r 'TTT^’^'r^-'T^rrw- BELL AIRCRAFT TO HIRE niuu:i»i»uuua:u:i:iu»im»iiKHini '■■•••••a >••••••■• MAILING EDITION 0 iu:^»(u:!:»nn:::iUHni:»n:t»K::K:::i Volume Twenty-two tm uwv.Li DURHAM, fi PRICE 5c I 3 Durham, North Carolina, Saturday, May 24, 1941 Number Twenty-one BEKIRMG ★ ★★ ★★ NSSOUn USE W ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ TIT IT ^ IT ^ ^ ★★.IT 'W ^ j ^ W- ^ ^ M m « Governor Broughton To Address Seniors ★ ★ Case To Force Admittance Of Race To Grad. School Reheard JeffersoQ City» Mo. — The famous case of Lucille Blufoisi V8 the University of Misaouri was opened again Thursday, May 15. Tlie appeal of Miss Bluford, Kansas City, Mo. from a judg ment denying her a writ of man damus to compel the registrar of the University of Missouri to is- ■ae her a permit to register In the graduate school of the university toif work in jou^nal&m VM heard by tSe Missoori gupreaiie Otwrt and takeA vBder advisfiinent. In the Missouri Supreme Cfourt eotinsel for tlie Univer#»tir of Mo. spent most of their time trying to prove that Miss Bluford did not waijt instruc tion in journalisin but was merely lending her name to an NAACP campaign to break down the Ftate policy of segrega tion. Charles H. Houston and Sidney R. Redmond of the Na tional leagal committee of the NAACP who represented Miss Blufol-d, answered by stating that the NAACP was fighting to make the state obey the equal protect ion clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Consitutlon of the . United States and that they were determined to se6 that the state did not give white citizens an education while all it offered to Negroes was m l*ir suit. They showed That the University of Missouri was the only place in Missouri where graduate training in journailsm was offered by tlie State, and thsTt under those cir cumstance Mias Bluford was en titled fo admission to the Univer sity instantly. The University coun sel argued that the NAACP was engaged in a campaign through out the states to break down the laws setting up separate educat ion for the races. Miss Bluford's Please turn to Page Eight Broughton Speaker June 3, At N.C.C.N. Final Exercises Durham — The complete sche dule of commencement activities at the North Carolina College for Negroes, as released earlier this week follows: The Program proper gets under way Saturday May 24, with the Annual Dean’s reception for the Senior women, 6 to 8 p. m. in the homo of the dean. On Friday morning, May 30, tffe annual class play of the Col lege’s' senior group will be given. Sunday, June 1, 3 o’clock— Baccalaureate Semion by Doetor Vernon Jones, Fannille, Virginia. 4.30-6—Annual Presidertt ’a re ception to faculty, visitors and alumni, president’s home. A. and T. College Celebrates “I Am An American Day” Greensboro — With appropriate ceremonies! consisting of military manoevers and a parade and a special worship service, A at^ X eojl^ joi»^ in Ae' celebration of the first “I Am A American Day” last Sunday afternoon. This celebraton was authorized by an act of Congress to allow for the public recogni tion of all American youth who attained citizenship status from the period, January through May A parade through the city streets consisting of three com panies from the Maceo T. Alston post of the Americah Legion ))re- ceded the worship service. Milit ary maneovers were held on the campus lawn. Thirty-four students were a- warded Citizenship Handbooks at the worship service. President F. D. Bluford made the awards. Dr. John F. Moreland, pastor of Saint John’s AME Zion church WibOn, delivered the principal address at the recognition service held in the college auditorium. He took as basis for his address the familia’F con^rvation between Jeius and the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well which reads in part: “Thou has nothing to draw with and the well is deep.” The speaker said that modern life offers us two alternatives: the choice of either using a deep well from which we can Eccure which we can secure living water or using a cistern from which we can draw only only stagnant wa ter. “It is the purpose of educa tion,” he said “to so train the intellecT that would be citizens have the necessary tools to draw living water vom the deep wells of knowledge.” IDr, Morland also pledaed with the new citizens to acquire well- disciplined emotions, a realistic vie^v* of race relations, and a re lations, and a religion based on truth and founded on experience. In conclusion, he pleaded for a vital and Uviug religion and education founded on the essen tial principles of traij(,smission and creation. Support Price supporting mea.siires for poultry, dairy products, pork pro ducts, and vegetables will be con tinued through June 30, 1.043, ac cording to a United States De partment of Agriculture announce ment. U. s. Treasury D*CAN tmmM' of New York City, one of the best known public figures ih America who was appointed as an aide in the United States Trea sury with headquarters in Wash ington, O. C. Mr. Piekeng who for years has served as Field Agent for the NAACP and who is re cognized as one of the most bril liant scholars and si>eakers upon public affairs within the group, will especially emphaize the sale of Defe^gj Bonds in his new work. —(ANP photo.) Dorthy Maynor Is Noted As Very “Acccomplished” New York, — We know of only one person who ciin do all the following things: sing beautifully, play the Englis’h horn, play the olioe, orchestrate a song, conduct an orchestra scorei pUy the fhite and transpose an aoeompaniment at sight. Tliat person is Dorothy Maynor, the noted Negro soprano who was>. guest Sunday, May 18 on the Coca-Cola prt^am. Dorothy Maynor, sensational soprano, appeared as guest. star •iunday. May 18, on the Ko.iVe- lanetz-Spaulding Broadcast. Tlrb popular program whteii Ngulariy features th* Abf mmit of ductor Andre Kosteltnet* and Violinist Albert Spaulding, is heard every Sunday afternoon at 4:30 EI^T over the Columbia network. Stars oin “The Pause That Refreshes’* Major Wright Has Gala Birthday Party Observes 87th Year Philadelphia, — Major K. R. Wright, Sr., paymaster in United States army during the Spanish- American war, college president, father of a bishop, founder and president of a bank, celebrated his 87th birthday last Friday and had 10,000 people, perhaps more, out at his birthday party. The guests attended a spring time music arid flower festival arranged by a committee of 1,000 in honor of .the veteran citizen. Scores of choirs and other music organizations furnished music; representative citizens of two races spoke; mountains of flow ers and garden exhibit were ar ranged by expert horticulturalists and bevies of beautiful debutantes dotted huge Convention hall. E. Washington Rhodes, lawyer and newspaper editor, was chair man of the birthday affair with representative men and.wonien in the community leading the group of sponsors. Burton Defeats East-Enders For CitySoftbaB Crown (Durham — The Burton School Bulldogs, coached by P. Q. Bur- nett^e, capturcd the Elementary Softball chainpionship by routing Bradsher’s East Enders, lO-**, Plea^ turn To page Eight Alabama To Be Charged with Murder Birmin|^am> Ala. — Chai^^s of murder will be preferred against Hubert Alexa,nder and other mem bers of the police force of Fair field, Ala., who is accused of hav ing shot and killed Johii Jackson in Fairfield recently, it was aur nuonced thi& week by the Nation al Association for the Advance ment of Colored People. Although TJUblic opinion i^ roused in favor of prosecution of the officers, NAACP attorneys who are ^andling t^e case expect a stiff battle. Army Seeks Enlistment of Negroes In Charlotte and Mecklinburg Conpty Charlotte —, According to in formation, released here this week by Col. H. Wells, it was re- vealiad that the district, embrac ing Charlotle and Mecklinburg County has a quota calling for 829 Negro men. To be eligible, men must have at least a sixth grade eSucaltou, must be single, and wi'thout criminal record. The quota is ^roken down as follows: Fort Bragg post. 158; Fort Bragg replacement center. 111, New Orleans Scene Of New Teacher’s Equal Salary Fight Tim^ Inaugurates Anti-Crime Clean-up In The Queen City Charlotte — C. A. Irvin, Pui lie Relation Director of the Caro lina Times will make the first of a series of five talks to be broad cast over the facilities of ladio station WSOff Sunday m6rni% May 25 at 9:30. The subject of Irvin's "audresa will he on the gen eral theme, “Crime Does Not Pay.” The newspaper man will show necessary for our entire citizenship to join hands in com bating criminals as a part of our National Defens^ Program. Miss Irina Kyle, public school teacher will render two musical numbers vith the i>rogram. New Orleans, — With a teach ers’ salary differential reportedly amounting to $375,5000 a year, the New Orleans school board will, soon have to take action on the petition of Joseph McKelpin. teacher in the E. P. Ricaud Echool here to equalize teachers’ salar ies. The petition was prestnted Friday night. May 9. Thui^ood Marshall, special counsel of the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Colo red People, announced that the New Orleans petition makes Louisiana the third state in , addi tion to Maryland, and Virginia simultaneous campaigns are being carried on to equalize teachers’ salaries. It is expected that the Louisville, Ky., ca^e will be settled this month. The case in Florida is now pending %^e local United States court. Fort Jalkson post, 92; Camp Croft, South Carolina, 59, Camp Davis, Coast artillery, 90; Fort Bragg 77th Coast . artillery, 100; Fort Bragg, 41st Engineers, -10; Fort Bragg, Quartermaster detach ment, 32; Camp Croft, Quarter master detachment 27, and Fort Jackson, Quartermaster detach ment. Some of the groups for which men will be enlisted include gen eral clerks, receiving and shipp ing clerks, mess sergeants, cooks stenographers, automobile meeh- anies, storage battery electricians radio electricians, painters, sign painters, radio operators, truck drivers, tractor driver?, roadman and chairman, survey, dental stu dent, and dental technician. Buffalo Company Follows Curtis^Wright In Employing Negre Longer Hours For Machines Are Asked By Defense Leader- American Machines Are Doing Only Part j Time iob Thus Far William Knudsen, dierctor of the Office of Production Man agement, tells American indus try not to wait for new machine tools but to use second -"hand tools available “which will do the job,” and to get busy and let sub-contracts because “no one knows your job, your facil ities, and the other companies in your area so well as you do.” He those wtid^are “wait ing” to quit waiting. “Let’s get going and keep going; let’s forget everything except the welfare of our country,” says Knudsen — who sounds more convincing every time he speaks It is interesting to note that Mr. Knudsen's successor at Gen eral Motors, C. E. Wilson, only a few days ago stressed the same idea, suggesting that de fense production would be speeded by finding ways and nieans to work machinery more hours per week. Mr. Wilson said that the bottleneck in this whole defense material produc tion is to get machinery for the new projects. He said that there are actually 168 hours a week, and that if you only op erate the machinery two forty- hour shifts per week, you are only operating that machinery legs than half of the time. New York ~ Bt*ll Aireraft ('orporation has joinwl tbe rankt* ot* thoee American aircraft eoM" panies who are relaxing Uit;ir criminatory hiring p«liri«s, kb* Xatiou*! Urban League announe«JI today on the basis *>£ a rei>ort i*- eeived from itii Buftalo affiliate; A eoofertnee ' held yestenlay '.etween officLaL. ' of the Buffaicr Urban l^agu« and the Ik'11 C9rporati(n ii»- UKMliale' -work ers to be iwed in mainteiiiui*^ work and similar eapm’ities tn the Niagara Falls plant, with iwo- bPoct of further plaeements in tJte future in other plants and in better paid eati'gorie- - Siokesmen for the Butlalo Ur ban League were 'William I>. Kvans, Ere»utive Secretary and , Franklin T. Nichols, who waa ' i.siting Buffalo ' aji part of a special field assigiinie^L in w hiek he repre eute«l the National ITr- ban, League. These spokesmea made it clear that the Negro eoniniunity would not be satisfied with maintenance and unskilled jobs but will expect that the ap- >Ucations of Negro workers would be eon-idered on the basis of their training and experiencA and that places would be made for them in skilled capacitics. These developments at the BdL. plant brighten still further th® employment prospects of Negro* es in Buffalo c- defense indm^tries. Last Fall, it is recalled, the Uif- ban League led a strong which forcetl school officials to open their auto meehanie^ an4 aviation mechanics coursef. to Jfe* gro students. Negroes had baajn,. barred from these defe«s« ■*~nrnllM beeao!!« of the anti-N.egvo peUeiBn of local aircraft p^ts>, - , Hillside Park High To Have Twelve Grades Neid Year Durham — Hillside Park High School will inaugurate a 12 year system of study for all students next year, according to W. F. Warren, superfntendent. Principal W. M. McElrath of the school has been busy for the past few days adjusting the sche- dule.s of the students so that they may take advantage of the cours es being offered next year, War ren faid. Students at the school will have practically the same study courses now being offered at the Durham High School. According to Supt. Warren, tffe plans for setting up the ex- ra grade have h^n underway for the past several years. STUDENT GOVERNMENT AT FT Vi Ir AABOH BBOWH. eliainiiM at «1m Fort Vadl^ St«to Oolkg* MUt|^ OmvnSH JmArnm is jol» "mgilT