SATURDAY, MAY 24th, 1911 THE CABOUNT^n^ rAom fkmS THE WOMAN’S PAGE m: Durham Socials ■■•■•••■••••■•■••••••■•■■••••••if ^•••••••••••••••■••••••••••••••■•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••^ ■••■•■•■••■■ !•••••••• ■■■•■•■I ^Oeorge Scurlock To Fort Bran jthe High School Amlitorimii Sun- Oeorge Thoui«« Scurlock, son day afternoon, May 18, at 3:30 p. of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scurlock m. The Male Chorus of the Se- left the city Tuesday, May IS^cond Baptist Church was on pro- for Fort Bragg where he will be gram with other features and school work oT worth and interest for the commnunity. in training. Viiits* Pareati Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scurlock bad as their week-end guest, Qraduating Exerdses The Qraduuating Exercises of their daughter, Mrs. Lenda Fuller ^the Lincoln Hospital School of the city and Mrs. Naomi John Nursing waa held at the North ion and children from Univer- Carolina College, Monday evening lity. May 19 at 8 o’clock. The Com mencement address wasi delivered by Dr. M O Bousfield of the Julius Rosenwald Fund. Mothers’ D«y Speaker Miss Lillie Mae Rogersi of the ’ity was one of the speakers on Mothers’ Day at Mount Gilead 'hurch, Orange Cpunty. Miss togers is a former teachers of Club of Saint Joseph AME church tussell School. * " Viola Brown at her - home, 1700 Fayetteville Street, Pastov’s Aid In Session Members of the Pastor’s Aid Thursday night at eight o’clock. Mrs. Annie L. Alston is pres. Mrs. Ltil» Scarlett HI Mrs. Lula Scarlett is ill at her lonie on Route 1. Her daughter,] ' kirs. Sadia Branch from Brook- NCO Olee Club In Eecital Wed. yn, New York is spending a few feeks with her. Motors To Oxford ' Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce mo ored to Oxford Sunday to at- end a funeral.They were accom- >anied by Qover Scurlock. Th« Durham Chapter of North Carolina College Aulmni As- sociatiou will present in a return concert the Men's Olee Club of North Carolina College, under the direction of Isador B. Oglesby, at the W. O. Pearson Elementary School, ^Wednesday night May 21 at 8:15. Because of the request made by numerous persons in the city who were unable to hear the Queen Of The Lincoln University Relays | charlotte Socials .Mi>- K. Mnrip Nixon, >npt. of Jo«f Tntt of Oil. er -ttrwf iofKl Samaritan Hiispital nail' '! to h» hom«» in the week-end in Bjiltirnore, Thur-day r>;oming to attend th« latwl vi.'iting friends. t'uneral of his* father Robert • ^Tatt. Mrs. Dallas Keck Harley and • Mi-’-s F. Cora Glenn of New York Mr^. ’ ‘ora Glenn of Oliver St. 'arrived in the ity Wednesday to who '» a patient at flood Smari- be the houfie guests of their I tin TI".pital reported improv- eousin of Mrs. C. Arthur Ander- ing. ■on at her home on Beatties Road.’ • j • Doctor J. D. Martin. Senior, ! Member of the Piek Wiek well known educator, who wa, a I Bridge elub met with James Ri>ss member of John.-on C. Smith at his home on Hamilton str“et I'nivcrMity faf-ulty for many years hist Thursday evening. l*rizes lie«i at hi*t home on Martin street IvvtTf warded to G. T, Nash and after a lingeriuff illnea. Funeral Krne-t Friday. services here hel«l SVednesday at • ; 7th street Presbyterian church. Odil-Fellows lodke North State . Interment was in Pinewood eeme- No. 32.‘}8 held their annual i • Thanksgiving sermon Sunday at tery. Saint Paul Baptist church May Mrs. Cortia PcrkinB and little 11. Dr. J. S. N. Tross wa.s guests! dang-her Curtistina of Winston- sj>eaker. Deputy Henry Stitt made ^alem, were the house guest for a MISS LILLIAN SPXTBLOCK of Peoria, Ulinois, was this week chosen “Miss Mid-West” to reign over the Mid-West Conference Track Meet Held at Lincoln University, May 16-17. Miss Spurlock, a jnnior majoring in English, who spent Receive Diploma Miss Eunica A. Scurlock, daugh er Ttt^ RiTer Highi^hooi''MayT.leeeds"of'Vhe’7on7ert go* to-|j°y«^. n]^merou8 games and _dan-|later in the eveni^, given at thej^ll themselves ward furnishing the Scholarship one year at the University of Illinois, is a student assis tant in the English Depart ment. Her attendants aie: Misses Lucille Wesley, junior Finlfeyville, Pa., and Frieda Roye, senior, Kansis City. a pl»*a for Fellow.-, to fohl. old and new Odd- come bnfk into the few days of Attorney and Mr», L. P. Harris at their home on E. j Stonewall street. Mrs. Curtis ii (the sister of Mrs. Harris. r It Mr. and M«. Scurl’ock re-'group in the concert in April, at the home of her par- dinner given at her home and a at the home of Mrs. Annie Mill-1 P ived her diploma^ from the'the concert will be given. Pro-i“” The guest en- delightful course of ice cream, er on March 26, and decided to [ ^^h _ I ^ A n/I /I A VI _ I 1 n 4-i AYTAmniV miTAVt 1^ Anil ^ Vl A tVl O a1 IT AO TT 1 fvVi Tt*i4\n ^ Moxahela Class Meets The Moxahela Class of Saint Association, oseph AME Church met at the lome of Mrs. Mary C. Evans, Imstead Street, Tuesday night tSp. m. ' r PROMISE TO SPRING WILL BUILD you a house The Ace High with walls the color of sun, when A delicious course of refreshihome of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cross. Whist Club.” The offkers were the shadow of winter has waver- Fund sponsored by the Alumni were served. The Missiomary Society Oonvene The Senior Missionary Group St. Joseph AME Church met ,t the home of Mias Jennie Belle lebane, 1222 Fayetteville Street, iunday afternoon at five o’clock lissionary CRele number two met rith Mrs. Hines at the same time. PTA Holds Meet The Hillside Park High School ■•arent-Teacher Association held ts regular meeting in the High PTA Meet at Pearson School The Parent Teacher Associa tion of the Pearson Elementary School held its last meeing of the school year in the school audi torium, Tuepday •'vening at 8 p. m. The main feature of the meet ing was a picture show presented by representatives of the Juven ile Court. “Boy in Court” was the title of the picture. dared a delightful evning was spent Retnrxis to City Mrs. Francis Jeffers, teacher in Stovall, N. C. is in the city with her husband, Waller Jeffers on Glenn Street. Miss Mary Conch Honored On Her Thirteenth Birthday Miss Mary Couch celebrated her 13th birthday Tuesday night Mrs. Martha Donnell Dies Funeral Services for Mrs. Mar tha Donnell, wife of te latf Wal ter Donnell who diec^ at her home on Thomas Street Saturday inorn- The entire day was a happy oc casion for little Miss Wearing. She received many useful and ap propriate gifts. Attends Fnneral Robert Jones and John Allen motored to Raleigh Sunday where Mr. Jones attended the funeral services of an aunt, Mrs. Jennie Cooke. Ill Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Holloway visited the bedside of Johnnie elected as follows: President,'^d, when the time of snow is done, lola Jones; Vice president,|The roof will be blue as the llow- Geniva Ruffin, Secretary, Cath-er that lives in the heart of the erine Pierce, assistant Secretary, l^^y- The windows will shine like Edythe Jones, Treasurer, Mary »^er moving over the ^and Cornegan; Business manager, Jesse Wright, Chairman of Mem- bershi^k. Manye Fozy; Chairman , . , of Social Committee Annie Mill- the robm, the deer er. After the business was taken care of the guest played cards. Delicious refreshments were ser ved. ing, May 17 at 2 a. m. was held .Go's Sunday, who is ill at his IMPROVED Monday afternoon at Saint Paul Baptist Church at 4:30 p. m. Meat Dishes That Are Easy On the Budget . ly Katharin* Fish«r | Dktc$M,GooiHmuth**pinglnstitu$t ' Meat plays an important part in meals that keep a feeling fit Betides supplyins energy, it is rich in body-building factors—proteins, iroi^ copper and phospnofus. II gives ns health-guarding vitamini & and O. Here are some reeipes—all using "economy” cuts—^that aaily i Miss Patricia Ann Wearing Given Birthday Party Sunday Little Miss Patricia Ann Wear ing was honored on her second home m the Peaksville Commun ity. Younger Set Organize Social Club Some of the younger set of the si>eial circle of Durham have or ganized a cli\b to further their birthday Sunday, May 18, with aj“afterwork” activities. They met Growing Up r [rtMi MARK tt6$THIDJ RIMIMtlR THISI ~mT a*n um utuh mtt- will help you keep meat on your daily menus. AH rcrtpM titM by Goad BMiMkMplax Inrtltato. WOOM. L*a;i iitnliluM-apprond cop* Md IfMMr* Spanish Veal KATHARINI MSMUI DirMMra# Good aMU»k0*flag Imatltutm 1)4 Iba. va*l (bolildar, KTovnd twio* a tbw. maltod botUr or marsartna H 0. day'^lid btaad enimlM 1 tbap. panhqr 1 en. wall Mataa S tap. aalt t tbap. floor t tbap. aalad oU ok iat 6 amaU potatoaa, parad and quartered e amall odIoim. allaed 1 aeeded graau pepper, ohoppad H tap. p«pp*r X tap. augar ..V H tap. bottlad eondl- uant uuiu 1% a. hot watar Mix toeethar tha veal, meltad Kattar, braad emmba, faralay. an. and 1 tap. of ttvi aalt. Form into b^la aboat 1' in diameter (maiiea about 11 balla) s roll ia tha flour; and brown quickly in tha aalad oil. Plaea brownad meat balla and drippintfa la a larsa kattla, deep «eU oookar, or Doteb oven; add potatoaa. onlona, Krean pepper. ramainlDc 1 tap. aalt, peppar, ai«ar, and condiment a*n^ Which has baen dlaaoWed In the hot watar. Cover, and cook (or m h^, or until maat and vasatablea ar« tendar, turning heat low aa aooa aa ataamins eommanoaa. Sarvaa 6 or T. To aarva S or I, maka % tbia raeipa. SwIm Steak 1V4 Iba. bottom vooni or nunp a. canned tomatoaa ^•af. m* to I* mek - ■ - r a. flour y tap. aalt H tap. pepper t tbap. aaliMl oil or maltad (kt t laise onlona. alicad 1 (taJk celery, cltoppad i clove Karlie, minced 1 tbap. bottla4 condiment 1 dropa tabaaoo aauca Trim axoaaa fat oS maat. Cknnblna floor, aaft, an| pepper, and. with tba adca of a laucer, pound H of it liito ona aide of tka ataak. Turn ataak over, and pound i«mainin«r Dour into other aide. Heat aalad oil In heavy aklUet, and whan ^ ia vary hot, brawn ataak In it va^ quickly on tou aldaa. Thm add r«at of Inaradienta; cover; and bake in alow oven of tOO*F. for 8 to IH hra., ar until tender. Uncover (or laat H hr. in order that aauca may cook dawn to a rich thieknaaa. Servaa 5 or S. To aarva S or ^ make H tbia recipe. Braised Short Ribs of Beef with Vegetables t e. boUlns watar • parad madlun pt^toaa S peeled amall oniona acraped earrota % tap. pepper 1 medium turnip, parad and eat S tbap. aalad oU or maltad (at in Vi' allcaa Bob meat with the aalt and peppar, and brown iraickly on all aidea la tha aalad oil In a akillet. Place brownad meat and drippinsa in a daap waU eodut, larse kettle, or Dutch oven; add watar, cover, and almmer over low beat for 1 hr. Then add Hte vaicatablea, and cook \ to iVi hra. kMiJrar. or until tender. If dmirad, thicken sravy with flow (I tbap. flour and I tbap. watar to each eop of travy) after removing meat and vaaatablaa. Sacvw t To larva t or t. maka one half thia raalpa. • tba. abort riba of baaf. out in t' piaoaa S tap. aalt 1 lb. teaakfttitara t tbap. flour • tbap. wala* 1 a. watNF Spicy Frankfurters m war M lOB. ibmmr ■ormaianmDMi — KONGOLENE — till jaa oatT it.aa lUB PlilCT TO OVI FACTOIT rOI TOUI lAI TOBBTI W I a Mnaouaa Moan - u»Xi Wllfl rot ttlNS AT OMCC KONGO CHEMICAL CO.. INC Dapt. A.B. nw Toaa cm ^ Mothers Bible! This book is all ^that's let me now Tears will unhidden start. With faltering lipa and throbb ing brow, I jiress it to niy heart. For many generations pass Here’s formed our family tree My Mother’s hand.-j this Bible clasped She dying, gave it me. Take thif, she said with leeble tones ^ And let it be your guide When trials press and woes be^ guile E’er keep it by your side. Although five years have passed Since she has gone Its still fresh in my memory How she loved this book di\ine, and dying leaves it t6 me. Now I join you all in fond memor ies Of that life your hearts hold James B Conant, president of I. „ . , „ , Harvard University, recently^"*' J''’" faithful and returned from England: | “I believe we should fight the Bible, the life, the love Your Mother left you. Price Street Neighborhood Club met at Mrs. Emma Leathers- May 9. The above poem is written by one of its members Mrs. B. Pass in memory of her mother. Tops In Scholarship The floor will be deep with sha dows of slow clouds drifting by. Over the still will come the rab- trembl- ing trusting, and shy. Spring, you will speak to them softly there in that radiant hour, with your iword& like musio remembered, like winds at the waking of day. You will speak to them softly the words they come to hear—^white shadow, brave heart, quiet breast —the rabbit, the robin, the deer. now. HOMC^ .OUJNERS FORUM Fred Allen, radio funster: “A gentleman is a fellow who never hits a woman with his hat on. ” By ABNER GORDON aataup tbap. viaacar 1 tbap. granulated aogar 1 tap. prepared muatard COTTON JOE Fleaw of refreshing sleep is a g4of habit to cnltivat*. Children should steep tea hours, adults eight, at oight. Oat fraakfurtan ia half lengtkwlaa. Place In a daep, eovered akiUat. Oenblna tha floor wUh tha I tbap. watar, add ramalning ingradleatai and pw tkia Muca over the frankfurtaM. Oowr. and briait to tha boiling point i IkMi tora iMat vaqr low, and ahaaur far tO mla. S«rv« with tba aaaee ibiAiA 9> BEBNIOE and DOLOBBS OALVIN, 16 and IS-year-old pianists, who were recently awarded top honors—the coTeted medal and a special prize and highest ribbon honors by th^ New York Phil harmonic Society. In an eKclusive interview with L. Baynard Whit farmer would b«~to get more cot- ney they tell how they did it. Mrs Andrew Carnegie presented the I ton goods picked off the store awards, eoimter» Those machines for pickin’ cot- ten onta* the field may work cot fine, but the biggest help to the LANDSCAPE All that I sec from where I lie Are hilltops hung againtt a sky , Where sunrise clouds go swiftly I whirled Across an opalescent world. ' IITHEN applying a new roof, iMve But under me the sturdy earth 11; Affords the eoniort of it^ girth, I vide additional insulation and struct ^s > jtural strength. Uivij^ to me and night and dawn i Over-rooflng results in fuel savings, A solid place to rest upon. 1 which often pay for the installation, ' in a few years, while the double layer) j witti the use of red cedar shingles, ! for instance, adds at least seven | poimds per square foot to the strength of the roof section. | The same spacing, side lap and nailing sufSces for over roofing as commonly practiced on regular solid I deck installations, even though the j original shingles were nailed to "shingle lath” or strips. , Saw off the old shingles just below the second course butts and trim those at the gables so that the weathered edges will not be visible. Replace these denuded areas with one inch boards flush with eave or gable, so that the new shingles will have a strong, firm base for border overlaps. Valleys should be partially lined with timber strips nailed down be fore placing new flashings, while ex tra long zinc clad nails are essential ; to penetrate the old roof and at the same time assure firm anchorage with the sheathing or strip base beneath. Due to freedom from checking and warping, combined with their light weight and unsurpassed durability, certigrade red cedar shingles are Widely recommended for this work. Q.—Does aluminimi make the best primer for overcoating with white lead paint? A.—^Best painting practice ques tions the application of an oil vehicle paint such as pure white lead over a varnish vehicle primer such as aluminum, because paint films of I varying elasticity and wearing prop^ / erties do not make the most effective combination. To be on the safe side, apply a white lead priming coat under body and finish coats of white lead paint MISS MERCEDES STDNOft, Senior from Troy, Mo., made a straight "A” averace in her stud ies at Lincoln UiTersity of Miss ouri last semester and leads the honor roll with a S.OOO grade point average. A major in home econo mics, she expects to graduate in June. • • « « PINON TREES Not quite the majesty of ejVer- green Nor yet their height. Food-bearing, sturdy pinons grow between Beauty and light— Shade froni the sun and shelter for the girds. These pinons stand, Serving good purposes liJse growth that girds And charms the land. Aa4 saoelMr 0sed leUt is w saak* soMC wMfa BAMBT Ue«s. Miad* Sqrie Bnadl lot heseTs s loaf Aac was sMds iMnosatlat pMpoaas* Aa opaai, kiess (MMase WdU dris hnad hssa'sMrraloM oM.sias flsvwb tkst is ROYAL RA^.-Nu -AW