PAGE POUR THE CABOLINA TIMES SATURDAY, MAY 24th, IWl Richmonds Armstrong To Defend His Track Title In State Championship Meet Poultry Income For 1940 Reported SUlc Coilogc’H IVtcriiiiucKf — Wken V»r- gini* mUcx>1 gather brrr «>ii Viinfiiua Kojr«'rs Field, S«lurda>, May 24, Icir the niHuial State Hijih ir « i , Srho^.l onference Track Meet, by Thomas II. Kicbmond. R,cJ.m«ud'. Armstrong High s.juad Nononfercncc bi«h schoob, mill be delendnig tb. cbau.jnon-to jmrtie.pnto How- Jhip agaiB.1 a field that promises be re- to be a ^t.ff competition. meet after Mon- Tbc defendiug ehauipioiis, Und-*®'» In the Vii^inia State College'e R0|Q^ That of 1939 physieal education de]karinent, | hy Dr. Junies A. Moore, corporation with the Virjrinia School Athletic ('onfeience, Huge Increase In. Car Loadings Is Anticipated by RR. A fedufltion o£ 20 i>er cent in ca«h income frcm the ealo [Americaji chicktoa in 1940 comi)«rcd thoriaed farmers h»v« not followed mark- eting smiotices in the p*st.’* In meeting market demands, f>roxim3itely 120,000. For 1943, the eetimate of car loadings, is 48,048,000 which would call for another increase of api)roxiniately 150,000 car? to handle the trafHc of that yeajj. This increase in car ownership Washingtou J. J- 1 ellay, mjjj in •addition to the new president of the Awociation of acquired and those rebuilt Railroads, today au- beguming of the pxe- the following emergency for the handling jof 1941 traffic. The Association of American I ^ High pfs'^ih To^l * Taken Yearly By I Heart Ailmcnti Heart di*ras* is ouoiber one death dtslec. Svefy year it claims 360,000 yic is this couotty »)Qnf, |ui4 uo % NM b For Better Education cancer and tubercu^(^ thi ,®>f"dne8s of iieadi rate it tocreaqiiw erety yea The Isaat pubUdsea of all oi$ «Mjor aflments, h«it difiWH pro “ ■ ’ " -^**1 for « —Dr. W. P. Few, late presidenC of Duke Univer?ity. Appointed To Defense Position i\>ru)er Senator L. L. Uravely went to work on April 1 at the er the griMiming ot Alaxie Kobin- Miii, ^Iogpod tbroii|;h rain and laud to capture the open meet ‘ *1^' I Miss Aiauiie PI inn Street, MT .X •, ■ t Railroads hati juat completed and | ^ ipwta graveat ne«d for « cru* Westcott Mid that farmers mustj railroad Tstudv of' l fj^ht goes on for na-^ the PuWie of itf , Trim cabbage so •• no to have ff * * , ,, tion's honor. Premier saya, fcauaas and effecU. Wwting in tkf ^ probiU)le freight ear loading . , , e— . - Mr,. Kr.,„c «„a d. n.l .»«ld the bed .ddilim.l (r.i,ht'Sh n^hlcr Evc.|,„ „of J..k„mUlc,|ly tight; 2, be. th.t hc.d. This‘3 St, , ^ , r w- iL .. Florida is here visiting her aunt|“°t bust do not show last year by nosing out ^\|^^, , High ol' Kuhuioud, 2S-27. » nf t , The schedule oi' events calb^^'”« for the running of the 100 yard afo»'Pany her aunt to d..hastbeopeningeent«at2p.p"‘*- m. Other track eveuU include the of her daughter Ldna .»n ..--,1 from the Virginia Medical Coll- iSM-yard low hurdles, 220 yard, dash, the 440, 880 mile, medley relay and four lap relay. Field, events will include broad jump, high jump, baseball throw, stand ing broad jump, and discuss throw. mor. ■ wr.,,per Cr'", VoT‘ Z ‘“'“Tl ^ understand thep &„. •for 1942 and 1943, with an esti-jator Wheeler, Colonel Lind- are not against the Unit ed States going to war. They merely say “wait until Elngland, , ,n 1 ,, . . . .X .China, and every possible ally ia caused bf dwcokiratwu, di«fa«!| 1 or 1942 the Aseociation esti-,jinked and then fight 'em to tte or insects; 3, Grade so aa t® mate a traffic of 43,680,000 car I death." Reckon they want the the «how the minimum or minimum loads, requiring an increase in I United States to harve all the and maximum size of a loit, or ownerfhip of freight car» of ap- credit for stopping Hitler, identify 4he lost as small, jtned seed Haskins of 508 1-2'stems and are free i‘ro»i decay, loading IliV'e need not more educafion ibut better oducatioij)—education |th|it will pioduce Iruita in the men—soundness of mipd, souadnet* of fiad«, »ouad|^«tioQal Defeoae Coiuiuiesion ai^ liefs of body, and sounmeas of a dollar-a-year man, t«rving ac ohfracter. With thip changed em-j Southern regional diijicTor of ihft phasis in education we may ex- comtu^ion’s Division of Btatei pe^t to breed a reasonable pre- and Local Cooperation. His chief eeQtage of scholars and thinkeiv activity will be to go into all th& who will have some of the power Southern State to pTomote or-» to originate creative Ideas for ganisation of C'tate and jocal dc'* th« coming generation and wholfense councils. Mr. Oravely i» can apeajf their megwige concern chairman of the Board of Direc* e whole year—a atrtting com jng these and other great ^lattergjtora ol the North Carolina Sana- iWitU Fom« of the authority that toria. 'un« issue J Cosmopolitan maca> . FiUmer points o^ le, Gretta of tiie few Two IkjJ’s from J. Webster K 4i« vis High, Alvcod Hisbrady and ^ Nat Johubon gannered 18 points bet«’eeu them at tlie ClAA meet at Ham]>toa recently and seem de stined to shine in the prep meet one in the 880 and one in the mile run, according for 10 ]K)ints. liis brady jumped 5' 10” for a first place and took second in the broad jump for an 8 point total. The annual meet is sponsored groupa IS ^ intry making an attack on tbit proMem ia the New Tork Beai) laaodation which has a budget cl inly 118,000 to canry bn its woi^ OT the whole year- r^Jk^tuSwSMSi aw^a^^CCTT y3 authority that toria ha» belonged to these authentic Nurses Needed For the Govemmeflt Washington — As a part ot the National Defense Program, the Government months ago began preparation to meet an anticipa ted need for an unu.suuliy lai^e number of nu¥ses, both in its mil itary and civil services. The United States Civil Servise Com miffiion has announced opt-n con tinuous examinations to secure nurses, but despite these examina tion, there i^ a continuing ucute shortage of nurses lere an two million ehroidc aduj offerers 1 million infferers in the eoon^ i>nd neari kffli^ cliiwen. Zinnias of Many Types All Like Hot Sunshine ium or large; 4, Use the 1.6 buaii* el hamper or “pcny crate” pre ferably the crate since they us ually command s%htly higher prices. ^ I Zinnias are the most widely grown “North Carolina farmers 8old.?°wer8 in this country, havtag 'Toonnr.n u- i i , (taken front rank away from sweet 7,289,000 chickens la«>t year com- asters and petunias, by vir- pared with 9,255,000 in 1939, ’ ’ tue ol two things—their will to live he said, basing his information 1 , 1 oi* i r. „ i .ditions, and the great improve' on a Federal-State Crop Report, ments made in them by plant "Chickens sold last year return- breeders, ed produoers an average price of' Zinnias have a remarkable va- 'iO cpnta a fnr a total PB«h coloTS, and ^ cents a Jjead lor a total caen ujoj.g o„gg income of $3,644,000 compared introduced. The latest are giant with the 1939 cash income of $4, powered strains of Fantasy and 628 000 ” ’• g scabiosa flowered types. In size, » million amictea r Tlie puuic Uaa ^liseaae, Miss ?al A STEEL FACTS rX JM dm, mmijul , ' Steel Pfantt Now Running Night and Day Steal plaaH rM 7 4o)n a wilg 34 koun • 4mt. Hn»l»ym S of • li»»ti ■■Ji. Thomas Jefferson Manufactured Naile TIm tWrrf Amrkon pnMtnf «wpl»yd 12 Mn on hU ploil* taotM to fBolM Iron nofl*. Steel Milif Could ' Pittsburgii j A year's output of tin plat* from Amorkaa ( ■dlls weuM Mok* a fllont a« «N** high and larg* •newgh to oncioM ' burgh. Steel Is Important Aircraft Material Abewt ftv* tom cf Ki^ gro6m tMcy #Mk or* w—dtd fe bvUd o big bowbtr. You Can Have Beautiful Hair... Your hair beauty depends first upon the proper scalp care. NU-HAIR BESGRO FORMULA is a Scientific Preparation that is highly recommended by a leading hair authority. Great success has been reported in most obstinate cases. HAIR grows longer in many instances where cracking, dry and brittH bair is retarded. Often proper treatment will remove dead hairs so that live ones can come in. Try NU-HAIR llE^UU) FtJRMULA and see how much more beautiful your hair will be. Watch the ugliness disappear! For luxuriant, beautiful, youthful hair followi the simple directions given with your treatment. * Nu-Hair Complete Hair Scalp I Treatment consists of Graded Cabbage Pays Producers Rich Dividends Initial shipmenth of North Carolina'® 1941 cabbage crop are expected May 10 and “if farm ers are to receive the maximum they vary from half an inch to six Inches in diameter. Among the smaller ones are flowers which few except experienced gardeners would recognize as zinnias. Their color range includes yel low, orange, pink, and red in al most all tones and blends. Blue is lacking, .but there are lavenders which go far to the blue side of the spectrum. The giant flowered types are most popular, perhaps for the reason that many gardeners are in clined to admire size, as some thing you can really put a value bn, in Inches. But in the border the giant are the least effective, because they are inclined to hide eflorts, strict j flowers in foliage. The medium and small flowered returnsi fr their attention mu^t be given the max-1. smau nowerea - • «■ 1 jypes will make bushy plants and imum returns fo>r theix efforl®, jold their multitude of blossoms up strict attentiott must be given to approved grading and mark«):ing’, methods,’’ Harry T. Wertcoti;; frui^ and vegetahleh marketing 6{)ecialist lof the State Depart- Hient of Agriculture, said today. ‘For the pa?,t three seasons it has been necessary for the gov ernment to purchase a large por tion of the early cabbage crop, )ut if present prices pxevail and growers will properly pack and ing program may not be needed this season/’ hp added. “How ever, generally ’North Carejina where they make a show. For a good border effect all types may be y grown t^^er, and they will blend fn~ colqmg and habit of growth post lAeasingly'. Zinnias are warm"weather plants and the seed must be sown in warm soil. Best results are obtained by sowing the seeds in the ground .where the plants are to flower, cov ering 1 to 1 Vi inches. Firm the soil. lorabee of bcoH, m#r o^^ i Muses unnecesMry idano among ,Uder men and women who complai^ pains in the heart region. But l^n. Hiss Palmer aayerts U not p disease, only » symptom indic«t«ig • that some organ or W*ne is ntf emr pfying on itc function in a healthy planner. Nervous tension dr fatigue can cause sudi pains, even jaiiments of the giall Madd^ may. pnasquerade as heart trodMe. | Ifiss Palmer recommends as anna-j •1 routine dieckup hy a doctor to! insure early diaipiosis in case s' heart ailment is present ^thout tho ^dividual knowii^ it. llie do^r will ose the old fashioned stethos- I spiritual and intellectual found ers of every great age in the past. We need such minder every where todayi Jnen with the viaion and th ecourage to beccane ex plorers of the political, economic, and moral frontiers of the world I which tells whether the heart’s % of le«ks or and ^..and a Coca-Cola” A Giuit DahUa-FIowered gfa"** level the surface, and do not sprinkle. By this method they will sprout readily, and alter the plants have appeared through the sii^ce, they may be watered. When the plants are 3 or 3 Inches high they may be thinned wd transplanted by removing sufficient soil with each plant, so that the roots are not disturbed. Eventually they should be not less than 1 foot apart In the row. It is not necessary to remove the first flower or to pinch the plants back to improve the stem lengths or to obtain large flowers. Zinnias naturally tend to branch §ear the ground. To prolong, the looming season, cut the flowers with long stems back to within 1 or 2 ioists of the main stalk. A second and Wrd planti^ of , zinnias may be made the early summer months and in ^rm weather they may be expected to begin blooming within six to eight weeks from the tbna ^ seed ia ^ sown. DMINK, ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ A GARDEN PICNIC IS FUN • • • and can be easy to prepare falves are behaving normal! Reveals the pres inurmurs. This is reinforced by the electro - cardiograph which records the heart’s heats. »nd by the ray[ which shows the heart’s shape and size. The doctor will also taye the; patient’s blood pressui^ which > throws light on the condition of the.' arteries wemselves in the one place that they are visible—^the patient’f eyes. j According to Miss Palmer, th«. public is vastly mistaken u be> lieving that all he^rt diseases cause, immediate death without wamingj Many of the aiin^en^ shs says ma^ not be serious and will last ovci' 1 long period cf years. Thescf patients are asked relieve the beart and arteries of onneees:ar;^ liurdens, but this prescription often: tioei net preclude leading a normal life. It is important to rememi>ei' that the hcai;t is such a complex orgraii that it varies vaslly in in-* dividual?, and when afflicted, de> specialized treatmeiU. 5?anUin D. Roosevelt; “As far as I am concerned, there will be no Government control of news unless it be of vital mil* itary information.’* Farmers now marketing their 1941 wodl clips are receiving high' er prices, generally, than at any’ time since the early months of 1929, reports the United States Bureau of Agricultural Econo- ica. • 9 There is to mi(ch to sec along Trdilwoys’ enc|ionting routel and it is so EASY to SEE ... the big cry^tql-ciear windows in the new Luxury Liners Qre designed to give greater visibility. You relax in comfortable reclining chairs os the whole countryside rolls smoothly exciti|ig Nu-Hair Besgro NiirHair Pressing Oil Nu-Hair Special Slmmpoo SEND NO CASH Special Offer for Only 9pe All $1.00 JoKt 4gnA imm a«ii address. Pay Pwiman only $1. DO plus tsm oep^ when he delivera the entire treatment. U b f^inotin) to please or mopey refunded. Write now! M-HAIR Ih'oadway, PRODUCTS New York, N. Y. OONTBUIMi • •. If h» ''falls'' for q girl's Ipyely i?^rl If hoir is dMii/ lifeless and gray-streokftd •«»Cplor it with Godefjroy's Lariause Men just uo'i help »dmiriog l^eau- tiful hsir. They notice a wotpyn’s hair almost before they notice her face. So don’t let dull, dingy, gr$y- stresked hair destroy the loveliness that yeur man finds so appealing. Use CodeCroy’s Larieusel Larieuse (LARRY-USE) colors hslr quickly, evenly. It won’t rub off or wash out. Permits curling, marcels, permanent waves. Known Mpd used for ytart. Money hack if oot sws&ed. Choice of 19 CQlofs. If your deader doesn't have it, send 11.25 dircctto.,i GODEFROV MFG. CO., 3 910 OUVE STBBST, SAINT tOUIS, Bf IfSODkl HAIR COLOIING and to serve says Dorothy Greig V The urge to eat outdoors under the open sky is all part of the good old summer time. But searching out the perfect picnic spot miles from home does loom up as something of a problem. •e#te#e»#eepeeeSlllllleeeee#e»eee Don’t Deceive Yoorselt! A WELL PLANNED Life Profifram anticipates certain problems that must be met-—a program that probably in cludes insurable protection. But YOU (l^iviilg your self if your insurance program does aupplyir? L OLD AGE SECURITY A policy desijnied to provide cash at the NEiJDEa MOST. -- TUft: in UFB WBpif it is passerole of Pork and Beans and Spleed Ham it an eaay-tO'prepare and most delicious dieh for an outdoor meal. So we’ll Just picnic in our own garden, thank you. It’s outdoors, as pleasant a place aa ever we will (see—and there’s no wrestling with traffic to get there. ?or a garden supper plan on simple food, but food full ot flavor and substantial enough to satisfy keen i^petites. Eating outdoors i sharpens appetites, you know. For Instance— GARDEN PICNIC SUPPI^R *Ca»$erote of Pork and Beans with Spiced Utan *Chee»0 Tomato Saadtelch Mixed Vegetable Salad dMtorted Fresh Fruit Hot Coffee • ' ’ li • *Casaerole of Pork and Bssns and Sploed Ham I t cam (IS OSS.) i^rk and beans I 1 oss.)'c*nn*d spiced bam 1 5, t**>l«>Poons bro^n BUgar ' { H teaspoon ground cloves ^ S_teaapoons butter f Empty 1 can of pork and beans ^to a casserole. Slice the canned •piced ham in thin slices and ar* rwmjatfijt it OJLtClLat tin beans. Lh^m Combine the sugar and nround cloves and sprinkle half of It over! the bam. Make the second layer Just like the first and dot on top with the butteff. Bake In a moder i ately hot, oven (876“ F.) for « minutes to 1 hour. Serves M. *Cheese Tomato Sandwloh K cup condensed tomato soup % pound stated cheese 1 egg S tablespoons mayoni^se loup Combine tomato soup and grated S cheese and heat iQ e double boiler! until the cheese is Just melted. Add the slightly beaten egg gradually! and cook 3-4 minutes.-fiemoV)'frup / Are and pour into shallow plate to . cool. When cool add mayonnaise, and mix well. Store in the re«! frigerator until firm. MakM S-IO sahdwiohes. This filling ^^epf very 1 well. I : Te HMke aandwlehse:—1. Spread | each slice ot brefid with Cheese Tomato Spread and tnen put to- gether. 1 3. Or spread eaph slice of hrMd .' with Cheese Tomato Spread and! then put crisp bacon or slices ot h«tw««a uodwioh alicei. .4 ^ 2. CHILD'S EDUCATION A policy that will provide cash for tlie ediicatwp i^ath should terminate other less pertoio fiilaps. 9f your children — even if 3, MORTGAGE REDEMPTION PLAN A policy combining WHOLE IJFE and TEflM INBUBANCE pl^n particularly effective in the payment or protection of ANTICIPATED OBLIGATIONS. feature — f ESISTP«G and . . If your present insuriuice program does not guarantee these benefits, consult one of our representatives. THESE and OTHER policies are included in the MUTUAL PLAN. Dpn’t deceive yourself. To be secure, you should INSURE. DURHAM DISTRICT €^.C.SIIAUUIN0aPmll*r%* * DUHHAM.NOI^TH i^ROUNA Charlotte Office ?3 3 S. BREVARD ST. A. E. Spears Manager Durham Office 809 ST, Manager

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