Citizens MAILING EDITION ti Volume Twenty-Two - PER COPY- Durham, North Carolina Saturday, June 21st, Number 26 FLAYS DEFENSE BAN ON NEGROES Nationally Known Woman Honored ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ '★ ★ ★ ★ A.&T. Prexy Files Denial to Teachers’ Damage Action mm Bluford Answers $35,000 Actiori * Mis. Mary McCrorey, Counselor of Woipra, ffdhit* son C. Smith Unilrersity and nationally known Nerro woman who W1M hoiiMMl with the 4e|rree of Doctor of PedatFogy by the Tnutees of eBnedkt CdUege, Columbia, 6. C., »t its Mpfal CQi^iaenccnient held Qn 7ue»d^y> May 2?th. Standing with is President Sftarks of Benedict College. Ikgro Affairs Commmittee Charges IRalcigli — A gronp of citizene, three other demands of Negrocfl representing The Durham Coni- regarding faicilitiea. The plane nrittee on Negro Affairs, race’s had been altered to inclpde a mo?i. militant otfanization in lounge Ifor Negro women, restau- Durham« appeared before The rant facilities and a newsstand. Nortji Carolina Utilities Com- .1. M. Edwards, Jr., Rilei^ misflion, Stanley S. WinbomC) architect who is in charge of the High Comml*«ioner, in Raleigh plane., told Commissioner Win Monday J?, m. ^and, demanded that borne that a passageway frotn the the stieet enirande t^jditor*8 front of the building to the Ne- Note:—present plants for tbe new gro, waiting rooiu would cost an bns station in Durham include an entrance for Negroef) on Dill ard Street near the rear of tfee structm-e) be eliminated from the plan&, ajid that new plans provid ing an entrance on Main Street be drawn up. Citing, le^al statutes guarii;tee ing Negroes teparate 'Wt* equal status in public transportation facilitie. M. Hugh Thompion> Durham attorney ^ representing the* committee, declared that the entrance now planned for Ne groes on Bniard ‘ Street is “ de finitely disorminatory.’* Commissioner Stanley S. Win- bbme and his two associate com mit ioners, Fred C. Hunter and »iT7 Ttwker, agreed to take the matter under advisement. Win? bornp, who ia chairman of the commiseion, stated 'that they Wonld come to some decision “in a few days,” ' Attorney Thompson ,told the corpmi'sloa {liat the Carolina Coach Company had agreed o Greensboro, (Special) ■— President F. D. Bluford of A and T College filed an answer in uperior Court,of (Juilford Coun ty here today, to the $3j,000 ant brought against him by Mis»^ Ejt(jlle L. Lingham, iartmtr fac- i|eii;tber of ' lufwir^enffw in his answer that^hje had ever made improper advances to Miss 'Lingiiat.^ or he dischaiig^ hfer from the faculty because she did not stub- ^t to bis desires. President Bluford also con tends tbit Miss Lihprham’B't'aaee ^f action, if any, came one year before she iiKitituted action Ugainst him on the' 191b of May, Itnd tbat the etatute of limitation ivhich «nowi only one year* for such wqnld bar recovedy. The defendant Bluford futther answers that he ' did noit malici- oiisly ''cause ' Miss Linghim to lose her job with the cdllege. Because of the prominence of both per.tons in the caseithe charge'biade agaiast the college president have fairly rocked educational and social circles of North ' Carolina. * OHAELOTT* POUOB CHIEF • * TO DI3JYBB Aim- * O&IMB ADDIUS8S * Chief Joyner, head of The * * Charlotte Police Department • * will deliver on Suniay, June * 22, at 9:30 a. m. the fourtli * * in a series of five “CRIME * * DOES NOT PAY” addresses • * sponsored by THE CABO- • * UNA TIMES over Radfio * * Station WSOC» Chariot tee. * * Gbiei Joyaor^ who w»s elevaj^ • * ted ta bi? position, near . tbc * * proven his worth by Viialw* * ♦-ally rfeHneitrf tbat'city% bi^.* * crilne rate, whiob a«cordii^ ;* * ing to statistics f9r 1040 re- • * leased, by Wie Fe(\^ral Bareaw * * of JifTQitigaticm |r«« one of * * tbe'bigb^ in 4be entire,ua- *; * :^i(mf iand ba» eyidi^ced jeyice * * taking over tfce cbief'^ mw, * * a willingne^i to coppBrate'te'* * any endeavor to rid his eity. * * of it^!^ crimriuHals -el^en^'* * and to reduce, crime; * m extra $3,000. He also said fhat redrawing the plans would cost an additional .$1,500. W. H. Johnson of Raleigh a rupresontative of. the State In terracial Commission, ap|jeared before tht comipis^iion in "support of the Durham . Conuiiittce. After the bearing Johnson hinted that if the commission refused fo grant the Durham Negroes their deniands, a te^t caae might be made out of the matter in the Courts. '‘There’s, going to be * tost e made oqt of one of these bus stations enmetlme,’^ be ijitd. Among the speakers for the Durham Committee were Dean James Taylor of thei North C^mliipa Conege, George W. Cox of the North Carolna Mutual and W. D. Hill also of the North CH#olina Mutual. Dean Taylor commented that ijt ia “hard to keep yoiingstcrs of rf ’■fi e fii-If I'esptwting and I’leawe Turn To page Eight Tt- Future Theologian ■ ■ ^ra^u'atifeg C«m ^ Laude i4 the 1!^1’ol&&) ‘«t' the'North Carplinai College ' ,for N^oea, Miouias D. I^rhjumj^ also the recjpi'erit of. the ■Yolkaiucnia' dub Prize for excellency in English for the enfiref four years. Mr^ •I^arham is a hieittber of the Kappa Hig-hest percentage of *fitWBM) Alpha. Hd fraternity •«,nd plans Ho forUe’ Army in' 1^-25 ?aBe tbeblogic^l sthool rn_the I : I' - i'fall.m pro|>aratipn for tbe.minis- : I •• ■! *.#«;•“ • -.try.' ' ' Roosevisit Urges Office of l^roduction lianagement to iscf imination In Texas Co^rooffl Stir^ National Interest 'flnr mi* ntmHltdnni roim iWUie^ot l‘r«*lneff«^ ^i^iyiday, .luiie 1.*?^ JVesi- dent. Franklin D. Roiniievelt ni^- eil i ^'ilHaun S. KruNWii, director of O. P. 'M> and Sidney Hillaiuait his as>iociate to deal ‘*Eft'e*tively ‘•('^I'jpl^iiat.-* . have rep^ate^r Ix-en broHjjht to my sittentifw that available ami raach n(^e4 worker.-s .are l>eing barred groujt.. irharlotte Begins Fight On Crime By a A. IRVIN ' dh^irlotte, N. C.—^The first quarterly Bulletin, isstied by the Federal Bureau of Irtvesti gation., United States Depart ment of Justice discloses that 5 murders, 19 robberies, 71 ag- gravat«l assaults, 174 burglar- |lea, '470 cases of larceny and 75 l^to theft cases have been brought to the attention of lo cal police department daring the period. The consolidatad 194& report of the department shows th^t during the year the number of offense known the Charlotte (police were: 47 murders 95 robberies, 318 aggrayatM assaults, 721 bur glaries, 2,0(^ cases of larceny and 310 auto thefts.- It vwU be observed that if tfte report for the first quarter of the current year be used as a barometer, and with the var ious agencies interested in the reduction of crime plotting their courses accordingly a sub stantial lessening of the of fenses committed during 1941 will result. The governmental report ob> serves; The amount of crime commit Cimtinaed (m Pag« 7 or Convefltioa VIOE-OOMICANBEEB^ ORMONP TO PBBSISC Headquarters For Pivliiion '*B*’ «To Be' Set Up At Hillaide Pu4 , High School . , • • Durham — A veritable horde,.€>f race members of The Ameriean Legion are expected to invade the city for the service organizatidns annual state, convention to held here on ^une 22, . 23, and 24. Chairman William Weaver of the local post promisee a full sche dule of activities for the three day meet, and has designated the Hillside Park School as official hfadquaMer.~ for Division “B'’ the Negro Division. Following is a bri^^f outline of feficheduM activities: At 8 o’clock in the evening the annual memoiral sftprvice will b^ held in the school auditorium. The Race division, will take part in the' street parade at 2:30 o’cl«Bk Monday afternoon. The Hillside band, local Boy Scoate and the safety patrol wilj .a]^ take part in the parade. Immediately afterward, the divbkm*# n^usieal unit w}ll eon- pete for prieee in the drilk which will be held at. th^ athletk park. In the early evening all regiw- tered Legionnaires and members of the. Auxiliary will be ^rved a barbecue dinner at Hillside School.' Following the dinner, from & p. m. until 1 a. m. the anuual Legipn ball will bo held in Koyiroft’)/ Warehousse. At 9 a. m. TAesday, Jane 24, the business seasiiOn will be held in iiillsid^ School. This sK-aion will bo- pretsided over by the D^ partment Vice Commander, Ormond of Salisbury. Election of department officials for 1&42 will take place at the meeting. New .lYol^; ^ The eokl blooded mutdcr .of Bok White in a.court room in Conroe, 'Texasi, June 10, ats he was about to be tried for the third time on a criminal at tack charge has tensed tby at tention of the nation on the 32nd annual ,cqnferencjg qf the National ‘Ass^iation for the Advancement Qf> Colored People which ineets Jin Houston, June 34-29 - inclusive. White had been defendwl since Au^st, 1937, by Ijfwyers. engag ed by the NAACf*",., a^d' his con viction had, been reversed twice by higher courts. , . The legal work of the asstK'ia- tion will receive prominent at- tcntion^ during the conference sessions, but the sjwtligbt wi'l be ui>on the Negro in the nation al defense jn-ogram. One evening mass meeting will be devoted to this topic, as well ‘ as an entire day of discussion. .re-1 (k--! with the ♦‘grave” situation pre-^ defense jjrodaction *iolely boeaase riH’i*, r»%ton, or ir^icnal ori gin. It % .-laifi . that at a tSUe when labfw -(trinSs'neifs ar?« -n- j.eariug in many art*a.«. . iliijjlificd workers* are bring ; ^d from the trates pf indu^ specificntious ej^ircly imr to eflieieney - a*d pri.dne . iAfco that Ai^rjmihation * Xegirp jn ^rkcts; hu • hr«i nat^ wide, ami other minority rae^^ na^oiuiL aiyt r feli^irftis .grqng^ have t‘el> its ^ffei-ts .in. JucalLtws- • . Thb* sitiutfioo matt»*r >f grase iiatioijiil ,!5 aniH> and Ple«t»e Tujrw To p«?e Eisht t ^—-1 Rvrrtet^ by •difir^Daiiw^i»y-ill f^nse. ; agaiiwt ew-tain 4'Horiean yiti^ni* on the gronund^ of “rffcej, ^ j-e|ig[i'w, oe ndt^»ii«l orig^n^’j JTbi* J*’.a‘* Hot only an pffort jto!; hffjire / fuH u^e of th‘ >uiti«H'!^ j rwhiftive capacity, in the ^e^yt-to'j' ani} ^xpencl defeJjsf qutjpiU^ jbnt a^> OPi', u‘-. ,tend«;l to eontribiite to the d*- flopine^ of a sipirit of nuti»nuil uaity ►ii^ tke? fniergepc^.rlt was a diceet, ap*«(er to. tjhe efforiii «nl^versivel grauSs* tbat .have lieen / dis^*riminati«>B in the ai- teiiipt .to, di^upt pboductioo aul foster, .(^sunity. ; Mu^al Prodigy • 0. 0, sPAULWira ahp de. • • SHEPdABD APPOINTED * • TO NATIONAL DEFENSE • OOUNOni BY OOV. * • C. C. Spaulding,, president • • 6f the North Carolina Mutual * • Life Insurance Company and * • Dr. James E. Shepard, preei- * • dent of the North Carolina * • College for Negroes were op- • • pointed members of the * • Council for National De- * • fense by Governor J. ■ M. * • Bronghton this week. A meet- • • ing of the Council was held in ' • the House of Representatives • • Chamber at Raleigh, Wednes- * • day morning at 11 o’clock. * Ginning the conference Tues day night_^, June 24, will be a key note address by Editp Roseoe Dunjee, member of tb*^ national board of directors, and editor of the Black Dispiteh of Oklahoma City, Okla. The other princi[>al' address of the opening night will be on^ the Negi'o and the franchise, by l^r bert Agar, editor of the Louie^ ville, Ky., Courier Journkl. Mr^ Agar, an outstanding liberal, will deal with the white {H-imary, the |)oll tax, and other topics^ The treatment of the Neg»*o in national defense will be the sub ject of two speeches Wedn»*sday night, June 25 when A. I^ilip Randolph, international presid ent of the Brotherhood of Sleep ing Car Porters, and W. Robert Ming, Jr., of WaybThgton will be the speakers. The temper of the NAACP branches on the national defense que^ion indieates that on Thuis- dsy, June 26, the del^ates will have some sharp qaeetionB for the various government administrai- tive aSstants who will be pr»- sent to tell what the goverament Turn To E tfbi ftm Plifbipt Sekaylw. dmrktcr ot Qo^fm umuAt ^ Will mCfBOlt ft CMiCgrt 9i |gv «lussiai at the K, N. Dale of The Nttrth CSmlieB Callif tw i JfWM 2$ 8 iMtk. Utth «■ wiBmr ^ ugr SMulter ^ i of Om Manli7> ■■rtrt?