PICKENS GETSJREASUBT il K :: ss >: if MAILING EDITION It t! if •• II If ■ A \\ I! n ■T'- PRICE 5c Volume Twenty-l’wo Durham, North Carolina, Saturday, May 17, 1941 Number Twenty - Five Trio Killed In Crossing Accident ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ AIRCRAFT PLANT EMPLOYS NEGROES ICE TRUCK NIT BY FAST TRAIN; AU OCCIPANTS KILLEB BT MABSHALL REVELS Durham — Death's knell sound ed for three young Durham ites last Sunday at approximafely 9 «. m., when an ice truck owned by Neil Stanback, and oecupied by Bobe^t Crenshaw, Jr., 15, of East Pettigisew Street, Vernell Chavis, 16, of South. Brigge 4'^eaue, and Ralpil. irdrim WM ttvttck by the fa»t inooming Train Number 21 of the Southern Kail way, headed west at the Dawn Str*et "Crossing near the Virginia and Carolina Chemioal plant in East Durham. Crenshaw, the youngest of the trio was killed instantly, while the other occupants died shortly after reaching Lincoln Hoeipital of broken limbs and skull frac tures sustained in the aeoident. Reports vary as to hoTr the tragic affair laotually occurred- Howeveri in eome quarters it is averred, that the vehicle stalled on the tracks, in front of the fast raqving incoming passenger train. The vehicle was completely de- moliehed and was dragged a dis tance of approximately 150 feet by the train. Funeral services for the accid ent vietima were conduoted Tuesday *fterno6n, from the Or ange (Jrove Baptist Church, East Durham by Ih*. V. E. Brown, pas- ir, who with Beveral other pro minent ministers paid a glowing last tribute to the deceased. ‘x EULES OF THE BOAD • ON*iDIMmNO LIGHTS • Sea. 94, Motor Vehicle Laws • of North Carolina:— "The • head lamps of motor vehicles • shall be so constructed, ar- • ranged and adjusted that they • will at all tinies and under • normal atomepheric coudi- • tions and on a level road piro- • due* a drivtftg light sufHcient • to render deafly discernible a • person two hundred feet a- • headj but any person dperat*. "■ ing a motor vehicle upon the • highways^ when meeting ano- • ther vehicle, shall so control • the lights of the vehicle oper- • ated by him by shifting, de- • pressing, deflecting, tilting • or dimming the head light • beams in Fueh manner as • shall not project a glaring or • dazzling light to persons in • front of such head lamp.” In • other words, dim your head- • lights when meeting another • car on the highway at night. • The law requiraa i£, courtesy • suggests it, safety 3einands it. Prominent Bostonian Finds No Air Jim Crow In South By Jim Hewlett Boeton'— Norris O. Davis, pro minent local undertaker who re cently purchased a round trip air line ticket to Natchez, Miss, with stop over privilege enroute to viait , tiie nationally known Booze family of Mount Bayon, was informed by airline officials here that while it is- riot the custom, to encourage Negpro travel by air in the South, they a're treated with utmoat eonr tesy and are accorded the same rights as white- pMsengers# Ushers To Set Up Randolph County Branch In Ramseur Ushers from many SMitions of the state will Journey to Ram- aeur, North Carolina on Sun day, May 25 to set up a branch of the North Carolina Interde nominational Ushers Associa^ tion to be known as the Ran dolph County Ushers Union. Arrangements for the pro gram have been completed ac cording to J. W. Doak, treasur er of the State Association, and a large crowd is expected to be on hand. Ushers and visitors from fiib- srty, Ashboro and other places in the county Will b» prwrent as well as singing groups. The program will include a morning and afternoon session , and will be held a^ the M. E. church. It will conclude with an address in' the afternoon by President L, E. Austin of the State Associa-. tion. According to Mr. Doak visi1>- ing Ushers will be served din ner on the church grounds at 1:30 P. B(L by the committee on Arrangements, and it will not be necessary for out-of-town vis itors to bring lunches. All of the state officers have been invited to the meeting and from all indications, many of them will he present from as far east as Raleigh and as far west as Winston-Salem. FLASH! * A mob, estimktcd 11 P. Lit- * * ten, Gadaen Ooozitjr* Fla. * Sheriff as 5 or 6 unidentified * * whites, snatched a Niigro pri- * soner, A. 0. WilUaffis, who * * was being nuhed by asnbol- * * ance to TaHahaiwee for hoepi- * t«l treatment, Monday * * evening. May 12 after bar- * * ing been brmt&IIy shot and * * beaten Sunday aigtit tn a * * prior attempt by a lyiidi bent * * mob, and in this second at- * * tempt poured a ToUey of * * eight or ten shots into hJi al- * * ready wotodad bo^. WtU- * * iiOOB had be«B accused of so *^fie]is^’ to be trained at it$ attisnpit cdnunteaJ assault sp* * * on a 12-year-old whit* child. * * The Sheriff stated that net- * '" ther Deputy Sheriff Davis who * * had been on doty Son. idte, * nor ambnlaAce driver Webb. * * who was enroate to the hospi- * * tid Monday with Williams * could recognise any mombers * * of the mob. . • Defendants Win In Texas Primary Tilt Henin^urg Chosen To Head Delaware State Teachers College By Trusts Dover, Delaware. — Dr. Al phonse Heningburg of North Carolina College for Negroes was elected to succeed Dr. R.S. Grossley, president of Delaware State College for Colored Stu dents at a recent meeting of the Board of Trustees, it was an nounced this vteek by J. A. Prear, Jr., Secretary of the board. ^ , Dr. Heningburg is a graduate of Tuskegee Institute, received the Phi Beta Kappa award at Grinnell College in Iowa, later matriculated at the yniversity of Paris and was avirlirded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in College Administration at New York Universiy in 1939. During his twelve years as a member of the staff at Tuske gee Institute, he served success ively as instructor, director of the academic department and Personnel Director. In 1937 he came to the North Carolina College for Negroes to serve as Administrative Assist ant to Dr. James E. Shepard, president of that institution. Dr, Heningburg has become widely known for his work in 0PM Puts Pressure'Mechanics Arts Head On Aiiplane Plants To Hire Negroes Mr. Hillman Assures NAACP That Com panies Will Be Urged To Accept Negroes Waahington -— Prom Sidney Hillman, co-director of the Office of Production management comes word that the 0PM i& investigat ing the racial policy of the Swall ow Airplane company whjch, re- eently circulating a handbttl ask- for “white Araetican eiti- public relations and as a teach er of school administration. He is at the present time a mem ber of the Executive Committee of the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools for Ne groes and is secretary of the Control Committee of the same association. Last month, he was elected as alumni represen tative on the board of trustees of Tuskegee Institute. His sei^ vices are in grest demand as a speaker and he has been promi nent throughout North Carolina in inter-racial activities. In releasing his statement the secretary of the Board of Trustees at Dover said: “We are convinced that we have made wise selection of a man who is capable of giving able direction to the program of our college.” State College is a land-grant college of Delaware. In addi tion to work offered in agricul ture, home economics and the mechanic arts, the college serves as the enter of teacher prepar ation for the State. The Insti tution is approved by the Civil Aeronautics Authority to offer vocational flight training. Houston, Tex. Approval of the lily white Democratia primary as now in use in Texas was given this week by Federal Judge T. M. K/Wineriy of the U. S. Dis trict court. He decided in favor of the defendants in the case of Sidney .Hasgett vs election offi cials. The eaae, which attracted wide attention in the South, wae hand led through the local branch of the NAACP, with the assistance of Atty. Thurgood Marshall ss asfiociate legal adviser. It was heard on April 17 following many postponement!. Judge Kenit^ly had the case under advisement for 10 days before giving his de cision. The plaintiff, ti^ett, sued election officialsi contending he had been damaged to the extent of $5,000 when he was barred from voting ia the Democratic primary. Defense attorneys argued that the Democratic party was a pri vate organisation and wss en titled to excjude from membership any individual or groups it desir ed. Judge Keonerly upheld this contention. Joining in the battle for the plaintiff were Attys. H. 8. Davis of Houston and W. J. Durham of Sherman,Texas. ion in Witehita, Kaos. In reply to a ;ommunieation from Roy Wilkins, assistant ee- eretary of the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Colored People, Mr. Hillman stated, “To date we have made contacts with several leading air plane companiea and have secur ed from appropriate Offices pled ges of cooperation which are be ing translated into actual plans for Ne^o employment.” Mr. Hillman assured ttie NA- AOP that the Swallow company will be urged aolng witli other Plants to accept Negroes for em- ployitnent. Appplications For Air torps Available At N. Y. NAACP Office Curtls-Wright Agrees To Train Applicants For Aircraft Jobs Negroes Rank High In Mentd Tests Eobert Cottoui iMrector of H©- chanci Arts and Sta»erintendetit ff Buildinfs and Qroonds at Un- coln University, Jefferson Oity, BSi^ouxi.—(AKP photo). New York — The results of a scientific reee*irch recently con ducted in the field of human per sonality, as revefied Jlepttt^kl Bfia^ine«^^ho' fic^nt wealth »f JSegfro tStJent and genius in' this eoiiatfy* Bruce Blivea, a.whit« writer foimd from two surveys made of 8,000 Chi cago Negro school children, pick et! at random,^ that were in telligent enough to qualify a« geniuses” and that one ranked with the highest, intelligence rat ing of great men of the past (Mill, Goethe, Newton). Plane Plant Jobs Loom For Race Washington — Crashing all fronts of the airplane manufac turing industry, Negroes are be ginning to be considered in these 'plants for jobs with indications that within a very short ^inie, they will be working in three huge plants. On Wednesday night, Lieut. 1 i Lawrence Oxley of the United Annlirants UrfiT^d To ^states Unemployment service left Request Traming At''“ School Nearest Their Home New York — Men who are in- Buffalo, New York — The successful eulmination of as c#* fort to gain employmeat oppor tunities for skilled N^roee in tte aircraft indc tries in Buffalo wmm effected today with th« stleetiMi of a group of Negro appKeanii for training in the CnrtiiaB- the New 1 Wright Aircraft ptent. a magni I tXpoB the Stieeefsfal eompleti«i df Ihir trsiiwui eoaisi^i4hca» gro appnntiees wiO be tofieijmA as skilled workeri^ in aircraft pro doction. Because of the rtcofxuz- ed necessity fox selecting traineiiC with above the average inteU%- ence, perf»iuility, adetability, and physical fitness for this pioneer group, Lieut. Lawrenee A. 0x1^^ Chief Baeial Beiatioaa Soeial Seeurity Board, Washii^ ton, has figured prwainent^ ia the preliminary arr*nagem«itfv and recruitment of the trainees. During the Past three mnntlis Lieut Oxley has had eonferaMe* with, and the active eo^ieratim of executives of the aihiraft i«- dus^ and representatives of tke New York State Employniettt Service, National Youth Admibs- Buffalo Chamber of ef Educatioife. terested in joining the aiir crops of the United States Army are notified that they may obtain ap- plication blanks by writing to the National Afisocaion for the Ad vancement of Colored People 69 Ffth Avenue, New Ycwrk City. The NAACP has already sent out nearly 100 of the blanks se cured from the War Department and is mailing 200 more to those who have written expressing their willingness to join the air force. The asFociation stresses that suggpestion that applicant request that they be given training at the training school nearest their home because of the prestent plan to send such Negroes as art ac cept^ for training to the segre gated training school at Tuskegee Institute. • in by the Curtis Wright company to offer them the personnel which they plan to recruit among Ne groes. Lieut. Oxley waa especially asked for by this firm. Enroute to Kansas, where the great hue and cry arose on the airplane plants refusal to engage Negroes, went Dr. Ira DeA Heid to consult with officials there with referene to putting Negroes' in the training courses in the Kansas »hools with further re ference to putting them to work. 3ome 50 Negroes are being con sidered for this first effort. Up in Hartford, Conn., Pratt and Whitney are thumbing the idea and according to informa tion close to the offical sources, it is be^ievfed they are ready to capitulate and engage Negro workers in their plants. Although the source asked that information be given the public, the person was especially anxi- Please turn to page Eight Subscribes To Negro Newspapers Washington — Negro newspap ers will be included in the gener al. subscription list of the United Staj^ Office of Oovernment Re ports *beginning July 1, it is re ported. This is the firjt time that | istration, clippings from Negro papers will j Commerce, Board receive official recognition from I ™ ^ . I u - I Please turn to page Bight thisi government bureau. • ^ NAACP Field Worker Accepts High Post With U. S. Treasury Washii^lton — William Pickens, field secretary an3 director of branches for the NAACP since 1920, has lefr that organization to take a new position in the United States treasury at Wash ington. Ha is expected to assume his new duties late this week, and will be the only Negro holding an official position in the feder al treasury. The appointment is not poUti' cal, it was emi^asized, and Mr. Pickens will have a civil serriee rating. His salary was not re- vealed, although it is expected to be considerably more than Us reumuneration at tite NAACP and will mak« him aie ot tb« J highest, il not the hi|^eet, paid Negroesr in the government mbv. vice. It waa understood that seve^ nationally proaiineat oko ■ wet» under eonsideratioo^ bat 1^. Pickens was ebos« and riifurns^l of his t^leetion by looif distMMl telephon« to his hwi«, at York. It esMe as « % ^im u he waa &oi vimtt %hI soeh a laove wm «ei4ds9M|ji| and aeeovdia^ had m m. Il^« no atteaipt to oliaitt tion. lb. PSritaM is elasMt!^ indepttD^KVi BiBitiwHy. ^ As : a nwwifcwLt Jg staff, Mr. FMmw vUL ofRe® in th« tfaesnry He is SHVatfeMl to Pie—» tMEBF to Anti-Crime Broadcast To Feature Judge H am

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