I'AGE FDUR TR£ CAB9LINA 'TIMBS 8AT0«DAT, MAY 17th, Wtl THE WOMAN’S PAGE issas Durham Socials liisfM Martha «nd Mjrtha iShrrea attended |he Baeculaurtte jtemon at Ben^ O’^eUy High fichool H^dky. :mmaR»R St Joseph AME Raiders Mothers Day Program Th« apirit of Mothcrei’ QUEEN OF SWING The Gospel I’honis of Ehone- >Ti^* ap. wr Baptwt Chnrch spooaored a waa oimed out Sunday evening, ;l»mpftni^*by Messers Robert and program in Raleigh last Moiitfffy May 11 at 7:30 o’clock ifl Erans. ^ night under the direction of Ml«i form of a program ^ven «t Saint Bettye B. Barret.' Joaeph AME cimreh under th« • Ispona^kip of Mss. M«ry C. The Moxahela Class of Saint Evan* witt Mrs. Early Qrandy Joseirft AME Church met at the as Mistrees of Cereiionies. The home of Mrs. Eva Southerland program wax as followFC » Olenn Street Ttieeilay even ing at eight o’clock. "jToward Evans. Dvigte Moore of Cary apebt Sndajr afternoon with Misa Miiini« Seward on Plnm Street. Friends of little Louk Stanley wtM be fifti to learn that be Is to be out again after under- %oiiif an operation at Oneoln hcapitsL • Doremas Dixon, returned to the city 8an4ay after spendinir some tiflw in Newbem visiting rela- tivw, > The Allen Christian Endeavor Opening Hymn, “Holy, Holy, Holy,” Congregation Invocation. Chant of the Lord’s Mrs. Adaline Booze is still at LijkoIb Hospital. Mr. Jerse Wooten and other League of Saint Joeieph Church met a* the regular hoarj Crowning Exercise, Miss Annie of 6:45 Sunday evening. The Page Program was sponsored by t h e, _ „ , Look Oat Committee.’Speaker of I Selection, Hillffide Ban the evMiing was Dr. W. A. Cle- Welcome, Miss Gwendolyn Flin- 1*“^- Uall, Hillside High School School Glee Reading, “Which Loved Her Beat", Julia Mae Spencer, East • ^4. -S^le^ti®!, Burton Speaker at the North Carolina College, B. N. Duke Auditorium' relativM tt^oft(d here from Wash Sunday afternoon was l4rs. Ar inin, last week to visit mother thtir Logan, State Effi^oyment and otker relative and friends.'Office, Kew York City. It waa the 1 End School • occasion of the annual program ^4,1'. W • G Miu Martha Dennis, who has'of the TWCA of the North €aroL^ , bee® iU for son»time is getting a.}{g2i College. j ® Imjg fine at her home on Erie] j golo, Master Ronad IC.VFore Street. man, Jr. Whitted School Mrs. Liilie m the road Mae to recovery I The Rev. G. L. Hawkins, D. D Hender:*oB ielWorld’s Famous Evangelist and .V— «, after H(^e Bapti^ lacerationsthe face|Church of Asheboro, a returned |ciub and a broken leg received ir anj^^^i^^^y antomobSe *ecident sometime 1®^ «-evivai meeting at the Mount .Calvary Christian Church the past *'®® 0 iWeek. Mesifers George Green and! Sunday May 11 he preached Jia-OTie Brown attended the the subject “The Virtues Jnnior-Senior Prom at Berry an Ideal At 3 o’clock. r ©‘Kelly High School, Friday nite.-,j,^ «‘The UQtroddenl Preaentation Rifthard is ill at him®,on ftjf'ICilPht l»osi the sub- Evans Troy-Street. His fri«ids hope for Kings Busineae.” hiili a speedy temvrnfy. Spiiltoal servieee Were. carried on throughtrat the w««k. , Reading, Miss Minona Go!b*k Selection, Burton School Glee Readi^, Miss Ethel Washiag- B ' VioHS SoIo, T. D. Parham, ^ jr. Selection, Hilleide High school Mrs. Mary C. V / ■ EbeBeier Inoir lo i o • i Appear InJ^Micert Charlotte hocials tb». p«tty B. Bwrrett towtor of the Gospel Chorus o£ Ebene- ■ , \ tt TalftphoiU 3-16^ IP^. J. L. Ranson, H. M. Newaoo, 'and Benoit Responses to thmr Baptiat Church announced that the chorus is scheduled to TeiepBoae 31^6 „ , „ . render programs in the Eastern I Ned’Davis eiecutive secretary talk were made by Dr. J. S. N and Western part of the state ‘*»e Chamber of> Commerce an- Troafc Henry Warren and Cole- beginnii^ May 30. ' aounced that the annual mtasical man Rippey, Director of the elub Anyone desireoas of having'P*^® Sponsored by the Chamber'An advisory committee was ap- the «horu8 appear on progratt»|»^ Commerce will be hell Sunday|pointed to serve with the Civitan may do so by eontacti% R«r. T. May 18th at 3 o’clock club in the interest of the cluh* A. Gtady, pastor of the chnrch (» ^ armory auditorium. Those appoined were, ft-. J. S. Mrs. Betty Barrett on Sowell P"* festital N. Tross, C. F Ru^#i, Profet«or I will be quartets, choirs, soloist, |H. S. Adams and Ned Davis. I and instrumental groups. The The chorus is heard the first highlight on the prc^^am will be Sunday morning of each month ^the singing of spirituals. There at the chureh located on Glenn'^in be a silver oflEering taken at Street. jthe door. Seats will be reserved Mrs. Barrett is ateo organist of,f“f Orange Grove Baptist Church P**^ and assists in the arrangement f* “ touch with Ned tDaji^ at of selections f»r the teTFi on Beatttea Ftrfd Roid. tion Chorus whtek over Station WDNC. heard Charlotte Hospital Holds Open House The young womens’ niigeioDary circle No. 1 of Little Rock chttrch met Wednesday evening at the Parsonage on 7th street. The Southernaires aponsored by Saint Michael’s I^iscofwl church will appear at the 0ty Armory on May 14th. Mothers day programs were ob served at all the churches Sunday. At Little Rock church at 7th and Myert street, The mothens of tihe church had charge of the ser vices the entire day. Charlotte Over 10-1 clasa of West Charlotte High school sponsored a social at n school last Monday evening, i 7 ^ Q ft ) O A ^ ^ A JS A ^3 a% A a Attorney R. P. Boulding left the eity Saturday night for the West. He expects to return to th0 State at an eairly date to live. Rev. and Mrs. Paul Davis of jit was largely attended and the Saint Mark Street had as thei# Sniaritan Hospital ^ proceeds went to\^rd helping the dinner guef|ts Attorney and Mrs. institution was open to viifitore - - r i j Members of the so that tlie public would have an ■opportunity to see the Hospital k * Evening Bridge Cltib entertained Whatever there is to say about ^ -m j j ., ,, , L jj 1 «t their annual dance Wednesday me Hos}Mtal, one hardly knows. ( It is well equipped and has finally i ^ . got around to providing itself p with ftdeauatd hofimtal ^ tR. Bouldfng of Oaklhoma. Mrs. j Boulding is the ssister of Miss Wednesday Mary Wyche. Dr. J. D. Martin, Sr continue* evening at Son Set Park, It was ill at his home on Martin Street. Willie Bill, Sr. of Martin st. I Roy Perry was hoSjt to mem- who was injured is an automobile ELLA FIT^RAU) with adequate hos]Htal facilities Wick Bridge Jitccident last Easter is reported With all that has been done, there . . m. j ■„ i. .fiH Thursday evening at his improving and will ooon be able home on East Boundary street, to be out again. Tile next meeting will he with James Roe@. i^m. Carrie Colston ©f North McDowell street who 4a» been is still room for improvMn^t at Good Samaritan Remains, Rev. J. A. Valentine Mis^ Ethel Ra^and has return ed to ^e eity after spending Bometiaie in Richmond, Ya. On Friday evenings May 16, at _ 8 o’clock, the Lyon Park Choruaj Misfi Mary Baines acted as Miss Mattie Ma« Wietman is will Present, in the auditorium its Mistress of Ceremonies in the hms S(^in beii!^ in Raleigh annual operetta, “Hearts and B|),geBee of Mrsi Early Grandy, whei« ^ attended the fuileral Blossoms.” The performance in- service* of a relative who died in eludes about 49 children in the Ella Fitzgerald, captivating “Queen of Swing”, who will be bringing her stellar aggregatioh to the Gate City Saturday, C. C. Smith, Major of the Hill- nig-ht, May 17, The Greensboro appearance of this nationally known band is being sponsored by The A. & T. College Band. The schoors gymnasium will be the scene of this gala aff&ir. side Safety Patrftl assisted in the direction of the pr^r*n'* St. Agntt HcspitaL music department coming from grades 3 through 6. The public is cordially invited to attend the Roosevelt buys the first de fense savings bond and stamps. Ecquador President assures U. The “PUmtation Chorus'* un- cordially invited to attend the g_ £y|j military cooperation, der the direction of Johnny Pat- prc^ram. All patron tickets are Strict army tests urged by tersoB rendered a program at the 25c. General admission, 15c. doctors to avoid “soldier’s Edgietnoat ]^if3:i!H: Church Friday J. M. Schooler, principal. I heart’’. FASHION The Pearson School Chorus pre nented “Pandora” an operetta in three acts, in the school audi torium, Monday night May 12 at 8:15. This play was one of very fine entertainment. • _ The Satterfield-fl>avis Dramatic Club met with Miss Mary Baines Wedneriday, May l4. Samuel Gray, Corporal 76th 4 f f: . , -i mi--, 'i if' . 'ii-4 'I vt V o. M -• Coast Artillery, and resident of jjgjujf the Lincoln Hospital Holds Open House! Everyone was invited to visit Lincoln hospital on National Hq5pitftl Day, Monday, May 12 ld4l. It was an occasion on which the staff was glad to welcome their many friends in order that they might show them what the hospital if) accomplishing in Lynchburg, Va. was in the city a few days last week and while here visited Mack NekiOij, a close community. patient and the ■J' A special feature of the day’s friend of his, and a former .activities was planned, a Baby middleweight champicm of the renni«n from 2 to 4 p. m. consist- ffayy. jing of all babiep( born at Lincoln I Hospital during the past four years. Prizes were awarded. Scientists hear of experiment i bringing test-tube baby nearer. The numerous services which fssztut tSSplB w01d?P eaSD ar^the hospital provide?| was^ open Don’t strain yourself trying to for inspection and found inter- reform the world—it has been esting. The hospital’s motto: “To here a Icmg tinae without you better ^rve y«u and the comm and will last a long time after you depart. ' ' YOUR X large group of outstanding ^^^fined to h«r home for the past men of the eity met with leaders yjar ig improving. of the Civitan club last Thusrady i . evening to inspect th~e recently Time, place, and action, may opened Boys ’ Club on South Cald-1 with pains be wrought; well street E{K>nsbred' by the (White Civitan club). Dwight,“"^t be ^rne and Stephens president presided. Plans | ^ for the club were discussed by —Dryden. j:. ■. .nuj— ■ HI ,1, r ifaaewaesaf ChSNAPSHOT GUILD PICTURING THE HOUSE VYIUlXieilMilXtEUYEIIS mo Doestitl) HERTS ROVM.’S DEmrWfiMS IM-l teooivd! tfA, aad ufllfiMi^^iiioodi- t|lfl^fli tilt witb plmn of die thion *te to jasciy tiuaous.OMier in)-,->i bnKIh'. l;0 HAMHv BAKERS, RALIIGH N ...I# ho "'foils" for a girl's lovely hair! If your hair is dull, lifaless and gray-stroaked... Color It with Oodofroy's Larlousa Meo just can’t help admitiof beau tiful hair. They notice a woman's hair almoit before they nodcc her fac«. So don’t let dull, dingy, ^ay- ttraalced hair destroy the loveliness thst y9Mr mm finds ao appealiag. Use Godefroy’t Larieuse! Ladeuie (LARRY-USE) colors h«^ qttieUy, w*»ly. It won’t rub off or wash out. Permits curling, marcels, permanent waves. Known and used/or 4$ ytars. Money back if not satisfied. Oboke of 18 cqlpra. If your dealer doesn't haVie It, send |1.25 directto... GOpSFROY STRMT. SAINT tODII, HAIR COLORING A ^od eameni pesttliaft, Mhfehffte striking at mi angle, and a tree foi "framing"—all help make a pteasing home picture. Good ahots at home are easy with any camera. HOW many good pictures dt yoar home do you bave in the tnap^ shot collection? And are they really good ones? You know. It’s Just as easy to take a good picture as any oHier kind-^nd much mote satis fying. Itott folks made two mistakes In picturing a bouss. First they choose th# wrong vlewpoiat; ncond. they tilt the camera spward. Maybe yoii don’t make these mlstakes-~and it that's the case, your pictures of liome are probably better than av erage. Good camera position, and a property leveled camera, are "half the picture.” JL stral|ht front view of a hsnie Is seldom the best view. t7aua1ly a diagonal vlew~the way you Srat see the house as you come along the street—Is preferable. It's less formal, and more natural. This is the view diosea fer the house in H»e irtctwre abow—obviouslj lao'fe attractive than a “head-on" shot , The level camara is important because. If you tilt the camera up. the house appears to tilt in your picture. This can be avoided by shooting from a greater distance, which enables you to get all tbs house in without tilting the lens upward. Or, you can shoot from a higher pasitioa, whi^ helps too. A sunny day is best for house plo> tures. Piofc an hour when the sun strikes at an angle, as this shows up tht details •>-thi lines of ths weatherboarding, the window out lines, and otber features. You do not need to show all of the house Iti every picture. An at tractive doorway or window bay, a gabled end — these alone make 'highly elTectlvt shots. "Framittg" also lends attractlveims. Notice til picture Abovd how the large tree and ovkrhangtng branches have ^ee« «sed to make a pleasant safbral ‘triime." Try these ideas on your house. They're rivpls—but theur yield th* best ahots—a»d yotor li«me Aould by all means be presented attrao tlvely in the album. John van Guilder ,

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