>M*to >AT, MAY '^^th. U»41 wi »■ fc» i" I ■ ■« ^"' T8£ CAROLINA TDfSI PAGfi EIGHt lUiSNids Transport ^,000,000 lbs. Ex^osives iwhidi on« perwtn Va* injnml took pl*'e in 1^10 in connection £Mk AAA AAA Iko ^vf ’»'**' U«|p»port*tion by rail IDo* 01 explosive* in both Candada and Nhe I'nitiMi Statm, a^icording to |th« Bureau of Kxj>osiv«.. Two of I the •ecidentft were slight expkw- jiong rt‘s«Itinft from th heandling _ 4W r , 'of tov tornedoo*. The third ae- Waskinrio* — For th« four- • * ^ . . . 1- .u _ 1 'ident wah- due to a fire of an- IV, y«r Ih, r.,1- ^ (Wd. .. IMO w,» ^ ^ pi„ “'"■ h„n,lr,.d pound, oT .- p..nd. of h«h «,J».vr. «WM iBrlsdes otner ,..jj , ..,111 I nee, was burned but did not ex* thinirn dynamit blaek and -^moke C l' kas powder, exylosive ammuni-P'®*’®* ’'•»■ lion, aid blasting cwtps the Bur.j li, addition, the railroads in ea« of Explosive* of the Assoeia ]944> tranhported gi'»^t kuantiti«s tion of AnieTiean Railroada an- of other dangerous articles such nnnHocff ^o ■■ v. as gasoline, acident and corro- Onlv thrOs minor accidents in give liquids^ inflammable liquids. inflammable solids, poisonous ar- tirles and eomprcived gaseHi with onl}’ two fatalities sod injur>’ to seventy f6or. One fatality re sulted fropi the exployion of an hydrous ammonia when a freig^^t warehouM e&ught fire. The other ftitality resulted from an expoaion which oecurred w^^ an empty tank car, formerly loaded with cruBe oil, waa being'ch*an- e«l. Only eight accidents, all with out fati!itiea, involving tranifl)or tation of gasoline were report(*d in J940, the best record for many yenrs. Mattresies Trebled The start of the aerenth year of the Federal rural eleetrifiea- tion pr^am finda riearty three times as many farm families with central station power as ia 1935. Stamps Blue cnrplus food stamps add ed more .than $8,930,000 worth of farm products in Match to the diest of .3,705,000 membffl's of families eligible to receive public aKsistance. Wheat A wheat marketing qaota. de signed to divide a limited mark et among all growers and to keep Auto - Snggc^tiont Rnrmal families of Caldwell part of the surplus off the mark- jfounty has filed 2,116 appliea- et until needed has been proclaim tions for .3,265 mattrsses underfed the Secretary of A|rricul- the mattress making program, itnre- « A /^J^JUBIIEE —Goo^ricK Silverlowns • BUILT WITH DURAMIN • 60 t 75 NOW OFFERED ON LIBERAL Q^edii • Ihkfa TOUT Mlebrotioa as much as onzB. H you tiMd n«w tires, a battery or an auto radio ben is your chance to ^ them ond pay as you ride. Your lifnss identification opens cm account at our Stora. There is no red tape or delays—we install your purchase at COWW^WDERS PRICED i KS10WAS aai oW tta* GOODRICH SILVERTOWN STORES At 4th And Brevard Streets CHARLOTTE, N. C. LINCOLN THEATRE 126 £• Cabarrus St^ Raleigh rii GONE WITH THK WIND Iby 25th - 26th and 27th r2« Mmtinee Daily 2 P. BL—25c and 40c Eveninr Sbe^ at 8 P. ML — ^ HOW TO BE YOUR OWN DECORATOR Potuh A large number of Transyl vania County farmers are reali*r ing the value of potash, particul arly on the black bottom aoiU of the «ounty. her then and there without any further equalivoestion. Faster pigs of IDalton Jarmar, 4-H Cltib member of Trenton, are responding to a swine ssni program, making faster gaini I the pigK owned by the boy “’a far I ther. ita^n i^an next registration period at the to see that the Registrar admitted Univeraity of Missouri cante in September, 1941 they wanted Miss Bluford to atart her graduate training, ifi journalism the same day as thte white atudents. 'Rie attomesrs said that if the only place in Miasourt for her to take such work was the Uniersity of Missouri they wanted the court -- Burton Wins - Continued Trom page One By Difttlor, Good HoMStkttpimf 5tmdi» Our Puah-Around Outdoor FurRilHre I Did you ever stop to think how many things are on whsela tsday ? I suppose it’s all because the automobile has given us the idea wfi cto Up anywhere at a moment’s notice. But true it is that in your bsoliytod, garden, or even porch, the ehabrs on wae^ bim «n* tables on wheels, make us quite independmt of old father sun, and we can escape him with ewe ioat wheeling our chair into the shade. At ftrtl tlieac chairs and especially the chaise longues wer* rathw; expensive, but they are moderate in prite now, anti most attractive. They wrak on the idea of the whiej barrow and you push them ahead of you wltli tbd greatest ease. They come in aU the summed furhltvd materials, iron, willow, fitted with cushions of wcdthcr resistant materials. Some even have little canopy t#rr to shade your eyes. They really are a joy, SnU it isn’* only the t^yg apd girls who like to loun(^ in them! Hium KOUCS _ . . . ... ... Dincter mt Goo4 HouMfktapiag _ tea pitcher, the si^wiches and what have yott, A fe« minutes forethought, and you can be the perfect hostesa fo* the Dlanned party or the unexpected one. When friends are brought hqmt from the offiCt the ‘‘nttle woman*' who makea sv«ry- thing run sITort- lessly iil the smart one, and thoro la no doubt about the help of these siloAt fart- ners o« wheels. And iX you have the soirt of fliMiiy that Ukes to *at outdoors, (• auro and have a iraod siasd table, be it wrvuvkt iroq With a glaas ton or board* on tf tres»el«'ith sidej benchca in gued* c^hip stylB. Thl# ah^d be pelrn^ n«at^ j»- plaecj upd tnonyou can ■•wh'e«l up the wai^on «rith 'the food. And. tp' niAke the, table as godd' to- lo^ «al at, i pair, at of metal llcta.with nd Ofi as ;tbi Ernest the Engine is • powtr* ful fellow and h« works like 100 horses to pull you up hills and to help you get places. But Smsst 'won^ tolerate misuse and hs*U ‘groan and gnunbls if you neglect {him. Above all, he won’t let you ^ him around aU the Urns ij|«Lean Pcist^of ivithout protest, for he knows {better than anyone else tlte dan* gers of going too fast ExcAeding ithe speed limit, ha aays, quoting ifrom a booklet '^ore Tcitia.y—" Bust issued by The Travelers In»' France Company, was responsi! !ble for almost 10,000 motor vchl>; icle deaths last year. , Ootton Cotton prices are on the march Upward due to increase in the general level of commodity priees the better demand for cotton goods, and to a possible higher loan rate for the 1941 ierop. . Tuesday night under the Kleigs at the Hillside Recreation • Cen ter. The championship win, “ A Total Victory” for the Burtoni-; tea i^ve them the first leg tow ard permanent posssssion of the large trophy given by the Weav« the American LegionTTo come into possesion of the trof^y permanently, a team must win the championship thr«e consecutive times. Grad School Beautification : Twenty six hibh school 4-H. Chib members in Durham County have entered a home beatitifiea- tion contest sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, reports Farm Agent J. A. Sutton. Continued ffom page One counsel stated the NAACP was en gaged in a campaign to make the states obey the Federal eonstitu-r tion, and that as long as a singlje Negro student was Oeni«d an equal share in public education the J^AACP would fight his battle; that on the question of segregation N^oea had just as much right to fig^t segregation as white peo ple h»d to uphold it, and they in sisted on the ezercisc of the righi of free American citisens to have their own opinions hbout' segrega tion !and every other matter of public concern. ■ — The court was told by Miss Bla- ford’s counsel that v.hen the next W—■■—■■■■—■■■I Thii Wagon on hurricane glass shadea. Have^niatnusipg.po^i^ salt cellars, and F ' ' ‘ ^ carefully to rules. yo)» please.’ Use ( . mats, but keep to a color Schcm,e.Tut a .i^ilan bel^bw: ' and then let yourself gd. For iiistanca', if yell haVd a n«tQrat:ii» table, use vivid green mats, |[r«en oir yeildw |4ass,*and yMk diaties. Or ^e a» wooden plates and bowls, on rfdjinatlifivijMi-^^ A visit to youastores, chain or pllmwise, c4n produce.tlis impi|[|g results, and you can spend as Ultlli‘or s!s n!\ich aa ‘ | - Such a table on a porch or tsfrace shodld be put.to; onrsJ3i :&il4ibe a separate group froim your easy chairs and small tabUjl.ilfs Jtoar^^ wall of the bouse, bracKota for llfhtf,' also with,humpU!|f sMd«, aW attractive so-have a little light for the sake of rom;ine^77-ahd dftfol-atlon. So, if you want not only summer comfort outdooH, Mt lit^dtive arrangements, plan for them and do it; nowiand be ready iM^'^rin days as they come along. One secret of success is bebf jyacti^f. Have weather resistant furniture and fabrics so that there tnrt a of lugging cushions in and out. Expect some wear and tear in and paint and tau it as summer upkeep snd replsee nsjet year, ■■■■■■HHUBBmnMBBIlliB TO THE VOTERS - Who Supported Me in the City Election . • • I want you to know that me and my Jfriemds highly apipi^i^sai^^ V A DR. E. C. BROWN c- W. HOBBS GROCERY Groceries • Meats Food Stampa Oaahed 501 B. First Street KING’S FOOD STORE Croceriea and Quality, Meats m E. First St.. Charlotte IC! tssstssnuusf MONEY TO loan On Diamdndg, WiatchM, Jewelry, Silverware, Meh’i Cktthlnt. Type Writers, Shot Gaiu, Musical In* ttrumenta, wnythinr of yalae. RELIABLE LOAN CO. 121 EAST T^ADE STREET 'Xlharlotte'i (Hdest LartMt* s ■I For your spring painting see PROGRESSIVE Paint & Glass Co. Paints - Varnishes - Enamels Wall paper and auto glass 404 E. F^rst St. ~ Charlotte J. L. Powell, Fret. WWMB—■—■■■■■■■■■■! BREVARD ST. BARBER SHOP Shower Ballis... 15c N- G. EDWARDS, Pr^. ^ 231 Soutii Brevard St. Gharlotte» N. G. ALEXANDER • ■ - '• ? . FUNE3^ BCNMEa>n^ ‘ ^ 333 SOUTR^iREVAltO'STRfilET Day Phone 8431 Night Phones 3^27, 3-2472 11 David Pender Stores and Big Star Super Hlarkets mil deal ' In n^rics SCHOOL-RINGS, KEYS, FRATERNITY- JEWELRY GRADUATING - NURSES - PINS —IVrite— H. FLOYD-HORNE • You and the Carpenter Should Get Together On Modernizing: Plans . • . Now is the time to add a new room . . . convert attic or cellar . . . repair the porch . . . modernize. Get together with a car penter and plan improvements that will add immeasurably to your comfort and conven ience—at so little cost. " We are ready to help you with every detail of your fix-up plans. Easy monthly pay ments at favorable terms may be arranged if you wish. UNION INSURANCE k REALTY CO. Real Estate, Rentals, and In surance - • - Durham, N. C. 809 Fayetteville Street EVERYIVIINE^ to tBiiild ANYTHING DAVIDSON BROTHERS FUNERAL HOME 108 E. First Street Charlotte, N. C. 901 S- Mint St. Phone 3-2336 WINE and DINE at ARCHIE’S BAR and GRU.L SERVICE... You will find our l^rvice com plete to the smallest detatL Our years of experience enable us to an ticipate your need and therefore serve you better^ GRIER and THOMPSON FUNERAL HOME Archie Nixon, Proprietor 601 E. First Street- Charlotte Specialities in Breakfasts Lunches, Dinners Imported and Domestic Wines i Pints, 15c—Pints, 25o—Quarts, 45c RtR::R»IUR:iS»:a«RMU»URUmRR:»»R»H^tRRRRHIUHnmURR^ 701 E. First St PHONE 7019 ** ‘‘Thoughtful Attention To The Smallest Detair AMBULANCE SERVICE iiUIIIIHIIHIIIIKUIHIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIU DR. AUBREY L PALMER Eyes Ex^ned Glasses Fitted We maintain a completely equipped office for the exclusive convenience of the Colored People. Tel. 3 - 8500 (Opposite Pahlie library) 317-A N. Tryon St. mnii

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