volume I’wenty-Two Durham, North Carolina, Saturday, May 10, 1941 Number Twenty-four MRS. NEUJUNIER LEADS N.Y.A. GROUP YERGAN LOSES POST AT NYC COLLEGE Loctl Womaa Directs NYA Choir In Hyde Park CBS Broadust MRS. NELL HUNtEIt TO DraECT N. Y. A. BROADGAST-fiiUNDAY The nationwide radio broad cast of the NYA Neffro Mi»^ Chorus of Philadelphia oa May 11 Over the Red Network of the , National Broadcastini; Comiiany faataitog' the appearance of JiiIm wedsoe, world - famous baritonb, wHll highliffht the ac tivities of ,this musicai group which is now entering its sixth ’IL brpaAeast vHll frfii"%he Hyde koSm ^ ^Fr(^4c«^Rb6feV;^|^^ wtlf he hawra )3«iwe«n the iidora and 6 P. M.« Eaitern Saving Time. Mrs, Roosevelt will speak broadcast. A feature of this progwas. bjr the National Youth Adiniaistraf tion will be the performanw of Jules Bledsoe’s "Ode to Ameri ca* for the fli^t liaiie on the air. Mr. Biedsoe, world famous Negro baritone, will sinir the solo i»rt ^f this ceoipoBltion \|hich he^as dedicated to President..,, •_ . “ The Natitmal Youth Adminis- Philadelphia^ li?«gro ttfaBRd-$hor98 w*s qrffaiiuad on XprU'%4 jilt, find» the direi* tion of Dr. W. FnmUih Hot ter. More han 50 Negro jnouth, between the agea of 18 and 25 4n^o were eligible for NYA pftrt- iime employment and who ex pressed an interest in music, MT^re assigned to the project. Some of them had certain pre vious experience in voice cul ture, however, the majority of them wiere untrainod but want ed the opportunity to learn to express themselves in song. As a firtt step, the group ws« encouraged to suggest to the di rector the songs they wished to‘ sing and to make up their own programs. From the material a schedule of songs was made and lessons in sight reading were be gun to teach the youth to rec ognize tunes. Then followed vocal, exercises to improve both tone and control of the, voice. In short time, the group was able to do three and four part sihging of simple songs. Classes in music appreciation, Hj^tory of Music and English were gradually, added, with some of the youth advyiQcir^g to the point where they requested courses in Harmony and Compo sition and individual trMning for solo public performances. The purposes for the organi zation of the Choral Project w«re as followa: Jl. To give the youth an op portunity to learn TOmething wortkwhile about the kind of music that best meets his needa, that makes for better citizen- sbip« bet*" om? ' re- lationsV 9. To dxsd&VBt- i: SINGER Hnntw' broadcast is "under the of Mrs. Nfell ite who has a Ifecord in the field malic and who is choral to Kational Youth Acb^jstratfon., Mm Hunter had arrani^d fonr of th« numbers which are to be included on the May ll prt^ram. oonsQ Brothers Charge New Aerial B^b Invented By Hiem Greensville, S. C. (ANP) —Two local young inventors—C. A., and Henry B. WilUaoMi—are beginn ing to wonder whether or not they have been given the “rana- round” by the -war department, in connection with a new type aerial bomb they have invented. About two months ago the bro thers saw an Associated Press picture in the Greenville Newa ebowing one James N. lee of Mar tin’s Ferry, O, bidding a model of a new type aerial bomb which he had invented and which had attracted the attention of the U. S. army. The WiUiates brothers recogpijL e^ the bomb at 4lBce as it was lde«tMtf ,t9 the one iNy IiaA de« signed i|nd aOtmHted dcartment in 1938; The only difference in the Williams’ de sign, and that of Inventor lee, they said, is that Ice had used machine gun bullets for his hori zontal fipray, instead of the high explosive shells suggested by the brothers. j " After 's!|everal di\ appointme^its in having their device considered, the brothers went to Washing ton, and ndien they finally got in to see a colonel in the ordinance department he had their plans on his de^K, although he wasn’t ex pecting th^. The colonel went throngh a sheaf of ary patents with the mand agreed that no thing else embodying the 'ame horizontal e^losion principle had been jAibmitt^. Please tmn to Page Three SHAKE-UP IN HARLEM LABOR UNION FOLLOWS AGREEMENT; BUSINESS AGENT, ORGANIZER FIRED New York ^ Difference of opinion over policy and method of functioning, particularly in connection with the recent successful oollaboration of the organization in th§ campaign for the employment of Negroes on major bus lines here, last week resulted in the ousting from the Harl^ Labor union of Joseph Allen, business ^ent, and Quen tin Kn^ht, an organizer. The action come® as the latest development ift the reorganizing IB'beew instituted by President Stranghn, and took the form of a motion before- the executive committee of the union to sever the relations of tiie two mm fPMn the group for “just cause” The vote was unanimously ap proved. Some two or three Vre&k» ago Columbus A. Alston, publi city director of the union, w«b oust^ In the explanation given for the committee’s action, it was revealed that these three men disapproved of the tri partite t arrived at .between youth with unusual musi^ t6FTtl(B~tnartBlI' Negro Bus associa- eht and help thorn equip them, selves for «mploy]nent in the entertaiiuue&t {ndiuAiy., with which the Harlem Law telkStm Is aeiliated, the Hew Omnihns corporation and the Fifth Avenue Coach company, and the Transport Workers nnion of America. The contract was the * result of a four week struggle to secure jobs for Negroes as chauffeurs mechanics with the companeis on a population ratio basis the maxi mum of which would be about 510 men. The agreement further stipulated the manner in which these men would be hired and trained. According to a spokesman for the ousted members, immediate employment of Negroes will be po^pc^ed b^atise the Bus As- slooiation “was unwilling to de mand the firing of whitesi” in order to make room for the Ne groes. This spokesman was jsriti- oal of any disposition on the part of the Harlemites to reach a oompromM, in epite of the enthusiastic reception given ttie final document by the commun ity who felt a vi^oiy had been registered. While Ae bus incident prec_i- pitated the Monday debate, it was said that other facts were presented which mitigated again st the °>en. Allen, heretofore re- ,ne«M tnni to pag* Five Adventists Look To World CwfBrnnce In San Frandsco Washington, May 7.—(ANP) Final* arrangements are being made here for the quadrennial world conference of Seventh-day adventists which wiU‘be held in San F^ncisco, May 26 to June 7, and whicb attract 12,000 delegates aiifl visitom. Next week the ftrat wnguard of colored delegate* haA church leaders will leave ihmm the pnm^ cipal cities of the North many of the pouthem eitiea |o attend this international g«|h- ering. National S«nretary F. L. Pet erson who it head of the Negro department of S. D. A. of the denominational progress and the t|fi y E. Johnson and L. J. Pryor of tbu eitjr will make their westward tr$k ia ».few weeks.' ^ , i’. Other prominent l^dera who will be in attendance as dele gates MfSn be Revs. Theodore Rowe of New York City, J, E. Peters of Philadelphia, H Wagn4r;‘Of Baltimore, ^ A. E. Webb, «f St. Louis and T. H*. Allison of Chicago. 'In San Flrancisco the Revs, N. S. MBL€(od‘andiH. D. Dol> bins are making arrangements to hou3e the delegates, they are members of tha official locat ing committee. Rev. Owen A. Troy of Paaah dena who served outstandingly on the housing committee- ia 19^ when Negrt> delegates weiW housed in the leading hotels of San Fitmcisco has been asked to assist in the housing of dele gates this year- Other pastors expected to head groups to the conference are Revs. J. G. Thomas, and F. S. Keitts of Atlanta', J. Ger- shom Dasent of Texas, F. J. Bryant of Arkansas, T, M. Fountain of Nwhville. It is ex pected that either Dr. Carl Dent or Business Manager Lewis Ford, of the Riverside sanitarium of Nashville will be in attendance to represent and report for that institution. Profs. T. T. Fraz ier and James Moran will repre sent Oakwbod Taihing School of Alabama. At this conference only gen eral officers are selected- Rev. Peterson's term of office ex pires at this conference and a new Secretaiy for the Negro de partment will be elected. Rev. J. E. Johnson df this city., Rev. A. E. Webb of St. Louis and formerly of this city, and Rev. Thos. Rowe of New York are mentioned as possible succes sors to Rev. Peterson. ' Also Revs. J. G. Cox of BrDokljn and J. G. : Dasent of Keene, Texas, are b^ing considered. Also prominent among those expected to go to the confer ence will be Revs. W. Fordhmm of Pittsburgh, Ia H. . Bland of Detroit, U. S. Willis of Cleve land, I^.’ H. Lautence of Indian apolis, A'. 'W. Clarke of Bos ton, & Haddleton of Texas, H. D. Sangleton of N. C., and L. B. Reynolds of Kansas Gi^. MURDERED -w 1 V* YERGAfi LOSES HISTORY POST AT N. Y. CqilEGE Fbrmer State Giizten Ousted From Negro History Post Asliville Gitizefls Gives Memory Test Before Being Allowed To Vote Miss Olivia .jP«rr*U*A-JI|a4s»| of Drew Street* who wap ^ cently stabbed to death by etta. Gurley, on Pettigrew St , as ‘the climax.' to 4, q,ua^el b^ tween the two youhrf .’’women .over a m|A. . Miss ^Gurleiy^i^in jail, here and will go on trial at the- next term of Durham cou#i- ty criminal court. “CRIME DOBS . NOT PAY." Dnrhp Ranks High in Per Capita Rate Of Crime SaysF.B.L Durham had more murders, robberies, assaults, burglaries, larcenies and auto thefts in ’40, in proportion to population than the average city in this coun try, according to a survey of the Federal Bureau of Investiga tion. In all, the number of crimes handled during the year by Durham police totaled 1,354, which is equivalent to a rate of 2,270 offenses per 100,000 pop- iilation. For all cities in the country (Continued on page five) Times Editor To Deliver Series Of Addresses In May • In a statement released to day by the Public Relations department of the Caroiiim Times it was announced that Editor L. E. Austin dkdivers the Commencement Address to the students of the Prince ton iGraded School, Prince* ton, Ml Thursday, May 8. On Sunday, Ifoy ll,he will spfeak at the Penn Avenue Baptist Church, Oxford. Sunday, May 18, the Edi tor will address the Greens boro Civic Forum from the subject “Good CSpvemmrat As It Touche Youth”, and Sunday, May at 2:W, he will speak at Liberty, N. C. At 5:45 on the same date he will deliver a radio address on the “Negro In National De- fense** over station WDNC, New York. May 7.—(ANP. Speculation continued rife as to the true reasons why the Col lege of the City of New York has refused to reappoint Dr. Max Yei^n, for four years lec turer in Negro history and cul ture and now president of the National Negro congress, for the term beginning in Septem ber. Dr. L&i^^ce D. Reddick, curator oi^hfe famous Schom- ,burg cDUaeti(^ of Neg|t). art and literature of the New York 1»u6- lic Library system who is spend ing this month in Haiti where he is seeking to foster the develop ment of cultural relations with and among the naCives of Latin Amenca has been recommended for the lecture assignment and will in all probability be ap proved by the board of higher education. In his statement announcing the determination of the admin istration, Dr. Harry Wright, acting president of the city ad- mministrated institution, said: “Some groups are are appar- eiitly tryining to create a fur or about the disinclination of our history department to re appoint Dr. Yergan for ne?it year. The assignment is entire ly unjustified for the depart ment is considering standards of scholarship. Dr. Yergan has never been a full-time member of the department and has for the past four years been hired from term to term to teach one class a semester at an hourly rate. “For sometime thie depart ment has been consWering a re placement for Dr. Yergan. It, feels that if a man is to give a Course in history, he should be a historian. Dr. Yergan is not. He has published nothing on Negro history and h^ demon strated no special scholarship in the field. The department therefore has decided through its democratically - elected ap pointment committee not to re appoint Dr. Yergan for the full term." The intention to continue the course wtas made clear in the statement of Dr. Wright which continued: “The course in Negro history and culture will be given by a young scholar, also a Negro, who received his doctorate in history at the University of Chi cago and who has been active in Neg^o scholarship and cul ture. His appointment hM been under consideration for many months and he will be hired as special lecturer to teach the course in the school of educa tion in the fall term and. in the college of liberal arts iad science in the spring semester. Please tan to Fugf I Oxford Pastor T Rev, V. E, Brown, Progres sive young Durham minister, who has accepted a call te the pastorate of the Penn Avenue Baptist church of Oxford" Rev. Brown is also pastor of Orange Grove Baptist church of Dur ham. Both churches pastored by Rev Brown report an unus ual increase of interest and membership under his leader ship. 575 LB. WOMAN DIES Gary, Ind., — Mrs. Bertha Ckibome, weighiz^ 575 pounds, was buried Saiturday in a 1,475 pound specially eonstracted cas ket. Sixteen pallbearers were us ed and the casket was tilted sideways to be moved tiirou^ the chapel do«r». Asheville — A* bad as the old “grandfather'’ clause the jtfae- tiee employed by elertum olfkiaki here to prevent N^roes from re gistering to vote. To Unite*! States Attom^ General Robert H. JaeCaiaa, Thursday, April 28, atnt affida vits showing that S. I. Thomas, } Revs. M. C. Eicklrberger and W. R. Saxon, all of this eity* uw«wi denied the privilege of roister ing to vote ia the la^ pr«sid»- tial electsoa. * j The affldkTtt ststes tiat ttw registration official dcmaaded that the men read a fcng paragraph n three to fiva minBtes, elow the book, then write frtHn memarjr what they had read, elaimii^ that i thi.4 procedure was a citste lav. The men testify that' while thr^ 1 stood there a white was aUe to register after answering oa^ the qae-'^ions of who he was aatl , where he was from. No impoasi- Irie feati of memory were reqoir- ted of him. I Urging immediate investigatioB I of the facts by the offke of thp j attorney general, the National I Association for the Advaneemoit j of Colored People stated, ' fact that Negroes were reqaited j to meet tests not required of white citizens effectively deaiai to Negro Amerieaus in Aslicv^s their eonstitatiqnal rig^t and is a violaticm of fourt««nth aMdl fifteenth amendments to the Un^ ted States constitution. “We therefwe urge an ate invest^ation to the end the guilty pei>ions> be proseealsd under the laws of the States.’» 1 National Association of Coltege Wmat Again Elect Talladega Dean As Head Bennett Collie chestra To Give S^ Coocort : Nashville, (ANP) — Miss Hilda A. Davifc-i dean of women »t Talladega college, was onanii ly reelected to head National Association of Coll^ Women when they met in 18th annual session at Fiek university. One of the principal speakers appearing at the conferenee was Miss Pauline Redmond, assistant information specialist, of the NYA, who advised the groap that the college woman must de fend her role of iMidership^ daring, however, that self agrand izement on the o£ the eA- ege woman ha^ made her less ae- ceptable as a iMder. Miss Davis, speaking at the present Vi coun cil luncheon, awerled that the eoU^^ woxatn should seek to ds- fend, our right' to sbtiggW as a free people, our z^ht to aal voluntarily, and our right to make a Bus(al». -i- The BsniMtt tra, under the direetaoa. N. Gatlin will app«ar ^rijog Caa^at in tfae Pfetffer Seiwaee jMaemfcii 16. Idll, at 8:1S P. It bers of the ortiweta. * 1st violins^ othy Ja«teoa« Maxtkfc' WiUiuifliqper* TImi4 HMm. Loa«i SteluibMs: Horn Ftenf, Xjmk JoOMk- . -.A'-