SATURDAY, MAY 34th, l»41 THE CABOUNA TOCEH Labor “Runners” UUh'ested Mmday Wallace Berry Area Raleigh — Throe labor “runn er*" wore arrasted at'tor midnite Monday morning in the Wallace atrawberrj are* ou ckari^s of re cruiting pickers without license for employment outside the State. Evidence has been secured in t«veral other ea^es in whic^ out side “runners” have been en gaged in soliciting North Oarolina labor, particularly strawWrry pickers, it is revealed by C. W. Pittman, Farm Placement Super visor, op>rating under the Employ ment Service Division of the State UCC. . North Carolina, by statute, pro hibits the roliciting of labor for work outside the State, unless it is done through the regularly es tablished governmental agency, the Employment Service, by m«ans of its clearance syystem. The State law requires'that an out of, state emplotyer, even though re cruiting labor for bia own use, shall pay a license fee of $500 for each county in which recruit ing is done, while municipalitiea may ako charge a license fee. I^early all states have similar statutes against recruiting labor within their borders, by means of a prohibitive license fee for such activity, Mr. Pittman points out- Strawberry growers in the Wal lace &nd Chadbourn areas have found out in the last week or two that when the man of the house is drawing good wages in camp and .fort constructive %vork, then the ^'ife and children will not pick .strawberries fbr pa.t. Few of the growers have enough pick ers and some have very few. The result is that berries are over ripe or are rotting in many fields. The maturity of the Virgi crop has added « slron|; eoinpeti- tive factor to *n already short labor market. In pflet y«ars, Vir- aia grovera luTinlj»d on North Carolina labor for th«ir harveit. However, tUa jt&Tp not enough labor is avaikkble for the North (Daroiina harvest. '' This scarcity of farm labor is extensive in Virginia. Maryland, and New Jersey, *b well as in North Carolina, and has added impetus to the undesirable labor runner activities. Ttieae runners recruit labor in one *rea afld “sell’' workers to gro^WJW in an other area at im) miieh a head The arrests indicate the decision of growersi in the strawberry froAs to stop the unlawful trans porting of their workers to other states, Mr. Pittman states. With til* Adv«nt of Si«iBC Jones leaned over the garden fence and beckoned to his neigh bor: : “I say, old man, I understand that you havc Brown's lawn roll- ert” ) tv. ' '‘Ves.’» ! - “Good! If you let me borrow it occasionally, I’ll lot you us« his snow shovel.'* *, ■ * jTlt’s A Xho^T rgima Wheeler, in “war-mongers” dent. address, hits backing Presi- Tobias Dedications Fettnre Uncoln’s Commenceident Jm*^OM>CSOOTmB Mvekiatoeh, who U Mr. BeTin's deputy in Scotland,-slio entertain ed them. Each technician was employ ed immediately, and from the ont- set enjoyed the status of trades unionist. In the factoriea, wher« many of these colored workers have joined special units of the home guard and air rapid preeau-f tions, Itey toil ride by side with I Britons in whose homes they re-1 ceive hospitality during leisure i hours. Ifamous movie stars On Baccalaure*te Sunday June mitory) and the new Home Econo- >Ionday, June 9, Dr. Channing 8 at Lincoln University, Jefferson mics Cottage (lower right)—will H. ToWas, lower right ineet, will City, Missouri, Rev. C. B. John-jbe didieated, upper right, will be'deliver the ,commencement,ad son (upper right inset) Missouri dedicated. The dormitory upper minister will deliver the sermon to left is namc7 after Mrs. Lobby the graduates, and two build-jAnthony, center inset, former ings—^Anthony Hall (girh’ dor- girls’ director at Lincoln. Oii Fashionettes Playtime is going to l>e a cas ual, but attractive dress up time this summer, if fashion i.s follow ed. Aetive sport’s collections stref« bright tennis casftumes, stunning bathing suits, and dressy slack outfits, which fitrws com fort and color in their style and materials. Spectator sportswear, too, has reached a new peck for eye filling summer glory, with sleep tailoring and peasant ef fects sharing honors in the pic ture. Bathing suits sometimes follow -nv. MNrS SVMBICMt T1i« popular N«gro ArtisI, Chortw Moofc, is pro«Jn«ii»ly^aB# i* Itepublic't ««w Don “Iwl" lorry cowboy hit. "D««rt ■ondit.*’ In Mi scon*. Moor* is shown wW» lynn Marrick, leodino lody in A* fc**". octkM fUin. DUTY TO STOP Sec. 128, Motor Vehicle Laws of North Carolina: (a) The to any injured driver of any vAicle invoiced in; Hit and run driviny is illeyal, ^jinexeosable ami indefeosih^. Every driver inrolTed in a Bufor I vehicle traJfte aeeiden.xt is retim ed by law to stop, itlentify him- •elf and'tender what aid'hr eu person. the gay nineties’ mode in decora- accident resulting in injury or tive effects, but the abbreviated’death to any person shall im- Wendell L. Willkie, Republican styles are* as modern as tomor- mediately stop such ehicle at the P^^s'dential candidate in IWOr dress, and three'honorary degrees i^ow. Black patin shorts combined scene of such aecident." | my judgment, if the free will be conferred *8 a special 75th printed sharkskin halters I b) The driver of any vehicle ° !° and two piece sarong silits, also involved in an accident ^y^of’[|fe eventually pass Anniversary gesture. Vultee is turning out "world’i best dive - bomber". FCC orders free competition for network broadcaatinff. 'T day arc hunted and harried from low workers in the war effort” Look to Your post. Driven from place according to Mr. Cmmings, who Leaders! □- Construction of railroad roll ing stock establishes peak. » r* to place, from nation to natitM, is also warden of the A^rey or forced into subservience a-[House club here for students of mounting tb slavery, tlioir futor# I African descent and who former- is A)l8fk. So black it is that but ly aetrfcd as advisor to colored ttu- two courfes remain open—gradu- The rights of the minority are^^jj lowering of morale tiniil there 20-year the rights of the majority no jg almost animal like servility mows, no le»s, for ife we would those in authority, or a life look at the problem realistically |(jj) ;onstant Turks seei ncreasinff aigna of, and not in the spirit of sentiment German - Russian rift. OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour Takes thd Guess out of Baking and Saves you Monty lllllillllllllllllllHllliiilillHnillllltliillftllHtlililUililllllH Service . . You will find our SERVICE complete to the smallest detail Our years of experience enable us to anticipate your' need and therefore serve J^ou better. “Thoughtful Attention To Even The Smallest Detail‘d AMEY'S FUNERAL HOME 401 Pine Street 24 Hour Service Phone J.2971 llllllllllllillllillllllllllilllllilllllllllllllllllllillM^^^^^ we should see that each infringe ment of minority “rights” is really an infringement of major ity “right.” ■ ■ ■ of 'majorities. We HAVE the privii- Any attack upon the sights of choice by the majority, the a minority wattles away the, obligation of cooperation by the dents in Great Britain. “The government’s policy is not segregation,” he adds. “The views of those who avow aggrega danger and hole-in-'tion are only a personal expresy- corner intrigue, with an eventual jion and do not reflect the views 'xplosion inevitable. of the government or of the peo- In this country we do NOT Ple as a whole. The acceptance jhay^ the rights of minorities OR and treatment of my people t-very DO DROP IN to THE HOLLYWOOD INN “If Not Satisfied... Don’t Tell Others ... Tell Us” 118 S. Mangum St. Prop. Mrs. Hayswood rights of all. History has PT«veB this again and again. The early barbarians who ravaged the out posts of civilization could not hold the countries they conquer ed because, as they destroyed all rights except their own, there was nothing left to take root and so stabilize their conquests. Each country which has tried to legislate religion, and to wipe out all creeds but one, has fallen from power, no matter what the creed for religion, like a tree con strained in a narrow space, dies of its own restriction. For, like a tree, religion must have space and freedom to grow, dependent as it is upon universality and freedoin of spirit for life. Such has been the experience of every individual or gi’oup who ever tried to hold power by wip ing out the rights of a minority. They have found that they have cut their own roots as well—and j part in have graduplly starved to death gram, as does the murdered tree. “All In Europe the minorities of to- freely minority. The rights "belong to all, on complete equality and without differentiation, for that is the democratic way of life. iVOUR HOME IS INSURED-YES, BtJT.IS THIS IMN.Y NORTH CAROLINA • ^VATIVE-SOLID-DEPgNaABLl ACME REALTY COMPANY RALEIGH. NORTH CAROUNA ’ UNION INSURANCE AND REALTY CO. DURHAM, NORTH CAROUNA BISHOP DALE INSURANCE AGENCY, CHARLOTTE Britain Draws No Color Line In Its Defense Services London, — (Associated Negro. Press) — British government po-ljjen^al corps, licy is to accept the services of colored peoples in aiding the war effort, according to Iver Cumm ings, native of Sierra Africa, who is acting as liaison oflicer between the British Colon ial office and the minstry of la bor on behalf of a group of color ed technicians who have arrived ,here from Jamaica, BWI, to take Great Britain’s war pro- colored accepted people are now among their - h Herher where in the services and In the faetoris proves this.’/ The "ctub members of Aggrey hOQsie include ARf* woxilf^,. itw- ior wardens, auxliary fire service members and ambulance drivers —in fact, all branches of the civil defense are represented. All the services are open to members of the colored races, any one of whom can receive an officer's, eom mission if is competent to fulfill the requirements. At present there are several colored officers, two in the infan try, one in the Royal Army Medi- one in the Royal Babatunde Alkija who is training with the Royal Air Force is a Nigerian of noble birth. He will probably become an Leone, ^^e of the West African air crews. There are also three doctors one dentist and several nursesi of African descent work ing in England. When the Jamaican technicians arrived in responses to British Labor Minister Ernest Bevin’s call for volunteers, the welfare ^officer of that area met them and ^®^‘,took them to a special luncheon at which the local provost made a speech of welcome. The senior ballif for Scotland and Majt^r (gALCULATEP FOR THl WEEK OF 0^/^^ MAY 26. , MAY iT. MAY as. MAY M. MAY 30. MAY 31 . > «iUNE I.. . . .•f.^9 _ ' , vuMC •.. . . . IflME GIVEN IS STANDARD'BULOVA WATCH TIME .V.l' , . ^.37 . .4.35 . .^.35 .^.33 MAY 26. , MAY 27. , MAYZt. MAY 29. MAY 30. MAY 31 . VUNEI. . 7.17 . 7.18 • 7.«9 .7.20 .7.21 . .7.21 . .7.22 ISVOURNAME HINRYvnnSNAME 1$ POSSIBLY DERtVEP FROM THE LATIM HONORICUS-MEAMIMC HONORABiE* 6EMINI —THE PCRSOM B08M THIS WEEK SHOULP SOMfP^. BECOME A OHUtfbKAVad MVH A QUKk-SEEINC MIND, ANP AN E>ISV-F10IVING MOPf 0F5PIIECH- MAYM ' IWSHINCTONt ATTACK OM Tf« ntEMCH UNDEA M JI»KMVIL MEADOtVS.M.,MARKED THE OUTBREAK OF nUE ATGRIAT THE FRENCH AND INOIAN WAR 1754 MAY3I-THE FIRST U.S.COfYRWMT LAW PASSEP BYCONCRESS IT90 m Q&IZ fOR omtH Sipm/mpa/r esso mmss ROSCOE :*WHEN IS VOW SISTER THIMKIMG OF GETTING MARRtEP ?" ROLLOi'CONflTANTLYC’ I A FEW PIECES OF DRIED YELLOW RMDOFAM ORAMOE.KEPT IN THE TEA CAMISTM.'WU 6W TM A QKIOOUS fragrance AMP FUVOR. 'LIIRTy AND UNKJN,N0WAN0 FOREVER, ONE AND IMSEBAg ABLE.*-PANIEL WEBSTER mow 10N6 Wiu ITTW« WUB OB TO STOP AT aOM.RH.3. //ir ,F YOU BlOt A HORSE K NIGHTWNAT9 A SAFE PMCnCE ^HATOOfSAinO ^rRMSPOIlT- JmONCOSTM FAMHyANNUUil Anawers to Quiz for Driven A.—Assut^iing good c«i4itions—dry road, good brakes and normal reflexes •Approximately 200 feet. ' A.—One'state 'highway de^rtmtnt says: "It" is recorfiinend^ that two reflector buttons be attached to the of the saddle." A.—About $196.90 annually for total purchase and operating cost, including $73.06 for the purchase of the auto- two piece sarong silits, printed fiiarkskin, will he fa vorites as the season progre;s es. Pull lei^h beach coatps lined with the print of the suit, accom ny. One attractive ensemble of this type uses sun flower yellow with a brown and white print effectively. The suit is of the print, and the coast yellow crash print lined Avith print lapels. One of the gay nineties’ suits is made of black water proof taffeta edg ed with white rick rack. damage to property shall America.’ mediately stop such vehicle at the . scene of such accident.” [ c) The driver of any vehicle^ involved in any at-oident result ing in injury or death to any per son or damage to property shall also give his name, addresa, operator’si or chauffeur’s lieease number and the registration num ber of his vehicle to the person struck or the driver or occupants! any vehicle collifled with and shall render an tny person injured Nazis claim 8,200 British pri-rea«,nable assUt sonera in Peloponnesus. ^cludmg the earrj-Mig of ^ Voters, in Gallup poll, f “ ph.v^ieian or sur British seeking U. S. Army.' surgical treat Steady sale continues for de-'“*^"‘ appearent that such treatment is necessary or in te- quested by the injured jleii^n.” EASIER. WAV SOU/E fe^se bonds and stamps. Busmess TROUSL€5 IS ro ADVERTISE HER THE DOPE IS AGAINST YOU YOUNG MAN! J HERE IS THE WAY IT IS; But one in young men graduating: this June will be one penny richer in money in 1946—seven years after graduation. r sl Few of us can profit by the horrble examples of strong drink-of gambling-of extravagance-or the grief and ignominy of a dependent old age. “It just can’t happen to me.” But it can, and the only way to avoid it is to know that it can and realize that the chances are against you. 199 out of 200 being not a penny better off, after seven years of work, is strong odds. Remember, not a thousand dollars better off-not $500~nor $100-but NOT A PENNY! You can beat the odds-be one out of 200 to have something to show for your spent years. Just one dol lar a week will show a credit of $364.00~$3 a week will put you by your first thousand dollars. Be smarter than those other 199 graduates—save just a little each week—not for the money alone but for the stimulation and uplift that comes with the sense of accomplishment. MECHANICS & FARMERS BANK DURHAM RALEIGH

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